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Diane P

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  • I have a question about home loans and being a co-borrower?

    So my fiancé was pre approved for a home loan about a year ago and the loan was approved for up to $255,000.

    Well our realtor just informed us that we could add my income since I've just went back to work after or baby, and I could be a co-borrower which in turn could up our loan amount.

    The only concern I have really is that my credit score is very bad-due to my mom using my identity to open cell phone accounts, and utility etc. and not paying the bills. Last time I checked it was 547.

    My fiancé talked to the loan manager and have er my proof of income and let her know that my credit wouldn't be good. She said that based off my income we could be approved for a loan of $319,000 or $320,000 she guessed.

    Will me being a co-borrower help or hurt our loan? I'm just concerned because we found our dream home and made an offer today of $285,000.

    1 AnswerCredit8 years ago
  • My husband has a lump that comes and goes?

    My husband for the past couple months has had a lump that forms on the bottom of one of his balls (to be frank). It comes an goes, is not painful. And we do not have any std's or anything (he was tested just because the doctor wanted to do a full work up on him to determine the cause).

    It feels sort of like a cyst and the doctor had no idea what was causin it-said it was probably a hydrocele. But there was one time he was at work about a month ago and he felt lots of discharge and a pop sound and there was a bunch of clear and bloody fluid in his underwear. Any ideas?

    I just want to say again that we know it is not an std. Neither of us have been unfaithful.

    1 AnswerMen's Health8 years ago
  • Question about thrush in toddler?

    Im wondering how long does this last!!?? We went to the doctor two days ago and he prescribed her Nyastatin-which we've been giving her as prescribed. But she still hasnt eaten anything (besides yogurt) and can barely drink anything. We're worried about her getting too dehydrated. She cant sleep-she woke up almost every hour last night because her mouth hurts-the "magic" mouthwash they gave us to use to numb her mouth does not work very well or last long and we can only use it 4 times in 24 hours.

    Does anyone have any tips or advice? If I cant get more fluids into her today then I think I may end up having to take her back up to the hospital for fluids. She has had a low grade fever too :/

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Would you give your child this medication?

    I already have my doctors reccomendation, but Im just looking for other parents opinions. Im not asking you what to do-Im just asking what would you do if this was your child. I wan to get as many opinions as possible.

    In september our daughter got a UTI. She's had recurrent Uti's since she turned 1. They've checked her kidneys and done all the apropriate tests, and everything has come back fine. They've said that sometimes kids just get recurrent uti's and will have grown out of them by the time they are 3 or 4. Our daughter is 3 (almost). So also while she had a uti, she had a seizure-the first seizure that she has had. And ever since then she was fine. Its now November, and she has another uti :/ She also had a seizure during this uti as well. (Granted for the other uti's she's had in the past she has never had a seizure with them).

    So the doctor has not diagnosed her with a seizure disorder. But he wants to start her on a medication that is for treating and preventing seizures for epilepsy. Its called Levetiracetam. Now we are very hesitant, and actually have not started her on this medication because for one: they have not diagnosed her with a seizure disorder. (she's only had 2), also, I personally think and the doctor said it could be because her immune system was lowered these last two times with the uti's and that has caused the seizures, and lastly because of the side effects of this medication. They are: drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, loss of coordination/controling muscles, mental/mood changes, aggression, irritability, anger, anxiety, depression. I just dont feel comfortable with these side effects and using this medication long term (talking one to two years) just to prevent something that may or may not happen again.

    What do you think? What would you do if this was your child and medication?

    13 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Getting married, and then having one year vow renewal?

    Im just looking for peoples opinions and inputs. My fiance and I have a 3 year old daughter and are expecting our second daughter the begining of this December. We have originally set our wedding date for December 17th, 2013-just to give us time to be able to afford everything we want and make it a nice wedding. (Since we will not have any other financial help from parents/etc.)

    But the thing is, we are getting kind of impatient about waiting a whole year to get married! So we were thinking to just go to the courthouse (with our closest friends/family) this December 17th and exchange vows. And then having a reception/vow renewal type celebration on the date originally planned for (dec. 17th 2013).

    What do you guys think? Does that sound stupid?

    11 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • Abnormal EEG results for my toddler?

    Can anyone give me any advice-if you have dealt with this before.

    Our daughter had an EEG due to having a seizure. They couldnt find a cause for the seizure and she hasnt had any since or before. But we just got a call from (not even a nurse or doctor) some other hospital personel-who told us that her eeg was abnormal and they want her to go see the pediatric neurologist. She said that it was abnormal because there were alot of spike waves they saw. But I cant find anything that tells me what these 'spike waves' are or what could be the cause for her abnormal eeg. She didnt know either.

    As you can imagine we are very worried now and cant wait to speak to the neurologist-which we fly down to see him on the 17th of this month. Anyone have any advice or know what it could be?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Help us think of middle names?

    So we have one little girl who is 2 1/2-her name is Suri Madelynn E. We loved the name Suri and the reason's that we chose Madelynn is firstly because we wanted her and her daddy to have the same initials. And secondly to honor my mom and 3 sisters. They all have the same middle name "lynn". (Im the only one that has a different middle name in my family).

    So we are expecting our second little girl this December. Her first name is going to be Alivia. (Not Olivia-this is prnounced Ah-livia.) We had kind of settled on Jane as a middle name. But the more we think about it-it just doesnt have any meaning to us-and is kind of plain. So can you give us some ideas that would maybe mean something to us? :)

    Some info about us: We live in Alaska, we love the winter more than the summer, my middle name is Rose, we dont really like common filler middle names like Nicole, Grace etc. Even though those are nice names-they just arent for us.

    16 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • How should I handle this situation as a childcare provider and friend?

    Ok, this might be a little long, but I ask you to bear with me because I really dont know how to handle this and need some advice.

    I do daycare from home-just a couple children. I've been watching our best friends children for 3 years now. The oldest boy is 5 and the youngest is 18 months (who I've watched since he was 5 weeks). Anyways, two days ago he went home and I was told that they were driving and out of the blue the older boy lets call him Joe, starts telling his mom and dad (our best friends jane and jack) that I kick him, hit him, refuse to let him eat, call him names, tell him to shut up, and that if he tells anyone I will be mean to him. I mean obviously this is completly untrue!!! I have never laid a hand on him, never said anything mean to him. Granted he can get many timeouts in a day sometimes, but thats it. No physical or verbal punishment. But the thing is, is that we had a great day that day. He never got a timeout, I never had to talk to him about anything. He was great that day. I just dont understand how or why he would say something like this. Anyways, his parents asked me about it-even though she said she believed I would never do something like that-but as a parent you have to ask. And I appreciate her asking, I would have done the same thing if my daughter had told me something like this.

    I dont know how to handle this. Should I report something? Even though they feel no need to make any kind of report. But I fear that he could say something like this to someone else and they might. And like I said we have a daughter, and other children I provide care for. I just dont want this coming back to somehow bite me in the ***. I never could have anticipated for a situation like this. Also I told my friend that I think we should all sit down with Joe and talk to him about it. Because he needs to know that lying like this is not ok. How serious this is. I mean these are serious child abuse allegations. And thinking back, he basically said similar things about a teacher at summercise this summer. So Im having doubts that even that was true. But his mom definatly thinks he told the truth about that. She feels that it "would be too intimidating for his age". And that he understands that he cant lie. But I disagree. Aside from all of this he does have a habit of telling small lies to get attention. Do you think he just said this to somehow get more attention? I dont know why I would be the target though...? His parents seem to think that someone must have told him to say this-but the only other kids I watch are 2 three year olds, and my daughter who's 2...(besides his little brother).

    I feel like our friendship will be affected by this-like it already has. What should I do? How would you advise me to handle this? And how would you respond to this?

    2 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Anybody know any ways to get baby moving?

    This is my second pregnancy, and I am 18 weeks and 2 days. With our first daughter, I began feeling her move around 17 weeks. Nothing strong or consistent, but it was unmistakable that it was the baby moving.

    This time, I havent felt anything yet, definatly. We've had three miscarriages in between these girls. (were having a girl thist ime) So im very eager to be able to start feeling her move! Is there anything I can do to try and get her to move? Any ideas would be helpful :)

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What do you think of this baby girl name?

    We are having our second baby girl this December. Our first daughters name is Suri Madelynn.

    We have definatly decided on the name Alivia for this baby girl :) (Ah-liv-e-ah)

    Im letting my hubby pick the middle name this time since I picked the middle name for Suri. He says he really likes Jane.

    Alivia Jane. What do you think? I think Jane sounds kind of plain :) I keep giving him suggestions (which he is open to hearing) Any similar names to Jane that you can think of? Or do you have a better middle name suggestion?

    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What do you think of these 3 girls names?

    So far we have agreed on 3 girls names :




    What are your opinions on each name? Do you have any middle name suggestions to go with each name? Do you have any other names you might suggest?

    We have a daughter, and her name is Suri Madelynn. Expecting our second baby girl the begining of December :)

    5 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Is this normal for 16 weeks pregnant?

    So this is our second baby-and I had absolutly no dizziness with my first pregnancy.

    I had my appointment today and when they took my blood pressue it was 99/64. He said thats kinda low.

    This evening I have been so dizzy. Like I feel like im gonna pass out-or fall over if im sitting. So i took a nap thinking it would go away-woke up, and im still dizzy. My doctor didnt seem concerned that it was low because I didnt have any dizziness of other symptoms. Until tonight that is (go figure).

    Should I be worried? Or should I go into the E.R.

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • We need help with a baby girl name?

    We just found out today that we are having another little girl<3!!!

    Our daughters name is Suri Madelynn. We cant decide on any little girls names, and we need your help! Opinions-something that will go nicely and is as unique as her big sisters name please :)

    11 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Im trying to bake some snickerdoodles and?

    I bought a premixed box of snickerdoodle cookie mix. All it calls for is a cup of water and 1/2 cup of butter.

    Anyways, I just realized that we do not have any butter-is there anything I can substitute for that? I have vegetable oil? And if so-what ammount?


    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Do you think our ultrasound tech was right?

    So I went in for my last ultrasound and I was 12 weeks 6 days. She said she thought it was a little girl. Then she tried getting another view, and then said she wasnt sure-from one angle it looked like a little boy, and from another looked like a girl. I know thats really early, and not to paint or anything like that-but we're just curious! :) I have another ultrasound and I will be 14 weeks 3 days. So she said we could look again then...What would you think tho since she thought a girl, but then wasnt sure :) Just guesses!

    We already have one little girl, so would love a boy this time-but either way boy or girl, this baby is very much loved<3

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Is it a crime to threaten kidnapping a child online?

    So this morning my sister wakes up to texts/phone calls from mostly men-who are wanting to know when she would like to meet to screw them and such...

    Someone had put a fake craigslist ad up about her-very digusting and vulger-and her phone number. This same person also makes a fake facebook account of her fiance, saying a bunch of disgusting things, and that their son is going to disappear.

    So obviously she calls the police-but they tell her that they cant do anything and tell her to contact facebook.

    Im wondering, isnt it a crime to threaten to kidnap a child online? Should they have done something? Is there anything that we can do?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Gender accuracy at 12 1/2 weeks ultrasound?

    So I will be 12 weeks 4 days tomorrow and have an ultrasound :)

    Two weeks ago (10 weeks 3 days) I had an ultrasound and the tech told me that she was almost sure she would be able to give us a guess of the gender (as long as baby was cooperating) . I was shocked because I found out at 20 weeks with out daughter. So im very anxious and excited :)

    I have been reading alot online about it actually becoming more common for them to be able to tell you an accurate result at 12 weeks (some as early as 11 weeks believe it or not). Although they are just guesses, according to the "angle of the dangle" they should be able to give me a good guess-right?

    Have any of you had an early ultrasound and was told the gender? Were they correct?

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Help us with baby names!?

    We are expecting our second baby. We are having the hardest time with names! Particularly girls names. We have a daughter named Suri Madelynn. For a boy we like Noah-no middle name yet-we kind of wanted a unique middle name since Noah is so common. And we have no girls names...can you think of any girls names that are unique-but not crazy out there names...

    Something that would go well with Suri too :)

    5 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • We need help with Baby Names!?!?!?!?

    We are currently expecting our second child-due the begining of December. We should be able to find out next week whether we are having a boy or a girl :) So exciting!

    We have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and her name is Suri Madelynn.

    Anyways! We need help with baby names! We like the name Noah for a boy-but since Noah is so common we want a "different" or "unique" middle name. Not something crazy.

    We have zero girls names that we like :/ I sort of like Acelynn-but my hubby isnt too crazy about it-So any ideas? We are open to all options! You can give me as many names as you want :)

    Thank you :)

    13 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What should I do right now???? Very worried :/?

    I had an ultrasound earlier this afternoon-Im 7 weeks 4 days and baby was measuring perfectly. Had a heartbeat of over 150 bpm.

    For the last two days I've been feeling not crampy but like a pressure pain in my lower abdomen. Yesterday I went to the ER for some brownish mucousy discharge-they said my levels are great-and my cervix is closed. So after todays ultrasound I felt alot better...

    I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was some pinkish blood...

    Im really worried now-tried calling the hospital but no one has called me back...

    Should I just go in? Can I have a miscarriage after seeing the baby perfectly fine 6 hours ago?

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago