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  • How to get wings and pull backs in tap?

    I get the first sounds in wings put I never get the pull in dig part at the end.

    For pull backs my teacher says that even though I'm up on the balls of my feet I'm not on the right part or something so I don't get the sound.

    I'm falling behind in tap and obviously that's not good so any advice on how to get these two crucial tap steps.

    1 AnswerDancing8 years ago
  • Starting High School Advice?

    I'm not excited at all for high school cause there's more work and more responsibility and bla bla bla but....I want to make this year good because I heard freshman year reflects how your whole high school life will go.

    So advice on work,friends,activities, love, football games, or anything really.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • Tell me about yourself, I'm bored!?

    I'm not trying to be a stalker or anything just bored and want to talk to people...

    Name(it's optional.)?


    Favorite color?

    Favorite movie/t.v. show?

    Favorite hobby?

    If you could travel to one country where would you go?

    Dream job?

    Pets you have or want?

    Favorite book?

    Best day/time/experience of your life?

    Worst or most embarrassing day/time/experience of your life?

    Anything else you want to say bout yourself go ahead..

    6 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Does having high arched feet affect how high you can jump?

    Who jumps higher flat or arched feet?

    Who runs faster flat or arched feet?

    1 AnswerRunning8 years ago
  • I got really dizzy and etc during period?

    My monthly started yesterday and the cramps were probably the worse they've ever been.I decided to take a shower to try to make me feel better but before I even got in the shower I started to feel nauseous.Then when in the shower I got dizzy and I couldn't stand straight and there was a ringing in my ears and it was really weird.It took a couple minutes for it to go away.

    Is this normal?..It's never happened before to me.

    and is there a way to make sure it doesn't happen again?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • How to get my friend to move on?

    I seriously think my friend is unhealthy obsessed with this boy.

    She talks about him all the time and whenever I try to change the subject she somehow gets it back on him. I'm trying to get her to move on because he only likes her as a friend but doesn't want to be mean and full on reject her.She knows that he doesn't like her like that but she refuses to give up and she is very emotional so she is always sad or crying about it which gets very annoying after awhile especially since I'm kind of the opposite of emotional. I try to be a good friend and give her a shoulder to cry on but I seriously think she is just being my friend so she can talk about him to me because she claims I'm a good advice giver.

    She won't give any other boy a chance because she says it feels 'wrong' to like somebody else but I think it shouldn't because he likes other people too.I think she needs to a give other boys a chance so she can get over him.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • POLL:Do you feel awkward watching sex scenes with your parents in the room?

    I'm totally fine with sex and sex scenes by myself but with my parents I feel like dying which usually makes me hide out in the bathroom till it's over :)

    What about you!?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How to stop yourself from liking someone?

    I know the person I like will only like me as a friend and I respect that but it is sooo hard not to like them because they have a very funny and flirtatious attitude. How do I stop myself before I look like an idiot?...but I still want to remain friends with them.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My hamstrings get super tight and painful during/after dance class?

    Like I'll be completely fine when I'm dancing but as soon as I'm done or taking a break and my muscles cool down they just tighten and it seems to get more and more painful. Hursts soooo bad and I'm stretching as much as I can and it's not that I'm inflexible because I have my splits.

    How can I help this?

    3 AnswersDancing8 years ago
  • The funniest insults/comebacks/jokes you've ever heard of?

    I'm in the mood for a laugh.

    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • My ear piercing is swelling bad and it hurts and I want to take it out?

    So I had to put on clip on earrings for this thing I was doing and I one hole was closed up because it just didn't work out but the other one still had my earring in it.I was scared to take it out because it gets irritated easily and hurts sometimes.My mom said to just put the clip on next to it and it will cover it so I did and it worked but since it wasnt in the exact spot it was kind of loose and after awhile slipped off.My mom offered to put it back on but I said no because I didn't want her to mess with it but she did anyways and the clip on got twisted up with my earring it hurt really bad( to the point of crying).Now it's red and puffy and it stings all the time even if I'm not touching it or nothing and it's been a couple of days

    Im just tired of earrings and I want to take it out and let it close up but I'm trying to take it out with out it hurting really bad.

    Is there a way to numb the pain or a special way to take it out or something?

    Sorry its long but it was hard to summarize because my ears stinging so bad I cant concentrate.

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • How to get rid of a sore throat?

    I can feel it coming in the back of my throat and I have something important to do this weekend and I can't be thinking about my throat hurting.I have really gotten sick this winter but a lot of people around me are so I guess getting sick is inevitable.

    Help me get rid of this!

    Thanks :)

    Oh and I absolutely cannot stand the salt and water thing so please don't suggest that.

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • Do you think it's wrong to inbreed dogs?

    I watched this video about show dogs and some were suffering from disorders from inbreeding and it was super sad.Although some people in the video were all like we need to inbreed these dogs to keep them beautiful and crap.We as humans do not inbreed because we know it has negative effects so why would you force a dog to do it especially if you know it can hurt them.

    Agree or Disagree and why?

    9 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How to get skinnier thighs?

    I have a pretty average sized body but my thighs are where I get the most fat while my stomach has barley any compared to it.I hate looking at my thighs and I just want to get rid of the fat in my inner thighs.So how do I do it!?!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • My friends have drama and I try to be the peacekeeper?

    One of the group of friends I hang out with are always getting into arguments and fighting and crying.I try to keep the peace but when they have drama they act like I'm invisible and don't listen.They are great friends when there not fighting and I've never had friends so drama-filled.

    So how do I keep the peace since they don't listen to me?

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • My dad is an artist and he loves to get art supplies and things like that for Christmas an suggestions?

    He draws and paints.And he also likes computer graphic type things.Anyone have a suggestion?

    4 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • Does anyone else love the milk after eating frosted flakes?

    Haha my friend made me feel like a freak when I ate some frosted flakes and then just drank the milk.She said that I'm either a crazy person or half cat.

    So I'm askin....Does anyone love the milk after a good bowl of frosted flakes? :)

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago