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Lv 31,495 points

A true American

Favorite Answers14%
  • What do you think of this when you vote?

    To stop the BS. I think you should have to leave a thumb print when you vote. Just like we put in place in Iraq. That way you only can vote once and the Acorn dead people cant vote. You show ID then thumb print then vote.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • who would win the great race?

    If a democrate, liberal, and republican were in a race who would win? Couldn't be the demacrate cause they are full of hot air and would have nothing inside to finish the race. Couldn't be the liberal either, They dont shut their mouths long enough to hear whats being said, so they would not hear any one tell them they are behind nor would they listen. It would have to be the republican. cause they know when they smell the s h i t of a demacrate, and hear the whinning of the liberals. You lied to us cause the USA love you and that you fight for what you get! MIT ROMNEY GOOD LUCK FRIEND!!!!

    1 AnswerElections9 years ago
  • Why are LIBERALS the main ones who don't like to show there faces?

    I mean, there avitars have no pics. But they sure do follow like sheep. ( no brains ) But they sure do have big mouths that want everything for nothing! Little help here... Please no liberals you sickin me.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • what has obama did for the country?

    I watch politics a lot. I can't see how anyone thinks he is good for the country.All I see are lies and promises that never come true. He said he wants to create jobs, but yet no pipe line. Where are all the shovel ready jobs he promises?He said he was going to end the war. He said he wasn't going to raise taxes for anyone who made under 250,000. I don't make that much and I got it right in the a**! I know I can't be the only one here that wants him gone. I guess the real question is, Why do you liberals and demoncrats want to keep him in there? What has he done for you? I know now you will be calling me a racist be cause I don't like the way he does his job! And thats my right untill he tears up the constitution.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Obama is on tv lying again, I can tell his is lying because his mouth is moving.?

    What are some of your favorite lies he told?

    14 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Do you support obama?

    If you would like to have America get back on track and do away with socialisum,vote Republican and drive with your head lights on all day. If you like your change and would like to stay socialisum, vote for obama and drive with your head lights OFF at night!!

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How should we protect the Constitution?

    If you say constitution to a Republican, They want to get the guns and get ready to defend it. If you say it to a dumacrat, They start looking for paper to tear up!

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Obama has done nothing for America! What is it that makes people want to vote for him?

    This guy said " I will not raise taxes for any one who makes 250,000.00 or less." Guess what? Mine get raised 2000.00 every year since he got in! Look at all he lied about. And did nothing for this country. Gave all the money we don't have to other countries, and expects us to bail him out. I say OMG! ( OBAMA MUST GO !!)

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Obama has done nothing for America! What is it that makes people what to vote for him?

    This guy said " I will not raise taxes for any one who makes 250,000.00 or less." Guess what? Mine get raised 2000.00 every year since he got in! Look at all he lied about. And did nothing for this country. Gave all the money we don't have to other countries, and expects us to bail him out. I say OMG! ( OBAMA MUST GO !!)

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago