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  • Baby Names Suggestions?

    We are having our 8th baby, it's a boy and we need help with a name. We have 4 daughters and this will be our 4th son. Their names are, Destany, Jackson, Kayden, Trinity, Adyson, Izabella and Holly.

    7 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Father's visitation/custody rights?

    A friend of mine has a 6 year old daughter that lives in another state that he hasn't seen in 4 years despite his endless attempts. He has a lawyer app next week but I'd like to hear from others in similar or have experienced similar circumstance.

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • Does my 3 yr old have ADD/ADHD?

    My 3 year old son is so full on 100% of the time. He spends most of his day just 1 step behind me even to the toilet. Most of the time he is demanding to do things for me even after they are done. For example: if I'm changing my 2 year old nappy and already have the nappy and wipes my 3 year old will scream and cry saying 'I'll do it' then grabs the nappy and wipes walks about a meter away and comes back and gives it to me. This happens all day with everything I touch. He also cries a lot and talks excessively. Now I love my little man but its very overwhelming. I have 6 children (one of which has already been diagnosed with ADHD he is almost 8). Its hard to explain my 3 year old but others in my situation may know what is going on.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How is this possible.Where can I go for help with this?

    There has been a long time feud going on between my sisters bf and his family. Things have been said and done from both sides (by my sis bf and by his family and their friends) but only my sisters bf seems to be getting in trouble with the police. He has had intervention orders on him, been charged with assault and so forth but the same punishment is not been show to the other party.

    An incident occurred last night where a tussle broke out between myself and this other guy who for a long time has made our lives hard. I get informed today that charges are being pressed against me but not him. This does not seem fair at all. The police even drove him to the hospital and left me and my sister to walk there. I'm fairly certain that he is 'tight' with some of the officers but bloody hell it's just not right.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated

    I'm sorry if the story is hard to follow

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • experience?


    I'm happily married and have 6 great kiddies. My husband and I decided that we didn't want anymore children in the near future so I got the Mirena inserted about 3 months ago.

    Ever since I have had it inserted I have had a fair few unwanted symptoms that I think are associated with the Mirena.

    eg: weight gain, very short temper, lack of energy or motivation, head aches, i get dizzy, always exhausted etc

    Now I know that 6 kiddies can make u exhausted etc but I wasn't feeling all this before I got it inserted.

    I often get the strangest feeling that I'm pregnant.....when I know there is a very slim chance.

    I was wondering if anyone else is having similar problems????

    I have also tried Implanon, De pro vera and the pill but they all made my monthly's last almost a month. I have trouble with my periods.

    Can anyone reccomend any other form of contraception excluding a tubal ligation because I'm not just ready for that yet.

    Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Mirena :( anyone else???


    I'm happily married and have 6 great kiddies. My husband and I decided that we didn't want anymore children in the near future so I got the Mirena inserted about 3 months ago.

    Ever since I have had it inserted I have had a fair few unwanted symptoms that I think are associated with the Mirena.

    eg: weight gain, very short temper, lack of energy or motivation, head aches, i get dizzy, always exhausted etc

    Now I know that 6 kiddies can make u exhausted etc but I wasn't feeling all this before I got it inserted.

    I often get the strangest feeling that I'm pregnant.....when I know there is a very slim chance.

    I was wondering if anyone else is having similar problems????

    I have also tried Implanon, De pro vera and the pill but they all made my monthly's last almost a month. I have trouble with my periods.

    Can anyone reccomend any other form of contraception excluding a tubal ligation because I'm not just ready for that yet.

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • 37 weeks pregnant, 6th baby. anyone else been told.....?


    im pregnant with my 6th baby and my doctor informed me yesterday that i have a UTI. he said my baby has dropped right down into the pelvis and that i should expect his/her arrival 2-3 weeks earlier than my due date. Has anyone been told something similar but carried to or past their due date, or has the doctor actually been correct and u went into labour soon after being told this. and i knw that usually after your first baby the baby doesnt usually decend into the pelvis until labour is very close....

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can it really happen already??

    ok well i have 5 children already and my youngest is 9 weeks old. me and my husband had sex when my bub was about 6 weeks old. he didnt ejaculate in me but we did have unprotected sex for a little bit. i'm fully breastfeeding with no supplement bottles. Now after 5 kids you just kinda get the feeling that your pregs n ya just know, way before any test can tell you. well i have that same funny feeling again, took a HPT and it had a faint second line. it was a first response test. has anyone has false positives on this test before?? can anyone else relate to this. sorry this is so long

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Has this happen to anyone else??

    I started contracting on a wednesday at 11am, this was only mild and not really regular. thursday they were slightly more painful but bearable. went to sleep at around midnight thursday night and woke at 4am with painful contractions, went to the hospital at 5:30am but was told to go home and take panadol, no examintion was given ( i was 39 weeks), came home took panadol, had a hot bath but returned to the hospital at 6:45 am and was examined and found to be fully dilated and gave birth at 7:11am. the first time i went to the hospital the mid wife was so mean to me and told me i wasnt in labour. this was my 5th baby. i'm still really mad at her coz she made me doubt myself and my instincts. anyone else relate

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • babies swapped at birth, would u swap back??

    i was just reading an article where two mothers of no relation gave birth each to a daughter on the same day. ten months later they discover than they are not the biological parents of this child. they tracked down the other family and they are doing a DNA test as well. they are planning the swap the babies before the end of the year. i was just curious to know what you would do if put in this position

    12 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • anyone else had this?

    im 33 weeks preg with my 5th baby. i spoke with my midwife today and she asked me to come to the hospital for a trace of the babies heart and to count movements. she told me that the baby isnt moving as much as it should be and only has adequate variability and reactivity from the heart trace (which i had with my last baby it was a restriction of blood flow from the umbilical cord to the baby), i've had black dischharge and do get regular contractions for a couple hours but then they just stop. she said that if i dont feel the baby move more than 10 times a day or have any irregular discharge im immediatly to present to the hospital. just wondering if anyone else has had this and how it turned out. also have low blood pressure of 99/67 and protein in urine with no infection (had urine tested last week).

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 32 weeks pregnant with black discharge?

    a couple days ago i was getting regular tightenings every 5 min for like a day and a half but they were never real painful. after this i had a clear sticky discharge (gross i know) and then yesterday i had a urine test that found traces of protein, nitrates and leukocytes but it doesnt hurt when i go or anything, then alot of black discharge. and its black not dark brown. what could this be??

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 5th baby on the way, worried about after birth pain?

    im 32 weeks preg with my 5th baby and really worried about the pains after you give birth. does anyone have any good advice for how to deal with this pain. after my 4th baby the pain was so bad it was like i was in labour all over again and the midwife says it only gets worse after each child.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 5th baby on the way, worried about after birth pain?

    im 32 weeks preg with my 5th baby and really worried about the pains after you give birth. does anyone have any good advice for how to deal with this pain. after my 4th baby the pain was so bad it was like i was in labour all over again and the midwife says it only gets worse after each child.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone to fertile?

    im 23 yrs old. i have 4 children and are 9 weeks away from having my 5th. just before i got preg this time i was 4 weeks preg but miscarried and fell preg again the next week. i know this sounds impossible but it happens, apparently i ovulated and extra one lol. anyways im so fertile but contrceptives that alter my hormones i cannot use due to excessive bleeding. Condoms are out coz i have a cyst on the opening of my vagina and it just really hurts. does anyone else have a similar problem???? no smart answers please.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone to fertile?

    im 23 yrs old. i have 4 children and are 9 weeks away from having my 5th. just before i got preg this time i was 4 weeks preg but miscarried and fell preg again the next week. i know this sounds impossible but it happens, apparently i ovulated and extra one lol. anyways im so fertile but contrceptives that alter my hormones i cannot use due to excessive bleeding. Condoms are out coz i have a cyst on the opening of my vagina and it just really hurts. does anyone else have a similar problem???? no smart **** answers please.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone to fertile?

    im 23 yrs old. i have 4 children and are 9 weeks away from having my 5th. just before i got preg this time i was 4 weeks preg but miscarried and fell preg again the next week. i know this sounds impossible but it happens, apparently i ovulated and extra one lol. anyways im so fertile but contrceptives that alter my hormones i cannot use due to excessive bleeding. Condoms are out coz i have a cyst on the opening of my vagina and it just really hurts. does anyone else have a similar problem???? no smart **** answers please.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 5th baby, need a name?

    im 10 weeks away from having my 5th baby and im completly stuck for names. i have 2 girls and 2 boys

    Destany, Jackson, Kayden and Trinity, im expecting another little boy.

    42 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • has anyone been pregnant then miscarried then got pregnant again within 8 days??

    I was about 4 weeks pregnant with baby number 5 and the doc and i were sure that i miscarried due to the loss of a large clot. he gave me a blood test to confirm the miscarriage and my hcg was back to normal. 3 weeks later i went back to the doc coz i was convinced i was preg again and sure enough i was. the ultra sound confirmed that i had conceived 8 days after i miscarried. Does this happen a lot?? has it happen to anyone else??

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 23, 4 kids and soon 2b 5?

    is there anyone who is atound 23 with 4 or 5 kids.

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago