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Hey :) My name's Kacy Potr and I'm a drummer for the band Socially Rejected Pandas. I write most of the songs so if you don't like them blame me! xx (but I hope you do like them...). The band is a scremo/heavy rock band.

  • How can I write a book without using he or she?

    Hi! I m writing a book about two people (Mia and Toby) but I don t want to reveal Mia s gender until the end of the book because in this book, Mia is short of Michael and Michael and Toby are gay so I was wondering when describing them or using dialogue how to not say their gender without constantly using their names.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • How can I lose weight?

    I'm a 13 year old girl & am 4" 11'. The scales say I weigh 8:4 1/2 ?

    When my parents are out, I run the length of the house for five minutes (roughly 12 meters), take a twenty minute break, run for five minutes etc. or if it's a nice day, I'll play football outside with the dog. Also, I take the dog on a 20-30 minute walk everyday. I only run for five minutes because I get worn out so quickly and after only five minutes, I'm sweating, red face and struggle to breath.

    I have an apple and some grapes for breakfast. For lunch I have a salad, ham and cucumber tortilla rap, an apple, pare and a plum. I drink roughly a leater of water and a small glass of milk a day. I think the problem is I have a slow matabalism and my parents mainly buy take-a-ways for tea almost every night.

    I've recorded how I weigh for the past few months and there's been no change.

    I have social anxiety an struggle to talk to people (even my parents) so I don't want to talk to them about it.

    What can I do to lose weight?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Why are people homophobic?

    Hey, I'm 13 and I have a question I've been wondering for a while now. I'm not trying to be rude but I don't understand how someone could hate another person simple because they love someone else. I mean I understand individuals have their own preference of stuff, like some people don't like the colour pink. But why hate another human, just like yourself because of their sexuality? I mean, they can't help their sexual preference. I have a friend who is lesbian and she is just like me and all my other friends.

  • Bruce Guthro or Donnie Munro?

    Donnie was the old lead singer for Runrig and Bruce is the new one. I prefer Bruce and I don't know anyone who's heard of Runrig.

    Who do you prefer? Bruce or Donnie?

    1 AnswerSinging6 years ago
  • How do I ask my mam if I'm dyslexic?

    I'm seeing loads of signs that I'm more than likely dyslexic. My writing is poor quality, many spelling mistakes, bad organisation etc. I'm a really nervous sort of person and don't know how to ask my mam if I have dyslexia. Is there anyone else I can ask?

    3 AnswersSpecial Education6 years ago
  • I forgot my apple ID password?

    I can't remember the security questions answers.

    All I did was I forgot my password so I reset it by email then I changed it and when I tried to use the new password it didn't work - what can I do?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet6 years ago
  • Maths Homework Help?

    Amount for 36 mince pies-


    Plain flour - 330g

    Lard - 75g

    Butter - 75g

    Mincemeat - 720g

    Amount for 48 pies

    Plain flour - ?

    Lard - ?

    Butter - ?

    Mincemeat - ?

    I have no idea how to do this so can you also show how to do it not just the answer please?

    Thanks x

    2 AnswersHomework Help6 years ago
  • When to ask my mam if I have dyslexia? Also, do I have dyslexia?

    My reading and writing is getting worse. I lose train of thought easily. When reading, even if it's just a small paragraph, by the time I get to the end of the paragraph, I've forgotten what the beginning of the paragraph said and it doesn't make sense. My speech is worsening/getting slower. I struggle to read aloud from a piece of paper. I struggle to copy from a board. My teachers think I'm smart so they put me at the back of the room and I can't read the board because the letters are moving round the board.I still can't tie a shoelace. I can't ride a bike and my coordination is bad. I still struggle with the months of the year but know the days of the week. I sometimes accidentally write letters/numbers (s/e/2/3) backwards. It took me until I was 11 to learn b from d and how to write them both and I'm 13 now. Also, my organisation is rubbish. I have really short term memory. Also, I normally end up mixing up words like I'd say beddy tear rather than teddy bear. I don't have problems with phonological awareness. I also have difficulty planning and writing essays. Suffer very poor spelling. I have trouble taking notes and copying - especially from a board. Rubbish at revising (poor memory and I get distracted easily). Also I really struggle with the alphabet and normally when I get to around 'r' I go into French. Do have dyslexia? If so, when can I ask my mam because she's always really busy.


  • The Russian Sleep Experiment?

    I managed to read halve the article about it before almost throwing up. I know it was the Russians' idea but who's actual idea was it? I just don't understand how someone could do this to another person - never mind 5 people! I mean, by the end of it, one person had died and you can't really call the rest 'alive'. That person/those people's idea ruined people's lives and their loved one's lives! Btw, I ended up crying about it while I was reading it because it was so inhumanly how someone could do this so another human.

    Story summed up-

    1) People were put in a small room with a fridge (with enough food to last 30 days for all 5 people). There was a gas in the room to keep the people awake the whole 15 days.

    2) Day four- they were screaming and going insane

    3) Not sure what day - one died

    5) Not sure what day - they were refusing food from the fridge. Instead, they turned to cannibalism (from the dead person and from each other - and themselves)

    6) 15th day (midnight) - door opened. The 4 people left alive refused to come out and screamed for the gas to be turned back on.

    7) 4 soldiers who tried to get them out were murdered by them

    8) 7 soldiers committed suicide because they couldn't get over the trauma.

    And people are saying stuff like 'It'd make a good movie' What, with them being one of the 5 main characters?

    What's wrong with the world?

    (Sorry I can't put a photo, I cry every time I see it - I feel so sorry for their families)

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • How do I let it go?

    Hey :-) I was bullied in primary school from yr 4-6 and now I'm in high school yr 8. I've had a look online and I've tried a load of things to let it go and I just can't. I mean, the guy ruined my self-esteem. He ruined my primary school life. Btw he went to a different high school and I'm still being picked on.

    thanx. 😉

    Ps. Please DON'T put the lyrics to Let It Go of Frozen cuz I HATE that movie - no depth.

  • How do I ask my mam if I have Dyslexia?

    Hey:-) I'm a thirteen year old girl and I was wondering two things-

    One- do I actually have dyslexia?

    Two- how do I ask/tell my mam I do?

    I've noticed recently that my reading and writing is getting worse. I lose train of thought easily. When reading, even if it's just a small paragraph, by the time I get to the end of the paragraph, I've forgotten what the beginning of the paragraph said and it doesn't make sense. My speech is worsening/getting slower. I struggle to read aloud from a piece of paper. I took longer to learn the alphabet/to walk/crawl/ learned how to tie a shoelace last year. I can't ride a bike and my coordination is bad. I still struggle with the months of the year but know the days of the week. I sometimes accidentally write letters (especially s/e) backwards. It took me until I was eleven to learn b from d and how to write them both. My mam and her dad both suffer from dyslexia so could I have it from them? My uncle also suffers from it and so does his two year old daughter but I don't remember being told I have dyslexia.

    (Btw this has taken about one and a halve hours / two hours to write)

    Thanx x

    2 AnswersSpecial Education6 years ago
  • Sims Freeplay Help?

    I'm trying to build the Famous Sim Town Sign. I have 14,076 stage lights, 67,324 microphones and 1 clapperboard. Is there any easy way of getting the clapperboards? Btw, I'm on level 29 at 20%


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Why was I born a girl?

    I mean, I've wanted to be a boy for as long as I can remember. My friends at school keep suggesting I might be a tgb trans but I'm not sure?


  • Why is this so hard?

    All I want to do is download a free app on my iPod. I had forgotten my password so I clicked iForgot password. I followed all the steps on my iPod and it changed the password on my phone. When I now try and download anything on my iPhone, it askes for a verification to my payment. I've been through one of those before and they take forever and a day. Is there any easy way round this?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Am I a boy?

    Hey. I'm a 13 year old 'girl'. But I hate being called a girl. I always prefer to be known as a boy. I've always wanted to be a boy for as long as I can remember. In nursery, I only had male friend. Even now, I only have male friends and I can't seem to mix with girls no matter how hard I try. Even when I moved school, twice, I still didn't become friends with any of the girls. I feel most comfortable around boys and in 'boy clothes' and my mam's getting concerned as to why. My favourite sports are- football, hockey&Archery. Every girl in my class hates it but I LOVE science. It just seems to fascinate me but non other girls. Favourite thing to do? Play video games like Minecraft& Assassin's Creed

    Okay, I HATE pop music. My favourite genre in music is heavy metal/rock. I'm not saying girls can't listen to rock music but I've always known girls to love pop music. My favourite colour is black. Then blood red. Then royal blue. My worst colours are pink. Then purple. I'm not saying that girls can't love black/red/blue and have to love pink/purple. I'm just saying that pink/purple is associated with girls. I hate shopping - especially for clothes. It just bores the living hell out of me. If I'm not a tgb trans then I'm the most Tom-boyish girl at my whole school. And the most Tom-boyish person I've ever met.

    (Sorry if the category isn't right, my phone won't let me change it)

    4 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Dog breeding help?

    I have nintendogs - 'Labrador & Friends and for 14 days now I've been trying to breed two pugs (Alfie-boy he's black & Loca-girl she's a light gold colour). They both cuddle, play nicely and I only feed them dry food & milk. I read up that it's supposed to take 4 days max. I got them 14 days ago (I got them on the same day, minutes apart) and they've never been for a walk, competitions or bark mode. The girl has the rose on & the boy has the lucky collar on. Also, I have the lucky clover clock. I let them listen to the naptime record and friendly wiff. I have never bathed them, only brushed them both. The girl is getting slowly fatter but other than that, nothing's happening. Then I ended up reading this- and I've almost lost hope. Can you really breed on Nintendogs?

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Why are most now-a-day songs about love?

    It gets really boring hearing over and over and over again songs about breakups and not giving a f*ck. Just wondering why it's the new biggest thing ?

    1 AnswerLyrics6 years ago
  • Why am I a girl?

    Hey. I'm a 13 yr old girl. But. I only

    Have male friends. I only hang round with boys. I've never managed to mix with girls - even when I moved school and knew no one. Btw I've moved school 3 times and every time I always hung round with boy. I will only wear boy clothes and hate anything to do with pink/purple & btw I'm not saying girls have to love pink but pink is associated with girls. I love heavy metal & rock music and HATE pop music - unlike every single girl I've ever met. I' not saying girl's can't listen to rock music it's just every girl I've ever met in my whole life has had the top 40 songs this week on her iPod. My nickname at school is KaCy. I don't mind my first name, Kiera (black/dark/darkness in Irish) but I hate my middle name. It's Carmella (meaning Orchid in Italian). KaCy fitted because Ka for Kiera an Cy for Carmella.

    I just don't fit in with girls. Why couldn't I have been born a boy? I asked some of the lads at my school and they said I could be gtb trans. Could I?

  • Is this a good name?

    Heyy! x

    I was in a band at school but they all quit and I want to go on and my name is Kiera Carmella Potter so I was thinking KaCy Potr. Is KaCy Potr a good name. I do pop/ country/ folk/ mainly rap

    3 AnswersOther - Music6 years ago
  • Why was I born a girl?

    Hey. I'm a 13 yr old girl. But. I only

    Have male friends. I only hang round with boys. Ive never managed to mix with girls - even when I moved school and knew no one. I will only wear boy clothes and hate anything to do with pink/purple. I love heavy metal & rock music and HATE pop music - unlike every single girl I've ever met. I just don't fit in with girls. Why couldn't I have been born a boy?