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I come on here sometimes, but i usually don't spend TOO much .....0.... ..0...0.... .0.....0... .0.....0.. plz put this ..0...0...on ur profile ...0..0... if u know somone ....00.... that died from cancer ..0....0.. .0......0.

  • How do you calculate when a particle defined by parametric equations comes to a stop?>?

    Do I need to set to velocity vector to zero? If so, how do I solve it?

    Or do I just need to set dy/dt to zero?

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • If it still hurts to remember him, does it mean I'm not over him?

    I'm a junior in high school, and in the latter half of sophomore year, I had a crush on a guy who hurt me. Basically, he was indecisive between me and another girl. He said he liked me, but I've always had a feeling that he liked her better. Yeah, it's only a high school crush, and it might sound stupid, but I was really sad for a few months. It was the first time I cried so much over a guy. But by the end of summer, I forced myself to get over him.

    I know that he still likes that other girl (as he has for the past 2 years). If he doesn't like me anymore, I don't blame him because I'm the one who wanted to get over him. But a few days ago I sat with him and the other girl, and he was chattering away with her and occasionally saying a few words to me. I couldn't help feeling left out and reminded of the sad memories.

    Does this mean I'm actually not completely over this? :(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do you continue integrating ln(x)?

    I integrated by parts and got xln(x)-x.

    The problem I'm working on is to integrate (x^4)(ln(r)).

    I'm using tabular method, so I need to integrate xln(x)-x and continue to integrate the results. Is there an easier way?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Am I supposed to reply to "sup" or not?

    This is probably a stupid question. But I recently met a cute guy (a friend's friend), and i added him on Facebook. Then I wrote "Hi" on his wall, and he replied with "sup." I'm probably not seeing him again, so we're not gonna be close friends anyway. Should i still try to make conversation?

    22 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If I was hacked on Facebook and I change the password, is everything okay now?

    I got hacked last night. I don't think it was a phishing scam or anything like that. An actual person logged onto my account and said creepy stuff to my friends. This morning I was able to log on and change my password. But does that person still have access to my account?

    By the way, I have a feeling that this was caused by a virus on my computer a few weeks ago. (I logged on, and then a window popped up that said that my password could be sent to somebody.)

    5 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • If a guy writes this in your yearbook, does he like you?

    He wrote in a part of his message that on a particular day I looked cuddly and that he wanted to give me a big hug. Is this a sign that he likes me, or is he possibly just super innocent? (We're 16.)

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do other crushes fade when you get into a relationship?

    I've been crushing on multiple people for a while. Some crushes are stronger, and some last longer. They all vary. Anyway, the point is that it'd be bad for me to be in a relationship if I'm still crushing on all these people, right? When you do start dating someone, do the other crushes fade, or are they still there?

    If they're still there, I'm screwed. I won't be dating anytime soon. D:

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What should I do about my perverted younger brother (long, but please help)?

    I'm a 16-year-old girl, and he's 13. He's not perverted in the sense that he looks at girls or makes jokes, but it shows in his actions at home. The worst part is that he still acts childish, so he makes these disgusting baby noises while being perverted!

    -He likes to touch my leg. And he makes motions of squeezing my boob but doesn't actually do it.

    -Sometimes my mom has him on her lap like a baby. He puts his hand on her breast and acts like it wasn't his fault. I say, "Ew, that's just GROSS." My mom then says, "Why is it gross? I'm his mom." UGH! D:<

    -The only reason my parents try to stop him from touching me now is that i hate it. If i didn't hate it, they wouldn't stop him.

    -He used to hate watching me change, but lately he's been watching and saying, "ooh, i like that," in that perverted, babyish voice.

    -He lies on my bed, puts my long pillow between his legs, and rubs his arms and legs all over it (with the babyish sound effects). Pretty much masturbating. My mom thinks it's disgusting, but she sees it as a joke and does nothing about it.

    -He likes to pull one sleeve down to reveal his shoulder and say, "Ooh, sexy!" Then my dad responds, "Ooh, sexy!" Then they start laughing while I'm grimacing. My dad, too? D:

    My brother still looks like a little boy. He has a baby face, but he's like this. My parents think he'll grow out of it. Uh, not if they keep encouraging it! What do i do? I'm the only one who's taking it seriously.

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Facebook chat: sometimes my message doesn't send!?

    I replied to someone on FB chat, and I waited for his reply, and it turns out that my message didn't send at all! It didn't come out on the screen. Does this ever happen to you?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Is it possible that I unconsciously like my best friend?

    I love talking to my best guy friend. Recently I've been talking to him about all my boy problems, and he's always there to listen. Plus, he's the only one who can genuinely make me laugh. I feel like I'm always smiling or laughing when I talk to him. I don't think about him all the time or anything, and I don't feel nervous like I would around a crush. But when I imagine him dating someone, I feel defensive or even jealous, like I want to be the girl he's closest to.

    Do I unconsciously like him, or do I just love him as a friend? Or maybe it's because I've never had a close guy friend before him, and I don't want to lose it?

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • When you send an email, does the color of the recipient's email address matter?

    I sent an email. Most of the recipients were in my contacts, so their names were in black with their email addresses gray and in brackets.

    Two recipients weren't in my contacts. One person's email address came out as black, and the other was gray. Did they both receive the email?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • What are some simple games for a sixteenth birthday party?

    The party will be at my house, and there will be 12-15 people, both guys and girls. I'm not looking for anything that requires too many complicated props. Also, keep it clean. No alcohol or anything like that. Thanks!

    5 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • When you have no chance with your crush, is it better to hide your feelings...?

    than to show them?

    For example, if you don't want a relationship or if your crush is your friend's ex, etc.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can I change the heart of a stubborn best friend?

    Jessica, my best friend, has a huge grudge against Sarah, our other friend, for a really ridiculous reason. They have a crush on the same teacher. None of them will ever get anywhere with it, so I don't understand why Jessica is so mad.

    Even though it's not her fault, Sarah took the blame and apologized, but Jessica still won't accept it. All the time, when Jessica rants about Sarah, I sigh and ask why she's so angry, and she says, "Because she's a b*tch." Jessica's angry that Sarah sucks up to this teacher when she's the one doing it more.

    Jessica knows that her behavior is very irrational, but she still doesn't want to back down, and she's ended her friendship with Sarah. Sarah is still willing to make up since she knows that this is a stupid reason for jeopardizing their friendship.

    I am Jessica's closest friend, but I can't change her heart. Nobody can. But I don't want to sit back and watch her acting like a b*tch to Sarah. Everyone's had enough of it. It's been almost a year. What should I do?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Is it weird if I have people I barely know in my email contacts?

    I got a new email account, so I'm sending out a mass email to my contacts to tell them to add my new email to their contacts. I have the emails of some people I don't know well because I worked on a group project with them a long time ago. Is it weird/stalkerish if I send this mass email to them too? Some of them might not even know that I still have their email saved.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is it bad to have a serious conversation over AIM?

    I have a guy friend/crush, and I need to confront him about something that's been on my mind for a while. In a nutshell, he's hurting me without knowing it. I can't pretend to be okay when I'm not; I need to talk to him. I want to do it face to face, but AIM is where most of our conversations happen. At school, we're not in the same circle of friends, so I can't talk to him without his friends being there. What should I do?

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I think my parents are keeping a secret from me...?

    I'm a fifteen year old girl. Quite a while ago (in elementary school), I was looking through our file cabinet, and I saw a section labeled "Divorce". There were all these divorce papers in it. I asked my parents about it because I hadn't known anything about any previous marriages. But they made up a really lame excuse and denied that it was real. I was never clear about that.

    Then today their marriage certificate was on the counter because my brother had to get a passport, so I took a peek at it. Sure enough, there was one previous marriage listed for both of them! I can't believe they never told me. :(

    I want to ask again, but I'm kind of scared. And I don't know if my brother should be there too. How should I act?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How can I make him more comfortable?

    A guy and I like each other, and we both know it. But we've established that we just want to remain as friends. Still, I want to talk to him and deepen our friendship.

    If we sit next to each other in class, our conversations are good because we're not obligated to be talking all the time, but if i try to make conversation or say hi outside of class, it's so awkward. It's mostly because of him. Whenever I say hi, he nods at me or waves while staring at me blankly. It's hard to be friendly and welcoming when all i get in return is a stare. I smile at him whenever I see/greet him, but he doesn't smile back unless we're already into a conversation. Worse are the shifty eyes. Once I tried to make eye contact with him to say hi, but he couldn't look at me, so we ended up ignoring each other. I think it's because he's nervous, but I don't want him to be, especially since he knows that I like him.

    Is there anything I can do to make him feel more at ease?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why am I not losing weight?

    I've been eating healthier and exercising more for 2 months, and nothing has changed. (Actually, I slipped for about a week, and I think I actually got a little fatter. But when you compare a week to two months, it's nothing. If I gained weight so easily, why is it so hard to lose it?)

    About a year ago (the last time I tried to lose weight), I kept getting dizzy because I ate too little, but I was losing a pound per week on average. Now I'm eating enough, but I can't lose anything! Do I need to suffer all that dizziness in order to lose weight again?

    I was hoping to achieve slow but steady weight loss by making moderate changes, but are they too moderate? If my changes are too extreme, I know it'll backfire on me soon. I'm getting hopeless. :(

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Do these Chinese characters mean "suffering"?

    I know it says it means suffering, but i don't know how accurate these things are.

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago