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  • Why is it that insurance companies can prevent you from being covered?

    A woman who used to be a health insurance underwriter herself, said the insurance companies examined her health records. She had been raped and feared Aids and was prescribed a drug to control the disease.

    Even after she explained the assault, the insurers would not sell her a policy because the HIV medication raised too many health questions. They told her they might reconsider in three or more years if she could prove that she was still AIDS-free.

    Why do insurers have access to your medical records, anyway?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does Glenn Beck use Vicks vapor rub to get the tears flowing?

    For the millions he makes to destroy the country, he'd better produce some manufactured tears, right?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is the Republican Party a "Lie Factory"?

    The Republican party is attacking Alan Grayson. His says: "My response is WHATEVER. America is sick of you, Republican Party. You are a LIE FACTORY - that's all you ever do. Why don't you work together with the Democrats to solve America's problems instead of making stuff up? "

    Do you agree with Grayson?

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't Blue Cross consider a woman's bleeding breast to be an emergency?

    SAN FRANCISCO (CBS 5) ― When Daly City resident Rosalinda Miran-Ramirez woke up one morning in April to find her left breast bleeding from the nipple, she panicked. The shirt she had been sleeping in was saturated with blood. So her husband took her to the emergency room at Seton Medical Center.

    "In my mind I know something serious is going on," said Miran-Ramirez. "I need to see a doctor."

    Doctors found a tumor and initially told her she had breast cancer. A biopsy later proved that assumption false; the tumor was benign.

    But Miran-Ramirez said the real shock came when her insurance company, Blue Shield of California HMO, which had initially approved the claim for the emergency room visit, reversed course and sent her a new bill three months later requiring her to pay the total charges for that visit: $2,791.00.

    Why? Documents from Blue Shield indicate the company had reviewed the case and determined Miran-Ramirez "reasonably should have known that an emergency did not exist."

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does the murder at Yale mean that white men are a danger to people of color?

    That's what white men said about the bully beating on the school bus, even though white kids were there and didn't look scared.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would you move to Mexico for socialized health care like these Americans did?

    As the United States debates an overhaul of its health care system, thousands of American retirees in Mexico have quietly found a solution of their own, signing up for the health care plan run by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

    Will Town Hallers go to Mexico to brandish their guns?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who is advocating AGAINST VIOLENCE and FOR the protection of the President, by notifying the White House?

    Too many open stations about assassinating the President. There are hundreds of these flagrant threats being made.

    What are the Honorable Citizens (not the media) doing to notify the authorities?

    The People should get involved in stopping another tragedy.

    Are you notifying the White House about these incidents?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is a Republican candidate suggesting hunting down the President?

    BOISE, Idaho — An Idaho Republican gubernatorial hopeful insists he was only joking when he said he'd buy a license to hunt President Barack Obama.

    Rex Rammell a GOP candidate that is hoping to become the Governor of Idaho, but hopefully he just will crawl back under his rock.

    Why are Republicans encouraging violence? Isn't that illegal?

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are Republicans deliberately operating in bad faith with Obama?

    Mike Enzi, one of three Republicans ostensibly negotiating health care reform as part of the Senate's "Gang of Six," told a Wyoming town hall crowd that he had no plans to compromise with Democrats and was merely trying to extract concessions.

    Enzi was also hit for taking significant campaign cash from the health insurance industry while opposing a public insurance option that would compete with private plans and take a bit out of their bottom line.

    These are no Patriotsl Where do these idiots come from?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why did Bush's homeland security chief say that the terror threat was false to help Bush win again?

    Raising the threat level was not justified. It was all about politics. - Tom Ridge

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do Republicans talk about "death panels" because they came up with the idea first?

    Gingrich was all for it and Bush signed the TexasAdvan­ceDirectiv­es Act so that doctors could decide when to discontinue treatment of the elderly.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are "Birthers" being outed as looneys?

    The star of the show -- known as "Crazy Eileen" to callers of a Sussex County talk radio station -- has gone into seclusion, declining interviews and avoiding publicity, even as previous statements by her have emerged referring to Obama as "the antichrist" and speaking of aliens and angels.

    Now we don't have to call her "Crazy Georgetown Birther Lady" we can call her "Crazy Eileen," and, oh yeah, she's from Delaware. She's apparently even too crazy for WGMD (local Neoconservative talk radio station):

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would Patrick Buchanan be proud of these men?

    Fourth of July, three men, shouting racial slurs, ambushed, chased and beat a 24-year-old African-American man as he left a Wal-Mart in Nampa, Idaho.

    Now, two of the men have been convicted of hate crimes by a federal jury in Boise.

    The third earlier pleaded guilty to one of the two charges and testified against the other two; the two, Michael Bullard, 22, of Middleton, Idaho, and Richard Armstrong, 24, of Nampa, face up to 20 years in federal prison for the attack.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Was the cop who arrested the famous professor a Republican or a Democrat?

    Clue: The professor was on TV and had created a lot of documentaries. But the cop didn't know who he was.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are Republicans trying to kill health care reform by dragging out the legislative process?

    1. We spend twice as much per capita or as a fraction of our GDP on healthcare than many other industrialized nation--and we still manage to have 1/5 of the population going without healthcare.

    2. We get in return healthcare that is less effective than that of places like France, Japan, Germany, UK, Canada where they enjoy lower infant mortality rates, higher average life spans and an overall quality of life.

    40 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are Republicans finally admitting that the GOP is working against the Constitution?

    Former Reps. Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.) and Chris Shays (R-Conn.) made the argument that if the Republican-controlled Congress had exhibited greater oversight during former President George W. Bush's time in office, they could have prevented some of the most calamitous results of that administration and even saved thousands of lives.

    Speaking at a panel on congressional oversight powers, Shays argued that had more members of Congress, including Republicans, gone to Iraq and visited Abu Ghraib, prisoner abuses would have come to light sooner.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How did a KKK member hide in Israel for two years?

    The alleged member of an anti-Semitic white supremacist group chose what he might have seen as a perfect hideout -- the Jewish state.

    Mayon, 32, of Steelton, Pa., was arrested in Tel Aviv on Monday by an Israeli law enforcement unit that searches for illegal migrants. He had been on the run for two years.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What better US agency than the CIA to expose crimes of Bush/Cheney? Are you proud?

    Most of the intelligence leads generated under what was known as the “President’s Surveillance Program,” which began shortly after 9/11, did not have any connection to terrorism, a CIA report said.

    The Central Intelligence Agency withheld information about a secret counterterrorism program from Congress for eight years on direct orders from former Vice President Dick Cheney, the agency’s director, Leon E. Panetta, has told the Senate and House intelligence committees.

    Will you congratulate the CIA for telling the truth?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Was Michael Jackson murdered according to what his sister says?

    "I feel it was all about money. Michael was worth well over a billion in music publishing assets and somebody killed him for that. He was worth more dead than alive."

    LaToya reportedly said the conspirators used powerful prescription drugs to keep Michael Jackson submissive and under control and also kept him away from his family.

    She also claimed, the newspapers reported, that roughly $2 million (1.23 million pounds) worth of cash and jewelry was taken from Michael Jackson's rented mansion and has not been accounted for."

    Is this possible?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago