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  • Iphone 3 for 49$ from at&t? can i get one and still use verizon?

    At&t is selling iphone 3's for 49$ to compete with verizons new iphone 4. I already have a 2 year plan with verizon and I currently have a droid. So, the question is, if I go to at&t and buy a 49$ iphone, can I go to verizon and set my new at&t phone up with them there continuing my verizon 2 year plan?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • how old do you have to be to buy condoms at a store?

    im 16 and i need these.......

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how long was ur first time?

    the first time u had sex, how long did it last, and what happened? was it embarrassing for the male if it was quick? what was his reaction? im nervous about my first time being too quick and then getting embarrassed over it. lol. but pls help with this?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how long was your 1st time?

    the first time u had sex, how long did it last, and what happened? was it embarrassing for the male if it was quick? what was his reaction? im nervous about my first time being too quick and then getting embarrassed over it. lol. but pls help with this?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • girl problem/texting?

    there is this girl i like. she also likes me. alot. we are both 16 yrs old. we both have been best friends for 6 months now, and we do everything together. since we started having this thing for one another, everything has been going very well. we go on dates, hold hands, kiss, cuddle, i met her family, she met mine, her mother loves me, and so forth, we talk constantly 24/7 on the phone either txting or calling. she told me that she wants to date me, but she wants time to stay single just a little longer because she just got out of a relationship with another guy, and he totally broke her heart, and he was an @ss about she tells mw she wants to date but she needs a little more time to cool down, and in the meanwhile of this we are already acting as if we are already together...but i want it to be official. so the question is (since u know now), whenever we txt eachother, she always sends me really short txt msgs, and im sending her like a full page text. she is always txting me and she tells me that she wants to text me all day, but when we do text, they all are very short txts, and it really leads to nowhere in our conversation..but i keep it going, but its not easy coming up with txts to send to her every 2 minutes, and its getting hard to txt her now. she always re sends the msg if i dont apply soon, and its because im stuck thinkinking of something to send her...i really like her alot, but this txting thing is hard for me, i wanna txt her all day, but she is really short on messages!!! i need advice! and when i say "hey, are u busy, do u want me to let u go?" she says "no. i wanna txt u" but its impossible for me too! help!!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need to know a quote that basically says "i like u alot" please help?

    there is this girl, she is 16, as well as i am. we both have been best friends for almost 6 months now. we always hangout together, we always talk to eachother, we are literally best friends. recently, 1 week ago, i told her i liked her, and she actually liked me too. so this past week, we have been acting as if we were a couple, i kiss her, i take her out on dates, i met her family, her mother loves me to death, ive been to her house, ive basically have been talking to her 24/7 after we told eachother how we felt. i like her soo soo much, and she means alot to me, yes its been a week, but we have been best friends for a time now, and i want to impress her with a cute quote that says, "hey, i really like you alot. thank you for everything sweetheart." anyone..please help??

    5 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago