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Lv 2944 points

Jack Flow

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  • Why do we always get bad news from the media?

    In England Television and newspapers always headline knife crime and murders, in Germany its child neglect and youth services and i am sure in France or whatever its something else.

    I honestly cant be asked to read the news anymore as they make me depressed. It sounds like our society is at the brink of collapse which of course (in my view) is not helping at all. Sure those things like child neglect and youth crime need to be highlighted but do they have to dominate our news every single fkucing day? It seems that the news is too heavily concentrating on war, crime, murder, drugs and accidents.

    I mean why should i care in London if someone in Scotland has a car accident??????? Thats not news. People have fatal car accidents every day. Just an example of a daily topic on the BBC.

    Do you honestly think the world/country we live in is as bad as the media portrays it?

    14 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Befordshire: Looking for musicians?

    Hi there,

    I am interested in working with other musicians in my area. I got a little home studio set up but our band (rock genre) takes up only a limited amount of time so i am looking to get something else started. I play guitar and a bit of drum/bass I am interested in any sort of project, whether it be electro, rock, blues, metal, Hip Hop etc....

    If you are a musician in the area and interested in doing something, let me know.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Who wants to start a musical project with me over the internet?

    I am having a hard time finding musicians in my area so i am looking at broadening my search horizon here. I play guitar and a bit of drums and am experienced with several music programs such as adobe audition, fruity loops etc.

    I got my own little studio set up which i use with my band and occasionally other artists but i still have way too much time so i am trying to find people interested in creating sounds of any kind online or around the area (Bedfordshire). Whether you are into electronic music i.e Hip Hop or blues,rock, metal etc..and are musician or singer..... doesnt matter.

    Anyway, if anyone is interested send me a mail.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Why does Naomi Cambell get away with her rude and sick behaviour every time?

    For kicking and spitting at officers on a plane!???!!!....among other things she has received 200 hundred hours of community service.

    Her lawyer Simon Nicholls said: "All my client wanted [was] to be dealt with as though she was anybody else."

    What kinda crap is that? Treated as somebody else? She wanted to be treated like a ******* queen of everything. Since she has shown so much violent behaviour in the past i dont get why she has not been given a more serious sentence.

    Does anyone know what happens usually if you assault a police officer in the UK?

    Give us your view on this pls!

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why is G. Bush such a backward thinker?

    Bush wants to lift a ban that prohibits the US from drilling for Oil in Alaska. In an area that is home to Millions of birds and migrating ones, Karibus and many other animals.

    But oil will be gone soon and it probably wont make a difference to the global market prices anyway say analysts.

    Why does Bush have no respect for the nature and general environment? Why destroy a protected wild life reserve for more oil? Why does he not think forward and move his country away from petrol consumption and make the US less dependent on other countries regarding oil imports?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Abortions: Why are people too dumb to use protection during sex?

    According to the BBC...A total of 198,499 abortions were carried out in 2007 with highest abortion rate in women aged 19 years. ...

    Whats wrong with parents & their kids sexual education??...

    In the under 16s, the number of abortions rose by 10% - from 3,990 in 2006 to 4,376 in 2007. Is the such a large proportion of people just too dumb to make sure they use a condom/ the pill etc? 200,000 Abortions in one year is just messed up.

    Health minister Dawn Primarolo said: "Contraception plays a vital role (its the only thing preventing pregnancy you clever women!!!) in preventing teenage pregnancy & earlier this year I announced a further investment of £26.8 million to improve women' access to contraception & help reduce the number of abortions, repeat abortions and teenage pregnancies."

    26 million for what? For anyone who doesnt know, you can get a condom at almost any store today. I cant believe such a large proportion of people (must be 400,000 to make 200,00 abortions) dont get it.

    19 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • BBC story: Why does noone get sacked and punished for wasting the taxpayers money?

    The Home Office has been criticized by a group of MPs for spending £29m on an asylum accommodation center which was never even built.

    I think the public should have a bigger say in government expenditures if it fails to make sure public money is not wasted like in this case. 30 million pounds is a lot of money and i could have done a lot better things with it than the government did on this occasion.

    Will anyone get sacked for this? Are we, the taxpayer not due compensation for this out of the governments pocket for a change? It seems when they mess up we have to pay for it. How about cutting government staff pay and pay for their fkuc ups that way? If i go and waste someone else's money i am responsible so why shouldn't the government staff be held responsible?

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Banning quad bikes?

    Why is it that everytime someone is too stupid to adhere to rulez everyone screams ban this and ban that!?!?!?!

    This kid was driving a Quad on a road (which is illegal!!!) and had an accident with a car. The boys 16 year old cousin also had a quad bike accident. If after that the kid has an accident than maybe their family should be banned from using and buying quads since they are obviously not parent enough to make sure that the kid uses the quad responsibly.

    Now they are shouting ban them and highlight the dangers.

    In my view you have to be stupid not to have realized before the potential dangers of driving a quad bike on the road. Shame on the family for being so irresponsible.

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Hedgehogs 2: What can i give the Hedgehog in our garden eat?

    We had this hedgehog living in our garden for a year or two but you rarely saw him. This year we noticed there are two. Ok they may have been two before but i think we would have seen them together at some point.

    They used to rip our rubbish bags and eat whatever was about. ;-) We have however cleared a section of the garden (but left some wild where we think they live) & the rubbish is now stored so no animal can get near it. My concern is the two hedgehogs food supply. We live in a small city & with limited food supply for them two so i was wondering whether there are any foods i can leave out for them without attracting rats, mice etc. Is there any kitchen organic rubbish i can leave them?

    Please help in finding an alternative food source for these two happy little guys. Take a look!

    11 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Hedgehogs: What is the Gender of these two Hedgehogs?

    I was wondering if anyone can tell me what gender these two hedgehogs are. We thought we had only one living in our garden but as it seem its two ;-)

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Is it time we invade Zimbabwe to end this regime of tyranny?

    Aid organisations have been thrown out.

    The opposition party leader has been arrested and detained (although now released) without just cause. Elections have been and will probably be rigged again.

    American and British diplomats have over the last few days been arrested, one beaten up, the tires of their cars cut up, their phones confiscated and they were also warned that they might be burned in their cars if they dont follow the police/soldiers to the local police station.

    Mugabe accuses countries like Brittain and the US to be responsible for the countries ****** economy with 100000% inflation even though everyone knows its his governments fault entirely.

    Can we allow someone to destroy millions of lives in his own country and just keep on watching?

    Isnt it justified here that we intervene? I mean if we can go to countries like Iraq without any proof of WMDs and give lots of bullshit excuses then surely we can go over there and help those poor people.

    What do you think?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Glastonbury Festival: Someone want my List of Youtube links for Artists coming to Glastonbury this year?

    I find its a good idea to check out who is coming and who they are before going to the festival. I have compiled a list with Artists in Alphabetical order from the main stages with two youtube links each. (and my personal rating but you dont need to pay attention to that ;-))

    I am just offering to send you people a copy of the word document since my mate found it quite useful. So just send me an email and i forward the list to you.

    PS: Pls include a thought in your prayers that this year it will be rain free :-)

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Why cant we beat hunger and malnutrition?

    In oder to eliminate hunger and malnutrition in the world (according to Jacques Diouf) one needs to spend about 30 billion US Dollars a year. About 862 Millionen people are estimated to be suffering from hunger/malnutrition at this time.

    Yet the world spends 1200 Billion dollars in arms expenditure a year.

    Whats your view on this?

    (I just noticed something very fkucing freaky.......after the above question mark i had exactly 666 characters to work with left. Check it out if you dont believe it by posting it into a question yourself!)

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is overweight causing my breathing problems?

    Hi. I am in my mid 20s and not in my ideal physical condition. around 105kg at a height of about 180cm. I have not done a hell of a lot of exercise over the last few years appart from some rare gym vists and the odd friendly football match although i nowadays go jogging every couple of days or so. I can however only run slowly for a few hundred meters before i get proper out of breath and need to wait a minute before going for another round. I used to smoke for about 9 years (incl. cannabis for a few years) but stopped. During rest at home my breaths per minute are about 18-20. I can be a bit of a hypochondriac but i feel out of breath even when i carry my bags of shopping from the cab into my house or when i walk up the street to the corner store. I am just curious whether this is mainly caused by myself being quite a bit overweight or whether it is likely that it is caused by something else? Am i concentrating too much on it and making myself crazy?

    6 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of slugs and birds eating my precious spices?

    I have recently started a herb garden and i was shocked when i went into the garden this morning and almost all of my spices/herbs had been eaten by birds and slugs.

    Are there any remedies against those slimy and airborne herb thieves. I am extremely p****d off right now. Please someone help before i burn my garden down!!! Jus kiddin ;-) i still need my pear and apple tree. Otherwise......

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Do you think the world running out of petrol will have advantages?

    Will it lead to everyone switching to hybrids/hydrogen cars or use biofuels from plants to power their vehicles?

    Will the ocean be fished less, leading to regenaration of the dying waterlife including plants and about every living thing in ocean? Will there be less polution?

    Will countries work closer together to share technological advances to replace oil as our main fuel with more suitable mediums?

    And so forth....

    I would love to hear what you think if a shortage of fuel would have a positive effect on this planet.

    3 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Why cant we predict the weather in the UK?

    I have been checking the weather forecasts on two occasions for a week daily over the last two months. I found that the forecast changed pretty much daily. From Sunny, to cloudy to heavy showers back to overcast and so forth.

    I am just curious why with all our technology blah blah blah we are still not able to predict the weather accurately a few days in advance. I can undrstand why long term forecasts are difficult but two days in advance it says sunshine and on the day it rains. Whats up with that?

    5 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • Do you think Burmese citizens should overthrow their military government after this current cyclone crisis?

    After providing no warning to their citizens whatsoever about the cyclone to hit Burma-Myanmar even though Thailand advised the government well in advance of this dangerous cyclone, after the army is not still not providing full emergency help or letting foreign aid and workers into the country, the government is not able to provide enough food, drinking water, medcine etc. etc. etc. and is still planning to hold a referendum over the next 2 weeks (in which they will claim a spearheading part in government that willl allow them to block any changes in the constitution in the future by the way) despite the suffering of millions of now homeless people and probably well over 100, 000 deaths, and the killing and arresting of many monks recently......isnt this a necessary step


    I believe it is time. I would love to see some of the monks in government that have immediately left shrines etc. to help the citizens of this poor country that could be one of the richest in the region!!

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • 125cc Purchase help. Type? Price? Insurance? etc.... (Bedfordshire??)?

    Hi there,

    I have recently passed my CBT, purchased all my bike gear and now i need a bike. I know the full license will get more expensive/difficult but i wanted to start on a 125cc before i get tempted to break the sound barrier with a bigger bike. I am ideally looking for a used cruiser/chopper style bike like a virago, bandit, marauder, dragstar etc..

    Can someone reccomend a decent bike in that class which sells at a decent price as i am a bit on a budget (up 1k prob.) and where to look as i am having troubles at finding any that are not honda cg's etc.? Any buying tips, places are appreciated too.

    If you can also advice me on some cheap full comp. insurance sellers that be wicked as well.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Who is Not going to watch the Olympic opening ceremony to protest against Chinas activities in Tibet?

    Keen to see what peoples opinion is on this subject. I am not going to watch by the way.

    These kind of human rights abuses (and we know they are there, why else would one throw out all foreign journalists out of Tibet. The man got something to hide right!?!) are unacceptable. I am happy to read today that both the Dalai Lama and Hu Jia have been made honorary guests (cannot think of thr right term....) by the town of Paris. I cant wait to hear Chinas response to this.

    16 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago