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  • HP Switches with VMWare VLANs?

    I'm working on a new infrastructure and can't get VMWare ESX to work with VLANs on my HP Switch. There are four network sockets on the server, two of which have a vSwitch and go into ports set 'untagged' for the default VLAN (1) and work perfectly.

    I'm trying to get the third set on its own vSwitch into VLAN (2) (untagged) and I can't get any ping response. It works perfectly in VLAN (1) and responds to ping. Also I have other kit in VLAN (2) which is sending and responding to ping.

    Please help as I've almost lost my rag.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Date dinner with one pan?

    I've a 'first' date coming soon with someone who has been a friend for a long time. We're comfortable with each other but she did mention she's never had a good date or been asked to dance. I've decided to take her out of the city to a field in the middle of nowhere so we can look at the stars and have a picnic, and I'll take my iPod & portable speaker along with a warm coat.

    Although I am a fairly competent chef, I need to serve some kind of food and am coming up short on ideas. I'll have one portable gas hob and could do with it being fairly healthy (not looking to go overboard on this). I will be doing homemade ravioli for starters, Creme Brulee for desert but what to serve for the main course?


    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Did any air-cooled volkswagens (prefferebly beetles) come with 5-Speed Gearboxes/Transmissions? If so, which?

    I need to know if any aircooled VW's came with 5 spd transmissions, and would definately prefer it if it could be a '73-'75 Beetle. Anybody know which models did? As a bonus, if there are lots, which came with the lowest "Final Drive Ratio"?

    4 AnswersVolkswagen1 decade ago
  • How does the Lambo change colour in "Cannonball Run 2"?

    At the start of the film, Cannonball Run II, there is a lovely Lamborghini Countach LP500 which is (at first) white. They drive about a bit, attract the attention of the police, at which point they pull into a truck block and get the car sprayed with what appears to be a high pressure hose. The car changes from white to red and they then leave.

    It appears to have been some sort of body coat which was washed off. Has anybody any ideas as I'm getting a red LP500 replica next week and would love to try something similar.

    One website suggested it might be water based paint but I didn't fancy covering the car with that. Another that it might be desert dust with the windows cleaned?

    Please help!

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What would happen if I refused to give the police my name?

    I'm intrigued, a friend of mine and myself have an ongoing argument as to what would happen if, when questioned by the police and with no form of prior, visual, other information, fingerprint or anything at all available to them to identify you, you refused to give any details whatsoever. We do recognise that you'd be 'arrested' for obstruction of justice but could you be brought to trial in the UK? (as technically speaking all uk cases are 'Her Majesty vs. [NAME]' and without a name could they take you to prosecution). Also, could they create some form of criminal record for you? This is all asusming that you did something worthy of more than a basic arrest.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can I create a Server-Side Redirect (transparent) on IIS 6?

    I have an IIS6 server which is redirecting all external requests (say to to http://localservername/ via means of a 302 (temp redirect). This is because I have not set up a Server Side Redirect (as I've been told by David Wang of the IIS team at Microsoft). My question is how do I set up a transparent redirect so requests to are immediately handled by the server and not 302'ed??

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Server 2003 Group Policy denies write to C:?

    I have a freshly implemented 2003 domain and for some reason (I'm only assuming it's in Group Policy), local users can browse the C: but cannot write to it (at all).

    Any ideas?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • How do I "ASSIGN" printers using Active Directory?

    I'm having difficulty ASSIGNING printers to workstations in Active Directory (not adding them). I have a 800 user environment with 300 machines in different locations and users are constantly mobile (being in 8 different locations on 8 different machines per day - high school). I thus need to allocate printers by machine.

    The tech bit. We're a 2003 functional domain with XP clients and one of the servers is R2. Scripting is disabled so 'con2prt' and 'net use' are not options. 300 machines rules me out on physically adding printers to machines, but I do have Norton Ghost Corporate 2 (if that could somehow do it - without re-imaging with installed printers).

    Is there an AD add-in which can do this

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Windows XP - "Start Menu" -> "All Users" missing for domain users?

    We're setting up a Windows 2003 domain with roaming profiles for every user on 300 machines and 900 users (needs to be roaming). We have a range of software, some of which needs to be installed in some rooms and not in others.

    The problem is that although packages are shipping out correctly with Active Directory and the shortcuts are installing correctly in the "All Users" folder (we can see them when logging on as Administrator), they aren't showing up for domain users.

    We've had to remove explore access to the C: but this hasn't stopped anything else running and we know it's possible to have both working.

    Any ideas?

    p.s. We can't create static links as different program sets are on different PCs

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • What is Prednisalone actually doing to me?

    I've just started taking Prednisalone for my hayfever again (20mg a day, doctor prescribed - strong I know but that's all that'll tame it). Last month I ran the Sheffield half marathon in 1:45 with little training, and I run 4 miles every other day in approx 26 mins.

    Last night however was the first time I'd managed to get out and run in about two weeks (since I started on the meds again). My hayfever is gone but my physical fitness is too. I couldn't run half a mile before I got a bad stitch and was breathless (which has never happened to me before after that sort of a break).

    I'm 22, active (I walk and push heavy trolleys most of the day at work), don't smoke, eat healthily and am 6ft1in/12st. What are the meds doing to me to drop my fitness so much?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What was BBC Radio 1's "Sad Song" actually called?

    Does anyone remember a time when BBC Radio 1 used to play a tune they entitled "Sad Song" and tell a pitiful and sometimes comical story over the top of it in dulcit tones about some poor sap whose birthday had been forgotten or cat eaten by a violent boyfriend or similar?

    I think it was a piece of classical music, but I can't seem to find it anywhere and would love to know what it was called so I might get hold of it...

    8 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Legality of downloading TV?

    What is the legality of downloading TV shows (which are not sold as individual shows such as Sky One's Brainiac) for showing in an educational environment (such as a secondary school) in the UK? Please cite specific law/acts/cases wherever possible.

    I know that it has some relevance to a European act passed in 2001 but I don't know what the act was. Is it not similar to VHSing programs from the TV and showing them?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If a tree falls in a forest and no-one is around to hear it...?

    ...does anybody really care? I mean really, there are greater phillosophical questions than that to be answered.

    What're your favourite philosophical questions, you know the type, the ones that get people really riled up and can easily ruin a good dinner party.

    11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • non-PHP Image Gallery with Rating?

    I need a simple ASP/other script to act as a simple image gallery with the ability for viewers to rate pictures. It doesn't have to be complex, just allow for thumbnails (which either it or I could create) and allow pictures to be rated by the people viewing them. It could really also do with being GNU as I work at a school and we have little/no budget for this project.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Where can I learn to weld in Sheffield?

    I want to learn to weld to allow myself to fabricate car panels. I already have a good idea of car bodywork, general metalwork and science (to a-level). Where can I take an evening/weekend welding class?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago