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Lv 44,037 points

Baby Boy due Dec. 21!!!!!!!!!!!

Favorite Answers24%
  • 8 Weeks Postpartum, and STILL bleeding?

    I had a c-section nearly 8 weeks ago and I've been bleeding heavily ever since. There were a few days with light discharge, but most days it's fairly heavy, and either dark brown or bright red- Is this normal?

    When on earth can I expect to stop??!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to "Ignore" email addresses on Gmail?

    I am hoping/praying there is a way to "ignore" an email address on Gmail.. I have a certain person continuously emailing me after I specifically told him to leave me alone and he won't...Sooo, does anyone know if there is a way to ignore an specific email address, and if so, how do I do it?


    4 AnswersGoogle1 decade ago
  • 35 Weeks and severe tingling in hands and feet.. Normal?

    For the past few weeks or so, I've had some severe tingling in my hands and feet, it feels almost like pins and needles all the time now. (Kind of how it feels when a limb falls asleep, except not exactly like that).

    I need to know if this is normal, or if it's something I should be concerned over, because I'm so sick of this painful feelings in my feet especially.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My son is breech at 31 weeks?

    I just found out by ultrasound what I've known for a month-- My son is breech, with his head stuck up inside my ribcage on the left side. Now, aside from the fact that it's greatly uncomfortable... I am getting worried about him not turning in time to be delivered naturally.

    Have any of you ladies had experience in carrying breech babies, and they end up turning? Are there any techniques that help to encourage baby to move?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Preeclampsia Question ?

    I'm 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant...

    My doctor is concerned that i might have pre-eclampsia, but he didn't explain anything about what that means. He did a blood test, and is now asking me to gather urine samples for 24 hours, because I spilled protein in my urine test this morning.

    Does anyone have information on pre-eclampsia?

    And what causes someone to spill protein?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Child Custody Question ?

    I am 6 months pregnant with my first child, and things have recently went extremely sour between my ex-fiance and I. So sour, in fact, that he is demanding he receive full custody (or joint custody, with the allowance of overnight visits) the minute our son is born. I am NOT going to allow that to happen, for several reasons, which I'll list here:

    1. He does not have a car, or a driver's license, and would not be able to drive the baby to the hospital if something happens.

    2. He only has one job- part time at Blockbuster

    3. He spends 90% of his time on the computer playing World of Warcraft, and half the time, can't remember to feed himself, or use the bathroom, let alone feed a child.

    **4. He lives with his father, who is a registered sex offender.

    I am in no way comfortable with allowing my infant son stay under the roof of a sexual offender. I am terrified that 1. my x's father might abuse my son, or 2. I myself might get into trouble for knowingly putting my son in harm's way by allowing him to be with a sex offender.

    So, my question is:

    If my ex-fiance lives with his father, who is a Registered Sex Offender, will the courts/ judge take that into consideration when determining which parent receives full custody, and will my fears be put to rest by not the courts not allowing my son to be alone under the roof of a sex offender?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Child Custody Question ?

    I am 6 months pregnant with my first child, and things have recently went extremely sour between my ex-fiance and I. So sour, in fact, that he is demanding he receive full custody (or joint custody, with the allowance of overnight visits) the minute our son is born. I am NOT going to allow that to happen, for several reasons, which I'll list here:

    1. He does not have a car, or a driver's license, and would not be able to drive the baby to the hospital if something happens.

    2. He only has one job- part time at Blockbuster

    3. He spends 90% of his time on the computer playing World of Warcraft, and half the time, can't remember to feed himself, or use the bathroom, let alone feed a child.

    **4. He lives with his father, who is a registered sex offender.

    I am in no way comfortable with allowing my infant son stay under the roof of a sexual offender. I am terrified that 1. my x's father might abuse my son, or 2. I myself might get into trouble for knowingly putting my son in harm's way by allowing him to be with a sex offender.

    So, my question is:

    If my ex-fiance lives with his father, who is a Registered Sex Offender, will the courts/ judge take that into consideration when determining which parent receives full custody, and will my fears be put to rest by not the courts not allowing my son to be alone under the roof of a sex offender?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Boy Names... I need some unique suggestions, please!?

    I thought I had it all figured out. I was 99.99% sure that I was going to name my son Jackson David, but after being repeatedly shot down by relatives, I've become increasingly unsure about the name now.

    Does anyone have any unique suggestions? (Nothing too out there, but nothing too common either).

    One thing: David or William has to be the middle name.

    Thanks =]

    35 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • 22 weeks pregnant...and I fell.. Serious question?

    I'm 22 weeks pregnant, and today, I (stupidly?) wore a pair of wedge heels to an interview with a client. Anyhow, I guess there was some kind of uneven parts in the sidewalk, because I tripped, and fell face first.

    I have since felt my baby move a few times, but I have also started feeling a little campy on the left side of my belly. Do you think I should go to the doctor, or am I overreacting?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Uncontrollable Cravings (Pregnancy)

    Is anyone else experiencing a rush of uncontrollable cravings?

    In just one day (today) I've had oatmeal, choco chip cookies, sour cream and onion chips with salami wrapped around them, noddles with gravey and parmesan cheese...

    And now I want chocolate cake with loads of chocolate icing.

    I'm driving myself crazy with these cravings!!!

    What's everyone else craving?!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Which boy name is best?

    Jackson David

    Julian William

    David William

    I personally LOVE the name Jackson, but I'm curious what everyone else thinks..

    19 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What exactly is a "Bella Band"? (Maternity Clothes)

    Alright, I've heard people talking about a Bella Band, and I've even looked it up on the Bella Band website, but what I don't understand is, how do you use it?

    Do you use the band on your regular pre-pregnancy clothes, or is it something you wear with maternity clothes?

    I have one pair of jeans from Motherhood Maternity, and I can't stand wearing them. They just don't fit right, and they're not comfortable.

    Will a bella band make wearing my pre pregnancy jeans easier?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How many mommies-to-be are due in December with boys?!?

    I have seen just about everyone on here lately saying they're due in December, with a boy. I just found out today, that I am indeed also pregnant with a boy, due December 21, so my question is...

    Just how many December mommies to be, expecting boys? It seems like there's a bunch more boys expected, than girls for December, doesn't it?

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am I a terrible Mom, already?

    I am 18 weeks pregnant, and today, I found out exactly what to expect, come December 21... It's a BOY... and all I could do was blurt out "are you sure?" to the ultrasound tech.

    I've never pictured myself having a baby boy.. It's not that I didn't *want* one per-say, just that I was fully expecting, hoping and praying for that precious baby girl most mothers want.

    Now, I am overwhelmed with disappointment, and fear that I am going to be a terrible mom, because my initial reaction was sadness.

    Am I the only mom to be that has mourned the "loss" of the desire for a baby of one sex, but found out they're getting the opposite?

    44 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 18 weeks pregnant, and breast leakage .. Possible TMI?

    Since week 16 I've experienced what I assume is the beginnings of the colostrum leakage. I know it's normal to have discharge early on, but what I'm wondering is, is it normal for one breast to seem to leak more fluid than the other? Does this mean that I won't be able to breast feed?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 18 weeks pregnant... Will my apatite ever return?

    At 6 weeks pregnant, I completely lost my desire to eat anything. I never had morning sickness, but that is probably due to the fact that I never wanted to eat anything.

    I was told it's normal, and to wait it out, the apatite will return and with vengeance. Well, I'm 18 weeks pregnant today, and I still haven't had a desire to eat anything. It's gotten to the point that I've lost almost 10 pounds since I got pregnant, and while my doctor doesn't seem concerned, I'm about tired of not eating...

    Anyone know when I could expect my apatite to return, or what I can do to bring it back?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Raw Cookie Dough and pregnant?

    My biggest craving has been cookie dough, and up until now, I haven't done anything about it. However, I can't with hold my craving any longer!! I *need* some cookie dough!! How bad would it be if a just had a tiny bit from the store bought kind?

    I'm 17.5 weeks pregnant by the way.

    Anyone else crave this while they were pregnant?

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Braxton Hicks Contractisons?

    What week of pregnancy do Braxton Hicks contractions typically start? How are you able to recognize them?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 17 weeks pregnant, and anxious about baby?

    For the past week, I have been feeling a bit off. I can't explain it any other way, except to say that last week (week 16) I felt what I thought was fetal movement (more like a muscle spasm in my belly) and I haven't felt it again. I'm worried now, because I haven't felt anything, and I just don't feel comfortable with that. I know it's early for fetal movements, but still, I'm anxious.

    I don't get the painful stitches in my tummy anymore, like I used to either (like when I cough or sneeze) isn't that supposed to continue through out the pregnancy?

    This is my first, so I could be overreacting, but do you think I have something to worry about?

    I go to the doc tomorrow, so I'll tell him this of course, I just need some advice to keep me calm until then.


    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 17 weeks pregnant: Baby movement, or just my imagination?

    I'm 17 weeks pregnant right now, and since 16 weeks, I swear I've been feeling *something* going on in there...

    I'm on the heavy side, so this could be totally my imagination, but I consider myself fairly in tune with my body, and I know what's going on...

    Anyway. at 16 weeks, I felt an odd muscle spasm type thing, on the left side of my uterus. I have no idea if that was the uterus or if that was baby... That got me worried though, because I haven't felt that type again, but I have felt little bubble popping kind of thing..

    Is this baby moving? Is what I'm experiencing normal, or am I completley crazy?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago