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  • Is Mexico's President going to Change Mexico's Immigration Law since he opposes AZ and U.S. Fed Law?

    Don't you think that's a bit Hypocritical?????

    Illegal immigrants are criminals per Federal Law US Code Title 8, 1304, US Code Title 8 Section 1324 and US Code Title 8 Section 1324a. Read it and Understand it. Go Arizona!

    Mexican President Felipe Calderon denounced as "racial discrimination" an Arizona law giving state and local police the authority to arrest suspected illegal immigrants and vowed to use all means at his disposal to defend Mexican nationals against a law he called a "violation of human rights."

    But the legislation, signed April 23 by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, is similar to Reglamento de la Ley General de Poblacion — the General Law on Population enacted in Mexico in April 2000, which mandates that federal, local and municipal police cooperate with federal immigration authorities in that country in the arrests of illegal immigrants.

    Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

    The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to "economic or national interests," violate Mexican law, are not "physically or mentally healthy" or lack the "necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents.

    "This sounds like the kind of law that a rational nation would have to protect itself against illegal immigrants — that would stop and punish the very people who are violating the law," said Rep. Steve King of Iowa, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, citizenship, refugees, border security and international law.

    "Why would Mr. Calderon have any objections to an Arizona law that is less draconian than his own, one he has pledged to enforce?" Mr. King said.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • IF Az immigration Law is Deemed Unlawful does that men Mexico's Law is unlawful?

    You can't have it both ways. Common Sense

    Mexican President Felipe Calderon denounced as "racial discrimination" an Arizona law giving state and local police the authority to arrest suspected illegal immigrants and vowed to use all means at his disposal to defend Mexican nationals against a law he called a "violation of human rights."

    But the legislation, signed April 23 by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, is similar to Reglamento de la Ley General de Poblacion — the General Law on Population enacted in Mexico in April 2000, which mandates that federal, local and municipal police cooperate with federal immigration authorities in that country in the arrests of illegal immigrants.

    Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

    The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to "economic or national interests," violate Mexican law, are not "physically or mentally healthy" or lack the "necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents.

    "This sounds like the kind of law that a rational nation would have to protect itself against illegal immigrants — that would stop and punish the very people who are violating the law," said Rep. Steve King of Iowa, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, citizenship, refugees, border security and international law.

    "Why would Mr. Calderon have any objections to an Arizona law that is less draconian than his own, one he has pledged to enforce?" Mr. King said.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Your thoughts/ Would Obama pass a FBI/Homeland Security Background investigation?

    Tell me how many former presidential candidates have ever had a Racist anti-American Pastor as a Mentor for 20 years???? Or have started there political career in the home of a man who bombed the pentagon and the NYPD????? Obama is the first, Hell with those relationships alone he wouldn't be able to pass a FBI or Homeland Security Back-round investigation.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Someone explain this one to me?? ?

    How was my response a violation any help here??? The funny thing is I cut and pasted the news story from yahoo news!!!!

    Hello dez604 (dez604)

    You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

    Question: McCains son in a banking scandal?

    Question Details: The bank lost $73M while Andy McCain sat on the auditor board. He quickly resigned. How will this sit with voters?

    Deleted Answer: Don't you mean Joe Bidens Kid??? WASHINGTON - A son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was paid an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware, during the years the senator supported legislation that was promoted by the credit card industry and opposed by consumer groups. ADVERTISEMENT Barack Obama's presidential campaign said Biden helped forge a bipartisan compromise on the measure, which is now law and makes it harder for consumers to obtain bankruptcy protection in the courts. MBNA's consulting payments to Hunter Biden, first reported by The New York Times, followed his departure in 2001 from the company, where he had been an executive. Obama opposed the bankruptcy law, enacted in 2005, while Biden supported it. David Wade, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, said that "after working in the Clinton administration in the Department of Commerce on Internet privacy and online commerce issues, Hunter consulted for five years as an expert on these very same issues at a time of enormous expansion in online banking." At the time Hunter Biden was receiving consulting payments from MBNA, he also was a Washington lobbyist at a firm he had co-founded. "He was not a lobbyist for MBNA, and his work had absolutely nothing to do with the bankruptcy bill. Zero. Nothing," said Wade. Resurrecting Biden's role in the bankruptcy legislation could undercut one of the Obama campaign's lines of attack: That his Republican opponent, John McCain, is insensitive to the financial woes of middle-class Americans. Consumer and civil rights groups and unions, as well as Democratic opponents, had argued that the bankruptcy legislation was unfair to low-income working people, single mothers, minorities and the elderly, and would remove a safety net for those who have lost their jobs or face mounting medical bills. The financial services industry made the case that bankruptcy frequently is a refuge of gamblers, impulsive shoppers, divorced or separated fathers avoiding child support, and multimillionaires who buy mansions in states with liberal exemptions to shelter assets from creditors. When the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill early in 2005, Biden, Dianne Feinstein of California and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin were the only Democrats to vote with the Republican majority. Biden also voted for the bill on final passage in the Senate, while Obama voted against it. MBNA employees have poured more than $200,000 into Biden's Senate campaigns over the past two decades, making donors working for the credit card company the senator's largest source of campaign money. On the bankruptcy bill, the senator "took plenty of knocks from the largest employer in his state because he demanded changes," said Wade, the Obama campaign spokesman. "Sen. Biden improved the bill for low-income workers, women, and children. There were times when he believed amendments on both sides would have blown up a bipartisan compromise backed by three quarters of the Senate. At those moments, Sen. Biden had to make the tough calls and he voted to pass a bill." In a separate matter in which Hunter Biden's lobbying activities were referenced, he and Biden's brother Jim have been sued for allegedly defrauding an ex-business partner. In the lawsuit filed last year in state court in New York, Anthony Lotito says that he got a call from Jim Biden in early 2006 saying that Sen. Biden was concerned with the impact that Hunter's lobbying activities might have on the senator's expected campaign for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. According to the lawsuit, Jim Biden said his brother had asked him to seek Lotito's assistance in finding employment for Hunter in a non-lobbying capacity. The lawsuit says that Lotito later was cut out of a business arrangement with Jim and Hunter Biden to purchase a Wall Street hedge fund. Nicholas Gravante, a lawyer for the Bidens, said that Lotito's claim that Sen. Biden told his brother that he was concerned about his son's lobbying activities is completely baseless. "There is absolutely no connection between Joe Biden and this lawsuit. The case is without merit and it will be dismissed," said Gravante, a partner at the firm of Boies, Schiller & Flexner.

    Violation Reason:Not

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Dems, what is your take on super Del's???

    I am a Republican, and very interested on your take.

    Do you feel that the Dem party thinks your not smart enough to elect a front runner and leader of your party, so the elitest's of your party will do it for you????

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Enough is enough why do Radical left wingers call you a Racist if you don't vote Obama??

    This is getting out of control. Its seems to me the Hard Cord memebers of the Radical Left will play the race card if you don't vote, support, or if call out Obama's fault. Look, it's real easy some of us here have there own minds and think for themselves, to chose who they want to vote for, plain and simple. The double standard is hilarious, most Blacks vote for Obama, nobody says a thing, it's gotta go both ways. The only people making this a race issue is the Radical Left, and are pissed that most rationale people have issues with Obama and his Anti-American Racist Hate Monger Mentor for 20 years , and HAVE ISSUES THAT OBAMA IS FRIENDS WITH A CONVICTED DOMESTIC TERRORIST WILLIAM AYERS.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama supporters, He screams Change, please tell me 5 things he's gonna change and how he is gonna change them

    Please in healthy debate, for example you say bring the troops home??? How is he gonna do that??? with the manpower and equipment in what type of time table, and how unstable Iraq and Iran would be and the rest of the region.

    Please don't list a bunch of things I am looking for cause and Effect



    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A little help with an explaination??

    Do you agree that I should have been flagged for this???

    I can see if I was out of line and disrespectful but I don't see it,

    A little help

    Thanks/ Dez

    Question: Does anyone get the feeling that if this joke was played on Bush, he'd be so confused he'd just buy a new car?

    Question Details: Dez: As a soldier, it is your sworn duty to defend my right to say whatever I want. So deal with it.

    Deleted Answer: as an American and Soldier, I have said it a 100 times on here it's your right as an American to disagree with the President and engage in friendly debates, but this flat out hate, name calling and disrespectful screen Icons about our president is uncalled for and UN-American, you got people that are so blinded by hate and this Anti-American hate machine, I don't hate the Bush Haters, just feel sorry for them.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else on both sides tired of the Hypocrisy???

    I am a Republican, and think Craig should resign and be punished to the fullest extent of the law

    Ok let's be fair about this and cut out the Hypocrisey right now,

    Vitter being married and made a mistake, he should be punished,

    Bill Clinton cheated on his wife with several women, Monica, Gen Flowers, and was charged with rape along the way, and the LIBERALS SAID LEAVE HIM ALONE, IT'S HIS PERSONAL LIFE,

    Craig, should resign but Democrat Barney Frank and Democrat Gerry Stubbs should have resigned as well,

    Liberals stop being Hypocrites for every Vitter there is a Bill Clinton, for every Craig there is Barney Frank and Gerry Stubbs,

    You guys make about enough sense as John Edwards does saying don't drive SUV's but he does and flies around in private jets.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are these the kind of People the Clinton's roll with???? and will more mainstream media cover this?????

    I have seen Liberals on here for days hammering Republicans about Craig, and as a republican, I want craig to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But poor conduct goes both ways, now spin this one liberals. By the way is covering the story haven't seen it on yet,

    Democratic fundraiser is a fugitive in plain sight



    California authorities have sought businessman Norman Hsu for 15 years. Since 2004, he has carved out a place of honor raising cash for such candidates as Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    By Chuck Neubauer and Robin Fields, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers

    August 29, 2007

    WASHINGTON -- For the last 15 years, California authorities have been trying to figure out what happened to a businessman named Norman Hsu, who pleaded no contest to grand theft, agreed to serve up to three years in prison and then seemed to vanish.

    "He is a fugitive," Ronald Smetana, who handled the case for the state attorney general, said in an interview. "Do you know where he is?"

    Hsu, it seems, has been hiding in plain sight, at least for the last three years.

    Since 2004, one Norman Hsu has been carving out a prominent place of honor among Democratic fundraisers. He has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions into party coffers, much of it earmarked for presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

    In addition to making his own contributions, Hsu has honed the practice of assembling packets of checks from contributors who bear little resemblance to the usual Democratic deep pockets: A self-described apparel executive with a variety of business interests, Hsu has focused on delivering hefty contributions from citizens who live modest lives and are neophytes in the world of campaign giving.

    On Tuesday, E. Lawrence Barcella Jr. -- a Washington lawyer who represents the Democratic fundraiser -- confirmed that Hsu was the same man who was involved in the California case. Barcella said his client did not remember pleading to a criminal charge and facing the prospect of jail time. Hsu remembers the episode as part of a settlement with creditors when he also went through bankruptcy, Barcella said.

    The bulk of the campaign dollars raised by major parties comes from the same sources: business groups, labor unions and other well-heeled interests with a long-term need to win friends in the political arena.

    But the appetite for cash has grown so great that politicians are constantly pressured to find new sources of contributions. Hsu's case illustrates the sometimes-bizarre results of that tendency to push the envelope, often in ways the candidates know nothing about.

    As a Democratic rainmaker, Hsu -- who graduated from UC Berkeley and the Wharton School of Business -- is credited with donating nearly $500,000 to national and local party candidates and their political committees in the last three years. He earned a place in the Clinton campaign's "HillRaiser" group by pledging to raise more than $100,000 for her presidential bid.

    Records show that Hsu helped raise an additional $500,000 from other sources for Clinton and other Democrats.

    "Norman Hsu is a longtime and generous supporter of the Democratic Party and its candidates, including Sen. Clinton," Howard Wolfson, a spokesman for the campaign, said Tuesday.

    "During Mr. Hsu's many years of active participation in the political process, there has been no question about his integrity or his commitment to playing by the rules, and we have absolutely no reason to call his contributions into question or to return them."

    Wolfson did not immediately respond Tuesday night to questions about Hsu's legal problems.

    Though he is a fugitive, Hsu has hardly kept a low profile. The website, which sells photographs taken at political events, features shots of Hsu at several fundraisers he hosted at Manhattan's elegant St. Regis hotel -- including a June 2005 luncheon for Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Sacramento).

    Hsu lives in New York City. Efforts to contact him were unsuccessful. Barcella said Hsu chose to respond through his lawyer.

    Records show that Hsu has emerged as one of the Democrats' most successful "bundlers," rounding up groups of contributors and packaging their checks together before delivering the funds to campaign officials. Individuals can give a total of $4,600 to a single candidate during an election cycle, $2,300 for the primaries and $2,300 for the general election.

    One example of the kind of first-time donors Hsu has worked with is the Paw family of Daly City, Calif., which is headed by William Paw, a mail carrier, and his wife, Alice, who is listed as a homemaker.

    The Paws -- seven adults, most of whom live together in a small house near San Francisco International Airport -- apparently had never donated to national candidates until 2004. Over a three-year period, they gave $213,000, including $55,000 to Clinton and $14,000 to candidates for state-level offices in New York.

    The family includes a son, Winkle Paw, who Barcella said was in business with Hsu. Another son works for a Bay Area school board, while one daughter works for a hospital and another for a computer company.

    "They have the financial wherewithal to make their own donations," Barcella said. "It didn't come from Norman."

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are most Sanctuary cities for illegals in our country are Hard core Liberal cities???

    I am a bush supporter, and he pissed me off trying to get that Immigration Bill, you remember that crap the Kennedy/McCain Bill.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Newak, Virgina Beach, San Franscico, Boston (under Deval Patrick) Houston, New York, Chicago. are all liberal Hot Beds,

    Liberals, do you want to support these illigals, with your tax dollars??? and why don't the police have the authority to call ICE?????

    I am 100% behind legal Immigration, but people who break our laws should not get special privledge.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For supporters of Sanctuary cities for Illegals, how would you feel if a loved one was killed by one???

    I support Legal Immigration 100% my mom is from Europe, and last year she finally took and passed the test and became a U.S. Citizen, I was so proud of her,

    But if you had a loved one killed by someone who already had been arrested and was protected in these SANCTUARY cities and not sent back or put in Jail, or the cities weren't allowed to contact ICE, and then murdered a LOVED ONE OF YOURS, like in Newark and the Drunk driving case in Virgina Beach, How would you feel if you supported them???????

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Hilary Clinton, would even consider her for president if it weren't for her old man??

    Look, In my views Bill Clinton was weak on terrorism 96 Khobar Towers 19 Airman dead, 300 wounded, U.S. Embassy bombings 5,000 Wounded in 98, U.S.S. Cole, 9-11 took 6 to 8 years to plan,

    Scandals, Whitewater, prejury, law licesne ripped away by the courts, Pardoned Cronies from Whitewater and who ever paid him, Charged his friends to sleep in the lincoln bedroom, Monica, Gen Flowers, the list goes on,

    I didn't hate Clinton he was my president but I disagreed with him on his polices and his morality.

    Now, I ask you do you want more of that back in the white house and WOULD YOU CONSIDER HER FOR PRESIDENT if her last name wasn't Clinton??? Do you feel her in office your electing Bill???

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why did Clinton Admin, award Bin Laden's Dad gov contracts to build on Air Force Bases in Saudi???

    I love the finger pointing Bush, Bush, Bush he's in league with the Saudi's, news flash when I was deployed to Eskon Village in Saudi in 98-99, Bin Laden's daddy was the primary Contractor, why was that ok???? you guys can't have it just one way, I don't trust the Saudi's as far as I can throw em,

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Liberals and Cons your thoughts???

    I got flagged for asking this question by some liberal, could someone please explain to me what Yahoo violation I broke?

    Deleted Question: John Edwards what a joke just another Liberal Hypocrite.?

    Question Details: John Edwards, who yesterday demanded Democratic candidates return any campaign donations from Rupert Murdoch and News Corp., himself earned at least $800,000 for a book published by one of the media mogul's companies. The Edwards campaign said the multimillionaire trial lawyer would not return the hefty payout from Murdoch for the book titled "Home: The Blueprints of Our Lives." The campaign didn't respond to a question from The Post about whether it was hypocritical for Edwards to take money from News Corp. while calling for other candidates not to. In addition to a $500,000 advance from HarperCollins, which is owned by News Corp., Edwards also was cut a check for $300,000 for expenses. Edwards claimed $333,334 in royalties from last year's release of the book, according to media accounts. The campaign said last night that those funds were part of the advance. He says he gave that amount to charity, which would also provide tax benefits for Edwards. "We're more than happy to give even more of Murdoch's money to Habitat for Humanity and other good causes," spokesman Eric Schultz told The Post yesterday. He declined to show proof, however, that Edwards had donated the $500,000 advance or $300,000 expense checks to charity. Meanwhile, Edwards yesterday attacked Hillary Rodham Clinton for taking more than $20,000 in donations from News Corp. officials, arguing that the company's Fox News Channel is tilted to the right. News Corp. also owns The New York Post. Clinton declined to respond. The Edwards campaign said it would return less than $1,000 in donations from three Fox employees. Languishing in the polls behind Clinton and Barack Obama, Edwards also has led the Democratic field's boycott of a Fox co-sponsored presidential debate.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think dumdum has a degree in Physics? or Bombs? Jet Fuel Combustion? or metal? Building design?

    Is anybody else tired of it? or is it just me? With all do respect but She is always coming up with some dumb 9-11 conspiracy theories? Just wondering if she had a PHD in any of those, above?. I mean anybody can manipulate any evidence to show what they want to prove ie Michael Moore Films. Popular science and MIT have already debunked these ridiculas claims. Osama in the Boys are responsible for 9-11, Just like in 93 WTC, 96 KHOBAR TOWERS 19 AIRMAN DEAD 300 WOUNDED, 98 EMBASSY BOMBING AND 2000 U.S.S. COLE!!!! GET OVER IT,

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Bill and Hilary owned stock in Fox News?

    Spin this one

    Bill and Hillary Clinton liquidated the contents of their blind trust upon learning it contained investments of $5 million to $25 million that could pose conflicts of interest or prove to be embarrassing to her presidential campaign.

    The blind trust and a bank account valued in the same range place the Clintons' total wealth at between $10 million and $50 million.

    The Clintons looked at the contents of the blind trust in April under instructions from the Office of Government Ethics and sold the assets in May, according to a disclosure form filed Friday. The Clintons had the blind trust since former President Clinton was governor of Arkansas in 1983 and had no control over its transactions.

    Once they peered inside it, they discovered it included investments in oil and drug companies, military contractors and Wal-Mart, campaign spokesman Phil Singer said.

    The report, filed Friday with the Federal Election Commission and the Office of Government Ethics, provides the most detailed look at the Clintons' holdings as their wealth has expanded since the former president left the White House in 2001.

    The new report also shows that the former president made $16 million in speaking fees between January 2006 and Wednesday. So far this year, Bill Clinton has given 34 paid speeches for a total of $5.9 million. (Full story)

    Trust included oil, drug companies

    The blind trust held stock in pharmaceutical companies, including $250,000-$500,000 in Biogen Idec and Johnson & Johnson and $100,000-$250,000 in Amgen, Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline. It also invested in General Electric and Raytheon, two leading defense contractors. The trust had a varied portfolio, with investments in numerous other companies, including Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco, Walt Disney and eBay.

    The report said all the proceeds of the sales are being placed in a cash account. The massive unloading of stock means the Clintons face large capital gains taxes.

    Though all the blind trust transactions were handled over the years by a trustee without the Clintons' knowledge, some of the holdings could have been awkward for Hillary Clinton as she pursues the Democratic presidential nomination.

    The blind trust held stock worth $100,000-$250,000 in NewsCorp, the parent company of Fox News, which many Democrats have denounced as biased against them. The trust also held stock in Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart de Mexico.

    The senator served on the Wal-Mart board from 1986 to 1992, and was close with the Walton family that created the nation's largest retailer. But she has recently called on the company to provide better worker benefits and last year her Senate campaign returned $5,000 to Wal-Mart's political action committee. At the time, Clinton campaign spokeswoman Ann Lewis said the money was returned "because of serious differences with current company practices."

    Friday's report comes on the heels of Hillary Clinton's Senate disclosure report, made public Thursday, which only covered activity in 2006 and did not reflect this year's liquidation of the blind trust.

    Clinton and other presidential candidates were required to file financial disclosure documents with the Office of Government Ethics by May 15. But Clinton and Republican candidates Mitt Romney and John McCain asked for 45-day extensions because they all had blind trusts that the ethics office demanded be opened.

    Campaign: Reporting goes 'above and beyond' requirements

    "As a presidential candidate, Sen. Clinton was required to make her assets public," campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson said. "As a result, she had to dissolve her blind trust. Upon its dissolution, she and the president chose to go above and beyond what was required of them and liquidate their assets in order to avoid even the hint of a conflict of interest."

    When it comes to family affluence, the reports show that the New York senator is the wealthiest of all members of Congress seeking the presidency. Among all presidential candidates, however, Republican Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, stands alone with assets of between $190 million and $250 million. Republican Rudy Giuliani and Democrat John Edwards have each reported assets of about $30 million.

    Last year and this year, Bill Clinton earned fees from $100,000 to $450,000 speaking to such corporations as IBM, General Motors, and Cisco Systems, finance giants such as Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers, and trade groups such as the National Association of Realtors and the Mortgage Bankers Association. He also has been paid to speak to nonprofit or charity groups, including the TJ Martell Foundation, which finances leukemia research, Nelson Mandela's Children's Fund and, last March, to the Boys and Girls Club of Los Angeles.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Liberals I gotta know, how do you feel when you see pics of Jane Fonda on enemy Tanks during the Vietnam War?

    I am former soldier and that fires me up

    Also I know we have freedom of speech but that's treason

    Also LBJ Democrat got us into Vietnam, Nixon pulled us out.

    In Vietnam, Fonda was photographed seated on an anti-aircraft battery used against American aircrews

    When cases of torture began to emerge among POWs returning to the United States, Fonda called the returning POWs "hypocrites and liars."[11] She added, "These were not men who had been tortured. These were not men who had been starved. These were not men who had been brainwashed." On the subject of torture in general, Fonda told The New York Times in 1973, "I'm quite sure that there were incidents of torture... but the pilots who were saying it was the policy of the Vietnamese and that it was systematic, I believe that's a lie." Several American POWs and other eyewitnesses, including former POW and current US Senator John McCain, disagree with this sentiment.

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Republicans Debate on Cnn, Dems won't debate on Fox cowards?

    If your gonna run for our nation highest office you better be able to walk into the fire, at a moments notice, ON ANY ISSUE facing our great country, at least the Republicans had the stones to show up on CNN for the debate, Liberals like Edwards, Hilary, and Obama to me are cowards and and don't show true leadership, If they run and hide over a Fox debate what else will they run and hide from??? What are they Afraid of answering a tough question or something?

    I am a former soldier and Republican, and I feel Cnn,, NY Times, NBC, any George Soros anti- American hate media outlet, Huffington Post ETC. are baised to the left

    Most Liberals say Fox is biased to the Right, which I find hard to believe at times since an equal number both are usually represented on the issues, Hannity and colmes is a Fine example.

    John Kerry also stated that by not debating on fox could have been one of the reasons he lost the election.

    35 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago