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  • Make a purchase then cancel card?

    My friend made a purchase at a store, paid with a credit card. The next day she lost her card and reported it.

    So the card is blocked from any further charges and before the store purchase was posted.

    So what happens. Does she get the stuff without being charged or will she eventually be contacted about it?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Contract offers to Ron Arterst?

    Free agent this offseason

    Any feelings on how much he is worth?

    How much you think he will get?

    2 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Notice the difference in diversity of RNC and the DNC?

    I am watching the RNC, and can't help but to notice the lack of diversity in the crowd.

    The difference is astonishing when you consider the crowd of the DNC.

    Isn't that odd?

    Which party's crowd seems more representative of the U.S. citizens?

    Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • How about no more judged events in the Olympics, Only direct competition?

    Screw gymnastics, diving, synchronized everything and even Boxing because their judging system is BS.

    I think you either win or lose.

    Judges brings in too many questions.

    Leave Gymnastics, Diving and Boxing in their own World Competitions

    But let the Olympics be about clear winners where the competition is direct

    I'll admit, i'm not a fan of any of those sports I named

    I love Boxing but the Olympic scoring system for it is absolutely garbage

    This doesn't include referees or officials, just judges

    3 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • Texas defies U.N. and executes Medellin,

    Texas may have also violated a treaty with Mexico by not contacting the Mexican consolate because Medellin was a Mexican national, and that was his last minute appeal

    So the Supreme court rejects the appeal and, my home state, Texas executes a mexican national convicted of the rape and murder of 2 teens...

    any thoughts on the affects of.....Texas, U.S. reputations

    me personally, it makes me feel all warm inside.....fck the U.N. trying to tell Texas what to do with this sick murderer.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Tonight I found out I was the OTHER guy?

    I had no idea, I met this girl for her B-Day party, and was talking to her man, which I had no Idea of until he told me he was dating her........

    befor they left she kissed me a couple of times, then text me later saying how akward it was for her, and didn't know he was actually comming

    She didn't say anything until I asked her about him,

    Then said that we need to go out without him being there....she said they had been together since January......

    How should I take that.........I'm going to ask her to go out again this weekend, but how should I take that.......should I just go with her flow OR ask her about him.......That sht was akward for me too, because she was dancing with him, and I was dancing with her roomate...which she commented about......

    any thoughts? they would be appreiciated

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Help Name this movie, kind of like No country for old men?

    These guys stumble upon a deal gone bad, everybody is dead

    A case of money is found

    One guy is still alive, but then gets suffocated by one of the guys that finds them, may have been a cop

    They steal the money

    an investigation shows the guy was suffocated, and a part of the jacket was found in his throat which leads them to the guys...

    at the end of the movie one of the guys buries the money, then dies.....leaving one guy mad because he can't find the buried money

    Can anybody help?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Name this movie, kind of like No country for old men?

    These guys stumble upon a deal gone bad, everybody is dead

    A case of money is found

    One guy is still alive, but then gets suffocated by one of the guys that finds them, may have been a cop

    They steal the money

    an investigation shows the guy was suffocated, and a part of the jacket was found in his throat which leads them to the guys...

    at the end of the movie one of the guys buries the money, then dies.....leaving one guy mad because he can't find the buried money

    I don't think it is Simple Plan, because they get the money from a plane crash victim.....

    Can anybody help?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Meet the Press BS?

    They have a Hilary supporter on Meet the Press.

    Why does the question of the concerns of the Clintons past scandals and deceit never come up?

    Is the host that big of a tool that he doesn't want to get anybody mad and boycott the show?

    That is an obvious concern and question that should be answered by these state representatives and senators that so strongly back Clinton.

    All I hear is about her experience and knowledge of the way Washington works. Clintons had their time in the White House and shamed it. Why does nobody bring up and question what everybody is thinking?

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Republicans fighting McCain?

    Here is the problem now

    VOTERS sided with J.McCain over the drug educed rants of Rush, the droids like Hannity and book whore Coulter

    Now Conservatives want J.Mac to prove something to them, which is going to hurt him. If he starts moving to the right now, he will be discrediting his past centrist stances.

    If conservatives were smart, they would start supporting J.Mac as the Maverick and the guy who wins with independents and some democrats......but conservatives aren't smart enough to do that.....they will force him to the right now that he is the likely nominee.....when usually a candidate starts moving to the center when it is clear they are the nominee

    All these supposed real Repubs. with their Mesiah complex where they feel they are right, no compromise needed, are going to hurt his chances.....Agree...Disagree?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Super Delegates in the pocket of the Clintons?

    Bill is a super delegate, and so are many close friends that the Clinton's supported and campaigned for over the years.

    They even had one guy on T.V. saying that even if his District and State overwhelmingly choose Obama, he would still pledge his delegates to Clinton, because as an elected official he makes the hard decisions that support the Party no matter how unpopular.

    Hil's situation is completely new, being a wife of a president.

    Obama has to be feeling disinfranchised knowing that even if he wins the popular vote, the most district votes, and wins the most states....there is a huge possibility he will lose because of the sway the Clintons have with the superdelegates.....

    are Dem. really ready to split their party in half by


    their candidate because the elite think they have better judgement than the voters...

    Imagine the conversation of race after that happens, a black man is finally voted as the nominee only to be taken....Thoughts?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Chants of Cheaters! Cheaters! Cheaters! next year?

    I hope every city that Belicheat and the Pats go to the crowd honors them with the realization of what they are

    They deserve no respect. Belicheat should have been suspended for a year. Misinterpretation of the rules MY ASZ.

    Join the movement, DO i have your support in this endeavor next year football fans

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • how bad is it that I am enjoying her misery, how bad a person am I?

    2 yrs ago

    I had been dating a girl for about a year

    I didn't know she had just broken up from a long term relationship. I never asked her about her past relationships

    Eventually she became distant and I knew something wasn't right. I don't want to accuse her of cheating because I don't know it for a fact, but word got to me that she had been hanging out with her ex boyfriend.

    I kind of just let her go, and didn't fight for her. I told her to be with the other guy eventhough I was pissed and upset at the time.

    As far as I know they were together these past 2 years.

    I ran into one of her friends, who I got along with very well. I stopped and talked to her and we caught up and all that.

    She tells me that my ex was pregnant from that same guy, but that he had recently been sent to Jail for a long time, 5yrs. at the very least.

    I tried not to smile but couldn't help it. And ever since I have try not to feel happy, but when I think or talk about it, I can't help it.

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Who has a Name for the Great play?

    Eli narrowly excapes being sacked, Tyree catches the ball with his helmet

    Anybody have a good name for this AMAZING play that should be the most memorable of this SB

    9 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Which system of winning Delegates do you think is best?

    Dems use the proportional method

    Repubs use the winner take all method

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Asked a friend to hook me up and?

    It is her friend, and a girl I know from passing, we flirted some and all the signs were there, but I was with somebody at the I am not around them anymore but still close with my friend

    She asked me how I wanted her to tell the girl

    Tell the girl, I asked her to hook me up and if she wanted to give me her/ or get my number


    She could tell the girl that, just in conversation I said that I was attracted to her and I was interested...not exactly asking to be hooked up

    I'm not sure there is a difference and didn't have a real preference,

    But opinions please

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If Edwards drops out?

    Who will it benefit the most...Obama or Clinton?

    I think Edwards it taking votes away from Obama

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago