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Lv 42,719 points

Gary G

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  • Women what do you think about this situation between a man and a woman who truely love one another?

    for those who have been through this or not or maybe even going through it now with someone.

    what are you thoughts ideas or opinions?

    a co-worker and i were talking at work and we were wondering why a woman who is engaged to get married to the man of her dreams all of a sudden says or decides her job is more important than the man or relationship and won't even discuss it any further. She just quits on the relationship/friendship. This would also apply to a man a woman who were dating and on great terms, great friends and great sex, and so on and all of a sudden she decides to just quit for apparently no good reason (although finding one and using it in a last verbal communcation) and will maybe accept emails, letters, but still will not communicate directly face to face.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Women what do you think about this situation between a man and a woman who truely love one another?

    for those who have been through this or not or maybe even going through it now with someone.

    what are you thoughts ideas or opinions?

    a co-worker and i were talking at work and we were wondering why a woman who is engaged to get married to the man of her dreams all of a sudden says or decides her job is more important than the man or relationship and won't even discuss it any further. She just quits on the relationship/friendship. This would also apply to a man a woman who were dating and on great terms, great friends and great sex, and so on and all of a sudden she decides to just quit for apparently no good reason (although finding one and using it in a last verbal communcation) and will maybe accept emails, letters, but still will not communicate directly face to face.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why does it seem almost everyone under 25 has to have or at least thinks they have to have a bf or gf...?

    these days....Do you think it's normal or ...Are you lonely, and think having some one else incomplete in your life is going to complete you in some way, trying to be like everyone else, trying to fit in or what? This is a question of curiousity and a survey of sorts. hope many will answer, even the smart***s

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Women, what do you think is more attractive ? A guy who is...?

    cocky and funny

    nice and funny

    a jerk and funny

    rude and arrogant, but sort of funny

    tough and hard

    shy and funny

    goofy and kida shy

    shy, good looking and dresses well

    shy and seemingly intelligent

    friendly, nice, but kinda shy

    quiet and easy going but funny

    plain and easy going but nice looking

    make up your own..2, 3, 4 or more is ok also

    of course everyone has different tastes but what is the most attractive to you

    or most women these days you think also?

    you can put different age groups bc guys of different ages may seem different to you in the way they act around that age ..

    it will be interesting to read your responses...

    13 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • A long question...If most everyone watches TV why is it then that almost?

    noone seems to be learning the morals and life lessons that it is now and has been showing us since it's inception (beginning)? Even since before Leave it to Beaver (where it's all about human condition,family and personal problems) and all the other shows that have been on, why does it seem people still are having the same problems, issues, trials and tribulations in life when we should have seen them all and learned them all and form them all, the answers and reasons things go bad and wrong and even good in life if the right and correct choices are made. After all, life is only about the choices we make right or wrong.And the crazy thing is we STILL make the same ones over and over from generation to generation and most seem to be the wrong why is that? because we are just dumb people? or something more? this is just asked for food for thought for all...

    I think the short answer is;we're human, lost and trying to find our way,even with directions

    Your thoughts..?

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Here's one for ya all; Why is it young girls and boys alike say they "like" someone...?

    ...they have never talked to or met when they really perhaps mean they are attracted to that person and would probably like to get to know them and possibly date them?

    Some even say they love them and dont hardly if at all know the other .

    Maybe this is the new way of saying "I'm Attracted to...." for the younger generations? It really is a misleading phrase in many case, dont ya think? just looking for different opinions and putting food for thought out there....

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Are women really afraid to get to know the NICE GUY? maybe they should...?

    open their minds and their mouths and talk to and ask questions of the nice guy and they should start spreading the word to all the women they know one by one. We nice guys have an edge, a bad side, spontenaity, skills, can be a jerk sometimes too, like motorcycles and hot cars...some drink and have a great sense of humor, and all that the same things most bad boy jerks do. Sorry to say this and I actually apologize before the fact to those who may get very offended, but.. many women just dont seem smart enough to figure this all out untill you have been used and abused for many years and have 3 kids and then want to meet and be with the nice guy and bring all the baggage to us...Spread the word all you young, single, smart, attractive ladies out there. Give the "nice guy" a chance for once..He may surprise you!

    and now you all know why there are so many strip clubs, call girls and prostitutes in this world...


    22 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If females want "nice guys", then why is it they choose and end up with the jerks....?

    losers, users and abusers more than anything and then complain about all the bad things he is doing like cheating, and all the drama and then STILL want to go back to that kind of guy over and over? Are you just stupid, lost your self respect, self esteem or what? A good friend and I (living in different cities)have been discussing this and we are honest, kind caring, good sense of humor and not bad looking and all that women seem to say they want in a man yet we both have only had one real gf (him a wife,now divorced) in our entire 30-40 years...when we do meet someone they almost litterally run away no matter if we act like the uncaring jerk or the nice respectable guy. We dress differently from suits to jeans and T-shirts, but this seems to make no difference at all also...

    Even fat ugly guys we know are getting girls/women and married, etc

    This is really a strange phenomenom dont you all think? we appreciate any input..thanks

    22 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago