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  • Should i go?

    This might sound really dumb but i’m having a hard time coming up with a response. My old job has been closed for a year and called me to tell me they’re opening up. I own a small business but it’s really slow at the moment. I was thinking of going back but my friends are not, i know work doesn’t revolve around friends but then i’ll be the only girl there. What should i do? 

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 days ago
  • Weird dream about a fox?

    I had a weird dream tonight about a fox? In my home. It could’ve been a smaller animal but i think it was a fox. We got the fox randomly and decided to drive to a family house and the fox kept bitting my hand. I go out the car and the fox chased me and bit me again! I had lines on my fingers... it might seem dumb but what can it be?? 

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation5 days ago