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Lv 2308 points


Favorite Answers28%

hiya. im myranda. i love music. i love pandas. i love tea. i love sushi. i love going on long barefoot walks at night. i love going on adventures. i love thrift stores. i love cameras. i love skateboards. i love my friends. i love cupcakes. i love kittens. i love pop rocks, gummi bears, skittles, starburst, sour patch kids and gum. i love you. (: <3 lets not talk about what i hate, because that list is probably longer. just know 3 main things i hate liars/fakes, gay bashers and shoes. :P. kbyenow. (:

  • Music suggestions, plz?

    My favorite bands or artists are:

    Streetlight Manifesto

    As Tall As Lions



    Eyedea & Abilities

    The Beatles

    K. Flay


    No Doubt

    Brand New

    Aesop Rock

    Moldy Peaches/Kimya Dawson in general/Adam Green in general


    Bright Eyes

    Mumford & Sons


    Black Lips

    Fiona Apple

    La Dispute

    Mountain Goats

    I also freakin' looove Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rebelution, Billy Talent, The Adicts, Misfits, Arctic Monkeys, Animal Collective, Minus The Bear, Tokyo Police Club, Dirty Heads, Coldplay, Radiohead, The Decemberists, Bob Dylan, Bon Iver, Belle & Sebastian, Kate Nash, The Wombats, Flaming Lips, White Stripes, Green Day, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Gorillaz, Ra Ra Riot, The Kooks, Garbage, Hole, The Expendables, etc.

    Artists or song suggestions??

    6 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • I ordered a pizza and didn't know there was a delivery fee?

    I had credit for a free pizza on Papa John's, and I ordered a pizza thinking it'd be free. But apparently it has a delivery fee. I had no clue. Delievery fee is 2.50 and I only have 1.20 what do I do?

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • 16 bars of a song for an audition?

    I would really love to sing a Beatles song for my audition, but I am so frustrated with figuring out the 16 bars stuff, it's hard to do over the internet since I cannot buy the whole sheet music, can someone please just tell me lyrics for the first 16 bars of Let It Be, Happiness Is A Warm Gun, Yesterday, Blackbird, While My Guitar Gently Weeps or Here Comes The Sun, pleassse? I only have 3 days until my audition! D:

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting9 years ago
  • What are some stoner/surfer/tomboy like girls names?

    Well, I'm writing a book and the main character is sort of a tomboy. She's laid-back, skates and surfs and smokes weed. She's more of a tomboy than a girly girl and I need a really relaxed name for her. Something sort of simple. Please list some names?

    Some that came to mind for me were Naz, (like off ed, edd & eddy) because she was a tomboy.

    Sammy, because it's unisex. And Alice, I don't know why. The name that I really like most is Naz, but I don't want to use that name. Are there others sort of like it? LIST them. And meanings would be cool too. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • I need serious help. Help me?

    Okay. So, I'm gonna get personal and into tons of detail here. I am 16. I'm in 11th grade, and I have some serious issues. I have been raped 2 times in my life.. Once when I was 3-4 by my biological father. And once when I was 7 or 8 by my neighbor. It left me scared of relationships and terrified of hugs, kisses and anything sexual. I got into a serious relationship in 8th grade. I loved him, and I still do. He is the only person I've willingly done sexual things with. We broke up in the 8th grade after 5 months of being together or so. We became FWB (friends with benefits) soon after. We were FWB going into 9th grade. He met a girl and we ended. We didn't talk for months. I dated a few more people, but I still loved him. We started talking again and became bestfriends. That was 10th grade year, but still, I loved him. Then, this summer we sort of became FWB again. This really hurts me, but I love him AND he's my bestfriend. I get jealous of other girls or guys he talks to, he's bisexual. It's so hard for me to even be around him. I have panic attacks sometimes and violent fits of rage and unexplainable mood swings and I get depressed. Not just around him, but I wonder if all I've been through with him adds to it. I go to therapy and my therapist doesn't even know what she can do to help. She suggested not talking to him, but he's my BESTFRIEND, I can't do that.... I have anxiety for sure and I think I'm bi-polar.. I need to know what's wrong with me and what I should really do to not feel crazy.... He says he loves me... But I don't know... I'm a wreck.. I don't eat or sleep. I can't concentrate. I smoke. Weed and cigs. I drink. I just need HELP...

    5 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • I need some acoustic artists?

    Anything along the lines of: Jason Mraz, Chase Coy, Cady Groves, Plug In Stereo, Stephen Jerzak, NeverShoutNever, Colbie Calliat. Stuff like that.

    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • what colour should i dye my hair?

    i wanna dye my hair either blue, purple or pink. my hair is a dirty blonde colour. i have freckles, so i think extremely bright hair, pink especially would look weird? what colour would work best? and what brand?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • i wanna watch the roommate online for FREE. no surveys, sign ups, or downloads.?

    i mean it, like 100% free. you know just a link that i can click and instantly see the roommate just by clicking play. ads and surveys and signups etc, really piss me off. T_T

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • i need music suggestions :3?

    i need some music suggestions, just some good songs, or artists, but if you give me an artist, i'd also appreciate being told some good songs by them. C:

    i like stuff like; he is we, the kooks, alesana, nevershoutnever, the beatles, nirvana, tokyo police club, blood on the dance floor, breathe carolina, breathe electric, automatic loveletter, as tall as lions, minus the bear, stephan jerzak, tegan & sara, iglu & hartly, meg & dia, passion pit, ra ra riot, mgmt, mayday parade, all time low, fall out boy, panic at the disco, the temper trap, arctic monkeys, dj s3rl, sleeping with sirens. and genres i like are techno, dubstep, indie, rock, classic rock, punk, alternative, acoustic, metal, screamo, electronica, etc. basically anything except rap & country.

    thank you in advance!


    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago