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I grow flowers for a living, I have 1 daughter and 1 son.

  • All the icons on my computer have lost their face, the writing is still under each icon.?

    I clicked on Facebook this morning about 7 hours ago, and no response and the blue circle is still spinning around.. Do I have a virus, I can still access the internet with explorer at the bottom of the computer, but how do I get all the other icons back that are at the right of the screen? Thanks for any help

    1 AnswerSecurity9 years ago
  • Workman Comp. Claim/Dispute with manager?

    Can I get a second opinion from a non workman's comp doctor if I am not getting better. My manager says I have to use a doctor on the Builders Insurance list, this is the ins. co. my company uses for work injuries. I have been told by several people I can change to another doctor of my choosing one time for a second opinion. I'm in to the third week after monday since my injury happened. Please help, Thank You!

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • I have Carpal Tunnel, it is caused from repetitive movement I have to do on my job, I grow flowers.?

    My wrist is continually moving, what would happen if I never had an operation to fix this problem, I'm afraid to file workman comp, don't want to lose my job. I've done this job for 12 + years and can't afford to quit. I'm in alot of pain and swelling, and numbness. I've used heat, cold, and finger exercises. Are my fingers going to die!!!

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Old blue Caddie for sell at local shop looks like my fathers.?

    When I was 16,40 years ago, my father had a Cadilac that looks like the one I see every day, it takes me back to memory lane, I drove it to get my licences at 16, my dad passed away in 1992. If I can get the ven number from this car can I check and find the original owner. The car looks good from the road and if it's my dads I would love to have it. Help please

    1 AnswerYahoo Shopping1 decade ago
  • I have a note book lap top my sister loaned me, there is no place to compose an e-mail.?

    on my dest top computer while on yahoo the word compose was present, that is what I used to send e-mails, now I have no way to send them with this notebook. Is it because I'm on facebook? I want to send an e-mail please help me.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • dextrol transmission fluid ruins General motors transmissions?

    A fried of mine told me a GMC mechanic is prevey to the fact that Dextrol[the red transsmission fuid that GM uses in all their cars] causes transmission damage and or engine problems, does anyone know about this situation, I have had 3 GMC cars since 1995 and they all have ended up with engine and transmission problems, that have cost alot of money to fix, and they all had the dextrol used in them. Just hoping someone knows about a class action law suit. or if this is just a rumor.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • new tires and they are scrubing when I turn into a parking place.?

    I just purchsed new Michelins for my 2003 back wheel drive Sonoma truck, it's v6 4.3l the tire size is L2357515C MN XLCT4. I called Sears and told them they are scrubing, they told me to bring it back, they shouldn't be scrubing, I just want someone elses opinion before I go back. Please help, I spent $650 for the tires and I want to get the best wear out of them, I've never spent this kind of money before on tires.

    3 AnswersGMC1 decade ago
  • I have a herniated disc and need an operation?

    I have had three epideral shots and still have pain, so now the doctor said surgery is needed. People are telling me not to let the doctor fuse the disc's together. Why?? I haven't seen the surgon yet to schedule a date for the surgery. I'm a little worried, I'm not the luckiest person in the world. This injury happened at work so workmans comp has been closely involved, a field nurse was with me today in the doctors office when I got the news of the surgery. he said that it would be best not to have the disk's fused together. I thought of decompression but workmans comp does not go that route. Thanks for your help!!!!

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Pink Rose Bush?

    In my front yard there are 4 red rose bushes that have been planted over 20 years ago. I live in a duplex and a pink rose bush bloomed today in the middle of the red roses. My landlord[he live in the other duplex and has for 50 years] said he didn't plant it, I didn't plant it and there are no other pink rose bushes in my neighborhood for birds to eat seeds from and dispose of their droppings. It has little pink blooms and is as tall as the red roses. I have some mystical ideas about how it got there. Do any of you believe in signs from beyond.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Police didn't respond to drive by gun shots on my street?

