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what has obama did for the country?

I watch politics a lot. I can't see how anyone thinks he is good for the country.All I see are lies and promises that never come true. He said he wants to create jobs, but yet no pipe line. Where are all the shovel ready jobs he promises?He said he was going to end the war. He said he wasn't going to raise taxes for anyone who made under 250,000. I don't make that much and I got it right in the a**! I know I can't be the only one here that wants him gone. I guess the real question is, Why do you liberals and demoncrats want to keep him in there? What has he done for you? I know now you will be calling me a racist be cause I don't like the way he does his job! And thats my right untill he tears up the constitution.

8 Answers

  • GeneL
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Let me correct your question please...

    "What has Obama done for this country?"

    Answer: nothing

    Obama has run this country into the ground, he has defunded NASA, putting thousands out of work, and our military strength is 25% of what it was before he was elected. We have absolutely no credibility among other world leaders and our economy is in the gutter and the unemployment rate isn't improving, still stuck above 8% while he apologizes instead of standing up for America.

    But all the Obamamaniacs (you know who you are) will still vote for him in November because, lemmings that they are, they listen to liberal bias and lies from the likes of leftwingnuts Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Dave Letterman and, Michael Moore.

    This T-Shirt says it all:

  • Joe
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    On the I live in the Midwest, from what our news tells us is the that Neb would want the pipe line if it was moved around the Sand Hills. As far as what has obama did for the United States?

    Raised the debit

    Tryed to run Christian out of the country

    Passed a health bill that most people do not want want is it even have any of you ever read the Constitution oh that right you want to change it for what you think

    Taken away freedoms

    He tells half truths to me that is that lying not if you are the left

    I guess I understand why you want him left wing people want him because he wants to give everything to the 49 % of Americans that pay no taxes. They want some else to pay for it.

  • Nomad
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You are perfectly free to express your opinion, and express your opinion however you like. (Within reason of course.)

    Would it surprise you that the Republican Governors in Nebraska and Kansas are ALSO against the Keystone pipeline route? It's because the proposed route is hazardous to their health. They DO want the jobs ... but they don't want the eventual oil spill into their water supply. And who can blame them?

    Can you elaborate on how your taxes have gone up? Because if you have a job, 2% of your paycheck is in your wallet now that wasn't under Bush. And your federal income taxes haven't gone up.

    If your state taxes have gone up (and they have in many states) then how exactly is something you blame on Obama?

    Now, your real question is why I want Obama as my president.

    1. Bush lied to the country to start the Iraq war. He killed more Americans with his lies than the terrorists did on 9/11. That's despicable. And the current crop of Republicans are going down the same road with Iran.

    2. Republican presidents have outspent Dem presidents by 2 to 1 in the past 50 years. No Republican president has balanced a budget since Eisenhower. Eisenhower is also the last Republican president who reduced the deficit. The ONLY Dem president in 50 years who left office with a larger deficit than when he entered is Carter. I don't want ANOTHER explosion of the deficit like we had under Bush or Reagan. (Granted, Obama's record is spotty. It's better than the plans presented by any of the Repub candidates however, who would take money from the poor and give it to rich and put us even FARTHER in debt doing it.)

    3. Have you LISTENED to all the crap from Romney and Santorum on birth control and abortion and gay marriage? Government-sponsored discrimination has NO place in America.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    one thing is to encourace increasing education in the country

    you should support that since you obviously are in desperate need of education in english, economics, politics, history and the sicence of modern technology

    the tax increases are due to the RAPE_PUBLIC-CONS policies .

    for the last 40 years there has been class wrefare against the middle class and poor in favor of the mega rich, Bush romeney etc polices benefit only those who already have money

    what war Iraq? that is over, Afghanistan is ending, only the warmongers in the R party want a war with Iran which would be a world catastrophy

    It just doesn't seem right to have a "tan man" in the "White house" does it?

    Source(s): where do you get those crazy ideas?
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  • Doug B
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Oh, give me a break.

    I'm not calling you a racist, I'm calling you a liar. Obama has raised taxes on anyone. No one at all. So your claim to pay more in Federal taxes is extremely suspect.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    there are more people on food stamps than ever before and there are 2 million less employed Americans since the time he took office, yet our unemployment rate is dropping due to these people dropping out of the work force.

    obama also kept his promise on his policies causing energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket".

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Obama is typical of the liberal mindset in that libs tend to think and legislate with their "feelings" instead of promoting a policy which has the best chance of actually working - or has a history of actually working.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Made sure that each newborn is automatically saddled with fifty thousand dollars of debt.

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