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  • could I be pregnant?

    Normal time between ovulation and day 1 of period is 13 days. I am now on day 22...8 days late for my period. Lower back is hurting, getting dizzy alot, feeling really bloated, slightly nauseous (not enough to really make me feel sick but it's definitely there), bad headaches, kind of crampy but it's nothing like period cramps, heartburn, gassy, beasts are slightly tender and super itchy. Planning on taking a hpt if period still isn't here in a week. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive6 years ago
  • What size western saddle would I need?

    I use a 16 1/2 english saddle. I'm just not sure what size western saddle. Oh and if my mare takes a medium/wide(depends on brand) tree for english saddles what size western would fit her?

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Need help with my mare's mane?

    I've only had her two months and her old owners roached her mane because she was rubbing it(she's allergic to flies) and she has stopped rubbing and it was growing but now it seems like it has stopped growing. Is there anything i can put on it to make it grow? Id really love if she could have a longer mane so she can keep some of the flies off of her neck. Two months ago(when i first got her):


    Ignore her sunbleached coat!!! lol

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • I need help choosing a Waterproof Light weight turnout for my mare?

    I've never bought a blanket before, So I don't know the best brands or anything. She's a stockyish 14.3 Quarter Horse. So I'm thinking a size 72 or maybe a 74/75. I know for sure that a 69 does not fit her. lol. So if you've bought a blanket that you absolutly love, send me a link!!! And tell me why you loved it. Oh, and if you think you could determine her size through a picture(i doubt it but its worth a shot), just tell me and i'll post a few good pictures :) thank you soooo much<3

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • boot sizing help? dublin boots?

    I wear a size 6 in Dublin boots. Does dublin make winter paddock boots? If so, can you send me a link for them? If not, What size Mountain Horse boot would I wear? Dublin's fit me really well. The reason I'm asking about sizes is I wear a 6 in Dublins but I wear 7 in Ariat's because of the shape of the boot. And I've never owned a winter boot before, and this year I finally have my own horse so I will be at the barn alot more than I have been in the past. Send links if you can!

    1 AnswerHorses1 decade ago
  • barrel racers? boots? help? Please?

    I'm going to start training my horse for barrel racing and i want to put front and back boots on her just for a little extra protection. any suggestions on boots? id love if they were colorful! haha but its not a necessity. (her colors are hot pink and neon green) .If possible I'd like all four boots to cost $100 dollars or less. I know A lot of people use polo's but i'm personally not all that comfortable using Polo's.

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Lets meet your horse(s)!(a survey just for fun!!!)?

    Idk...I thought this would be fun.

    1) What is your horses barn name?

    2) What is your horses show/registered name?

    3) What breed is your horse?

    4) How old is your horse?

    5) How long have you owned him/her?

    6) Gelding? Mare? Stallion?

    7) Disipline?

    8) Favorite treats?

    9) Allergies?

    10) Tricks?

    You can post a link to a picture if you'd like too!

    19 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • im a little confused here?

    Alot of people on here are using the term 'year 7' or some other number. I know it has to do with a person's schooling but can someone explain to me that type of schooling and what ages you have to be in each year?

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • What classes are you guys taking this upcoming school year?

    Well with school coming up pretty fast, I thought it'd be fun to see what classes everyone is taking! So, List the classes you are taking and your grade level. Who knows maybe some of us will be taking the same classes. Also if you want you can list the goals you have for this year. If your a senior this year, What do you plan to do after graduation?

    Well here's mine:

    12th grade :D

    ~12 english(switching to 12 AP english)

    ~AP US Government

    ~Intro to Psychology

    ~Computer Math


    I just really hope to pass. I want to make this year the best. :D

    After I graduate this year, I'm going to take a year or two off, before I go to college, and focus on my horseback riding.

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Okay im drawing a blank with a show name??pics included.?

    Soooo i'm showing my new horse on the 23rd of this month!!!! i'm very excited but i'm drawing a complete blank on a show name for her. I've asked this question before but i didn't get many answers and im pretty desprate for a show name now lol.


    Barn Name: Lexie

    Breed: Quarter Horse

    Age: 6

    Color: Black

    Markings: White blaze, white sock

    We are showing in hunters!

    If that link doesn't work i'll post a different one!

    Show Names I'm Considering:

    Lost My Sox

    Limited Edition

    Leggo My Eggo

    Sneak Preview

    Split Decision

    Special Edition

    Making Headlines

    Anything But Ordinary

    Show names do NOT have to deal with her name, markings,age,breed,or discipline.

    Oh and her colors are hot pink and neon green. :)

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Show name for my new horse?

    I have a few picked out that I like, but I can't decide on one. The one with the most votes will win. Feel free to suggest show names, If I like it I'll add it to the list!

    Anything But Ordinary

    Sneak Preview

    Special Edition

    Split Decision

    Razzle Dazzle

    Her barn name is Lexie. She's 6 years old. 14.3 hands tall. Black(turning brown due to Sun lol) And we do Huntersss<3

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • So I'm going to test ride a horse tomorrow!!!<3 :)?

    And my trainer has known the owner of the horse since high school. and she has arranged that if i like the horse all all we are going to take her on a month trial/lease thing, and then decide if i want to buy her. she would be staying at my barn! So my question is should i buy her halters and flysheets and the other things that you need for a new horse, or should i use hers? This month long thing is like a really long test ride, because she hasnt been ridden in over 9 months and she is young so we know she will act up the first few times she is ridden. My instructor thinks i will have a better feel for her once i have ridden her daily for a week or two and she is calmer. So when should i buy her stuff? I don't mind buying it now because it can always be used on the horse i do end up buying. ( i wont buy tack yet) And if anything I can use it on my instructors horse(same size same build.)

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • So I found a pony im considering to buy and well?

    I need some help with a show name(i know people hate this question but i cant think of ANYTHING) haha Her name is Lexiy, She's 14.1 hands, She's black with a white strip on her face. And what color do you think would look best on her?

    14 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Okay so I'm getting a horse soon and I want to make sure I have everything I will need?

    Okay so I got a job and now i'm on the lookout for potential horses for me to buy! :) (yayyyy my first horseee, i'm so excited!!!) I decided to make a list of everything I will need so when the time comes to buy all of this I won't forget anything. And I need your guys's help on what else has come in handy for you!

    My horse will be on Pasture board. Hay, and wormer are provided by the barn I will be boarding at. I live in Virginia. I already show in Hunters, once I get my horse I will be showing in western pleasure as well as the english showing I already do.

    This is what I have so far:

    fly spray

    fly mask

    light blanket

    heavy blanket

    fly sheet


    leg proctection (bell and splint)

    shipping wraps(i prefer wraps over boots)

    tail wrap

    thrush treatment

    hoof oil

    first aid kit


    bandage scissors

    linement gel

    fungus shampoo

    sheath cleaner (possibly)

    vet wrap

    wound treatment

    supplements (possibly)

    TREATS :)

    vitamins and minerals

    double end snaps

    bucket hangers

    buckets (cant have too many)

    water buckets

    pitch fork

    cribbing collar (possibly)

    feed tubs


    lead ropes

    hay bags

    lounge line

    lounge whip

    leather cleaner

    stiff brush

    soft brush

    mane and tail brush

    curry comb

    hoof picks


    clipper blades



    mane and tail detangler


    sweat scraper

    grooming tote

    helment (already have)

    riding pants(already have)

    Half chaps(already have)

    riding boots(already have)


    western saddle pad(already have english pad)




    braiding bands

    pulling comb

    extra money(emergency vet/farrier bills)

    breast plate


    If you can think of anything else please tell me! or if you have any advice on the horse buying process please share it with me! thanks!

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Help me find a Colorado lesson barn.?

    So I might be moving to Colorado. I'm not sure what part most likely Colorado Springs or the surounding area. So If you have ridden at or know of any barns in Colorado that have a lesson program, What are the Pro's and Con's of that barn? Are the horses good(well looked after,well behaved,happy, etc)? Are the instructor's knowledgable, nice, and caring? What are the prices? Are the Boarders, staff, lesson students and other people at the barn friendly? Also if the barn has a website I'd love to view it, or if you have video's on youtube or something of one of your lessons there please send me the link. Thanks!

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • This is a question for horse owners in Colorado.?

    Okay sooo, My dad is looking for jobs in Colorado Springs, And if he gets a job down there We will be buying a house with some land and a barn!!! Which means, I get a horse!!!!!(very excited) So on to my questions.

    What is the weather down there like year-round? Are the summer's really hot? Do you get alot of snow in the winter?

    What is the average cost to keep 2 horses(one for me and one for my mom) on your land?

    Average hoof care cost for shoes? How much does just a trim cost?

    Average vet cost?

    Thanks, If I think of anymore I'll add them later!!!

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Help major back pain while riding?

    Okay so I've fallen off a few times and my back always hurts badly for a few days after i fall,then it stops hurting, and before this summer i only had very minor to no back pain while riding. But this summer i took a bad fall and sprained my back, although the area of my back that was sprained no longer hurts, the rest of my back does ALL THE TIME, but it hurts the most while riding, I can't even participate in my lesson's because of the pain. I've gone to about 3 or 4 doctor's to try and figure out what could be wrong but they all say nothing is wrong with my back. I'm 16 and I ride hunter's. Does anyone else have this problem? What do you do about it? Please help me with a solution, i have a lesson on friday and i would really love to participate this week.


    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • The scarlet letter symbolism help?

    In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, What do The Scarlet Letter, The rosebush in front of the prison, and Pearl symbolize?

    And Don't tell me to do my own homework because this isn't homework, I just honestly want to know what they symbolize. Thanks<3

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I have to read "The Scarlet Letter" over winter break, which is almost over...?

    My teacher gave the assignment of reading "The Scarlet Letter" over winter break and write an essay, I go back to school on the 5th, and I can't seem to get past the 2nd chapter without getting extremely bored of it. I LOVE reading, but this book just makes me extremely bored, It's not something I am interested in reading at all. I have tried everyday to finish the book with no luck. How can I stay interested in the book without dying of bordum? I need to finish this book by tomorrow night, because I have a 4 page essay on the book to write, Essay's are extremely easy for me, no matter what the subject is, I always get A's or B's on them. I've tried the whole read a few pages then take a break thing, It doesn't work, I end up fighting myself to go back to reading. HELP MEEEE!!!

    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Changing my belly button ring?

    I got my belly button pierced september 25, 2008. It isnt red at all and doesn't hurt or anything. I have a new ring I would like to put in but I technically still have another month to wait before I can change it. But what im wondering is if i decide to change it now will the hole close up before i have time to put the new ring in? I know to clean the ring and the area first. I just want to know if my hole will close up in the two seconds it takes to change the ring?

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago