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  • If Obama says the federal gov't has been in charge of the oil spill response since day one...?

    if the gov't has been on top of everything this whole time, if BP can't make a move without federal approval... then how come every failed attempt at stopping the flow is another nail in BP's coffin and the government "in charge" takes no responsibility? Is Obama still going to take the credit when the problem is finally solved?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • It's officially Hurricane Season again...?

    Now that Tipper's gone, who is Al Gore going to cry to when the actual season once again fails to live up to the yearly predictions of wholsale destruction?

    2 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Why do liberals complain that all conservatives do is hate?

    As a diehard conservative, I don't hate Obama, I disagree with his politics. I don't care if he's half-black (I voted for someone who is 100% black). I think it's great that we have a president who is African-American. I can disagree with him without any regard to the color of his skin. I can believe his policies are destructive without hating him as a person.

    However, ask a liberal how they feel about Bush, and they start convulsing and foaming at the mouth. I've heard nothing but hatred, insults, and slanderous accusations from people on the left about people on the right. I listen to Limbaugh and I read Glenn Beck's book. I honestly don't feel the burning hatred from them. If I dare to take a side I feel is logical and right, I will automatically be called a racist hypocrite, without any basis. Does this sound hateful to you?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can liberals just debate a topic based on facts and reason?

    Why can't they just debate conservatives on immigration reform using reason and logic? Is it just easier for them to cry racism so they don't have to actually think about anything?

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why is today so much different?

    When my dad turned 11 (in the 1950s), he got a shotgun for his birthday. Most of his friends had rifles or shotguns before they were in their teens. He got into several fights at school, too. But there were never any school shootings like there are now. If so many kids had such easy access to guns back then, why weren't there more shootings like at Columbine? In the first half of the 20th Century, most houses had guns, and lots of kids got guns as gifts. Trigger locks hadn't been invented yet. Why are today's school shootings blamed on easy access to guns?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • All bark and no bite?

    Obama just signed a non-binding nuclear non-proliferation treaty that has no provision for enforcement. Congress passed a partisan health bill without giving the IRS the means to collect on the fees it will generate.

    With all that bark and absolutely no bite, does that make liberals completely spineless, or just utterly stupid? I say both.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do they try to divide the nation?

    Why do the democrats and the media keep talking about Wall Street vs Main Street? Do they not realize that we're all Americans? Do they not realize that both Wall Street and Main Street are the employers of hard working Americans? Do the media forget that they are part of Wall Street? Do the democrats forget that they take big contributions from Wall Street?

    A house divided cannot stand. Why are liberals constantly trying to divide this country?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this what he means by "bipartisan?"?

    The health care bill saw every republican and over 30 democrats vote against it. I thought we wanted bipartisan support, not bipartisan opposition for things. Is this what bipartisanship is supposed to be?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So when is the big war crimes trial?

    I thought they were supposed to try Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld for war crimes. I thought it was an open and shut case. I thought the blood of the innocents was crying out from the ground and the evidence was verwhelming. If the U.N. hates Bush so much, and there's so much solid evidence of all these war crimes, when's the trial? Isn't the world supposed to be lining up to throw stones?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are there any teenagers out there who actually know how to type?

    Any young people who can communicate outside of txt? Honestly, I'm taking college courses with people who can't write at a 6th grade level!

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Our position relative to "Big Bang"?

    Scientists report that they have viewed some of the earliest stars around 14 billion lightyears away. They say these stars were formed less than a million years after the Big Bang, and the light we are seeing from those stars took around 14 billion years to reach us. Relativity says matter cannot travel faster than the speed of light. If all of this is true, how did we get here so quick and it took so long for the light from those early stars to reach us? The Milky Way would have to be close to the "edge" of the universe. If we are indeed located at the outer expanses of the universe, assuming "ground zero" of the Big Bang would be located in the center of the expanding universe, then we should be able to point a telescope in the opposite direction of where those early stars were found and find relatively little. Sound reasonable to anyone? Is there an expert who could explain this to me?

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago