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  • 10 Points! Can someone tell me what this means "on Spring"?

    Hi so in school tomorrow we are discussing an essay called On Spring by Samuel Johnson and I keep re-reading it and I just can't figure out what it means, can you help me?

    Here is the link to it:

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • How can I have a better social life?

    So I have two girl best friends and one guy best friend, lets call them Kate, Annie, and Bill. We're all in high school.

    So Kate has recently got a boyfriend so now I never see her and she pretty much refuses to do anything without him, and when your with both of them its like you aren't actually with either because they are in their own little world and you can't hold a conversation with either.

    Bill never wants to do anything and he's pretty boring when you are just with him, he needs a situation to have fun but he pretty much never wants to go out and do stuff.

    And Annie has another group of friends too from middle school that she's still close with and does stuff with them as well as being a part of 50,000 extra curricular bands in which she is always in rehearsals or performing.

    I do a lot of theatre so usually I'm always at rehearsal but sometimes when I'm not in a show I feel really lonely and bored all the time. Its like I have nothing to do. During shows I make new friends and have fun with them but our friendships never seem to last outside of shows. And I'm in a company at my high school and we all remain close but honestly I don't really want to hang out with them because they all crave drama and it becomes more stressful than fun.

    Lately I've been seeing people at a lot of parties and sweet 16s posting pics on instagram or tweeting about it and I feel really left out because I don't really know these people. I don't know how to meet people and become close with them and stay in contact with them and stuff.

    How do I become more social and make more friends?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • How do I make the next move?

    So there is this guy in one of my half year classes and for the past few weeks he has been flirting with me a lot.

    I don't really know how to flirt or what to do back. But the class just ended and I'm not sure if I'm still going to see him. But I want to get closer to him and stuff.

    My friend told me to try fb messaging him and start talking to him and figure out a way to exchange numbers and text but I don't know how to start or what to talk about. But I really like him. How do I randomly just message person? Or how do I flirt back? How do I manage to get closer to him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Please read and help: Do I do what's good for me or for someone else?

    I've known this girl my whole life almost, & we've pretty much always be friends.

    Sometimes she would leave me out to hang out with her other friends but when the other girls weren't around we were super close. But I never got jealous & let her have other friends.

    Then when I got my first boyfriend & I was pretty head over heels for him.She got jealous & she manipulated me into thinking that I wasn't truly happy & I broke up with him because I didn't want to let a guy get between our friendship.

    Breaking up with him & a transition to HS got me depressed. Nothing was making me happy and when I talked to her she told me that I didn't love him because I didn't know enough of who I was to love someone else and my feelings weren't valid. After a while she just wouldn't respond to me. She had so much control over me she even manipulated my feelings.

    I felt miserable & alone.

    Sometimes she'd ignore me completely, not even acknowledging me but then would run up to another friend & talk to them. We were supposed to be best friends yet I was always her second choice. I was only a friend when it was convenient to her.

    She ended up calling me a b*tch when I asked her why she acted like that bc I said I didn't want to have a negative friendship. She turned everything around on me like it was all my fault for her treating me that way. She could turn around any situation to blame on me. Nothing was her fault.

    I was always the butt of her jokes and she'd make sarcastic remarks to me about my insecurities that made me feel bad about myself. I was never good enough.

    We eventually stopped talking.

    I started this year as a sophomore & she was in only 1 of my classes & on the 1st day she sat next to me like nothing changed. I've always been nice to her now but I wouldn't say we are friends.

    But I'm happy now without her. She texted me a few nights ago saying she wanted to get together this weekend & talk & apologize. I said I was busy.

    Apparently, a family member of hers got into a freak accident & was on life support & they took her off & she died yesterday & its hitting her really hard.

    I don't really want to forgive her but at the same time I sympathize & I want to be a good person & learn how to forgive & move on & I don't want to be the cause of someone's unhappiness. But I don't want her back in my life.

    Her mom reached out and said she's worried about her daughter and hopes I can accept the apology.

    I'm in an awkward place & I don't know what to do. I'm stuck between forgiving & doing whats right for someone else & moving on or hurting someone else to do whats right for me.

    If you read all this, thank you!

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I'm put in a really awkward position with an ex-friend?


    So let me just give you some background info:

    So I met this girl when we were toddlers and became best friends in early elementary school. We remained friends through elementary school with minimal drama, although sometimes I'd be upset because she'd leave me to go hang out with other friends.

    In 6th grade, all my classes were with her but she would leave me out to hang out with two other girls and I felt so awkward and like I tagged along and they were all too nice to tell me to leave but they all secretly hated me. But when the other girls weren't around we were super close.

    In 7th grade I made a group of friends and became happy with them. We drifted and had other friends. Half way through 7th grade we realized what was happening and we worked out some issues and tried to make our friendship work.

    We got very close in the summer and then 8th grade again. I got my first boyfriend that year and I was pretty head over heels with him. She was always all over him and eventually I figured out she had feelings for him. She manipulated me into thinking that I wasn't truly happy and I broke up with him because I didn't want to let a guy get between our friendship too.

    Throughout the next summer I was depressed because I missed him and going to high school was really hard and I was always sad. I would always tell her how much I missed him and one time she actually told me that I didn't love him because I didn't know enough of who I was to love someone else. I know we were young but I felt very deeply for him. After a while she just wouldn't respond to me when I went to her feeling upset and said well I don't know what to tell you.

    I felt miserable and all alone. I was really depressed. It took me around 9 months but I got over him from some other friends stepping in who made me feel better.

    There were some days that she would ignore me and I would ask her whats wrong and she wouldn't speak to me, but then she would run up to another friend and tell them. We were supposed to be best friends yet I was always her second choice. I was only a friend when it was convenient to her. She was always very passive aggressive. She ended up calling me a b*tch one day when I asked her why she acted like that so in that moment I realized that she would have to apologize and be the one to work hard to build a friendship only if she wanted it because I was indifferent to it.

    All this time she would usually make me the butt of the jokes and I would always laugh but feel bad on the inside. She would make sarcastic remarks to me about my insecurities and made me feel bad about myself. I was never good enough.

    Anyway when she never reached out to me I was done. So I didn't talk to her all summer.

    I started this year as a sophomore and she was in one of my classes and on the 1st day she sat next to me and made a comment about how we were BFFs but I just didn't say anything. I've always been nice to her now but I wouldn't say we are friends. She's just a person I know.

    But I'm happy now and I have real friends and I'm meeting new guys and getting over my first boyfriend. But she texted me saying she wanted to get together this weekend and tell me stuff and apologize. I said I didn't know if I had time.

    Apparently, a family member of hers got into a freak accident Monday and was on life support and they took her off and she died yesterday. I only heard about that through a dif. friends mom who knew because she was a teacher. Its hitting her really hard.

    I didn't really want to forgive her but at the same time i know what its like to feel depressed and alone because thats how she made me feel and I wouldn't wish it on even my worst enemy. I want to be a good person and learn how to forgive and move on and I don't want to be the cause of someone's unhappiness but I don't want her back in my life.

    Her mom reached out to my mom (w/o her knowing) and pretty much said she knows that we aren't really close any more and she knows that its her daughters fault but she misses me and is ready to apologize and explained the death in the family. She also said she would like me to talk and listen to her and that she is worried about her and feels she needs a true friend now.

    I'm in an awkward place and I don't know what to do. I'm stuck between forgiving and doing whats right for someone else and moving on or hurting someone else to do whats right for me.

    If you read all this, thank you!

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Help coming up with ballet moves?

    I am in a musical where my character shows up in someone's day dream and my director wants me to do a ballet dance around the stage during this. However, I am a jazz dancer, although I'm not perfect. I would say I'm decent with basic concepts of technique (I take dance when I'm not in shows or when I can fit it around my rehearsal schedule for a few months at a time, so for the little amount of classes I do I do a good job).

    Our choreography for the show is hip hop, so the choreography isn't a ballerina and knows I have dance training so they asked me to figure this out on my own. They say because its a day dream they want it really over emphasized ballet moves (like to make it seem funnier aka a lot of walking on releve and stuff).

    The song is upbeat and I'm onstage for maybe 30 seconds doing this.

    I'm already got a grand jete, pirouette (although my leg is turned in because I haven't mastered the ballet one, only the jazz one) and some chaine turns but I still have some more time to dance.

    Any one have any ideas of some ballet moves I can do? Please do your best to spell them right and remember that I'm not a ballerina so nothing I can't learn on my own!

    It would also be great if you put a youtube link to what they look like or an instructional video (I tend to watch the Autumn Miller ones or the ones from mydancetv)

    Thanks bunches xoxox

    1 AnswerDancing8 years ago
  • Math help! No idea how to do piecewise functions!?

    So here is the question:

    In a triathlon, athletes swim 2.4 miles, then bike 112 miles, and finally run 26.2 miles. Jesse's avg. rate for each leg of the triathlon are shown in the table:

    Leg | Rate

    swim | 4 mph

    bike | 20 mph

    run | 6 mph

    a. Write a piecewise function to describe the distance D that Jesse has traveled in terms of time, t. Round t to the nearest tenth, if neccessary.

    b. State the domain of the function.

    Please help me solve this! It would be wonderful if you could go step by step and explain how to do this.

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Please Help Urgent! What key is this song in?

    Its Live Out Loud from A Little Princess by Andrew Lippa. I am singing this for an audition tomorrow and was downloading the sheet music when I realized I had no idea what key it is in.

    My voice teacher tells me what key to download but she forgot and classes are closed till next week. I practiced with the version Sierra Boggess sings so I am most comfortable with that.

    Here's the song. If you are music major and can tell me what key the song is in just by listening to it I will love you forever.

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting8 years ago
  • Please Help Urgent! What key is this song in?

    Its Live Out Loud from A Little Princess by Andrew Lippa. I am singing this for an audition tomorrow and was downloading the sheet music when I realized I had no idea what key it is in.

    My voice teacher tells me what key to download but she forgot and classes are closed till next week. I practiced with the version Sierra Boggess sings so I am most comfortable with that.

    Here's the song. If you are music major and can tell me what key the song is in just by listening to it I will love you forever.

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • Headshots and resumes?

    Ok so I need to take a headshot and make a resume for theatre and I have never done thise before and I am very lost and can someone please talk me through it and send me a sample resume or something?

    I am a teen and I do a lot of community theatre but I am soon going to be auditioning for a new company and its the first time that I have been asked for either of these and I'm very nervous. Thanks

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting8 years ago
  • Monologue help!!! The Diary of Anne Frank?

    I'm auditioning for a very prestigous company that also takes equity actors as well as non-equity and because I've only done community theatre I need my audition to be perfect!

    Well I would be auditioning for the lead (Anne Frank) in the diary of Anne Frank. I am 14 years old and physically I don't look like here although I have some similar features.

    I need to bring one monologue as well as reading from the script and I've usually only done musicals that only require to bring songs so I don't know what to bring.

    Please help!

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting8 years ago
  • Audition songs help please?

    Hiya, so I'm auditioning for Fiddler on the Roof in about a week and a half and I am lost with what to sing. Like completely.

    Anyway, I have a pretty large range (i've been talking voice lessons for a while) and I can sing low alto and mezzo and some soprano (but I'd work on it with my teacher)

    Anyway, I am auditioning for Chava. I am 15 years old and need a really good song.

    The audition notice says 16 bars of a broadway style song.

    I also know the rules for auditions:

    -Nothing currently on Broadway

    -No pop (seriously, just broadway music)

    -No disney (or Disney Broadway)

    -No Sondheim

    -Nothing too taboo or overdone

    -Something that sounds like the show and from the same time period

    So I would really appreciate some song suggestions. I have a few that I'm looking at if we can't find one but I just don't really like them. Thank you so so so much!

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting8 years ago
  • Audition songs help please?

    Hiya, so I'm auditioning for Fiddler on the Roof in about a week and a half and I am lost with what to sing. Like completely. Usually I have some sort of idea but I can't decide.

    Anyway, I have a pretty large range (i've been talking voice lessons for a while) and I can sing low alto and mezzo and some soprano (but I'd work on it with my teacher)

    Anyway, I am auditioning for Chava. I am 15 years old and need a really good song.

    The audition notice says 16 bars of a broadway style song.

    I also know the rules for auditions:

    -Nothing currently on Broadway

    -No pop (seriously, just broadway music)

    -No disney (or Disney Broadway)

    -No Sondheim

    -Nothing too taboo or overdone

    -Something that sounds like the show and from the same time period

    So I would really appreciate some song suggestions. I have a few that I'm looking at if we can't find one but I just don't really like them. Thank you so so so much!

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • Audition songs help please?

    Hiya, so I'm auditioning for Fiddler on the Roof in about a week and a half and I am lost with what to sing. Like completely. Usually I have some sort of idea but I can't decide.

    Anyway, I have a pretty large range (i've been talking voice lessons for a while) and I can sing low alto and mezzo and some soprano (but I'd work on it with my teacher)

    Anyway, I am auditioning for Chava. I am 15 years old and need a really good song.

    The audition notice says 16 bars of a broadway style song.

    I also know the rules for auditions:

    -Nothing currently on Broadway

    -No pop (seriously, just broadway music)

    -No disney (or Disney Broadway)

    -No Sondheim

    -Nothing too taboo or overdone

    -Something that sounds like the show and from the same time period

    So I would really appreciate some song suggestions. I have a few that I'm looking at if we can't find one but I just don't really like them. Thank you so so so much!

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting8 years ago
  • Acoustic songs for performance (girls)?

    Hi I am a 14 year old girl and I sing and play acoustic guitar. I will be performing with a friend of mine (also a girl) who will be singing too (two of us singing).I am performing soon and I can't figure out what to do for a song. Its a benefit so there are other people performing so I only get to do 1 song. I can sing from alto to soprano and I have a voice teacher to help if the song would be considered challenging. But it doesn't have to be a duet we can do 1 person or 2 people singing. Please help me!

    3 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Acoustic songs for performance?

    Hi I am a 14 year old girl and I sing and play acoustic guitar. I am performing soon and I can't figure out what to do for a song. Its a benefit so there are other people performing so I only get to do 1 song. I can sing from alto to soprano and I have a voice teacher to help if the song would be considered challenging. Please help me!

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • Songs for high school arts night with guitar to sing?

    So me and my sister are going to be doing a duet at a concert. We just need one song. I want to play guitar for it, so we want it be acoustic. We want a really good song people will like, and we can sing comfortably. I can sing low alto to soprano and my sister is a mezzo to regular soprano. We aren't the best at harmonizing but we are working on it in our voice lessons.

    We want to song to be somewhat unexpected but people can know about it. Maybe an idea to mashup songs? I honestly have no idea. Thank you!

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • Songs for two sisters to sing?

    So me and my sister are going to be doing a duet at a concert. We just need one song. I want to play guitar for it, so we want it be acoustic. We want a really good song people will like, and we can sing comfortably. I can sing low alto to soprano and my sister is a mezzo to regular soprano. We aren't the best at harmonizing but we are working on it in our voice lessons.

    We want to song to be somewhat unexpected but people can know about it. Maybe an idea to mashup songs? I honestly have no idea. Thank you!

    1 AnswerSinging8 years ago
  • Embarrassing acne all over my back? Dark spots?

    I have acne all over my back and it really bothers me a lot. In dance I get really self concious because my leotard is low cut on my back and none of the other girls have it and when my teacher needs to come and coorect me I feel like she's judging me. In the summer I alway wear my hair down when i wear a tank and I don't want to have to adjust my life for it I just want to be happy and confident.

    I went to the dermatoligist and they gave me this cream and I guess it kinda works but if I don't use it for a day then all of a sudden I get a ton of really big zits that get really red and big and swollen and they are deep down. But it doesn't stop them completely. And it also does nothing for the awful scares they leave. You couldn't even play connect the dots on my back because there would be not enough room for the lines, the scars are everywhere. How can i get rid of them? The scar creme and drug stores is this tiny bottle and it would barely cover any part of my back. please help!

    8 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago