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Degree Advice?
What can I do with my Film & TV degree?
Serioud Answers please :O)
4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoSapphire Radeon HD 2600XT or Sapphire Radeon HD 2600Pro?
I'm looking to get a new graphics card, its either the:
the Sapphire Radeon HD 2600Pro (512MB ) is £59.99
the Sapphire Radeon HD 2600XT / (256MB DDR3) is £69.99
Whats the difference for the £10 difference?
4 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade agonight of the living dead why do you like it?
the Cult film night of the living dead has many admires. I am doing a paper on cult cinema and I have chosen to base it on George A. Romero's cult classic I would be interested in to hear WHY you like the film and have repeated to watch it
thanks! :O)
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agoIs Blue Velvet considered to be Art Cinema?
Would you consider David Lynch' film Art Cinema?
3 AnswersMovies1 decade agoIs a Sapphire X1950PRO 512Mb AGP graphics card compatible with a ASUS A8V Deluxe Motherboard?
Just I cant find out anywhere on the net a propper answer :O)
I wanna play BioShock and Crysis soooo badly
4 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade agoASUS A8V Deluxe Motherboard - Shall I just replace the whole thing?
My Specs are AMD 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+, 1GB RAM with a ATI X850 XT card shall I upgradr the card and RAM or just cut my loses and invest in a new PC? As I want to play the next gen PC games
2 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoWill ATI 850XT run Crysis?
I got 1GB DDR with a AMD X2 3800+ CPU
will tha do it? I reckon it would but i had a rude awakening when my PC (which i have been so pleased with with regards to gaming) couldnt play BioShock earlier in the summer
3 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoHalf Life 2: Epispode 2 - How do i get it?
I want Ep2 soooo bad! But i dont want to pay £35 for the Orange there way to donwload it from this available in the UK and is it reliable...i have never downloaded games before ya see...
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoMy girlfriend has blocked her Motorolla V3 phone - help!?
she keyed in the code wrong and how its blocked, does anyone know how to unblock it?
5 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade agoanyone know a Hotel near Manchester Central...any ideas?
My girlfriend and I are seeing the Verve Dec 21 @Manchester Central - we need a place to stay for the night...
...kinda like Jesus did 2007 yrs ago...
anyways anyone know of a nice/cheap hotel/B&B?
6 AnswersManchester1 decade agowhats a good meal for a girl your in love with?
i want to take my girlfriend out for a nice rommantic meal...i love her dearly and want to show her a loverly rommantic time, there is a nice beach near by so thats a bonus
11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoCompitable graphics!?
I am using a ASUS A8V Deluxe MOB with 1GB DDR, 2x Athlon 3800+ CPU and a ATI X850 XT graphics card...
...i want to upgrade my card does anyone know a compatible card?...
...OR do you think it would be easier to get a new machine?
Thanks! :O)
5 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade agoShould I feel jealous if my girlfriend is meeting up with a guy for a drink?
Even after she told me that he admits that he fancies her...and had a one night stand before we got together?
I'm not the jealous type but i saw on her profile that she is meeting up with a guy for a drink after work and she aint told do I take that?
16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoATI X850XT Platinum - outdated now?
I bought this card back in Oct 05 for about £350ish...a IT guy said that the card was outdated now - is it? I thought I'd at least have 4 years out of it.
I have a AMD X2 3800+ 1GB DDR and the X850XT its run all the latest games v.well. How will it fair with the new games like Crysis and Bio Shock?
4 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade agoI am very interested in becoming a Male Nurse - advice?
I am a mature student of 26 and I am currently in my last year of studying Film and TV...which, to be honest although interesting, is gonna take me no where. I have increasingly becoming interested in training to become a male nurse. Can anyone offer me any advice on how to go about this? Or are there anybody in the nursing profession can recommend this career?
Also what is the usual age for enrolling on this course?
8 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoTales of Symphonia on Gamecube...any good?
has anyone played this game? Is it anygood as I havent played a good RPG since...Panzer Dragoon Saga (!!)
8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhat good XBOX/Gamecube games are there?
Since the demise of SEGA consoles I have very slowly lost touch with the video game scene. I really wanna play a good story driven game - I have MGS2 and Shenmue on XBOX and all of the amazing Res Evil games on the Gamecube - does anyone have any suggestions?
14 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWindows Defender keeps removing the file "Downloader.ay"?
The file 'Download.ay' is constantly being removed by windows I need a RELIABLE anti virus program to get rid of this nusiance once and for all?
3 AnswersSecurity1 decade agotaskdir.exe is attempting to access the net - how do I get rid of it?
NORTON is constantly informing me that a program called taskdir.exe is attempting to access the net I keep chosing to block its access but I keep getting the same message.
I have found a program to remove it but I dont trust programs off websites that I dont know....anyone elese had this problem?
8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago