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  • Is it weird for a 23 year old to date a 19 year old?

    I didn't think so at first since were both in college, but I would be creeped out if I saw a couple aged 21-17 or 22-18. It's the same age difference and I'm not sure if it is wrong.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Is "The Atlantic" considered a reliable news source, academically?

    I'm not asking about the politics, I know it leans left. I need to write a paper and I found an article in the Atlantic that I want to use, but I don't know if it's considered a legitimate newspaper by professors

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism3 years ago
  • 22 and 28?

    I'm a 22 year old guy, I met this woman through a dating app. She's pretty and we really seem to hit it off. Then i found out that she's 28, whitch doesn't bother me right now, but I don't know if it could be a problem eventually because I'm the young one. I still have one semester of college left and I look young for my age. It's mostly maturity I'm worried about, if I'm going to be annoyingly immature without even realizing it. I've dated a few girls, but never dated a woman (if that makes sense).

    A) is this age gap weird or creepy?

    B) will this cause problems down the road after the initial infatuation wears off?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How long does it take a detached fingernail to stop hurting?

    I was working in my barn today, and I jammed the tip of my fingernail hard. Half the nail on my ring finger came loose. It's still there under the bandage, but my research said it won't reattach and will take about 6 months to grow back (less than that probably because it wasn't the white nail). But how long will it take for the exposed area to heal and stop hurting like crazy?

    1 AnswerInjuries3 years ago
  • My best friend cut me off because she caught feelings. What should I do?

    I'm a straight guy, 22, and my best friend is a girl. (I know that sounds strange, basically I wanted to date her when I met her but when that didn't happen we just became best friends, we can talk about anything together). Anyway, we go to different universities and we started texting and calling more than usual, and she started having feelings for me so she cut me out of her life so it wouldn't effect her and her current boyfriend. So now I'm depressed because I lost a best friend of 6 years. This is by far the weirdest situation I've ever been in and I'm not thinking rationally, how should I handle this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Best way to make gains without supplements?

    I m currently taking medication that I ve noticed has a terrible interaction with any supplement I try. I ve just gotten started working out for muscle (I never needed to before, but I m getting older) and I was always told that supplements are the best way to get started. What are the best alternatives?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • Why do millennials not take responsibility? Is parenting to blame?

    I was born in 1995 so that makes me a millennial, but I was adopted at birth and my parents are older than most parents as a result. I say that to say that they're very old school, work for what you get type of people. I've noticed that my generation is filled with people who do not take responsibility for their actions and always want to blame somebody else for their shortcomings and misfortune. Is there a psychological reason for this? For example I bring up that my parents are older than most parents of people my age, because I wonder if there is there some sort of change in the way people parent from 70s to the 90s? It seems that the most logical assumption is that there was a shift in parenting styles that led to the psychology of millennials.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture3 years ago
  • How do I parenthetically cite two articles written by the same author in the same year.?

    Specifically in APA. Right now theyre both ....(Tracy, 2013).

    2 AnswersHomework Help3 years ago
  • Is it normal to laugh when you're stressed?

    So I know this is a really weird thing to ask. At the beginning of the day I had tons of homework and other things to. I managed to get them all done but I still have a really huge assignment coming up next week. Afterward I work out, and did my normal before bed stuff including things that help me relieve stress. After I did all this, I just started spontaneously laughing, for no good reason. Is this normal when you relieve large amounts of stress? Or am I just crazy lol?

    4 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Why does the left hate private school?

    This makes no sense to me. And here I thought they were "pro choice" (I guess choice only applies to that other thing). It's something my liberal friends talk about a lot but I just can't wrap my head around. You're supposed to let your kids have a worse education because...society? Someone please explain.

    18 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • How to get rid of a beer gut?

    Obviously, cut down on beer, duh. But beyond that, what is the most efficient way to lose the gut? I do cardio nearly everyday and it's been a bit better, but I'm looking to see if there's a better way. The gut isn't too bad, I still fit in a medium, but I want to nip it in the bud before it gets really bad

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Naming customs (Sr. Jr. III, etc. )?

    My grandpa is James Samuel (blank), my dad's name is James Samuel (blank). My name is not the same, but if I named my son James Samuel, would he be James Samuel (blank) III? The one generation gap confuses me. Would it reset?

    5 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • What's with the stereotype whites messing with the paranormal?

    This is mostly in jest. I've seen black youtubers react videos and whenever there is ghosts etc., I always hear how black people know better and white people are crazy. I know it's a joke, but the best jokes have a small bit of truth. So how did this hilarious stereotype begin?

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles4 years ago
  • Why does stomach fat feel "softer?"?

    So I ve started working out, lots of cardio. When I started I had what I would describe as a beer gut. Now that I ve started exercising, I ve noticed significant improvements in my overall health, but for some reason it feels like the fact that I had in my stomach is sinking. It s like this, most of the fat that was in my middle chest area is gone, that area is fairly toned. However, my belly, the area near where my belt would go has stayed relatively the same but gotten softer and it seems to "droop" more. Same thing with my breast area. My assumption was that some of the fat from my chest is sinking down into my belly and that it s just part of the gradual weight loss process, but I could be wrong because I don t know very much about this stuff.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Why do those people in weight loss "before and after" photos not have ridiculous amounts of loose skin?

    I know that people are going to say that it's just for the commercial and that not many people actually get that way or that they got surgery. However I've seen those self made videos about weight loss where the same thing happens. I ask this because I'm trying weight loss right now and I'm afraid of ending up with loose skin. Like I know of course there will be some loose skin, no way around that, but I don't want to be a lot of it.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Do you expect Donald Trump to go two terms?

    I won't say my own personal political and moral beliefs, so not too bias the question. However with this last election cycle, combined with generation Z, I expect a republican president in the next election. However I do not believe that the current Republican establishment can win it themselves. Which is why I think an outsider like Trump could win twice. However there has also been large public resistance to Donald Trump at his policies. Ask the question that I stated in the title?

    12 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • What book is this?

    I can't remember the title. The premise is that a kid gets sent to "camp" where he gets brainwashed to the point where at the end, his mother learns of the inhumane practices, only for her son (the main character) is so indoctrinated into the brainwashing that he insisted that he deserved all the inhumane treatment. I think he tried to escape to Canada somewhere in the story. Any help on the title? It's bugging me.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • (Girls answer please) is no sex a deal breaker?

    I am 21 and practicing abstinence. I think sex is for marries couples. You may disagree with me, but that's my position based on my upbringing. Do women my age see that as a problem that could gradually hurt the relationship? I'm in college, and I see (not literally seeing in person) sex constantly. It makes me insecure about asking girls out because I want a relationship but I also want to keep true to my values first and foremost. Please don't give me an anti-religion answer, I just want to know if the malr practicing abstinence is a problem for some girls.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago