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The beachball in the suit

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  • Can a business' credit rating affect me personally?

    I ran a successful business, but was forced to stop working a year ago due to health reasons. Initially, I planned for this to be temporary while I recovered, and there was enough money in the bank to cover monthly bills etc for a certain amount of time.

    However, as time went on, it became clear that I wouldn't be able to go back and the cash had dwindled. I had an account with a well-known business bartering service and this was in debit to the tune of £5k. While this remained in debit, and I was unable to work off the debt, they expected me to either settle the amount in cash or continue to pay the monthly fees until such a time as I could, neither of which I was able to do.

    I explained the situation to them - not able to work, won't be able to work again for the foreseeable future, nothing I can do about the outstanding amount. I've received a letter from them saying that if I don't pay within 14 days the company will be reported to Experian.

    As the company is defunct (still exists as a Ltd entity but hasn't traded since April 11), is this anything I need to worry about, or, as I'm never going back to running a business, should I just let them waste their energy? Will a bad credit rating for it affect me in any way personally? Its registered address is my former residence which I still own.

    2 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Am I pregnant? Dates don't add up, but...?

    Hi everyone.

    Hubby and I have been TTC for about 3 months. My period was due 30th May, but didn't come, didn't come and I was doing tests every day, all neg. Then, on 8th June, my period came. It lasted for about 3/4 days, then we had sex a few times in the days after that, then last Monday or Tuesday (so 13th or 14th) I noticed a pinky brown discharge, but didn't think anything of it.

    Then, this weekend, I had what I though was flu, with throwing up, dizziness, aches and pains all over. But the worst pain of all was in my breasts, which hurt even with the slightest touch and I couldn't lean up on my arms at all. The pain has now gone down but they're noticably bigger - I am bursting out of my bra - and they're getting itchy too. I've been having period-type cramps and still nausea and dizziness and I suddenly can't stand coffee or diet coke, whereas I usually love it.

    I know that the dates don't make sense, surely there's no way that I could have ovulated and conceived since my period finished on 11th or 12 of June, but I just have a feeling...

    Anyway, I took a test just now, so not first thing in the morning by any means, and I think there's a very faint line, but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it. Am I going nuts here? Or could I be pregnant? Really appreciate any help.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Will my Microgynon side-effects normalise?

    I changed from Cerazette to Microgynon about 10 days ago. About the last four or five days I've had a sore, bloated, slightly upset stomach and I've put on about four pounds.

    I want to know if this is a sign of things to come, or whether these symptoms will settle down soon. I was on Microgynon years ago and don't remember having any of these then, but I may be wrong.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How many times a day to walk a Dalmatian puppy?

    I have started to worry about over-walking my pup, Paco.

    He is 4 months old, and getting very big. Nevertheless, somebody recently told me that overwalking can lead to joint problems later in a dog's life.

    We normally take him out for about 45 minutes in the morning, anywhere from 20 - 40 minutes at lunch and a good hour to hour and a half in the evning, as well as 5 or 10 minutes before bed. He is getting at least 2 1/2 hours a day.

    This is normally comprised of a 5/10 minute walk to the park, playing extensively with ball/other dogs at the park, 5/10 minute walk back.

    Can anyone advise?

    Should I maybe cut out the lunch time walk?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think the newspapers are to blame....?

    ...for this Triesman scandal?

    If they really had the 'public interest' at heart, they would never have published what he said and put the World Cup bid in jeopardy.

    If we don't get the World Cup, we should blame the Daily Mail.

    5 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Can the real Dr Bad please stand up?

    Alright, I have been away for a while and now there seem to be Dr Bads all over the place. Who is the original one, please?

    3 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Rooney to Real - will it happen?

    Yawn yawn yawn Real Madrid have been doing their best to get this rumour on the mill.

    April 2009, Rooney:

    I never want to leave United, I love the football club. As long as they want me I'll be here. I hope to be here in a decade and be like Ryan Giggs or Gary Neville.

    Sept 2009, Rooney:

    can you imagine me playing abroad? I don't even like away trips to London. I'm a Northern lad and I love being near my family.

    Dec 2009, Coleen Rooney:

    I couldn't imagine bringing up Kai without my mum and family near by.

    Real, we know you have no imagination when it comes to signing players, but you might be wasting your time.


    15 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Don't you just love Steve Bruce?

    "They [Liverpool] have been saying we've agreed a loan deal for Kenwyne [Jones]. They must think I've lost my marbles. Why would I let one of our biggest players go out on loan? It's like me asking to loan Steven Gerrard. I might try that."

    Brucie announces his main transfer target.

    5 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Hiya guys, not been on here for ages, what's been happening?

    MJ still amusing everybody? Liverpool's season still the main source of entertainment?

    4 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • How can I get my Dell Laptop to connect wirelessly?

    I have a Dell Latitude D630 laptop. It connects to the internet fine with a wired connection, but won't wirelessly. It says that it is connected to my wireless network and that the signal is strong, but it won't load any pages. I've turned Firewall off, and it isn't a problem with the internet because my other computer connects wirelessly with no problem. Dell support logged in and said it was a firewall issue, but I've since turned that off and it doesn't help. Anyone got any ideas?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • When the World Cup seedings are announced...?

    Who wants to bet that France, who just got through the play offs with a deflected goal and a cheated one, will be seeded, while Holland, who qualified with 100% record, will again not be and Serbia, who qualified automatically above France won't be either?

    I hate FIFA. They are ruining football.

    4 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)1 decade ago
  • Do the authorities that run football have any credibilty left?

    Constant high profile errors, never an explanation or apology, seeming biases which nothing is done to dispel... Is it just me or is anyone else becoming completely dissillusioned with the way football is run?

    As a fan, it's become so frustrating. Instead of trying to make football fair and enjoyable for the people that pay to watch it, they are always coming put with stupid initiatives about respect or friendship or striking up sponsorship deals so that we can be sold to constantly.

    They'd do well to remember that if we didn't pay to watch football there'd be no six figure salaries for them, and try to do a bit better to keep us interested.

    3 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • How are FIFA going to jusitfy this one?

    Like Darren Fletcher having fouled Fabregas 'after he got the ball'?

    They can never admit that somebody got something wrong... So what are they going to come up with?

    4 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • What time is the Paquaio fight going to start?

    I know the Sky program starts at 2, but when will the fight actually start? Just want to know if it's worth staying up for.

    1 AnswerBoxing1 decade ago
  • David Beckham's new hair...?

    The weird kind of Mohawk with a yellow blob in it... When did a new Becks hairdo stop being a major international incident? I just saw it on Sky Sports - surely we should have been made aware of this as it happened? Don't we have a right to know?

    2 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Who'd have thought the mighty Leeds, off of a Champions League semi final against Real Madrid,?

    Would be taking on Accrington Stanley just a few years later?

    I just saw that fixture and it made me laugh. "Accrington Stanley - who ate they?"

    5 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else feel that we're watching the refs as much as the players this season?

    They've become too high profile by virtue of their bad decisions this season. And I don't just mean against United, before anyone starts.

    4 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • When the keeper gets chipped from 30 yards...?

    Do you have to question his positioning?

    3 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to jump without your feet being in the air?

    If you can do that please tell Johnny Evans as he obviously hasn't figured it out yet.

    9 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Does every set of supporters think they have some sort of moral high ground...?

    Especially over local rivals? Is the fact of the matter that we are all good and bad for the same reasons, our clubs are as good institutions as each other and it's just down to an accident of birth, heritage or sheer chance that you support who you do?

    How much does the club you support define you?

    2 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago