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  • I'm young, attractive, social, principled, educated, & unique. So why do I have guy problems?

    Hear me out. I'm not self-centered, but I have been gifted with having perspective. I'm 25, I live in Los Angeles, CA, I graduated from a prestigious university (top in the country) with a double-major and double-minor, I'm pretty set/secure financially, I'm very moralistic, and I have a lot of great friends (I'm well-liked in public settings). As I have stated before, I don't want to sound conceited, but I'm attractive; I'm constantly told on a weekly basis that I can "have whoever I want." I get mistaken for a model quite often (I have done modeling from time-to-time and I get offers, but I rather stay more on the corporate path towards financial success). I have nice, high-end things, I've never done drugs (literally, I have never smoked a single thing in my entire life), and I'm diverse as I have over 6 different ethnicities.

    So what's the deal here? Why can't I land a single guy that I like?

    Yes, I dress risqué & edgy because that's my style when I like to be comfortable. But I also wear modern, top-brand clothes when the occasion calls for it. Most of my friends are guys, but so what? It's not like I sleep around. I've really only been with one guy and it was a committed relationship for over 7 years. Yes, I'm picky when it comes to guys. I'm literally not attracted to 99.5% of guys out there, but when I actually find a guy I like (attraction-wise and for his personality), things just never work out for me. I just spent half a year getting to know a guy before getting casted aside for a teenager that doesn't work or go to school; I'm heartbroken/devastated (similar to how my ex casted me aside for a younger girl with kids). My luck with guys makes no sense. Everyone thinks I have options. Guys hardly come up to me, and my guy friends have even stated that there's no way they'd ever make a move publicly given my looks, boldness, and so forth.

    So what are my problems?

    I've been told I intimidate others (despite how friendly/social I am, which I can't understand), that I'm too nice/vulnerable & guys take advantage of that, that I need to act more like a ***** in order to get what I want, that I come off as a tease (even though I'm really just a friendly person) & need to be more "easy" or open to giving "it" up more. I'm getting all this advice that seems to contradict each other. I just can't understand what my freaking issue is at this point. It's not like I'm looking for someone. But when I finally do find a guy I like, and we spend quite some time together, something ends up happening where I'm left in the dust and I don't understand why (even considering that we have chemistry, have the right balance of similarities/differences, and that all our mutual friends think we're good match for each other and so forth). What's the deal here? Am I cursed?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Are there any native american singers, musicians, bands, song writers, etc that are connected to los angeles?

    I'm doing a paper on a topic that is under researched. The information gathered may be used for an upcoming grammy exhibit. I want to find bands, musicians, singers, & so forth that were at least part native american ('Indian'). They don't have to be big or famous. I just want to know who they are, what kind of songs were they singing, & so on (anywhere between 1940s to 1975). The tricky part is, I need to show a connection, some relevance between these artists & the los angeles area. So, having said that, I need these artists to be perhaps from LA or even just performed a lot in that particular area. La was a hot spot for attracting musicians. Please remember that the LA area is a large one (includes silver lake, watts, burbank, hollywood, tujunga, studio city, etc), & that we are focusing on the period from the 1940s to 1975.

    Any names you can drop, detailed info, links, & so forth are appreciated. I just need someone to put me in the right direction so that I can do my research. Heck, even if you have relatives who are native american & were singing back in the day, let me know. I want to know what they were singing about (traditional songs, etc). Thanks.

    Other - Music9 years ago
  • Were there any Native American singers, song writers, band members, etc. that are connected to los angeles?

    I'm doing a paper on a topic that is under researched. The information gathered may be used for an upcoming grammy exhibit. I want to find bands, musicians, singers, & so forth that were at least part native american ('Indian'). They don't have to be big or famous. I just want to know who they are, what kind of songs were they singing, & so on (anywhere between 1940s to 1975). The tricky part is, I need to show a connection, some relevance between these artists & the los angeles area. So, having said that, I need these artists to be perhaps from LA or even just performed a lot in that particular area. La was a hot spot for attracting musicians. Please remember that the LA area is a large one (includes silver lake, watts, burbank, hollywood, tujunga, studio city, etc), & that we are focusing on the period from the 1940s to 1975.

    Any names you can drop, detailed info, links, & so forth are appreciated. I just need someone to put me in the right direction so that I can do my research. Heck, even if you have relatives who are native american & were singing back in the day, let me know. I want to know what they were singing about (traditional songs, etc). Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Should I stay or should I go?

    I've known him for over 9 years (been intimate with him for over 5 years). It's unfortunate, but he became a completely different person this year. He's gotten emotionally abusive (to say the least). I catch him lying, and when I want to communicate what hurts me, I'm either met with threats or a cold shoulder. He refuses to talk about any problems that we have. I not only fear, but know, that the people and the crowd (more particularly the import scene) around him is changing him for the worst. They cheat on their girlfriends, take part in illegal activity, etc...and because of this, he has changed into a selfish, unreasonable, and greedy person. I feel that he has no empathetic ability whatsoever.

    I found him looking up escorts, and I did something daring. One of the girls he called never responded to him, so I altered the contact and pretended to be her. Obviously, the things I received from him was disappointing. It pretty much looked like he was going to pay for sex, but turned it down before anything could happen. I told him what I did. And he accused me of being a real escort (he constantly accuses me of this and cheating, even though I take no part in these things). He eventually told me that he was setting up these "meetings" for his bosses (who I know as well) purely to make money. I obviously don't agree with any kind of reasoning that he has. I honestly don't know if he's lying or telling me the truth about anything anymore. I came to the conclusion that I can only receive half-truths from him.

    Here's the problem, I obviously love him and I miss the old him. Should I continue to latch onto hope, or is this all truly hopeless? Is he really going to remain on this dark and immoral road? He says he loves me, but he wants to put zero effort into making anything work. To be honest, he makes me feel inadequate on every level. He doesn't give me any credit for who I am, what I have accomplished, and what I do for him. I know that I have a lot going for me. Not to sound narcissistic, but I'm pretty (in fact, I model in my spare time), young, smart (I go to USC--one of the top schools in the country), and financially stable. Why does he only see what's "wrong" with me? I don't understand how I have done anything to make him hate me. I buy him lunch constantly, drive out of my way every day to see/stay w/ him, drive him when he's incapable of doing so (which usually lasts weeks), helped his grandmother when she just had a heart attack, take off school to take care of him when he's sick, and so forth. The list goes on.

    your thoughts? Any opinions? Have you experienced anything similar?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • Why is it so hard for my bf to communicate & be open w/ me?

    I've been through hell for him. I've known him for 9 years (been w/ him for over 5 of those years). We used to do everything together, but then last year he started being more distant. He's always attracted the wrong kind of people, & is easily influenced. Long story short, he became greedy, abusive, narcissistic, & a cheater.

    I stuck w/ him through everything hoping that he would return to his normal self. But he still lies (or as he says, he " didn't lie, just didn't tell u") & is cold to me. He calls me insecure, but it stems from his lack of communication, constant lying, etc the things I see on his phone is disappointing. I think, why do I need this guy? I'm good-looking , attend a prestigious school, have a supportive family & friends. How does he add to my life ? But I can't erase my feeling s & memories; I love him. Every time I convey how I feel or bring up issues, he starts threatening, being violent, calling me names, etc. do I deserve this ? Did I do something wrong? I just want to have a normal, loving relationship w/ him. Any advice someone can spare me? I don't see how one can change so fast, & ignore reflecting on the past.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is it possible to upload DNG files/images to Photobucket? What about facebook?

    My friend wants to convert my raw images into Dng files in order to (1) maintain the quality and (2) for editing purposes. However, I want to store the images on Photobucket and on facebook. So I want to know if I'm even able to upload dng files to these sites. If all they accept is formats like jpeg, I don't see why Dng would be necessary.

    Can someone explain this to me and if dng can be uploaded to sites like Photobucket and facebook? Thanks.

    3 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • how can I transfer, view, and save raw images from my camera to my comp.?

    I really need help here as I don't understand the whole digital/ high-tech. camera thing. But to make the story short, my friend and I took a lot of pictures (roughly 400) for a creative project. We made sure to take the pictures in raw format for photo shopping/editing purposes. Problem is, we can't find a fast and simple way to transfer and copy the images onto a computer or USB.

    My friend suggested that I use this program called winrar that will convert the images to jpeg. But what was the point in taking the images in raw if the point was to lose the quality (by changing it to jpeg)? Not only that, I need the photos in Raw format to properly edit them. So I really don't know what to do. Took them to CVS/saveon to transfer them onto a disk, that didn't work. My friend tried using adobe but that would take about 10 hours to convert them.

    Point is, I really need help. Something fast, something simple. Oh, and we took the pics. On a Nikon d40. Don't know if that helps as I'm not a photographer. So please explain your answers carefully (leaving lots of detail and bring clear).

    6 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • Asking boyfriend's ex to stop talking to him. Right or wrong? *Read details before answering*?

    I've been having a lot of problems w/ my boyfriend of 5 years. We're going through the worst imaginable because he's changed considerably---mainly due to the people he's hanging with. I'm trying to give him time to regain his good sense of self, while doing my best not trying to "annoy" him. Problem is, his ex just popped into the picture. And I catch him lying to me about seeing and talking to her (if fact, about 3 years ago, the lying started due to another old ordeal w/ her). Point is, if you're a trustworthy person and not doing anything wrong, then you wouldn't be lying. And I always encouraged honesty/transparency in relationships. I try to convey how I feel to him, but I'm met w/ hostility or complete silence. Because he won't make the right decision, I told his ex my ordeal and that I would appreciate her stopping communication with him. She sees it as a punishment, but I try to assure her that I know it's not her fault. It's just that the situation itself isn't the best at the moment and is only making things worse between us.

    And please note, it's not like I'm destroying a close relationship or anything like that. They haven't talked for nearly 4 years. Point is, while her intentions are honorable, his aren't. And I've already caught him making one or two lewd comments to her. Not only that, but he's been talking to her more than me throughout the day. Literally, he'll ignore my texts or tell me he's "too busy", while he's texting her at his work the entire time. And I told her, that seems a little unfair and if neither of them can see that respectable boundary, I have to do my best to enforce it so I don't get walked on. And not to sound mean, but I would think a relationship of 5 years (and our friendship of 9) is more significant than an "in and out" once in awhile type friendship. What I'm asking for is respect. And if your "friend" whose w/ another person gives off the sense of doing something immoral w/ you, then you should do the ethical thing and end it there. Also, dealing w/ exes just welcomes in unwanted drama for many couples (not all, but a good amount). you think what I'm asking for is unreasonable? And what would you say to him or her (please remember that this guy isn't an easy person to talk to)?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is it wrong to request your boyfriend's ex to stop talking to him? *read details before you pass judgment*?

    My bf & I have been together for over 5 yrs. The past few 4 months have been a living nightmare. I never thought I would ever be cheated on, lied to, and basically betrayed in the worst ways possible. It's like he's a completely different person--our mutual friends see it, his family sees it, etc.But no one really aids in "fixing" what has been broken (his loss of self) because it doesn't affect their daily lives & hearts as it does mine. I don't want to focus on the cheating. I know it's foolish but I still love him & I still hold out hope that he'll regain his sense of self back, as well as his moral compass. My hope just can't die even after all this abuse--both emotional and physical. And I feel a big part of his personality switch is due to his continuous attraction to hangout w/ the wrong people (which cultivates into nasty values such as greed, ego/image, self-centeredness, etc). Just when things were slowly picking up and, in a sense, on the track to being good again, his ex enters the picture. We had problems w/ her years back as he started hanging out w/ her, & that's when the lying first began in our relationship. After about a week of drama, things settled and we never heard much from her again. But I was glad that I voiced my opinions about my concerns about their renewed friendship (that is simply being honest w/ who I am). I don't care if people think that's insecure. I verbalize how I feel, & others should respect and be understanding of that rather than belittle such transparency.

    But now she comes into the picture again (over 3 years later). & I catch him lying to me about her, texting her lude comments, etc..all while I gave him some space to be more accommodating. The fault, I know, lies w/ him, not her. But as I explained to her, her timing and the situation itself just isn't right for our relationship at this current moment.I told her, while her intentions are honorable, my bf's aren't. & the situation that has presented itself is only making things worse--- inside him (his judgment, as he has lost his moral compass), for me, & needless to say, for our relationship. I tried to be as nice as possible explaining to her my situation, that her adding to the mix right after all this chaos is simply kicking me while I'm down.& while my request (for her to stop talking to my guy) seems unfair, what about all the time & effort (on a day-to-basis), sweat & tears, etc..I have put into this guy? Not to be mean. But I think 5 yrs of a relationship, 9 yrs of friendship w/ him (< me and him), over her "pop in & pop out" friendship isn't as significant. Doesn't it sound like respecting my love and 5 years relationship--the longest either of us has ever had---sound more fair? There is a serious problem when my boyfriend doesn't call me all day, despite my various efforts (it's been like this for about a week)--tells me he's too busy--and I catch him texting her the entire day (while he's working, as well as facebooking other people) and wanting to go out at night w/ her. Literally, he's ignoring my texts and calls while he's responding to all of hers throughout the day. Like I said, it's not her fault. But the situation isn't right. In other words, it's like putting a liar in a situation where you know he'll fail instead of giving him time to learn, realize, & correct his ways.

    His ex---who I have obviously encountered multiple times---thinks that I'm "punishing" her. I try t assure her that that's not the case. I feel bad for my request. But I think in situations like this, friends or old exes need to respect the "new" relationship that their friend is currently in.& it's not like they have been best friends since before I met him, etc. His exes, no offense to them, always seem to pop in and out at the worse times (they all started talking to him again after they found out he was w/ me). Literally, years go by before they talk again. So my point is, it's not like I'm making this outrageous request & separating a close relationship. & I have sacrificed multiple friendships w/ my guy friends upon his request & his insecurities. While I knew my intentions were just, my guy friend's weren't. So I chose the right/ethical path & accepted my boyfriend's decision. So do you think I was going too far for pleading w/ her? I know that it can seem unfair & that the blame doesn't lie w/ her. But her being back in the mix just doesn't help, like I've stated. & I can't turn to my guy for making the right decision(s) at the moment because he is just acting carelessly & selfishly. I made a decision to stick through it (this "phase" w/e you want to call it) w/ him because I love him---the only guy I ever loved. I know it sounds foolish, but please don't make this into a "you should just dump him, he&

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • I know this sounds horrible, but Why can't he love me? Why all the lies & cheating?

    I recently turned 23. I never thought I'd ever be in this position. I've known this guy for 9 years of my life (since high school), 5 of which was intimate (we were in a 5 year relationship). We always had our problems, but we loved each other so I always thought things can be worked out. But he's a horrible communicator; he never resolves problems. Every tiny bump in the road, he ends up yelling at me (instead of having a calm, adult conversation) & then dumping me (until he "reels" me back in).

    I always respected his feelings. I stopped modeling to please him because he didn't like me doing it. I stopped talking to a lot of my guy friends, isolated myself from school parties/activities, & even changed my clothes when he asked me to because he thought it was too revealing. Things took a turn for the worst when he got into the "car scene." I didn't like it because it's full of trash & smut. I love the cars, but I don't like my guy being around a whole bunch of naked girls. His goal was to own his own shop and be a mechanic & car detailer but he got sidetracked by just going to all these car shows/meets where you see the same people (I've been to so many, trust me). I tell him how I feel about my dislike for the girls in the scene, but he always reassured me that he was just in it for the cars and he didn't deal w/ the "models." But I would catch him lying as he would set up photoshoots for other people or his so-called car parts "company" (where he's pretty much just the middle man trying to sell other peoples' car parts). I got upset and it lead to a series of breakups followed by false promises of change. I know I might sound insecure, but is it wrong for wanting my guy to only have eyes for me?

    I respected him and adjusted for him in so many ways, why couldn't he do the same? He always gave me false hope. He changed so drastically. He became like my father, lying about everything he did because he knew it's disrespectful. But it's ridiculous lying to me because I always find the truth. Then I caught him cheating when I was at my most vulnerable moment as I spent a few nights at home for commuting purposes (to school), dealing w/ family drama, & he was unemployed so he had a lot of free time to do w/e. The weird thing is, everything he told me NOT to be, he cheated on me with. He took this average girl and put her into the car scene to "model", she was younger than me w/ two 3 year old kids, didn't have a car (she lived at least an hour a way), & didn't have any kind of stable income. He'd complain how he spent too much money on my taking me out, but here I find him spending $70 on hotel rooms for this girl (and taking her out to other places). Am I missing something here? What did I do so wrong? All I want is for him to respect and love me the way I love and respect him. I've known him for so long. I feel as if the guy I love died and the only thing remaining is the outer shell of him. He has everyone fooled on who he is. And I truly believe his new group of friends who he's hanging w/ in the car scene are bad influences on him ( he can't resist the "bachelor scene" as I call it) . He drinks every night, tried selling drugs at one point, lies all the time,'s like he's a monster. He yells, lies, and doesn't want me to touch him anymore. How did this happen? He feels as if he can be selfish and make all the mistakes he wants because he's "still young." His family (who he still lives w/), my family, and mutual friends don't know what's up w/ him. It's like he's in the club industry, is so un-focused, has all his new buddies fooled, is greedy,& is only concerned about image.

    Not to sound self-centered but I don't understand the cheating. I mean, I'm a good looking girl (numerous people who knew the "other woman", even "my" guy himself said I'm prettier) & I attend one of the best schools in the country (double majoring and double minoring at USC). I recently started back up the modeling thing as well. The only thing this guy ever complained about is that I didn't have a job (despite the fact I pay my own bills, have more money than him, and has bought him way more things than he has ever given me). I feel incomplete w/o his love. I miss him. He won't listen to me. If I cry, he tells me "no one cares." I feel lost. Every time I give him more freedom and put trust in him, he stabs me in the back--the person I love, the guy I would've trusted my life w/ up to a few months ago. I'm so hurt but I can't seem to hate him. I feel empty. I constantly think "Am I not good enough?" He makes me feel so ugly inside and out. He thinks I never supported him. I just wanted the best for him. I wanted him to go to school so that he could learn the trade

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • Letter of the law vs. spirit of the law Towing dilemma?

    Where I live there is literally no parking by the time I get home. I search around for an hour wasting gas. It's ridiculous. So tonight I decided to park in front of my garage until a space opened up. I heard talking outside and I saw the tow guy and public safety coming for my car. I told them from the window that I'd come downstairs to movie my car, & they said okay and to hurry up.

    I didn't even get dressed, I rushed down, and they purposely drove off w/ my car (I literally took less than a min. to come downstairs). I found them in a nearby parking lot securing my car. I told them I was upset and that they said they would wait, but the guy was in a hurry (actually an hour late) for another pickup. I called the tow place & they acted as if the tow guy never acknowledged our communication because I wasn't on the ground right next to him. The police just said to take it up w/ property owners because it's considered a fire hazard, which doesn't really make any sense because people park in front of their garages all the time (for car washes, cleaning their garages, etc.) Any suggestions as to what I should do or say? Thanks.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Unlawful towing? What can I do?

    Where I live there is literally no parking by the time I get home. I search around for an hour wasting gas. It's ridiculous. So tonight I decided to park in front of my garage until a space opened up. I heard talking outside and I saw the tow guy and public safety coming for my car. I told them from the window that I'd come downstairs to movie my car, & they said okay and to hurry up.

    I didn't even get dressed, I rushed down, and they purposely drove off w/ my car (I literally took less than a min. to come downstairs). I found them in a nearby parking lot securing my car. I told them I was upset and that they said they would wait, but the guy was in a hurry (actually an hour late) for another pickup. I called the tow place & they acted as if the tow guy never acknowledged our communication because I wasn't on the ground right next to him. The police just said to take it up w/ property owners because it's considered a fire hazard, which doesn't really make any sense because people park in front of their garages all the time (for car washes, cleaning their garages, etc.) Any suggestions as to what I should do or say? Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Federal Stafford Loan (Subsidized) Question?

    I'm thinking about taking out around $2,250 from a Federal Stafford Loan (SUBSIDIZED). From what my financial aid counselors tell me, the government technically pays for the interest you accumulate while in school. My plan is to pay back the loan in full (at one time) right before or right after I graduate school. My question is, will I have to pay any kind of interest as well? According to my counselors, if I pay it all back right away, then I will be fine, and I will not have to pay any more than what I have borrowed (the $2,250).

    Is this correct? I want to make sure before I take on such a big financial responsibility. Thanks!

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Notable difference between these 2 minors?

    I'm having a difficult time deciding between the advertising minor and the visual culture minor (w/ a concentration on photography, film, and the reproduction of images). I can see differences between the two. However, for me, they seem to be only slight differences. I really want to minor in advertising, but the visual culture minor is the best option for me time-wise (when it comes to graduating on time). So, in your opinion, are these minors completely different or are they relatively the same? Please explain your reasoning (why or why not they are different, etc.). Just for clarification, I want to emphasize that the visual culture minor is the one w/ the concentration in photography, film, & the reproduction of images.*

    If you want more details/descriptions of the minors (to compare), you can click these links:

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Is there a big difference between these 2 minors? (really need help due to lack of answers)?

    I'm having a difficult time deciding between the advertising minor and the visual culture minor (w/ a concentration on photography, film, and the reproduction of images). I can see differences between the two. However, for me, they seem to be only slight differences. I really want to minor in advertising, but the visual culture minor is the best option for me time-wise (when it comes to graduating on time). So, in your opinion, are these minors completely different or are they relatively the same? Please explain your reasoning (why or why not they are different, etc.). Just for clarification, I want to emphasize that the visual culture minor is the one w/ the concentration in photography, film, & the reproduction of images.*

    If you want more details/descriptions of the minors (to compare), you can click these links:

  • Can't choose between 2 minors. Which one is the best for my profession?

    I'm currently double majoring in Communication (w/ a track in entertainment and society) and English (track in creative writing). Currently, my dream is to become either an art director or a creative director.

    The problem is that I can't seem to figure out which minor would be the best for me. I'm currently stumped between advertising and communication design.

    Please select between the two, and explain why you chose that as your answer. Thank you.

  • HELP! Why is my dog howling? It's a big problem & she won't stop?

    I've posted something similar, but my dog is continuing to howl no matter what I do. I've tried ignoring her, scolding her, making LOUD noises..and nothing seems to work. It only makes her want to howl longer and louder. Yesterday, I ran, walked, & played w/ her for over 5 hours! It wore myself & my neighbor (who is an excellent/experienced dog trainer) out. But as soon as I brought her back home & put her in her enclosure (in less than 1 min.), she began to howl all night. I even put a bunch of toys,treats, & food for her. My dad has also tried playing music for her, but to no avail.

    If she doesn't stop, my dad will get rid of her (in a few days, if that). She has never howled so much before (her noise level has drastically increased). It's almost as if I gave her too much attention & wanted me to sleep w/ her outside. Please note that she is an outside dog & my dad will not tolerate her being an inside dog. Nor will he tolerate a "slow" solution to this problem as he has no patience whatsoever.

    I'm going to see if a (premier) anti-bark spray collar will work on her. But if that doesn't work, I don't know what else to do. Please give me some ideas, what the problem can possibly be, and if any anti-bark devices have worked for you or a friend.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Really NEED help! 2nd time posting! Anti-bark spray collar not spraying. Why?

    My dog has recently begun to howl like crazy. If I don't find someway to make her be quiet at night, my dad will "get rid of her." So I purchased an anti-barking collar that defers the dog from making noise by spraying her w/ this harmless stuff. It's suppose to work for howling as well.

    Problem is that it's not spraying her. Yes, she's pretty fluffy. But she can be loud and the sprayer isn't even hitting her fur or doing anything it's suppose to. I tried it myself (by giving multiple loud shouts & barks into the device), & nothing happened. The only time it seemed to spray was when you blew really hard into the device, which really doesn't help anything.Does anyone know what's wrong w/ it? It's a petsafe deluxe kind, & it isn't one of those cheap ones either. & I made sure it's on as well when using it. Some people may say her fur may be the problem. However, the device said that you can put a bandana over the fur. But this is done so that the spray will actually hit her chin (& not for the sake of the device to pick up the sound & vibrations). & that still doesn't explain why it didn't work for me.

    Any ideas as to what is going on?Also, do you know if those ultra high pitch frequency boxes work on loud animals? Or is there anything else that's actually effective that you can recommend. Just FYI, my dog is not a small dog (she's like medium husky or German Shepard size).

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Petsafe spray Anti-bark collar not spraying?!?

    My dog has recently begun to howl like crazy. If I don't find someway to make her be quiet at night, my dad will "get rid of her." So I purchased an anti-barking collar that defers the dog from making noise by spraying her w/ this harmless stuff. It's suppose to work for howling as well.

    Problem is that it's not spraying her. Yes, she's pretty fluffy. But she can be loud and the sprayer isn't even hitting her fur or doing anything it's suppose to. I tried it myself (by giving multiple loud shouts & barks into the device), & nothing happened. The only time it seemed to spray was when you blew really hard into the device, which really doesn't help anything.Does anyone know what's wrong w/ it? It's a petsafe deluxe kind, & it isn't one of those cheap ones either. & I made sure it's on as well when using it. Some people may say her fur may be the problem. However, the device said that you can put a bandana over the fur. But this is done so that the spray will actually hit her chin (& not for the sake of the device to pick up the sound & vibrations). & that still doesn't explain why it didn't work for me.

    Any ideas as to what is going on?Also, do you know if those ultra high pitch frequency boxes work on loud animals? Or is there anything else that's actually effective that you can recommend. Just FYI, my dog is not a small dog (she's like medium husky or German Shepard size).

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend created another Valentine's day disaster! Why?

    I've been with my bf for more than 3 years now, and he continually wrecks my holidays (which are very important to me). Either right before or on the holiday itself, he has to start a fight, create some drama, and cause a serious emotional downward spiral for me. These "holidays" include Christmases, my birthday, Valentine's day, Halloween, etc. As many are aware, today is Valentine's day, and once again he has set negativity on what's suppose to be a very happy, loving, and passionate day. This week I told him I would need Friday to myself so that I can plan a surprise for him for v-day (I secretly planned it with his friends). I told him I probably wouldn't get done until late at night (because I also had to go to school that day).

    Well from that point on he continually harassed me asking me where I was, who I was with, etc. & I kept telling him I couldn't say because it was a surprise. For over 3 days I was being interrogated and accused as if I was cheating on him! & I have never given him suspicion to think that I have that kind of history; I'm a very loyal and trustworthy person. Anyways, this entire situation is making me re-think our relationship. It's not just about the wrecking of the holidays. It's also about how I couldn't even have a half a day to myself...I have no space, no breathing room.

    I think he completely overreacted, as he usually does. But it just seems odd to me how he couldn't give me a half a day, despite the fact that I'm w/ him before and after school every day. He apologizes later after the fact, but how many times am I going to hear this empty word, "sorry"?& he expects me to just get over it quickly, and forget about all of his anger and accusations as if they were minuscule. It's bad enough that he never plans anything special for these days. But my birthday is in exactly one month from now, and I don't want to be sad on that day as well.

    What are your thoughts?

    8 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade ago