    Just about 40 minutes ago I had just got comfortable on my couch after a sweaty, hot hard day of work and the nex thing I knew 5 gun shots were fired by someone in a car. By the time I looked out the window the car was out of sight and all the neighbors were on their porches wondering what had just happened. I live in Gainesville, Georgia, Hall county. This is not the first time a peace officer has been called and not shown up. My neighborhood is 90% hispanic, although I have been here for 11 years, and my landlord has been in the house {duplex he owns] for 50 years, he is 88. He is the one that called, and they still treat it as nothing, what would you do about the sorry police dept. I beleive that the police depts are the ones who turn a town into gang related war zones when they do not respond to serious calls such as this. We have hispancic cops that can ask questions of my neighbors, why are they taking this so lightly. I am so dissapointed by these no good cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    17 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Vibrating Truck?

    My truck is vibrating so bad my fingertips are going numb when I drive, every thing in the car is also starting to shake. I have my tires rotated and balanced and brakes on a timely basis. The front end does not pull to one side or the other. I ave to take it to a mechanic and I want some kind of idea, mabe somthing is broke underneeth. It's a 2003 Sonoma P.U. I bought it new and have always felt a vibration in the steering wheel but people told me "it's a truck it is supose to drive rough." What could be worn out and need replacing. Thank you

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My start button is in the wrong place?

    how do I get my start button back to the bottom left of the screen. Every time I want to use the arrow the start script pops up and we have a fight,I don't know what I did to get it on the upper right side. If I can't fix it I may have to take a hammer to my computer. Thank you if you can help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Are police officers suppose to investigate every crime or potential crime reported by a private citizen?

    If I have asked that an officer please come to my neighbors home and ask him to lower his car stereo, so that my windows and walls as well as my brain won't vibrate with anger to the point of wishing he would dissapear. The police dept. decided my call for help wasn't important enough and chose not to do their job, leaving me in a discusting state of mind, such as being in prison, the cops not giving a crap, mabe any one that can be paid off is paid off. I have asked him two times in the last five days, in a not so kind way. You see all the people around me at one time or another play car stereos loud to the point of brutal. When the time comes you can hear you neighbors car stereo over a hair drier at your ear, something needs to be done. The police will not help me, these people are really driving me crazy, is their

    any one out their that can help me, I have a right to live in peace. The riff between the neighbor and I has made me very insecure about leaving and coming home.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Myotubular Myopothy?

    My two grandsons have this muscular disease, my nephue had it and died at age 5, I also belive my twin brothers were born with it, but they died at birth, it skipped my son and my older brother, this is a newly named muscular disease and I was hoping I could find a support group, you see it is passed from mother to daughter and the daughters pass it to the sons[50/50 chance]

    I feel very guilty passing this gene to my daughter and now having two grandsons with this fatal condition, this is the worst feeling I have ever known, please help!!!!!!!! Thank you

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Looking for relatives in London?

    My great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather came over from London with the redcoats to fight in the revolutionary war, he was a jeweler in London, his name was Emanual Lyon, can anyone tell me if there are still any Lyon's in London. He came to the US in 1776.

    3 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • BEWARE!!!! Bush is running off at the mouth again.?

    He said in his speech today, the only way to fix illegal immigration is to give amnesty to those who are here already, and allow others to come iover in an orderly fashion, to do the jobs Americans won't do. Why is Bush so anti Americans and pro-criminals? Is it money or is he INSANE.

    27 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • How do I check social security Numbers to make sure they are legal?

    I am starting a new landscape business this spring. I know I will have mostly mexicano's applying for the labor jobs. Can I call the S.S. administration and check the s.s. cards that are presented to me? And if they don't match the applicant can I turn him in, if yes who do I call? I want my business to be a good dream come true, not a night mare. Help me!

    7 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • How do I check social security Numbers to make sure they are legal?

    I am starting a new landscape business this spring. I know I will have mostly mexicano's applying for the labor jobs. Can I call the S.S. administration and check the s.s. cards that are presented to me? And if they don't match the applicant can I turn him in, if yes who do I call? I want my business to be a good dream come true, not a night mare. Help me!

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • I live in Atlanta and would like to know where I can have a reel to reel tape made into a CD?

    This is a tape of my brother's band in 1979, their music is like no one elses and I really need to hear it again. He passed away a few years ago and would really be impressed with me if I can achieve my desire to hear him play again. Thank you for helping me!

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago