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  • when you join the military arent you sworn in to honor and protect and serve our country/?

    how can anyone then say they object to serving because of religion or any other reason that is less than patriotic then??do they not enjoy the money,housing, insurance or other priveleges of being a military person for America?you cannot pick and choose where you will serve or go because you are a coward and a traitor !! and hide behind religion,wake up and stop allowing anyone who is not a true patriot in our military in any capacity,we do not owe these people anything!their beliefs or agendas do not supersede our own,never will.they can believe whatever lies they want but they dont have the right to use that as an excuse to kill or maim or steal if they are so loyal to those beliefs they have no business living in our country or our culture ,just like illegals learn the language and the customs or go back to where you came from,you werent asked to come here and take over,fix your own countries and dont impose your garbage on us,we have enough of our own thank you!

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • If you are opposed to civil unions or marriage for gays?

    Would this be a solution to end this matter and stop wasting the courts time and money.

    Domestic Partnerships---- this would grant them the legal status they desire under the law that would give them the rights to inherit property or make life or death decisions for their partner.

    I am opposed to gay marriage and can find nothing civilized about a so called civilized union that unites those of the same sex,this is my opinion based on my belief of

    God and his unchanging law,however i recognize this is a personal choice and this should be separate as in between church and state.

    Each person will face God alone in judgment but on this Earth if we give them domestic partnerships their rights are upheld without polluting the sanctity of marriage itself or by living an oxymoron by calling an uncivilized practice -- a civilized union.

    I am not trying to offend any one but i think this is a real solution to this issue.

    Do you think that the government would implement this change and stop fighting over the right to marry or so called civilized unions,


    Would these be enough for gays and lesbians so we could actually focus on other issues and resolve this matter for once and all??

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who else is sick of hearing about any babies born out of wed lock to all these celebs and celeb wannabees?

    Especially when they are shacking up and have more kids born without being married but playing family?Are you women so desperate that you put up with this and you set this example to the point that like 70% of babies born to African-Americans are illigitimate and then you have the nutty octomom who thinks its ok to have all these kids but rob them of a father and a real family that God intended.Marriage is supposed to be a blessing to the husband and wife and children are the fruit of marriage,people are selfish and only think of themselves.

    We dont want to get married because we think we will not break up if we live in sin,really?Maybe you are just afraid of real commitment and care more about your money and assets than you really love or trust one another,if that is so then why have children together.

    It is a sad state of affairs that the so called civilized world has become this and the only ones who seem to want to commit to marriage are lesbians and homosexuals,please people do your home work no matter how accepted or popular God ordained marrriage as between a man and a woman ONLY!

    Why is there just no standards any more and every one does every thing backwards putting things first like buying a house or doing whatever before marriage,that is not what God wants us to do,in my opinion any way.I think we are setting a awful example to future generations by accepting and condoning such flagrant disregard for truth and living according to Gods laws.

    6 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • my human resource person has a axe to grind and is trying to have me fired?

    for nothing.she is clearly abusing her power and it is personal,there are no grounds for this at all.when she suspended me without pay the only thing was for "borderline " insubordination while she makes up her mind what to try and accuse me of!!!

    I am suspended without pay because she is on a power trip,i honestly have done nothing wrong!

    My union says they have to wait before they can file a grievance honestly does the union ever win out over hr or any other management employee especially in these circumstances?? I f not what is my next option.i am single and have no back up for paying for my house or car or anything! please help?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • who else is sick of Cindy Anthony being on any TV show?

    The woman is just lying her butt off to cover for her sociopath,stealing,lying,murdering,worthless excuse for a daughter Casey Anthony!

    Every time she says what a good mom Casey is and how she loves Caylee i want to throw up!!!

    There is no proof of that,only that Casey loves to lie,drink,do drugs,party and slut around with pretty much anyone around,guys or girls it looks like according to the pictures!

    George Anthony did the right thing by telling the truth when he testified in court against Casey Anthony ,now his wife has him spouting off lies just like her saying they know Caylee is alive and all this hogwash that the 2 year old is alive,bull she was 2 when she was killed she never saw her third birthday and they know it!

    They are only trying to keep Casey Anthony off of death row and maybe spare her brother Lee too.He may have helped Casey move Caylees body or he knows exactly what Casey did and where she put the body.Hopefully he has been watched closely since Casey got out of jail cause he may have moved Caylees remains again to keep her from being found.

    That would make him an accessory after the fact and legally just as guilty as if he had committed the murder and wrongful disposal of a corpse as his sister.

    Lee in fact could be Caylees father,i think all this will come out in the trial.

    Meanwhile i think that George and Cindy Anthony need to not be granted any interviews anywhere.They are only trying to confuse people with their lies,and are only interested in saving Casey!

    The baby is the only real victim here ,remember that!!!

    I used to feel sorry for Cindy and George but not anymore!! It is painfully obvious they are lying and know the truth and are not concerened at all with Caylees body being found for a proper funeral and burial and a resting place!!! They are not concerned that her mother killed her and deserves to die only with making excuses for Casey as usual and her not being made to pay for what she has done!!!

    Casey is not retarded or mentally insane.She is a cold blooded,calculating killer!!! Only concerened with herself and nothing or no one else.The kind of lowlife that it is a pleasure to see die on death row! I hope she and Everyone else that is lying for her,destroying evidence or helped her hide and dispose of Caylee Marie Anthonys body is tried and found guilty and executed promptly,no years on death row wasting tax payers money just do it already!!

    All these criminals on death row need to be executed it is dumb to let them just continue to live at taxpayers expenses when they are guilty of killing others!!

    All overthe nation fire up the chair or lethal injection or the gas chamber or bring back the gallows!!!

    Kill one every hour in every state till they are all dead!!!

    That is justice,if you are an illegall immigrant and have killed here you go to the front of the line,no extradition for you ,do not pass go do not rot in jail,just die already!!!

    I know that Tim Miller and the searchers will find Caylees remains ,then what will the lies be that Cindy Anthony will tell???

    Will george continue to be Cindys puppet?? And why???

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Was Casey Anthony planning to off her parents to get their house?

    Or did she or does she have any life insurance policys on her parents and or daughter?Do her parents have any life insurance policys leaving money to Casey or their home upon their deaths??

    Has anyone looked into this? Did Casey Anthony order the chloroform to be rid of all off them?? Maybe her plans were interupted when Mom threatened to take Caylee away from her and she was throwing Casey out for stealing from her and the Grandparents???Maybe then in a fit of rage Casey just killed Caylee to spite her Mom and to be rid of her.The Friday night before Caylee supposedly went missing Casey took her to the bar with her,many people noticed and asked why the child was in the bar and said it was not appropriate ,which it is not,maybe that made Casey even madder,since her Mom would no longer watch the child all the time for Casey to party,drink,do drugs and whore around!!!Those are the only things important to Casey,that and nothing or no one else,least of all her child and certainly not her Mom.

    Does anyone know when she searched for the chloroform on the internet?/And when she would have bought it and had it delievered and where she had it shipped to??

    Can the courts force a paternity test to see if there is another angle to this case??

    Can they force Lee and George to give DNA to determine if either was the childs biological father?.

    Did the police question Jesse Grund as to any possible involvement,knowledge or cover up in the death of Caylee Marie Anthony and or the disposal of her body or remains??

    How much do George and Cindy know? And when did they know it??Is this even more of a conspiracy than first thought?Did Casey Anthony get away with stealing her parents car,stealing Moms credit cards and charging $45,000 on them,and stealing from her grandparents account for nursing home care because she is hiding a very dark family secret?? Did this secret drive someone else to help cover up the murder of 2 year old Caylee Anthony???

    I do not think Casey is smart enough to have done this all alone,she had help.Someone has disposed of Caylees remains so Casey would have plausible deniability.She may not really know where Caylees remains are now,but she sure as hell knew where they were when she killed her and first hid the body!!

    When Casey made the first call to George did she talk to him?

    Did George later come home and help Casey hide what she had done to keep the family secret hidden or to protect Casey??

    Casey Anthony has never been made to pay for anything she has done to any one in her life.Her parents have bailed her out and excused her,lied for her and covered for her, her entire misreable life.

    They know she is nothing but a self centered lying,skanky,trashy,drunken,drug addict who cannot be trusted and is not capable of telling the truth,and they know WHY!!!

    I pray Caylees remains are found soon and she will get the funeral and burial she deserves and a final resting place.

    This entire family needs to be closely investigated,there is much more that has not been told,YET!!

    Your opinions please?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Is Barack Obama running for President or Vice President?

    it is getting hard to tell ,with all his attacks on the Republican candidate for vice president Sarah Palin.Whats up with that? Isn't he man enough to challenge Mccain ?? And if not why was he chosen to be the Presidential candidate for the Democratic party,he doesn't seem very Presidential to me.It seems more like a man who is afraid of a successful woman.A man who belittles a woman like this on no grounds but to try and make himself seem more experienced and qualified for the job of being President than he really is.People you need to pay attention.Is this backwards way of thinking the only reason Hillary Clinton was not the Democratic choice for President of the United States?? Are people still so back wards they would choose a man, any man over the right woman???How clearly sexist is that and how shameful!When the Democrats lose and they will ,this will be why.A inexperienced man no matter who they are is not a better candidate over a experienced and seasoned woman for the job!!

    Clearly Obama would rather attack Palin than to address the issues and show his clear ineptness for the job at hand.GO HILLARY!

    Your opinions please!

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • why do people steal your baby names before your baby is born ??

    then pretend it was their idea and make it seem as though you copied them??this has happened to my son and his wife,their little girl is due October 1st and they have had her name picked out since she was i month along.a co worker of Roberts had her baby about 2 weeks ago and stole their name ,even copying the exact spelling of RYLEE FAITH!!! isn't that just tacky!!

    its not my favorite as i think Riley is a boys name and not suited for a girl but still i think this was rude.are people just not able to name their own kids without being a bunch of copy cats???

    i will give my granddaughter a nick name because i am not calling her rylee.i just do not like it but i respect my son and his wife's choice.

    i tried to tell my son that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery but it is still annoying!!! any one else have this problem?

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • mary kate olsen and possible immunity?

    dont people usually ask for immunity when they are guilty of breaking the law in some manner themselves??? i always thought it odd that mary kate was the first person called when heath was found dead.that and the number of calls made to her and she sent her security people over to sweep heath ledgers place BEFORE the cops got there?what was she hoping to hide or recover so the police would not have any thing to possibly tie any illegal drugs to her???all these super rich people on drugs with no brains and the scruples and morals of a alley cat and they want to be free from a criminal investigation??? why being rich does not put you above the law and if idiot judges or police are bought offf you may get away with being a criminal for now but there is a judge who will require of you the truth and your money or fame does not impress GOD!!! you will pay for your sins and your crimes no matter who you are!!!

    does any one think that she is innocent at all? if so why??

    heroin users many times shoot up between their toes to hide their needle tracks but they are still junkies like the homeless hobo in the alley,no class,lots of money,no brains!!! your thoughts???

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • the wrongful death suit against nancy grace?

    does anyone really think it was nancys questions that drove melinda duckett to commit suicide?or maybe it was guilt over her own involvement of the possible murder or selling of her own son to keep him away from his father,her exhusband? it was proved she had lied and sent threatening emails to herself pretending they were from joshua duckett to regain custody of her son that she had previously lost.i watched this drama very closely.nancy grace in my opinion was trying to help find a 2 year old child and his mother was refusing to answer direct questions.the whole thing is quite shady in my opinion .some one knows where this child is or what has happened to him if he is dead or alive.his father and parents deserve the truth.does any one think money is going to change what has happened to a innocent child??/or that it erases his mom guilt in the abuse she inflicted on both her son and her ex husband?please if any one knows any thing please come forward has been two years lets bring trenton duckett home to his father or allow him a proper burial whatever the case may be.thank you!!!

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • from the soap opera ANOTHER WORLD???

    what happened to LINDA DANO who played the colorful character of FELICIA GALLANT????and what about her sidekick and good friend CASS WINTHROP???

    i know the show has been cancelled many years ago but i watched it when i was just a kid until they took it off the air!!!it was a really good show and many wonderful people were part of this show.any info is appreciated.thank you!

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • you buy a house pay a liscened home inspector?

    less than 2 years later your new roof specified by the seller and passed by the inspector as having 1layer of shingles is leaking from a chimney that as it turns out is held together with coat hangers inside the chimney and mortar.there are actually 6 and 7 layers of shingles on the back half of your brand new roof and the lisensed roofer you are paying to do the replacement also says the rain gutters are not installed properly???the person who sold you the home is good friends with the real estate broker and has sold at least 15 homes before you bought yours.what can you do to get some relief.???this has happened to my daughter who is single.the

    inspector said he only goes by what the seller says and what he can see .then why would any one ever pay for a home inspector? what a rip off.if he had inspected the house like my daughter thought he had he would have discovered the lies and the fraud and she would never have bought this place!!! how can people be so crooked and live with it

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • do you think there are genes?

    that are 100% responsible for a persons choices???like being inclined to use heroin or meth or being a rapist or a child molester??? even so if peopled are more inclined to do such awful things dont they have a brain that can tell them this is morally and legally wrong!!!!! people are still responsible for not let the popular lie of i was born this way fool you!!!! no one is born a rapist or a child molester or a choose to do these things every time you act on improper impulses,you do not have to that is a fact!!! dont play the martyr and act as if you have no choice and people hate you and discrimanate against you because of it!!! what you choose to do is offensive,immoral and wrong no matter how many people there are lying and saying differently .they too will be judged.homosexuality is a sin that you choose like many other sins.trying to make this a politically correct idea is just a crock of s hit!!!!take a hint!California passed gay marriage look at it!

  • unsafe,dangerous products?????

    why are we allowing other countries such as China,Vietnam,Japan,Hong Kong,South Korea,Mexico import unsafe,unsanitary products in our land??? where are the government controls and standards that decent Americans expect our country to implement to safeguard our bodies,minds and over all health and safety??? do you think being friends with these nations and putting our own people out of work so they can prosper is a good idea??? do you think cheap ingredients and manufacturing is worth dying for??? is it ok for your baby or grandchild to have lead paint on their cheap toys made in China??? there are no standards there do some reserach they are so over populated and desperate that anything goes!!! why do you think so many schools crumbled and collapsed in that awful earthquake???? shoddy,cheap unsafe construction and materials thats why!!!! how many Chinese kids get sick and die because of tainted formula and baby food or the toothpaste??? do you think they care more for our country?? NOT

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • larry hagman? whatever happened to him?

    he was the over blown JR EWING character from DALLAS ,the tv show from many years ago!.last i know he had had his second liver transplant because he had continued to drink after his first liver transplant!!! how ungrateful does one have to be for that to happen!!! anyways is he still alive ???and has he stopped drinking since the second liver transplant??? is he well ??? or working>???/ i really liked him as an actor and hope he and his wife Madge are doing okay.any info is appreciated.thank you.

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • dan seals??/ the country singer?

    he was really famous in the 1970s as i favorite song was --


    is he still around? is he still making music? if not what is he doing and how is he???thanks for all your help!!!

    2 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • moving the foot and mouth research from plum island?

    this facility has effectively kept this treacherous disease out of American livestock because it is not on the main land,why would we ever plan to move it then???does any one else see the potential for great harm to our production of milk and meat??/with the crazy fuel prices now in place imagine if you will if the livestock were wiped out also??? people would starve right here??? third world countrys arent the only ones where there are hungry and starving homeless people,look around you and a lot of it is because illegal immigrants are robbing us of our precious resources jobs,housing,food and medical can homeland security be so naive and ignorant as to think moving this facility is wise or safe or even neccesary! it is not!!! i say dont tempt fate keep this facility on plum island --- pump up security its wiser more effective and cheaper.there are no hurricanes or tornadoes or earthquakes or wildfires -- that could occur on the mainland.that would cause a catastrophe.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • what happened to david spades???

    baby mama??? some girl awhile back was saying she was pregnant with david spades child and at first he was excited about it but then he thought it would ruin his reputation as a ladies man???? really???? was she lying or did she get rid of it like he wanted??? does anyone know if that was true or not???? just curious!!!

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • the so called source in all these Angelina Jolie and her boyfriend Brad Pitts???

    personal life dont you think she should tell her brother james haven to get off his dead beat a ss and get a job and stop making up storys and selling them to the tabloids by pretending she ever intends to marry brad pitt???? what a joke and what a poor example living in sin and having children out of wed lock and continuing to do so is just immoral and irresponsible.i dont think either of them deserve to be glamorized or to act like they are such a great family unit.they are not.they should be married that is what civilzed people do.all these so called engaged people shacking up having kids and never marrying!!!!! it is a sad joke and no one is fooled by it at all!!!get a job james.and Angie you criticize your own father jon voight but allow your leech brother to mooch off you and brad by selling trash to the tabloids????? really get over it already your father is alive but he will not live forever!!how would you feel if your kids do to you what you have done to your father?????

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • who is pretending to be offended?

    i was violated (again) by someone who did not like my answer!!! grow up!!!! someone asked this dumb question ---do you like the name lesturd for a boy??? who names their kid after poop!!! so i gave a smart alec answer to show how dumb this made up name was--- i mean who really thinks you would name a child bass tard !!!!! get real and get off your high horse i was just pointing out how far people go in trying to be unique!!!!! do you think my name was any more offensive than the questionners name //?? of lesturd???? if i wanted to offend someone it doesnt take much but an honest statement about anything as most people do not like to hear the truth!!! we all know slappy was only kidding around so why be ticked off because i was too???? common sense should tell you the difference but i guess that is in short supply these days!!!!!

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago