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I have questions regarding reading and writing?
1) Exactly how important is grammar when it comes to writing? I find myself more concern about that than everything else. I can't stop thinking about it even as I write a story. I really hate when I make grammatical mistakes...badly. Is a story worth reading if the grammar is great but sounds boring?
2) I can't enjoy reading like I use to. I have ADHD and it's annoying. When it comes to reading books I can't seem to vision what is happening in the story. My mind is always filled with too many things and I get distracted too easily. I would like to read a book seeing everything that is happening in the story as if I were there watching it. I can't see it happening. Does anyone with ADHD get where I'm coming from?
Bonus Questions: Do you find picture and writing prompts a good way for you to write? Is coming up with your own ideas better than picture and writing prompts?
I hope these questions are fine. Thanks a bunches and take care.
2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoWhy is there such discrimination towards people that never dated?
Let's be realistic about this because not everyone on this planet can find love in a second. If you want someone to love, that person needs to love you back. Half of the people on this planet are picky and cruel towards others. To think that everyone can fall in love so simple is a lie. They are those people out there who will love you if you please their picky needs. Not every person will ever get the chance to find love AND sex in life, it's not okay to treat them so harshly. Finding love and getting laid is difficult for some people to do. I'm getting fed up with people treating people that never dated nor had sex like they're weird people. Society doesn't make things while putting the thought that, if you aren't dating and having sex, you're a nobody that should be shunned away. Sorry about this rant but I hate seeing people that never dated nor had sex get treated unfairly. I never had a special someone that I can love and that person loves me back. In order to have sex with that said person, I need to know that I'm loved truly. It would hurt me deeply, if I had sex with some person that I loved, yet get no love in return. Cut people some slack when they're not successful in searching for love. Leave the people who choose to remain single and happy alone too, it's their choice.
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years agoDo any of you know the common stereotypical sports from each of these countries?
Give but only two sports that come from each of these countries listed.
United Kingdom
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoAm I the only one who loves Shingeki no Kyojin but is very disturbed by the Titans?
If you have not seen it/heard of it, then Google it.
If you dislike it, do you at least agree with how ugly they are?
1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years agoWould anyone be curious to see Bleach and One piece gender swap?
If Bleach and One piece had changed the genders of each character, and yet still kept all the awesomeness, could you watch the series...still?
Imagine your favorite characters as the opposite sex and still kept their badassery.
3 AnswersComics & Animation8 years agoOn a scale of 1-5, if these were titles of an anime and/or manga, which would you watch/?
What are your thoughts on these titles?
Choose but only five and list in order from good to not so good.
1. Remembrance of our hell fire
2. The Three C's: Cries, Compassion, and Consideration
3. A Crimson Rogue's Tragedy
4. Anarchy Syndrome
5. Picturesque Angels
6. The Prideful Confession
7. Nightmare Wonderland of a Victorian doll
8. Genesis's Seraphim
9. God created a cannibal
10. Unholiness
Would these even make good titles?
5 AnswersComics & Animation8 years agoWhich of these countries would you rather visit or live in?
Choose five only.
19 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoIs it true that some Yaoi fan girls only create yaoi pairings because their jealous of the girl?
I see countless of times in some of my favorite anime series. Even if it was Yuri instead of Yaoi, the point is that there is jealousy. The yaoi fan girls hate seeing the girl get the guy they like, so they make the straight guys have sexually and intimate relationships with each other. It might be the same for the guys as well. I have nothing against Yaoi and Yuri, because I find both amazing, but pan-sexuals are much better( to me at least). I find it strange that the jealousy would cause some of them to do that. In yaoi and yuri anime shows, you don't need to create a homosexual couple because it's there. Now, in a non-yaoi and yuri anime show, they feel that the guy or girl shouldn't get the same sex characters they like, because they'll be jealous. There are anime characters that I would love to be real and date worthy, but to get jealousy like that is interestingly bizarre. What does anyone else think about this? I mean no harm to the Yaoi and Yuri fans because I just want to know what their reasons are behind this. I'm not a homophobe because that's just stupid and just no.
Explain to me in great detail...
2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years agoTrue or False: Online job applications are annoying.?
True or False(2): You should never tell an interviewer that you are "nervous".
Explain both in great detail.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoIs there any cliche story titles and covers that you can't stop seeing?
Cliche story title: The Chronicles of Blah Blah( I hope you have better than that, because that was terrible. LOL!)
Cliche novel cover: Something shiny with too much going on or people taking photography way too seriously.
Does this make any sense to you all?
Explain in great detail.
4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoAny tips on how to make Princess Peach costume?
I'd wanted to cosplay Princess Peach for some time, but I have no sewing skill and the patience to do it. I've always was curious if using the dress pattern to make a Cinderella dress would be more helpful. Even though I would have to modify the arm sleeves and top half to look like Peach's dress, is this good enough?
Princess Peach:
Far as the patience to sew the outfit...I'LL STOP BITCHING AND BEING LAZY!!!
Explain in great detail if this is good enough.
1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years agoDo any of you anime fans ever get fed up with the sub elitists out here?
I personally love both English subbed and English dubbed anime equally. I just hate when they put someone down just because the person prefer English dubs more than subs. I rather take both raw and English dubs equally instead, since subs get tiring once in the while, but I rather not ***** about it. Should any of that even matter when we're all watching the same anime series that we both love? Why can't you just let people enjoy what they like without being a major dick? Not everyone likes to stare at the screen reading words that is why we have E-readers for that. Don't think you're so high and mighty, simply because you can read subtitles, but don't know **** about the actual language itself. When you learn the language and watch anime with no subtitles, then you should understand it better then the way you use to watch it. Leave the people that watch English dubs or both dubs &subs alone and let them enjoy their favorite show. I hope some of you crazy sub elitists know that you can't learn the language properly just by watching an anime series over and over again. You either have school or Rosetta Stone to choose from and make it fast. Sorry if the voice actors aren't as great as the Japanese voice actors, I didn't know it was a competition to be the best. Call Hollywood and ask them to replace the other English voice actors with their actors...are you happy?
Can any of you do any better than them?
I don't want to turn into a giant ***** with this rant any longer. I just want someone to share the same feelings as I do because I'm tired of their nonsense. Do you agree with me?
6 AnswersComics & Animation8 years agoWhich anime character do you share the same personality with?
Give full name and name of the series.
C&A: Which anime character do you share the same birthday with?
Full name, name of series, birthday, and horoscope sign.
10 AnswersComics & Animation8 years agoTrue or False: We're all homo-sapiens aren't we?
P&S: True or False: You have no idea what "homo-sapiens" are...
Explain in great detail...
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoTrue or False: You recently bought that brand new car you wanted for so long?
Explain in great detail
P&S: True or False: You'll be moving to another city or country pretty soon and is a bit nervous about it.
Explain in great detail
8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoTrue or False: Today or yesterday, you were left to wash the dishes that someone was too lazy to wash?
When I mean's a family member of course. Explain in great detail...
True or false: You don't clean, because everyone else does it for you.
Explain in great detail...
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoAnime characters who would make great teachers in your school?
List their full name, the series they come from, the school subject they'll teach and your reaction to it.
C&A: Anime characters who would make a great class clown or bully?
List their full name, the series they come from, and explain your reaction.
1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years agoTrue or False: In every fandom, there is a sane fan and an insane fan?
Explain in great detail...
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoTrue or False: Mature people are way too serious and boring to be around?
Explain in great detail...
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoWhat would you change about the current trends in technology?
Explain in great detail...
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago