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According to Malcolm Gladwell, in his book, "The Tipping Point", there is a particular category of person called a "Maven" that assists in helping a product or service acheive the tipping point. This is a category of person that I fall under, and have been jokingly nicknamed by my friends. As such, I find this place is an excellent way to put some of that knowledge to good use, and also, to pose more questions where I don't feel the information I have found is extensive enough to validate or invalidate a stated idea.
Looking to locate "local" opporunities to participate in vocal performance?
Specifically, I need assistance in finding an online resource that can help me locate someplace locally (I'm in the Twin Cities, MN) where I can participate in vocal arts without necessarily joining the "church choir" so to speak. I used to perform locally but when I moved other things took center stage and now that my life is in order, I really would like to get back into it. Examples would be community choirs, locals bands, etc. Any resources you can help identify would be great. Thanks!
1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade agoEarly Labor - what's your experience?
I'm almost 37 weeks. I've been having regular contrax (3-5 min apart) since Saturday, had the runs since then, lost my mucus plug on Monday, was dilated to 1cm (whoop-de-doo), and the baby is a little lower than a -2 station. I'm being told after a cervical exam that I am in early labor which can last up to two weeks (I was lucky and lost the mucus plug on the way to my exam so they could verify it for me). Problem is, I'm tired and worn out from these regular contractions and the lack of sleep, and I know early labor isn't normally this "intense" (I happen to have an irritable uterus, which doesn't help). I'd love to hear your stories!?
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoOther moms - Diarrhea, contractions, a little over 36wks, could this be it? How long was it for you?
I've had steady Braxton Hicks for the last two days (nothing new for me except that they've continued for two days), I'm 36w1d (docs are considering me full term since I had all these pre-term contractions) and I have the runs like I have never had before...
For those of you that have been in labor... how many had your labor preceeded by diarrhea and if so, now long did it last, and how long til you were in active or noticeable labor after the diarrhea kicked in?
Thanks in advance!
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoLost Mucus Plug, Lost 2lbs, Cramping, Ongoing BH, 0 Station, only 34 weeks...?
I started having intense & frequent BH on 8/11 (32wks), the baby dropped to a 0 station as well. I was placed in L&D and put on bedrest with no sex and oral terb to control them. I've been seen weekly up until this week. Now, I'm back to work part time, docs are hoping for the baby to hold out, but don't want to interfere. Next appt isn't for another 2 wks.
I've lost my mucus plug over the course of the last several days. Yesterday it was heavy with pink striping. The same day the discharge started I had menstrual-like cramping kick in as well as losing 2lb.
I've heard dif. lengths you can go w/o mucus plug, but everything put together has me thinking in the next several weeks. Unfortunately, I'm early. The Dr. knows about my plug, but I have an FFN that says I should be fine until 35wks, and after that the baby is in much better shape.
Any online resources or personal stories to help me analyze this would be greatly appreciated.
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago31 wks, baby is locked in pelvis, can he move back out again?
I'm 31 weeks along. On thursday I had a negative FFN, with a closed and high cervix, but contractions that were coming every 5 minutes, and lasting 1-2 minutes getting stronger. They had me go into the hospital. I received injections to stop the contractions, pill form to control them throughout the next couple of days, I was placed on bedrest for the weekend, told to see a doc on Mon. and was also given the first round of steroid injections.
The next day I went in for the 2nd round, they asked how my contractions were doing. I showed them my log, throughout the day I had taken pills in order to get the contractions to drop down in intensity below 6 per hour. They checked my cervix again. Now it is 20% effaced, and the baby is locked in the pelvis around a 0 station. The dilation has started, although it wasn't to a 1 yet. B/C of the neg FFN, they decided to wait until Monday for the O/B to decide how to handle.
Can the baby move back out of the pelvis after being locked?
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago