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  • Got into this huge argument with my sister, what now? (This is pretty long I appreciate everybody who reads..)?

    I appreciate anybody who takes time out of their day to read this and help me out, I truly don't know what to do) Mature answers only please considering the situation I'm in is complicated)

    Backstory: My sister recently came back from Mexico, after she broke up with her boyfriend and made a buttload of mistakes. She basically dropped out of college, took all the financial aid and school loans to run away with him to Mexico because he got deported, claiming she would never be back where she suffered from an abusive relationship which was her own fault for sleeping around when she dated this boxer type guy. Since then I can't really says that our family has been the same.

    Currently: She came back a few months ago, and now that I'm on my winter break I'm living with her and my parent's, and I honestly can't stand her right now. We got into argument about life and school along with the importance of an education. At least that's what it seemed like but she got off on a tangent talking about how immature I was because I lacked the life experience she had gone through. Then she basically acted like she knew everything and saying she still had a bright future because she planned on going back to college, honestly she's just book smart. Honestly, though she can't really get financial aid because of what she did so I told her that the best way to do get back on track was to out and find a job, because the sooner she started the faster she'd be able to accomplish this. She then went back to victimizing herself by telling me that I was acting immature and didn't know what I was talking about, claiming that it's been difficult and that finding a job wasn't easy. Ironically though, a few weeks back we were at a seafood restaurant were I saw a sign that said "NOW HIRING" and at the time I suggested she should apply to which she replied with "Hell no! I don't wanna work at minimum wage" to which I replied with "Something is better than nothing".

    We then started talking about finances, I asked her how she was planning on going back to school without any money to pay back everything she owed. She told me that our parents would help and I asked her "How are they gonna do that? They can barely afford my education, so how are they gonna afford your too?" to which she said "you could always get a job like your friends." I told her that I wouldn't be able to get a job that I live on campus and most jobs are far away, where I study. I'd need to take a 3hr bus ride to get to the closest job." She just kept going on and on about how I should be the one to get a job after telling me how hard school was for her when she worked, while she had a job. The reasoning just wasn't there.

    Finally, I told her that "I wasn't gonna get a job and that I shouldn't suffer for her mistakes because I haven't really done anything stupid and irresponsible like her.Then she started acting arrogant, which is the one thing that really pisses me off, saying that she was/still is responsible after all this time, saying that she only made one mistake. While I told she had made plenty of them and how she's going around in a circle repeating the same mistakes she's always made without realizing it. I told her that she can't live without her boyfriend and that all she was doing now was lounging around without doing anything. The thing I forget to mention was throughout the whole conversation she called me stupid, arrogant, immature, and a whole slew of words that really got on my words while literally smirking and laughing at the advice I was trying to give her telling me that I was too young to have experienced anything anywhere remotely close to what she had experienced.Meanwhile, I kept telling her that she didn't have to call me names considering I hadn't even called her any throughout the whole conversation. Before I could reply my dad came in asking what the hell was going on, to which I had no response because I was so angry and frustrated so I just left the room and wnt to my own, where I basically everything just ended up coming out, I punched the wall and sobbed a little so to vent I started writing this. However I do need some help because my dad said we would talk about it tomorrow and I really don't know what is gonna happen considering I don't even wanna see my sister at the moment. So any advice as to what I should do tomorrow?

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • So what is going on, does she like me or not?

    To start things off I'm a college student who needs girl help. I met her at my dance class, and at first we rarely talked I just asked her whether I was doing things right or wrong and after a few weeks our conversations progressed to talking about interests, hobbies, and plans. Recently though, I think we started flirting and I say think because I can never tell to be honest. Anyways, we started talking about soccer and I asked her to join my team to which she smiled with excitement and said maybe. Then we talked some more, I made her laugh a little and even surprised her at one point. By surprise I mean I dipped her when she didn't see it coming to which she lightly squealed and laughed, I hugged her and teased her about it. As the night progressed I teased her more to which she smiled and laughed. Now here is the part that confuses me, I decided to ask her for her phone number to which She said, "Wow, that was really forward" and smiled. I replied with "I know!" and smiled back. Right when she was about to give it to me, I'm assuming, I realized I didn't have my phone so I offered mine. She asked me what my last name was, then told me to friend her on facbook to which I agreed then asked her for her last name and she just said "Wouldn't you like to know" with a flirty smile. She then said good luck finding me on Facebook it won't be easy and she said that playfully, and I said I accepted her challenge and that I'd find her the next morning. Was she flirting with me? Does it seem like she likes me or is she trying to distance herself from me, because I don't understand why she would decline my phone number, then tell me to find her on Facebook. Also I did find her it wasn't that hard, and I saw her yesterday at the cafeteria I was a little surprised but she said Hi when she saw me and then gave me a long Bye when she left with a big smile but I may just be reading too much into this. Opinions??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Need help with a girl I hardly see. Any takers? Be serious please. ?

    To start things off I'm a college student who needs girl help. I met her at my dance class, and at first we rarely talked I just asked her whether I was doing things right or wrong and after a few weeks our conversations progressed to talking about interests, hobbies, and plans. Recently though, I think we started flirting and I say think because I can never tell to be honest. Anyways, we started talking about soccer and I asked her to join my team to which she smiled with excitement and said maybe. Then we talked some more, I made her laugh a little and even surprised her at one point. By surprise I mean I dipped her when she didn't see it coming to which she lightly squealed and laughed, I hugged her and teased her about it. As the night progressed I teased her more to which she smiled and laughed. Now here is the part that confuses me, I decided to ask her for her phone number to which She said, "Wow, that was really forward" and smiled. I replied with "I know!" and smiled back. Right when she was about to give it to me, I'm assuming, I realized I didn't have my phone so I offered mine. She asked me what my last name was, then told me to friend her on facbook to which I agreed then asked her for her last name and she just said "Wouldn't you like to know". She then said good luck finding me on Facebook it won't be easy, and I said I'd find her by the next morning. Was she flirting with me? Does it seem like she likes me or is she trying to distance herself from me, because I don't understand why she would decline my phone number, then tell me to find her on Facebook.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What's a good way to get a girl's attention?

    So i met this girl at a random party last Friday and I haven't talked to her since. Is it possible to get a relationship going from this? I'm thinking about texting her a place that where we can both meet up to do something and have fun but since we both live on campus and have no car, I assume, there aren't many places to go. I'm in Austin at the moment, if it's of any relevance. Anyways what's a good way to get her attention? I think it might be a little awkward if I ask her out to something other than the movies because a good movie can give you something to talk about but there aren't any close by theaters any ideas??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I'm getting mixed signals, can somebody help?

    So Friday I met this girl at a party. I know she was attracted to me because the whole night she was holding my hand taking me to all the places you can go. It seemed like she didn't care where we went she just wanted to be with me. For example i asked if she had danced yet, she said no, cause she doesn't know how. I encouraged her and said "its not that hard but its really hot and crowded in there, we'd probably just go in and out". She told me "I don't care let's go!" but I didn't think she'd take me so literally.

    Eventually, she gives me her number and tells me please don't be like those other guys, let's have brunch tomorrow. Then we ran into this other guy who she got into an argument asking him why he never texted or called her. The rest of the night kinda took a downturn and neither of us woke up for brunch and I'm lost. I really wanna ask her out on a date but I don't know where I could take her, cause we both live on campus and have no mode of transportation to go anywhere. So now I'm debating whether to take her somewhere nice and kinda make her walk or somewhere local. She's foreign and I really have no idea where I could take her for dinner or anything. I need some help, its been a few days since I last talked to her.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Does this mean she likes me?

    Lately, I've been hanging out with one of my friends and I think she might like me. Mostly because of how often we hang out, like yesterday she asked me if I could take her to work and have breakfast with her in the morning and so we did. Later today, she wanted me to pick her up from work so that we could go see a movie together. At first zi didn't think much of it because we always watched a few movies and ate lunch but with a group of our friends but lately it seems like it's just me and her, alone. We're pretty much always together and she's always asking me to hang out with her, and recently she's even started texting me a lot more than usual. However, I'm not sure I'm exciting enough for her, but I'd really like for this to work out. Should I tell her I like her even though I'm going to be moving away to a different city for college? Can you tell whether she like me or not?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I need some advice for tomorrow it's URGENT!?

    So tomorrow I'm going to hang out with this one girl that I've been liking since the summer began. We've been hanging out a lot, going to movies, having lunch with each other, and we've been pretty good friends for the last 2 years. I never really thought of her as more than friends but recently I've been having mixed feelings for her. She invited me to the beach for one of our friends birthdays were she constantly asked me to hang out with her. We'd go into the water and she'd ask me to lift her up and to let her get on my shoulders (I didn't cause I didn't want to embarrass myself so our friend did it). In the meantime, while she was on my friend she told me to hold her hand and to help her down off his shoulder by carrying her even though he could probably put her back with ease (I think she just wanted me to carry her). Then she'd rub up against me in the water and asking me to help her get back to shore cause the current was strong.

    Also, whenever we're going somewhere with some friends she always makes sure gets the passenger seat next to me instead of sitting with her best friend. She's also very trusting of me cause she tells me about her family troubles and things that are going on in her life and her future plans for college. She even asks me for some advice, but we never really talk unless we're with friends. I think she sees me as a very serious quiet guy cause whenever I'm with her I don't really know what to say.

    I invited her to come with me tomorrow to go get some school supplies and maybe a movie, probably lunch too and I'm hoping to ask her out but I really want to know if it's worth it cause I don't want to ruin what we have. My sister told to just let things run their course and eventually she would truly show me whether she likes me or not. What do you guys think I should do?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Am i more than just a friend?

    This summer I had decided to get reacquainted with one of my high school friends on an only friends bases but I seem to be falling for her and I'm not sure what to do. She keeps sending me mixed messages (or I'm over thinking the situation). I've heard her talk about one of her love interests with her sister and she'll tell me about how they're doing since he's also one of my high school buddies (he's very attractive- no homo).

    However, recently she invited me to the beach for one of our friends birthdays and the whole day it seemed like she was rubbing up against me in the water. She even asked me to carry her but I refused on the basis that I don't want to embarrass myself so one of our other friends did it, but while she was on him she asked me to hold her hand and catch her if she fell (which she did). Then, we would go into the deep end and shed ask me to hold her hand and pull her to shore. This just went on the whole day.

    She also seems like she trusts me more than most other guys cause she'll call me every now and then to ask for a ride to work, and she offers me gas money but I always refuse since she's my friend. Today she even told me about her families financial troubles and how her mom took away some of her money to pay off some of the bills (she doesn't even resent her mom for doing this behind her back, which just showed off her compassionate side making me like her more). I know she's been having a hard time with her uncle and g-ma dying recently too. She even called me today to ask me to hang out with her cause she needed to have some fun so at least I can provide her with some form of happiness.

    Lastly, she also told me that she stopped talking to her love interest because he was taking to his ex and was lying about it. (she's been hanging out with me more now).

    Honestly though I feel like i'm her second option and I'm confused as to where I've stand so if any of you have been in a similar situation it would be nice if you could help me out. Thank you.

    6 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • A little confused as to where I stand??:/?

    Well there is this girl that I met back when I was in high school and we still hang out now that I'm out of school. She's an amazing person but she confuses me quite often. Mostly because of the way she treats me, granted that she's really playful and nice she seems to trust me more than most guys. Every now and then she asks me for a ride to work and I really don't mind since she lives close to me and her job is close by too.

    Last time we were at the beach one of my friends was carrying her but she told me to hold her hand so that she wouldn't fall and that same day she kept rubbing up againt me in the water.

    Then she would ask me to hold her hand and bring her back to shore. Whenever were with a group of friends she seems to always claim the seat next to mine cause I'm the driver. However I she stares at me for a long time I'm not sure if its because she's trying to mess with me or because she likes me.

    I know it seems like she likes me but I know for sure that she has/had a love interest. He's one of my friends and she brings him up every once in a while but she recently told me that she wasn't speaking to him because he was still talking to his ex.

    She hangs out with me more now but I think I'm her second choice and I really don't like feeling like I'm the second option. So am I just her second option, a good friend, or what? I'm confused...

    4 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Anybody know any good Icebreakers?

    I'm gonna be going back to college soon and I've been wanting to make new friends for a while now but I can never think of anything to say when I meet somebody new (specially not if it's a girl). Aside from the beginning of a conversation I can usually keep it going if I have similar interests. What are some ways I can start a conversation with a new person?

    3 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • SO I've been told that i'm too nice?

    The other day me and two of my friends were having dinner, and I was telling her that the other day at work my manager asked me to stay for an extra hour that turned out to be six more hours...and as we were talking one of my friends texted my other friend and she asks me to respond for her. Well I didn't think it was much of it but it led to my other friend saying that I might be too nice which leads me to be a "pushover" at times. Honestly I never do anything that I don't wanna do and if somebody asks me for help I'm usually willing to help out but I'm more intent on doing this with girls which might make it seem like I am to them. Well, as the day progressed she tricked me into putting up her tray for her...I felt she might be tricking me cause she went, "can you go put up my tray for me?" and as a gentlemen I said yes but thinking that she might just be tricking me, so I said, "the trash can is over there by the exit, I'm sure you can take it out." With a puty face she just said "but im tired" so i said ok. As soon as I did she smiled and she went told you so. Honestly though that's not what bothers me, what bother me is that I think she might be right. I may be too nice cause I always do what people ask of me because I never see it as a big deal. Am I being to nice and is this a problem that can be fixed?

    9 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • How to gain weight the right way?

    I've been trying to gain weight but I want to gain it the right way, not McDonalds or any fast food. I want to gain it eating natural food, like homemade, I'd rather not want to feel forced to eat vitamins or anything like that. Frankly I just need help thinking of a diet that I could eat, like meals and stuff. I've started by cutting myself of from soda and just drinking water and I would really like to know what would be helpful things to eat. Im 6,2 and 128, trying to get up to at least 160 and I know this will take time but the sooner the better right?

    This isn't for personal appearance I just want to be healthy is all, can you help?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • I'm trying to get healthy can somebody help?

    I'm trying to gain weight because I've become underweight and I've been trying for a few years to try and gain it back but I can't. My friends say that it may be my metabolism so now I'm just trying to figure out what type of food I need to eat, and when I get back to school I plan to start working out again. Can anybody help,I'm 6,2 and 128 lbs?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Girls: Is it a problem if a guy doesn't open up about himself?

    I'm asking this because usually I find it hard to talk about myself because as I was growing up I learned that being a man was the same as keeping everything to yourself and not complaining about your problems. It's in my head and there is no way I'd be able to get it out, I'm a good listener and I'm charismatic but I find it hard to share information about myself so I hide everything with sarcasm. I can't really give out many compliments unless I'm being 100% sincere and even then I can't do it I just think it. Any advice and do you think this is a problem? I'm not necessarily close to anybody either and I've only opened up once before...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I think I need to learn some texting skills,any advice?

    So I believe I lack some very much needed texting skills because lately I haven't been able to keep a girls interest (even I get bored of myself). I find that asking questions doesn't always help because I tend to get some very vague responses and usually girls like talking to me in person because that's when I am most charismatic and stuff. Lately, I have started being more quiet because I haven't been socializing that much, and what I would really appreciate would be getting some tips on what the right questions to ask because im running out of things to say. Girls: why would you give a guy a vague response and Guys: how do you keep a girls interest? All advice is appreciated.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Im a little confused by her response, Help?

    So theres this girl from my High School,( I'm in college) and shes just a year younger than me. Anyways, in High School me and her used to have these "staring contest" while we walked to class and I must admit that i just did it to look at her :) she'd ask me to touch her forehead cause she felt sick, and got jealous when I played tennis with somebody besides her. We are pretty close friends and I do like her I mean shes just fun to be around and it seemed like there was always something between me and her from the first day we met, just not enough for me to take a chance. So lately shes been texting me more than I have been texting her, for example she sent me a picture of the dress she bought for prom and then her wearing the dress before prom. Then she just sends me some random stuff which I'm kinda glad cause it shows she still thinks about me. However, she is also VERY sarcastic and it makes it hard for me to take her seriously and she's a bit of a smart *** but in a cute way.

    Today, was kinda confusing though, she texted me, "When are you coming Home?" and I said tonight at 9. We had a short uneventful conversation and I showed her one of my drawings cause she loves looking at them. Then I told her I'd be home by 9 when she asked me what time. Right at 9 she sends me this random text. "Lets go out', I wasn't exactly sure whether she meant on a date, or as friends or if she just missed me. So I just said "When are you free next (cause she works), I'm a little tired from moving out of my dorm and the long drive home." and she just goes "Lol I'm jk I cant go"...What does this mean!? " I asked her if it was because of work, no reply. I'm wondering whther she was being sincere at first but then backed out or something. Ahhhh! this is frustrating, cause if she would have replied differently I would have taken the chance. Does she like me or not?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I got a random text message from a friend today, what do you think?

    Basically earlier today I was talking to her and I she asked when I was coming back home from college. I told her later that day like around 9, and she said Yipee! so After moving out of my dorm and lifting a lot of stuff my dad drove me home. My friend never texts me first which made this so random saying "Let's go out" and I said "when are you free next cause I can't tonight, I'm a little tired from driving home and moving all my stuff out of my room. She just says, "Lol I'm jk I can't go.". I asked her if it was because of work to which she never replied.

    This is so damn confusing I'm not sure if she was being sarcastic like she always is, or whether she was being serious. I kinda like her and I'm not sure if she was being serious and then backed out or what? I'm so lost...Opinions on what I should do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My cousin is messing with craiglist personals...Is that even safe?

    So yesterday my cousin told me how he wanted sex bad and I non-challantly just said try craigslist and laughed. Well he did and he contacted a personals post, and he is seriously contemplating losing his virginity to it. I mean i'm not for him keeping his virginity if he wants to lose it but he's the type of person that might regret it. Anyways I was wondering if it's even safe to use the site, I'm trying to deter him from using the site for those purposes. Anybody have any experience with the site?

    3 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • I can't access my laptops webcam, can anybody help?

    I need help accessing my webcam, one of the guys from technical support came to fix my laptop and now I can't find the webcam control panel. What can I do?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I need some good advice, for what I want todo or become...?

    Ok well I have been having a terrible last 2 years with girls all treating me like just a friend. I want to know how to be that guy that girls want to be with I mean lately I've started to get boring personality wise. I used to be fun and outgoing but now just MEH!..what can can I do to change this around, I mean I'm in college I want y personality to match it! Girls what do you truly admire in a guy, looks, traits, humor. Be detailed and guys how do you flirt with a girl you like and what steps do you take to get her interested in you?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago