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  • Anyone else get blocked milk ducts or mastitis while Breastfeeding?

    Before anyone says Go to a doctor, I am calling them in the morning. Ive waited now 7 days, as everything I could find on blockages, or engorgement said it should resolve itself within a 1-3 days. (due to the weekend and my Doc office being closed) Its now been day 6-7 come the morning. It has gottenworse. I have severe pain on my left breast. On the side & the entire nipple area. I have decreased milk supply in that breast. I also have engorgement all the time. And as of today notice a lump on the side/close to nipple. Ive done everything I have read. Heat compress, cold compress, massaging while pumping I Pump strictly bcuz that is my choice. It is extremely painful to pump. It is also extremely painful when I do not. I do not feel any relief when pumping,& I know i am not getting all the milk out. Ive tried hot shower before and after pumping. Ive tried pumping every 1-3 hours. Ive tried pumping 10 minutes on 10 minutes off for an hour. Ive tried pumping one breast at a time. I have also waited several hours, and also tried to purposely not empty all the milk out as well. So it did not fill back up so quickly. I also get sharp pain that i feel in my nipple and through my breast. clothing touching it hurts, Ive tried advil for pain its not helping. Ive worn supportive bra as well. Any other ideas? And does this sound like mastitis or a blocked duct or both? Im hoping not to need antibiotics as im allergic to penicilli & tend to react badly to the alternatives to penicillin.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • Carrying Low Anyone else have this So far baby is breech,?

    This is my second pregnancy and I dont recall ever being hit low, Or in the cervix. The only thing i can tell that is different is this being second and everything is more stretched internally for the baby even though my son was born almost 5 years ago. At every ultra sound this baby has been butt first or feet in my cervix from weeks 10-19. I am now almost 21 weeks, and still am being hit where the top of your underwear would be. I cant have anyone feel the baby kick because to be honest there hands would be down my pants, as comical as that sounds, its a bit annoying. It does make me seem to have to go the bathroom a lot, and there is a lot of pressure, and uncomfortable in my cervix and vaginal is not concerned just said i must be carrying low. However the top part of my stomach is starting too get big (which is weird for me as I didnt show with my son until i was over 6 months and Now i am 5 months and showing. However i have only gained 1-2lbs. Could this just be a sign my baby is still in the breech position? Is it likely my baby will stay in this position, It doenst seem to want to move anywhere else!

    ( i only say this as here if the baby stays breech they will schedule for a c-section) I can find stats on wether the baby chances of moving to heads down but its not until 30 some weeks no stats earlier.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • Second Pregnancy constantly being hit in cervix anyone else have this?

    This is my second pregnancy and I dont recall ever being hit low, Or in the cervix. The only thing i can tell that is different is this being second and everything is more stretched internally for the baby even though my son was born almost 5 years ago. At every ultra sound this baby has been butt first or feet in my cervix from weeks 10-19. I am now almost 21 weeks, and still am being hit where the top of your underwear would be. I cant have anyone feel the baby kick because to be honest there hands would be down my pants, as comical as that sounds, its a bit annoying. It does make me seem to have to go the bathroom a lot, and there is a lot of pressure, and uncomfortable in my cervix and vaginal is not concerned just said i must be carrying low. However the top part of my stomach is starting too get big (which is weird for me as I didnt show with my son until i was over 6 months and Now i am 5 months and showing. However i have only gained 1-2lbs. Could this just be a sign my baby is still in the breech position? Is it likely my baby will stay in this position, It doenst seem to want to move anywhere else!

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • Anyone in canada gone to court for custody?

    Okay so currently in process of filing paper work to get lawyer ect. I am currently not with my ex. Haven't been for a long time. We have a 4 year old and I am currently expecting with our second. His father never bought anything for our son when he was Born or before. I am wondering now that our son need a new bed which is going to cost approximately 500 or more with mattress ect. Would a court see this as an expense we both would need to provide for? He makes three times more then I do. I make minimum wage. He does pay support. For our son. Also can I get a judgement for our baby that isn't born yet for him to help with furniture items such as high chair, crib ect? Or is that soemthing you can't even go for until the child is born? I'm unsure in Canadian legal system how they would evaluate or judge that. He takes him 1 a month to his mothers. So everything is provided for her and he sleeps in there spare bedroom. I am willing to split the costs but I don't believe I should have to brunt all of it this time around again. Is this somethit reasonable to ask. And the amount for the bed for our son alone is more then he pays a month for support. Any insight on someone that went to court in Canada for these types of items or issues would be greatly appreciated. I am going to a lawyer I'm akaing if anyone has asked for them and gotten them. Split or detenrined by income earned ? Ect. Thank you

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Did you go before your due date?

    I'm just wondering ( on woman's experiences) that have had at least two children. If anyone went into labour early ( before your due date). Did you with your second child? I went 10 days early with my son and my due date was correct. So no it wasn't because that was off. I'm currently pregnant with number two and although I know nothing is guaranteed. Everyone told me it was strange I didn't go over my due date having a first baby. I'm tryin to estimate when I will go on maternity leave. And really don't want my water breaking at work. ( my water gushed everywhere when it broke which I was also told only happens in 10% of woman). So I guess I am nervous I will not make it to my due date. Anyone else know why you might go early? Or if you did with your second one? Thank you.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • When Could I ovulate or Get my Period?

    Hi ladies, I am trying to concieve and also keep track of my period. ive tried a couple of sites; and Although i just went off Mirena (then tried Nuva ring for 2 weeks) due to side effects I couldnt stay on either any longer and decided Its time to try for a child. I know it can take a while. So Like most ladies I would also love to know when to expect my period If Im going too to test properly.

    I stopped nuva ring and had light period for 4 days same amount all 4 days on September 18th. I have tested from day 8 (after my period) until Today and still there has been No ovulation detected. I had intercourse september 15th, september 30th, October 13 & 14th. I took a pregnancy test (october 12th it was negative). I also have checked ovulation every day or other day. and its been negative. Im starting to wonder If I am going to ovulate this month or if i even had my period with those 4 days? I had spotting for 4 days as well when I stopped my Mirena; went on nuva ring, then 2 weeks later stopped. (3-4 days later period came)

    Anyone have any ideas IF there are some better days I should test for Ovulation Ive already gone through two boxes, and there costly!!

    I know I havent had another period yet to determine how long my cycle will be but this does seem to be a long cycle so far! (before mirena my periods were about every 5 weeks).

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • My blood sugar keeps dropping What levels should I be at?

    I have always been checked for diabetes whenever i have a check up (at least once a year). Never been diagnoised. However Ive always felt like ive had or borderline hypoglycemia from my own poor eating habits. Ive become in the habit again of eating a meal a day and maybe a snack. Ive again been craving candy and junk. I feel tired, fatigued, no energy (i havent been to the gym in a couple of months which may be a good thing with my sugar). I was on a low carb and sugar diet and did lose almost 30 pounds it was a healthy diet and I worked out a lot with it. I felt better then hwoever it became very expensive with all natural foods ect.

    I bought a glucouse monitor over a year ago never bough the testing strips there pricey. And Finally decided too.

    I also suffer from migraines which usually feel better if i eat.

    Today I checked my sugar at 420pm it was 5.4 (had only had a brownie at that point and a pepsi) Then i ate a 12 inch turkey sub. Checked my blood at 646pm It was 5.6.

    I ate pasta at 7-30/8pm. 2 cookies, and a whole bowl full of green grapes. I just checked my sugar at 10-08pm It was now 4.4

    Thats the most ive eaten in a little while. i usually have a couple snacks nad one big meal (just not hungry)

    Should my sugar not of gone up with all that food? Ive had a headache since at least 7 which is usually my cue ive gone too long without eating.

    Anyone have any suggestions about how long I should Test (and yes I am going to eat at least 3x a day from now on, and also see if this changes my sugar level).

    But how many days should one person look at this as an actual "issue" I mean we can all have off days, So im not going to go rushing to my doctors (hes 4 hr drive away) and there are no walk in clinics here). because one day is low.

    Anyone know how long i should monitor it and what should my levels be?? what is "too low"??

    3 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • How to figure out ovulation help?

    So To those ladies that have experience with Clearblue Ovulating kits/tests

    To start off I was on Mirena Iud for over 3 years I had it taken out due to side effects. it was about 3-4 days later i had some spotting. I went on Nuva ring. After two weeks of use I stopped it. Within 4 days I had spotting id call it. It was dark brown the whole time, not enough for a pad or tampon. i didnt have a period for last 3 years with my Mirena.

    ive taken at least 5 clear blue kits Mostly to see if when I actually ovulate when I should expect period ect..

    I took a test before I had my "spotting"/"period" On September 15th it was negative for Ovulation. On september 18th Spotting began or period. Ive taken a test on the 8th day and today and yesterday all negative. ( I also took these tests Mostly all at night) Not sure if that matters Or not.

    I believe that means today Id be day 13? this online Said my ovulation should of started (or should of been fertile) starting on Thurdays that passed with my Actual ovulation day this Tuesday:????

    I had sex Last night/This morning, And also on September 15th what are the chances If I do ovulate this Tuesday that I could convience Or is that too Long "before" actually ovulating I have no idea what this online ovulation thing means, And Im curious If I might of Ovulated already Or what are the chances.

    if you are "pregnant" would the ovulation kit still come up negative also"???

    Also if the test is good for 24-36 hours that means I wont ovulate tomorrow... So when should I test again For ovulation... ?

    Can anyone explain the ovulation part and "fertile" days. And If you have to have sex the day before or on ovulation to "technically" concieve I know nothing is Absolute. Just I know some woman have many years experience and research and speak to doctors about it.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Nuva Ring Drug Interactions?

    I just had my mirena taken out today!! Thank god. I purchased Nuva ring, while reading the the pamphlet (i have taken Nuva Ring before) however it was over 6 years ago. I am taking B12 shots(inkection) by prescription, and Currently taking over counter anti histamines for sinus/allergies. These are two that are under "drugs that may interact with Nuva Ring" Although it says they could include, causing to spot (break through bleeding) Or its effective ness, or may cause those drugs not to work as effectively.

    I will ask a pharmasist. However if anyone Knows about this before going and asking which they two drugs may cause? Also benzodiazepines. I have some on occasion for insomnia however I rarely take them for sleep anymore (they dont work that well).

    Anyone know?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Income Tax + child support / receiving money?

    This is for ONTARIO CANADA. I am asking if You recieve money from a "will" when a family member dies, Do you have to claim this on your income taxes? the amount is 25,000. If you also receive $10,000 from A family member (money was from a deceased family member, however no will was left, Money was just given by the deceased family members child who is The father of the perosn recieveing the money)

    Im asking because thats 35000 No small amount of money, that is also about the Amount of money this person made last year on income taxes. Is ANY of that going to be counted towards income???

    Will a court Look at that as "income earned"

    Let me state none of this "income" was spent on the persons child Or put away for his child. This person as decided to Give less support then previous year even though recieving two raises and now two Id say "inheritances" although One wasnt from a will.

    How does that work In ontario?? This person isnt even helping with day care costs Or clothing ect..... so im hoping it may increase somewhat to a higher amount.

    *he is paying on his own accord, according to the cra website I believe taxable amount, although has not shown me any proof of what he actually made. He barely sees his son, and IS given access whenever he wants*

    4 AnswersCanada9 years ago
  • How Do I pay my Taxes For My Current Job Per Each Pay Check?

    I am working for a lady basically as a personal support worker. She pays me by cheque at the end of each week. I work about 2-3 days per week. This month will be more days then usual as one of the ladies working has gone on holidays for a month. I have only been working approximately 1 month. She is 77 years old. She has no computer. And She does not pay the government CPP and EI. I believe those are what she needs to do, And Have it taken off of our pay cheques.

    I live in ONTARIO, CANADA. So Please only if you are in this area or know About our Tax laws. I have To CLAIM my income, because its fraud not too. but I also have a child and receive CCTB And Also want to get EI hours for this job as well. I also do not want to claim it at the end of the year and end up owing thousands of dollars IF it would be that much!

    What do i need to do, Can I pay these taxes myself? Or do I hvae too have Tax information from my "employer" I tried the definitions And I am an Employee and not considered "self employed". I was hoping I could consider myself that to be able to do this on my own. Would I get basically screwed out of money IF i did do this and list myself as self employed. I do not know the tax benefits of either. However I think If I mention this to my employer (and the announcement of her having to make this business account on CRA and pay more money) she will probably lose it although I am sure she would get money back from paying us? No idea but id believe so....

    Can anyone help? I do not want to go any further in my job with taxes and money going to need to be paid back.........

    I have no idea how to proceed with this. Can you Help with this For canada?? thank you!!!

    3 AnswersCanada9 years ago
  • Mirena causing pain, spotting, is this normal?

    Ive had my Mirena Inserted In August 2009 7 weeks post partum. So 2 years and 5 months it has been in. I only had a little spotting a day or so after insertion and it did not last more then 2 days. I have not had a period Or spotting until this Past December. right before I was scheduled for a PAP exam, There was some "old" brownish blood with the mucous. The woman who preformed the test wasn't very good at it at all. It took her several tries, and she re inserted the speculum several times literally i lost count. When she finally got, the swab done, and removed the speculum she did not close it all the way before taking it out. While she was taking it out, I had a sudden SHARP pain in my lower abdomen and vaginal area. I also instantly felt like i was going to throw up and wanted to cry. It felt as if she had been pulling on my IUD.

    I have not felt my strings since a few months after insertion (i went to emerg and they said it was still in place at that time).

    after i went home I checked and sure enough I could feel my strings again...... On the 18th, after having sex the next morning i felt extremely sick and several hours later i threw up once.On december 23 during intercourse, I didnt realize until after wards that I had bled very bright red blood everywhere. It lasted 2 days and it was just spotting not enough for a pad ect.

    Now since the january 21 I have had some spotting for 2 days. Also accompanied by pressure and pain in my vagina. Ive never had this before ever. it really hurts, it feels like somethigns there that shoudlnt be. I know the mirena is but it jut feels wrong. I have not had sex since december.

    I used a tampon today, and when I went to take it out, It was VERY difficult Almost as my vagina became a lot tighter..... And It felt like i was pulling my insides Or cervix out with the tampon. I checked and I can not feel my strings still.

    Also since the mirena Ive had a lot of mucous, but the last month or so It has decreased almost back to what it was like before the mirena.

    I dont know if this is normal or not............ I want my IUD out, But my spouse and I broke up a almost a month ago, And Now I am with my family as he kicked my son and I out, So now our doctors are 4 hours away and I do not drive. I was also suppose to get my tubes tied.

    side not, if they can not find or see my strings (which my GYNO couldnt in November when I went for the talk about tubal liltigation). he was not concerned about my IUD.

    Why am I bleeding, What is this pain for? Also been having major diarreah * today 5x. Ive lost my appetite. and Ive dropped 18lbs in a month (before i could not lose even with exercise and diet). I have been under a lot of stress so that may be the explaination for the weight loss and the diarreah may be because I had my gallbladder removed in October. But I am at a loss why these are all happening at the same time........... Does anyone know Or had this happen, I cant get into my OB until I can get a day off work *which I just started at my job so wont be for a couple months and there is no clinics where I am living now unfortunately.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How likely to get spousal support FOr common law IN ontario?

    Okay ive been in a relationship with the father of my child about 3 years a little on and off. We;ve lived together for a year straight, However before this we were living with him for at least 60% of the year before that. And we saw him before that as well. (he stayed and visited with us for weekends, and a week here and there and vice versa). WE usually For the previous year would spend about two weeks with him then two at my mothers, and then 4-5 weeks with him and then go home for 2-4 weeks, ect and it was AT LEAST 60 % of that whole year we lived with eachother, My mailing address has been His since at least 2010. maybe before this. I dont know which month. All of a sudden hes telling us he wants space well ME he wants space. Then it turned into a fight and then it was I dont want you here, or be with you anymore ect ect, But then Agreed to too take a couple weeks to think. Although I believe he is nOW seeing someone else and has been at least a month.

    We dont have any where to go but my parents but that can not be a long term thing. I lost my job in October of this year, As i was part time and watched our son the rest of the time to save us Sitter money ect. We could move in with my mother but over a year ago I changed OUR family doctor and dentists, too Where he lives which is 4 hours drive to my mothers. Ive been applying for jobs where we currently live and have been trying too get one to save up and go back to school. Also other things that he said hed help with which was get my lisence and help me go back to school with money, he has not yet, But always said he would I DOUBT he would now if he is with someone else.

    My point is, Has anyone IN ONTARIO gone for spousal support? And got it if they were living together a year, OR a year and a half and had a child together? he is 2.5 years old Now.

    also, would we have too Move out? I was hopinh he would be civil So I could at least find a job and save up ad get my own apartment close to him so that he could still Watch our son when he has days off and i get break and because it is the routine our son has grown too know and love.

    I may plan on seeing a lawyer for free counsel about If there is even a case, But would Love too Know if it is even WORTH pursuing. He said while arguing hed pay spousal support if it meant we left.

    bUt i highly doubt he would or that his parents although being understanding now wouldnt want me seeking spousal support.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Equifax credit report changed in 6 months, Can i fight this to change it back?

    So In June 2010 I ordered online one time credit report on myself, and I had a couple accounts that were in bad standing, and due to being laid off never got paid. Regardless I just want to know about the credit report part. If you know please answer seriously, without rude comments thank you.

    My concern is the one account date of last activity was 2007 09 i believe In june 2010... So how can the date of last activity be changed to 2008.... 6 months later when its 2011? If there was a change wouldnt it be 2011? it seems they are just changing this especially since the account says "written off" . And Since they can just change the date of last activity whenever they want, How does Equifax determine when to PURGE the negative accounts from someones files?? Does it show differently on their end, As to when it first became a negative account? And then they go by 7 years from that? Because it seems if they can (creditors) change the date of last activity then people that have old accounts will constantly be on their credit score and credit file for more then 7 years, possibly indefinitely that doesnt seem quite legal.

    Also the two accounts i was inquiring about were on my account "credit information" and now they are not on my equifax file anywhere but were in June. I know Deanna natale is trying to collect the one account even though it is past the sol already. and i know they can try and collect for the 7 years or however long they want too try. But the date of last activity was 3 years for the 2 accounts that have vanished. So it hasnt been the 6-7 years for Equifax to Purge... That is what I dont understand. Did equifax purge these by accident? Or did these creditors tell them too take it off (which i cant ever see being a possibility) because its been 3 years for them, So shouldnt they still be on my account? Are they going to be there when I Order another credit check in 6 months will it be changed again or be put back on their?

    Can this be fought with Equifax, If I send in a copy of the report from June showing the change in Date of last activity?

    Thank you, This is For Ontario, Canada.

    preferably people from this residence or know canadian law please answer, The US law's are completely different.

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How can I put my son as sole beneficiary to life insurance, If he is a minor?

    Hi everyone. I am looking at this from Ontario, Canada, please any help is appreciated but mostly if you are from or know the law in this province as every province, and state are always different. myself and my childs father want to get Life insurance incase anything happens we want there to be money to Help financially support our Child. he is Only 15 months old, and we may not get this for another year or too, since we are 24 And 25 years old. We have no health problems, however we know things do happen. We went to mediation (not a lawyer at all) But he suggested we have eachother as sole beneficiary instead of our son, we are not comfortable with this for the fact if we pass away we want a chunk of that life insurance to pay for funeral arrangement, And Any out standing debt of course, then the rest goto our child, and his education or whatever may be coming up. I know this all sounds very morbid I just want to be prepared, and Do not know what would happen if we were eachothers sole beneficiary? Can we make a Will that would trump sole beneficiary to Delegate where some of the money goes too? Or is it solely upto the beneficiary as to where the funds goto? I am just looking into it, And I am not sure the life insurance company would know, Nor do I want to pay a couple hundred dollars just to have a lawyer explain it incase someone may already know!!! If the sole beneficiary is our son, And he is a minor at the time still, Would it go into trust? OR would the gaurdian then be able too use the funds even though they are in Our sons name since he may be a minor at the time? Anyone know these things your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Very much!

    Oh and if it matters we were thinking of manulife for insurance.

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Have a child with someone but move in years later Is that considered common law Automatically?

    Hi, I was wondering if you move in with the person you had a child with ( never lived with them before) would you be considered common law automatically or after a shorter period of time? I live in ontario, canada and I know its 3years but it says if you have a child or something with permanence you can be considered common law? Im just worried about this, If i try to make things work with my childs father later on Will we automatically be considered common law or would it be after 3 years?

    Thank you.

    Please read this carefully, I have already looked up Online All It says is what I have written. I will copy it below. I do not live in a State, I live in ONTARIO, Canada. This is what the Website from the government says: It sounds like its more if you have a child while living together, Or expecting what if you have a child, But never lived together then moved in later down the road and started a more serious relationship. Are you automatically common law because you have had a child together, or does that only apply to someone who has one while living together first?

    In most Ontario laws, you are considered common-law spouses once you have been living together for three years, or as soon as you have a child together no matter how short a time you have been living together.

    In most federal laws, the common-law relationship is recognized once you have been living together for one year, whether or not you have a child together.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • have a child with someone but move in years later and decide to make a relationship work are you common law?

    Hi, I was wondering if you move in with the person you had a child with ( never lived with them before) would you be considered common law automatically or after a shorter period of time? I live in ontario, canada and I know its 3years but it says if you have a child or something with permanence you can be considered common law? Im just worried about this, If i try to make things work with my childs father later on Will we automatically be considered common law or would it be after 3 years?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago