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39 yo, mother of 3 wonderful children (12 year old boy(Jake)DOB 3/17/96 and 2 year old girl (Karlee)DOB 7/27/06 and 2 month old little girl(Larissa)DOB 4/11/08, married to a wonderful, hardworking man I dated 20 years ago in highschool (apart for 16 years and now back together) we have been back together for 6 years, I have been a full time and Per-diem Hospice Nurse for 15 years, worked Med/Surg at a local hospital and have done home care for pediatrics. Now I am the office manager for our collision/body shop. Have taken care of my father, mother and mother-in-law with hospice. Also, a 2 time cervical cancer survivor....Busy, Busy....

  • How do you stop jealousy between siblings, and guilt from parents?

    I have a wonderful 12 yo boy, beautiful 2 yo girl, and a precious 4 mo girl... I feel guilty asking soo much from my 12 yo, who rarely complains. My 12yo and 2 yo just do NOT get along, she will not let him do ANYTHING with or for her. I feel guilty because of the jealousy my 2yo has (and yes she is involved in everyway possible with the baby) and that said I feel guilty for not having the "alone" time with my new precious little one that I had with the other 2. Has anyone else ever had to deal with this??? Yes, I work full time.... Only experienced answers and advice please....

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How to easy my little ones feeling with a new baby coming in the house?

    I am 26 weeks pregnant and have a little girl, Karlee, who will be 21 months when this baby "girl" is born. Problem is Karlee is SUCH a momma's girl I am affraid she will be very hurt when this baby is born. How do I ease her emotionally so she won't be so hurt or act out?? ~~Besides having her help in as many ways as possible and try to give her lots of love an attention. ~~ I would like advise from other mothers who have had siblings this close in age and what worked for them. Thanks in advance for all your answers.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When is it too late to transplant and move plants and trees, what date, month etc? I live in Zone 4?

    We need to move a pine tree and a fountain tree and replant the entire center of our circular driveway. I have all the "greenery" in pots except the pine and fountain tree and they need to be moved.... Thanks in advance for all the help...

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • 38yo and 7weeks pregnant and spotting for the 2nd time??

    Anyone out there have this happen to them and the baby be ok???

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Where do I get Pregnancy insurance (already pregnant) in New York "Upstate"?

    We have been "trying" to have another baby for a year now... We are pregnant and without insurance... which was ok until I found out we are a high-risk pregnancy and it will be costing us a whole lot more than we figured... Does anyone know where I can get pregnancy insurance, already being pregnant, in Madison County New York ??? That does not go by income guidelines as we are self employeed and that does not go by how much is in our checking/savings accounts. (both our mothers recently passed away and that life insurance money is in the savings accounts) Thanks in advance for answers...

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My ever so beautiful little 1 year old girl will not eat ?

    Well, she eats very slow, careful and very little. She loves bread & toast so I put cheese or peanut butter on it) she will eat eggs (scrambled only) bannannas, green beans, pasta, goldfish crackers, graham crackers, any sweets, sometimes peas or corn, no meat (not even hot dogs, or deli meat) last night she finally ate some strawberries. I have even tried not letting her have juice or milk 2 hours before feeding her. She is of "normal" weight 20lbs 7oz. I keep offering her everything we eat but she is a little stubborn. I even called the doctor and had her call in a multivitamin supplement that I give her daily. I am a nurse and my first child ate everything !!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • We want another baby !!!!!! I am 38 and a nurse.. !!!?

    I have been a hospice nurse all my life and have also worked in Med/Surg and home care. Prenatal and Ob is not my specialty. I got pregnant with my son 11 years ago without trying at all. We tried for our daughter for a little over a year and ended up with twins (lost one at 14 weeks) but we have a beautiful little girl-- born on July 27, 2006. We wanted another child very soon, so they would be really close in age. I have spoken to my doctor 2 times in the last 8 months and he says we have to wait 'till July to try anything like clonophen because of our age. He is 42 and I am 38. We are sooo anxious and want another baby sooo badly. I never stopped the prenatal vitamins, never tried a diet and have been taking good care of myself. I am not at the point where I cry when I get my period and I am pretty relaxed about it but I just saw the doctor this am and was wondering if anyone had anything that worked for them. Any suggestions from anyone (NO SMART REMARKS PLEASE ) ???

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My little girl is 8 months old and will not eat babyfood or regular food!!! Any suggestions??

    We keep offering the food to her. My son (now 11years old) ate everything in sight. She will only drink 4 oz of formula at a time and maybe 1/2 jar of babyfood for lunch, she refuses to eat babyfood for breakfast and will eat about 1/4 of a jar for dinner. I have even tried real people food like mashed potatoes, chopped up spagetti (no sauce), chopped up peaches and bannanas (as she likes juice with bannanas) She is growing normal and is gaining weight ok....... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Mother-in-law diagnosed with lung cancer with brain mets.!!!! Told only 9 months to live!!!?

    Yes, I am a nurse but I am at a loss on this one. We just lost my mother, April 9th, 2006, when I was pregnant for our now 5 month old little girl to the same dreaded disease. We have gone 5.5 hours one way to Sloan Kettering Cancer Center just to be told there is nothing we can do except treat her symptoms as they approach. She has 23 spots on her lungs and 7 in her brain. She is still functioning normally with headaches all the time. I feel awful because I asked a question about her earlier (see my profile) and now find out that the way she is acting may not be her fault. She is a wonderfully nice person and deserves every chance we can give her. We are on our way to Syracuse on the 25th. I have started taking our daughter to daycare so I can overtake her job doing the complete body shop office work and I make it my job to make appointments for her and to go with her so she understands. See she has only a 8th grade education. Has anyone heard of treatment for this?

    8 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • How do I help my 5 month old with a sinus infection flying in a plane?

    Both my son and my fiance have had a cold that led into a sinus infection within 3 days. Both required an antibiotic. My baby girl came down with it last night, not bad though yet. We are leaving on a plane tomorrow morning at 8am, I am affraid the plane will intense the sinus pain and really hurt her. Does anyone have any home remedies? I am taking her to the doctor but her usual one is not in and I am affraid this one will not give her an antibiotic then we will be in florida without anything. I know about the saline nose drops and we are already using those and I will have her nurse or suck a bottle during take off and landings. Any other suggestions?

    8 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Help, I can not get my baby girl to sleep?

    Her birth date is 7/27/06. She sleeps from 7:30pm-12:30am then she is up every 2 hours. Yes, I feed her cereal in her bottle-- actually she will not take a bottle without a little cereal in it, no, it does not constipate her. I tried feeding her sweet potatoes and pears throughout the day, which she loves both. But then she was extremely fussy in the evening so we quit the food for a week and the fussiness went away. But she still will not sleep and I am exhausted !!! I would greatly appreciate any "real" advise from experienced mothers. I am a nurse and none of the doctors know what to tell me. She is a beautiful and happy baby, she does not wake up in the morning in a bad mood(always happy) you can not be upset at a smiling baby..But she wants to get up for the day at 5am. Help!! dad can not help as he is on call 24hours a day for towing and we live in a very rural area. We own a collision/body shop/towing business. The closest town to us has one red light. Any advise???

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What to get my Fiance for Christmas?

    He owns a body shop/towing business, does not wear necklaces or a watch, buys things as he needs them-so he does not really need anything. We will be in Orlando Florida for Christmas week. Help, I need ideas.. ????!!!!

    5 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • I need relationship help/opinions?? Please do not answer unless you are over 30 years old. Thanks....?

    Ok, quick scenerio, I have a child,boy 10yo born in florida , and a new born baby girl with my fiance whom I used to date 20 years ago we got back together 5 years ago. We are having major communication problems. I have tried to talk to him and he always defends the other person. He is surrounded by people who have not even graduated high school and are not too bright. He is treating me like I am one of those people. I asked him not to and he told me I was being small minded and to shut the f---- up among some other choice words. I get soo frustrated because he will not listen to me about anything. He makes things 2x as difficult for himself and me by not listening and/or communicating. Don't get me wrong it is not always like this or I would not have agreed to marry him or had a child with him. But everytime we get in a discussion about someone in our life he defends them and makes me feel like everything is my fault. I'm at the point where I am ready to leave.HELP! Any advise?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do I get my mother-in-law to be with my baby more?

    My mother in law and husband own a body shop. She is 66 yo. She was sooo "happy" when we finally got pregnant (me 37 yo dad is 41 yo) She went shopping with us for baby stuff and I turned around and she was gone looking for a new suit to wear. She would rather give me money to go spend than actually do anything for the baby. Now our beautiful baby girl is here and she lives next door but hardely ever comes over to see her. But she tells and acts like the best grandmother when she is out in public and shows our babies picture all over town trying to put on this big facade like she is the best. She does not even know her!!!! We even took her camping with us, she only held the baby for a total of a half hour the whole weekend...... My husband is blind to it and makes excuses for her all the time. I am even overly nice to her when she does come over in hopes she will come over more often. My mother died in my arms april 9th and both our fathers have passed also.

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How do you get a father to do more with the baby?

    My husband is a wonderful husband and he made me decide to stay home with our little girl, but he has entirely too many " projects" going and I can not get any time for myself. I am even rushed in the shower with him telling me to hurry or following me around with her in his arms, he has only changed 5 diapers and she is 3 months old. I have only been away from her for a total of 4 hours and that was to get my nails done. He does not realize I need a break to do things tooo and I want him to have more of a relationship with her. Oh, he also wants another baby SOON. I told him if he helps more and he said No, you can raise it till it is 2-3 then I will help more.... I love him and our baby ---- help, what do I do... How do I make him see we/I need him more???

    15 AnswersFamily1 decade ago