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never been in a relation but the irony is i can give alright advice.(somehow) daisuki or keki or andew lee.. good luck finding me cuz there are a S***loads of andrew lees

  • ive been unemployed for more than 4 months ).?

    and ive applied to 40+ places and held on to each application for 4 weks calling back.visiting every week asking about the status of my application. within those 4 months I have only gotten 3 interviews(one being interviewed twice in the same place) I live in cali and ive seriously been looking hard and answering well in interviews.people just not hiring? is there something from the government? im 21 and I live with my parents and no money for school and unemployed for months and searching. im starting to get antsy. what should I do for money? seriously. the only income id get from the past 4 months will be my income tax from federal other then this, this is just plain retarded. im starting to get frustrated at everyone and everything

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago

    oky so here is my question. in n out is a very popular place. great job and all. they want to start me out at 11$ an hr. then again my other choice is at rock n brews at minumum wage plus tips. i dont know the ranking structure but i plan on moving up in either scenario. which would you prefer and why?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance6 years ago
  • open container california parked private property?

    me and my friend were in the back of the car just laying down in a private buisness parkinglot well hidden from any civilians. we were about to sleep but then officers opened the car door. my head almost fell out and we got up and just sat in the car. the officers began looking around thier car with a flash light and found a bottle of grey goose under the front passanger seat. none of us were drinking. none of us even drank. car was parked. buisness parking property and said that someone called us in (no ones visible or near the parkinig lot at 2am). so my main question is, were they even allowed to open the car door? perhaps police officers are trying to open car doors without knowing if people are inside or not. are they allowed to do this??? also about the alcohol, the car was parked, not moving, buisness property. i am 21. the girl was 18. none of us drank at all. i took the bullet for her. so help me please?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • why do girls think about cutting my D off and keeping it??

    so in all my serious relationships, the girl always asks if she can cut it off and keep it. tell me what you are thinking about when u say this. wtf? why? id like to keep it attached to me please? girls:why do you say this? guys:your gay if you answer this.jk

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • sex related cheating and relationships?

    my gf have been dating for 2.5 years. in the beggining i totally messed up. few months have passed by, and i went to my ex and cheated on my gf. next day i told her. im an honest type.a year later she cheats on me with a black guy. i noticed the "room" she said she had sex with guy for an hour. me and her have sex 30 minutes usually. i dont need your sweet lies and comforting in these answers. your wasting my time if you do. i like the straight truth. now break it to me. shes been with me for 2.5 years. but we dont have sex like 1 hr. i ask her questions about the dude. she doesnt answer. i want to i sexually please her? or was that guy actually better? give me facts. i dont need racial explanation everyones better, sex feels good when you love la bla bla. sure emotionally sex feels better when you love. but im talking physically, did they black guy beat me? he made extra room. she had sex with him for 1 hour. we only have it for 30 minutes. seriously i want to know. she got revenge my ex was in no way better. my girl is way better. but if my girl fantasizes about black dudes im gonna leave her if i cant satisfy her anymore. she never answers the questions i ask directly or indirectly. she said if i ask her again shes gonna break up. slap some sense into me. teach me something. give me facts. someone please explain. its getting to the point where i start to watch Black guys with big D**ks F**k girls and i get off hard to this type of porn than normal.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago

    so ive never been to music festivals like edc, coachella, ultra and stuff. give me some little general tips please~

    the main question i would like to ask-wha tare some major music festivals i CANT miss! where, when, and the name of the festivals please~ the more you know the more points and higher rating youll get~

    1 AnswerR&B & Soul7 years ago
  • lobsters are alive before you kill it?

    i was watching tv and this girl didnt like lobsters because they are the only things alive before you kill it? can someone tell me the truth?

    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • virgo dog and libra rooster? compatable?

    give me all the details bad and good please =)

    1 AnswerHoroscopes9 years ago
  • how to make two girls fight over me?

    blunty put im a sweet guy even parents tell me this im nice a kind and sweet heartedly warm on everything. but now im just stuck in the middle and idk which way to go. so there are two girls.. MY EX AND A NEW GIRL

    NEW GIRL:i met her yesterday.she is sweet thoughtful affectionate and full of strong passionate love. we made out like 3-4 times. ive been to her house today and met her parents and sisters.. the whole shabang.. her mom talked to me personally and said im sweet and kind caring for her, i am. im falling for this girl right now. if someone says she cant do it.. she will do it. i love that. its a turn on. she fights for it to prove others wrong.

    my EX: she is sweet she is creative, motherly, she cooks, sex is twice a week minimum. however she tends to make me jealous and flirts with other boys but doesnt do anything. has a bad rep as a whore, but i know she isnt. i understand her more than her mom, shes predictable in a good way. i know what she doesnt and i always know WHY shes does what she does. i can read her. i was with her for 6 months we broke up- just stopped talking. and 1 1/2 months we are talking again. shes giving me vibes as if she still wants me. but it aint strong enough to make it feel right.

    i am a honest person with great morals, i would like for them to know that i am intrested in both girls, however i dont want them to leave me and i really love them both =,( im just torn between them both. im honest and kind. i wanna let them know and let them understand that i love them both but idk who to decide on =( how can i tell them i am kinda seeing them both.. but only for honest competition. i know it sounds bad but really want them to earn me. im nice, they both know this. im the best guy theyve had... both have said this. idk what to do =(

    ***any other questions ask me and ill add in details ***

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • PARENTS AND TEENS whos wrong or right?? should parents be like this?

    PARENTS- your boy/girl has a bf/gf. your child walked with the bf/gf to their apartment to just be with them but it was 10pm so it was past curfew(officers and tickets). you text your child to come home(during curfew hours)-child doesnt respond and just say he/she (your child) will just sleep on the property(remember it was an apartment complex). your child says he/she is safe and is just gonna sleep on the property.

    STORY CONT-then you decide- your child isnt listening. so you text the gf/bfs parents who are out on vacation in the middle of the night(you dont know there are on vacation). the gf/bfs parents immediately call their child. the gf/bfs pare...nts talks to the gf/bf at 5 am in the morning asking if your child is there. the gf/bf says they have not seen them scince they were walking them home(your child is on the property at the moment to avoid a curfew ticket)See More

    STORY CONT- now the gf/bf who is ALONE AT HOME(their parents are on vacation) is in trouble cuz their parents dont believe them. then the gf/bf is tired of this (this is the second time you-the parent has called their parents for something this) so you childs gf/bf is mad and breaks up. WAS IT OKY FOR YOU TO CALL YOUR CHILDS GF/BF'S PARENTS OR WAS IT BETTER TO JUST TALK TO YOUR CHILD ALONE AFTER ALL IT WAS YOUR CHILDS CHOICE CHOICE?(however they did avoid curefew tickets- but the child didnt listen to you and inda set up a bum sleepover on the stairs on in the elevator)

    in my point of view it was dumb for the parents to call because they just messed up the gf/bfs parents vacation by texting/calling in the middle of the night- then the gf/bf got in trouble for something that didnt occur. and your child's relationship is ******.

    in the parents point of view they used any means necessary to bring the child home home. the child is 17 and 10 months. LET ALONE SHOULD THE PARENTS EVEN MEDDLE INTO THE CHILDS LOVE LIFE LIKE THIS WITH OUT RESTRAINT???

    maybe a re cap: your child walked his/her bf/gf home. left. stayed on apartment property overnight to avoid curfew's parents are gone on doesnt know your near them- but outside in the apartment complex still somewhere outside. you text or call gf/bf's parents. bf/gf's parents think that their child is lying so they get introuble. bf/gf breaks up with your child because of the mess u have made. your child dint listen to you but they came home at 6am with no curfew ticket.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • PARENTS whos wrong or right?? should parents be like this?

    PARENTS- your boy/girl has a bf/gf. your child walked with the bf/gf to their apartment to just be with them but it was 10pm so it was past curfew(officers and tickets). you text your child to come home(during curfew hours)-child doesnt respond and just say he/she (your child) will just sleep on the property(remember it was an apartment complex). your child says he/she is safe and is just gonna sleep on the property.

    STORY CONT-then you decide- your child isnt listening. so you text the gf/bfs parents who are out on vacation in the middle of the night(you dont know there are on vacation). the gf/bfs parents immediately call their child. the gf/bfs pare...nts talks to the gf/bf at 5 am in the morning asking if your child is there. the gf/bf says they have not seen them scince they were walking them home(your child is on the property at the moment to avoid a curfew ticket)See More

    STORY CONT- now the gf/bf who is ALONE AT HOME(their parents are on vacation) is in trouble cuz their parents dont believe them. then the gf/bf is tired of this (this is the second time you-the parent has called their parents for something this) so you childs gf/bf is mad and breaks up. WAS IT OKY FOR YOU TO CALL YOUR CHILDS GF/BF'S PARENTS OR WAS IT BETTER TO JUST TALK TO YOUR CHILD ALONE AFTER ALL IT WAS YOUR CHILDS CHOICE CHOICE?(however they did avoid curefew tickets- but the child didnt listen to you and inda set up a bum sleepover on the stairs on in the elevator)

    in my point of view it was dumb for the parents to call because they just messed up the gf/bfs parents vacation by texting/calling in the middle of the night- then the gf/bf got in trouble for something that didnt occur. and your child's relationship is ******.

    in the parents point of view they used any means necessary to bring the child home home. the child is 17 and 10 months. LET ALONE SHOULD THE PARENTS EVEN MEDDLE INTO THE CHILDS LOVE LIFE LIKE THIS WITH OUT RESTRAINT???

    maybe a re cap: your child walked his/her bf/gf home. left. stayed on apartment property overnight to avoid curfew's parents are gone on doesnt know your near them- but outside in the apartment complex still somewhere outside. you text or call gf/bf's parents. bf/gf's parents think that their child is lying so they get introuble. bf/gf breaks up with your child because of the mess u have made. your child dint listen to you but they came home at 6am with no curfew ticket.

    5 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • what kind of paint is thin and glossy for skateboard?

    i want to paint my skate board. simple. i know techniques already but idk what kind of paint.

    please use common sense i can not fly to brazil and get special paint. wtf

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • deleted account or blocked face book?

    k, so i was msging this guy who is a friend in real life. but in face book we never cared about being friends or not(we arent friends anymore but i wanted to reconnect that bridge cuz we got into a fight). so when i look his name up in search i cant find it. but when i click his name in msg the link doesnt work. it acts like a link, but it doesnt go to his page. it just sits there at my msgs page and inbox thingy. i sent a msg today, but it did ot go through. did he delete his facebook or did he block me =/

    and how can i know if someone blocked me or deleted me?

    when i send him the msg in my mail it says i can not send it at this time? blocked or his facebook account no longer exists?

    4 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • blocked or deleted profile account in facebok?

    k, so i was msging this guy who is a friend in real life. but in face book we never cared about being friends or not. so when i look his name up in search i cant find it. but when i click his name in msg the link doesnt work. it acts like a link, but it doesnt go to his page. it just sits there at my msgs page and inbox thingy. i sent a msg today, but it did ot go through. did he delete his facebook or did he block me =/

    3 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • my gf cant love during period?

    kisses hugs, and holding hands are all uncomfortable during her period. and it is depressing for me. she said when she sees couples doing this stuff she is sad cuz she loves.

    uncomfortable-like uncomfortable positions or "the princess and the pea" uncomfortable. not emotionally uncomfortable.

    she told me to help her love me during period. .i would like to help but all physical contact seems arbitrary.

    verbal contact -she acts like a child and is mean and copy cats you or interrupts your talk or says middle school insults EX- ur stupid, be a man, your a girl , bye, go away, hes stupid hes stupider, ur the stupidest..etc

    so.. suggestions on how to penetrate this monthly barrier?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • sex with my gf and her friend and friends bf in next room?

    me+gf= room 1

    gf's friend+ gf's friends bf=room 2

    both these rooms are connected by a thin wall. my gf sais she wants to hear her best friends voice to spice things up. to me it is weird but new, id give it a go.

    im worried if we do it, and they are better sounding it will turn me off.

    idk.. just problems like that. im up for new things i truely am. but does anyone else find this awkward? i dont know her friends as well.. so ima feel like a third wheel here=/ and after we have sex..what will me and my gf do if we want US time.

    maybe just once wont hurt?

    ill make sure it is once because i will say something to my gf- wow. your friend sounded hott. i like her

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • my girlfriend is on her period and mean?

    so lately shes been kind of like a little girl who bullies other girls in a schoolyard. think of mean girls in the movie.. she just walks by and ignores me. or says im ugly and some other personal hurtful stuff. i know she is on her period but she irritating me and its getting annoying. its like when my little brother comes by and insults me(its a bit different because i can not tackle my girlfriend and hit her). she doesnt like chocolate so im screwed. let alone likes to eat=/ as her bf im just trying to let the insults roll off of me. but shes cutting deep with those insults and stuff. and im starting to hit the breaking point. today i called her a ****** and a child. i hope that gets through to her.

    so now im ignoring most of her texts and i dont walk her to class and i dont walk her home anymore. when i say hi or i love you she ignores me. i already tried to make things better so many times but she keeps coming with new insults. i even tried to talk to her about how i feel about her about how i feel and how she is acting. her reply is be a man=/. im being mature atleast trying several different approaches.

    i tried being mean to her -maybe she will be nice..idk. i just thought id give it a shot

    i tried to be as nice as i can-i really thought this will help-she just bagged on me more

    i tried ignoring her- im doing right now i hope this works. then hopfully she understands why i am ignoring her

    and i have talked to her about this.

    i will keep you guys please check every other hour or so plleeasse=( she is my first gf. so im inexperianced

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • my girlfriend is on her period and is mean?

    so lately shes been kind of like a little girl who bullies other girls in a schoolyard. think of mean girls in the movie.. she just walks by and ignores me. or says im ugly and some other personal hurtful stuff. i know she is on her period but she irritating me and its getting annoying. its like when my little brother comes by and insults me(its a bit different because i can not tackle my girlfriend and hit her). she doesnt like chocolate so im screwed. let alone likes to eat=/ as her bf im just trying to let the insults roll off of me. but shes cutting deep with those insults and stuff. and im starting to hit the breaking point. today i called her a biotch and a child. i hope that gets through to her.

    so now im ignoring most of her texts and i dont walk her to class and i dont walk her home anymore. when i say hi or i love you she ignores me. i already tried to make things better so many times but she keeps coming with new insults. i even tried to talk to her about how i feel about her about how i feel and how she is acting. her reply is be a man=/. im being mature atleast trying several different approaches.

    i tried being mean to her -maybe she will be nice..idk. i just thought id give it a shot

    i tried to be as nice as i can-i really thought this will help-she just bagged on me more

    i tried ignoring her- im doing right now i hope this works. then hopfully she understands why i am ignoring her

    and i have talked to her about this.

    i will keep you guys please check every other hour or so plleeasse=( she is my first gf. so im inexperianced

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • what is this song? hip hop r and b?

    i cant find it. if you can find the full version i will give you best answer for sure!

    3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago