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  • Could I be Bi/Pansexual?

    When I was in highschool I kissed 3 of my closest female friends. One of which I thought I had sort of protective / romantic feelings towards at one point, one who was bi and flirted with me, and the third we didn't have feelings for each other at all, just good friends and decided to try kissing on a few different occassions. Originally, my thought process was I thought it was fun and wanted kind of a competitive edge over them (I've always been a sort of masculine female too) but I was never sure how I felt after, it felt different than kissing boys, not quite as strong (I really like men) but I wasn't grossed out either, and I've kissed girls about 5 time now and want to keep doing it so I can figure it out! Since I've had a boyfriend for 2 years, these feelings have grown stronger. Sometimes I long to just do things with a girl so I know what it's like. That being said, im not usually attracted to females, I'm very picky because I don't really like femininity. I've even thought about dating female-born nonbinary people, trans men, and knew I'd be okay with it if they were a more "masculine" gender. Is it normal to have a longing to do sexual things with another female but not usually be initially turned on by just girls you see..??

  • Do I have gender dysphoria?

    For a while I've been thinking I might be genderfluid or something like that... I was born female...all my life I've been "different". Just never really fit into any boxes socially, didn't understand a lot of social standards and such, and my friends were the same. My two best friends growing up were a trans-man and a nonbinary female, though they didn't know that til later in life, I knew about trans stuff from a very young age. From the time I was 8 I only liked having my hair short, I never understood other girls really or liked "girly" things. Now that im 19, I get extremely anxious and feel disgusting if I feel like my hair is growing out too long. I love androgyny, and I know that I look good in feminine clothes and things, but it just doesn't feel right, and I don't feel like it makes my body look right- when others say I look pretty, I believe them, but often feel like I'm living a lie and they're falling for it somehow. For a short while, I was on birth control, and although it helped with my mood swings, it made me feel very anxious and strange. It made me worry everyday that my (already small) boobs were going to get so much bigger that they would be noticeable, which disgusted me, so I stopped taking it for that reason alone. Sometimes when strangers call me a lady, or ma'am, miss, girl, etc. I feel like the word just sticks in my brain like a punch in the gut and I don't understand it (not with everyone, like my boyfriend, but some family or strangers)

  • How to write an art commission review?

    I want to start writing reviews about the artists that I have commissioned on my blog. I know the etiquette for writing reviews about exhibitions / gallery events, but is it okay to review artists for how your experience was commissioning? I understand that might sound somewhat bias / controversial since most people try to leave art reviews open ended for interpretation, but would it be okay to approach the service / exchange aspect of it as well? Let me know if you've ever seen such examples done before.

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts5 years ago
  • Do most guys like to be held / cuddle as much as women?

    I think I must just be lucky hahah. Me and my bf cuddle all the time. We can just lay in bed for hours pressed up against each other, gazing at each other. I know he loves it just as much as I do because he denies wanting to less often than me. Also, whenever he falls asleep if I'm not careful he'll usually end up wrapping himself around me. I hear a lot of guys don't like to cuddle after sex but he always wants to and needs it most then. Sometimes he holds me like he's cradling me and it's so nice...he likes to lay in my lap even and will sometimes lay on me wanting to be held...also, (nsfw) sometimes I'll even hold him while he sucks on my **** and it makes me feel so wonderful, very maternal and protecting. We are both young adults and he is a few years older than me. Anyway, are a lot of guys this affectionate?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How to be kinder and more patient with my sick boyfriend?

    Recently my boyfriend has become very sick. He has chronic stomach issues that he has never chosen to manage up until this point in his life and it has given him ulcers, which I have also had in the past so I know what it feels like. He has complained about the pain for several months now and if it weren't for me he would've never tried self managing with an over the counter acid reducer or tried to eat better so that he didn't feel sick / get sick at least a few times a week for several months. However, he continually lied to me the entire 2-3 months that he was getting progressively worse. He stopped taking medicine, would continue to eat things that hurt him and complain about the pain/continue to visit + prioritize me without telling me he felt sick/hurt until he needed to leave or we couldnt be together and that really hurt my feelings because I've continually told him the whole time about how he should try to help himself so that he isn't in pain and I've even bought him medicine and asked if I was doing something wrong/if I wasn't being helpful to him and every time he says I'm more than helpful to him. I'm just so confused though and now he can't even leave the house or eat at all. He's going to see a doctor soon but I've tried to tell him that from the pain he's described to me it's nearly identical sounding to what I was going through but he denies that anything is wrong with him and he doesn't believe me. I've lost my patience and yelled at him alot. What can I do?

    1 AnswerOther - Health5 years ago
  • Is it reasonable to forgive your boyfriend for pushing your sexual boundaries?

    I'm mostly asking how other people feel about this or if they've ever done it before and things turned out okay. I like to think I'm the type of person that believes most all things can be forgiven, and although some see me as stupid for this I hold myself at a standard that sees otherwise. Anyway...a long time ago, long before me and my boyfriend were dating, a situation occurred between us where I felt unsafe, and was left with minor emotional damage. We have discussed it in little detail to this day, and agree that we were both in mentally bad places when it occured, but sometimes part of me wonders if I've just blocked it out. Our relationship is wonderful otherwise, we've been together for almost a year, even longer with some patches, and I'd like to say I have forgiven him; nothing like that event has ever happened since, and I genuinely trust him now. Part of me sometimes looks back and gets a fleeting feeling of fear from putting all my trust back in again, but overall I'd honestly say we have a very good relationship to this day. Do you think this situation needs further discussion still though? Does anyone else understand my situation and have advice? Thank you

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Vomiting for 6 days, can I take aleve? URGENT?

    I just started my perood. Nothing works but aleve, but my stomach is still sore even when I just eat food. Will aleve worsen my stomach pain or even be dsngerous? It has been 2-3 days since I last threw up. What should I do?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Stopped taking birth control on accident now what?

    Okay so I've been off my pill for about 4 days now but the reason is I couldn't take them because I had yet to go to the hospital for suitable anti nausea medicine because I had a terrible stomach bug and could not keep anything down for almost a week. My concern now is I was only at the end of the first week of active pills before I stopped, could I get my period again as soon as tomorrow or in a few days? I'm incredibly worried because I get extremely bad cramps thag require medication and my liver is probably already inflamed from the illness, and I haven't eaten in a week! I don't think I could bear still having cramps from throwing up for 6 days straight along withave menstrual ones! Is there still saving this?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • I love my boyfriend, but I long to hook up with a girl?

    We've been together roughly a year + though I've known him for 3 and we've been seeing each other through hook ups / off and on for about 2 before we settled down and got together, but for the past 6ish months I've been itching to just hook up with some girls. I have no romantic interest in them, and I love him very dearly and have no desire to leave him, but there's just something I long for in a few girls I know. Is this bad / would it be reasonable to talk about? I could understand his confusion and would respect his wishes if he was uncomfortable with me doing stuff with anyone other than him, but it almost feels a bit difficult for me. He is heterosexual and I have no interest in other men sexually or romantically, just him, but I wish to hook up with a few women sexually, even if it's just once or twice. Should I bring this up or is it selfish of me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Forgot birth control for 2 days, had sex, what's the likelihood of pregnancy?

    I'm pretty sure we had sex 3-5 days ago and he came in me several times. I forgot my pill yesterday, and was late about 4 hours today, so I took them both a little while ago. Is there still a chance I could've gotten pregnant within that time? Is it likely?

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • New to birth control, been bleeding for all 4 weeks?

    I just started taking hormonal birth control pills, which start on the 1st day of my period, but afterwords I was continually spotting for the entirety of the month. I'm about to start the placebo week which will be my actual period and I'm having really bad off and on cramps- I'll feel awful for a few minutes, then be completely fine, which are very abnormal compared to the usual ones I get which arel continual pain...also I'm feeling naseous and have for 2 days, and tomorrow I will start the placebo pills. Is this normal? I don't have any other symptoms besides light headaches for the first 3 days in the beginning.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • when having sex on oral birth control...?

    ...can he ejaculate inside of you without a chance of pregnancy without using a condom as well?

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Question about Sprintec oral birth control?

    I'm 18 and about to start taking it. I understand the pros of hormonal birth control, but it was never my decision to take it and frankly the idea of altering my body medically kind of pisses me off. I deal with other mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety as well but never once have I considered getting medication for it even if I "needed" it because I find it unneccessary. I always have sex using condoms correctly, and even the few early-on times that I didn't ive never once had a scare. I'm very concerned about the side-affects of oral birth control and before I take it today I'm just wondering what are others opinions about the side affects and how much they affected you and your body? Mostly the nausea aspect because I am sensitive even to higher doses of Advil, aleve, and Tylenol, which make me nauseous without eating, and are required for my menstrual cramps, which is about the only time I ever take it. (however I'm upset to find that there is even a possible affect with tylenol on the birth control). Anyway, please give personal experiences and thoughts on the matter to convince me.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • How do I help my weight-self-conscious boyfriend?

    My boyfriend is very self-conscious of his weight and I'm not really sure I know how to help because I myself am fairly "average" size and have never had weight issues or insecurity issues in this way. I can tell him that he isn't "fat" but that doesn't do anything because I understand that although he isn't an "ideal" weight and is still healthy, his insecurity is due to social construct and his own image of himself, and I can tell him how much I love him but I can't make him love himself when he does want to change. He seems somewhat depressed and unmotivated right now, sleeping a lot, etc., and I want to be able to motivate him without offending or discouraging him. How can I help?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • chance of accidental pregnancy with these factors?

    - we had sex 2 days in a row unprotected

    - both times it was for little less than 5 minutes, the second time he was barely hard and both times nowhere near coming

    - I am 18

    - I am expecting to get my period within the next 5 days or so, and we did it 2 days ago and yesterday

    is these still time to take plan b / should I even try that / is the risk even that great?

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • First time sex / no protection?

    So I'm 18 and I did it without protection today but we only went for a few minutes and he wasn't anywhere near close to coming, nor did he inside me or anywhere near down there let alone. Is there still a chance? I'm just asking cause I'm assuming technically there would be a bit but it's unlikely, I'm just being precautionary

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • first time drinking ever (vodka and liqour)?

    Okay so I've only ever drank once before (a beer, felt nothing, light ale, slight buzz) a friend bought me miniature viles of vodka and liquor and I'm just wondering how much to drink since I dont have a high tolerance and my intention is not to be drunk obviously. Yes I'm only 18 but obviously my intention is only try it and see, I dont want anything crazy to happen.

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits6 years ago
  • truancy and depression? (please help)?

    Alright so I have about 2 weeks left of high school and I honestly have no idea if I'm going to pass or not and the school contacted us after I missed a lot of school but the thing is I'm so depressed and I can't function at this point anymore I just cry constantly in the bathroom and I'm sleep deprived and sometimes I can sleep in the nurses office but my friends are all jerks to me and I can't sit in a quiet classroom with my thoughts for too long without wanting to cry and my Dad says I'm pathetic and yells at me and pulls me out of bed and says he doesn't know how he can be related to me because I'm so weak and I have a boyfriend and he works a lot so I have to stay up late to talk to him on Skype because if my Dad knew he existed at all he literally wouldn't let me leave the house or hang out in public with friends cause he'd be paranoid but I'm 18 years old and it's miserable and I'm miserable and I can't be at school anymore and I can't talk to anyone and I just need sleep but my Dad says I'm pathetic for that what do I do

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • why do I like having (sexual) bruises?

    sure we're rough... but even if it's not a hickey and is just caused from him biting too hard or hitting too hard (don't worry it's consensual) I love feeling them ache just a tiny bit later, and seeing them on my body. Do you think that's weird to have marks and pain inflicted upon you for pleasure? Why is this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Do I masturbate too much? (female)?

    I'm 18, female, and I'd say I fluctuate anywhere from twice a day to twice a week, probably averaging to about 5 times a week. This can depend tho if I'm just doing it cause I'm bored idly and then stop or if I'm actually trying to come, in which case I do anywhere from 1-3 times on average in about 15-30 minutes. Is this normal / does it sound like too much? Sometimes it feels for me like it can become labored but not to the point where it's bothersome or I feel like I'm unable to achieve release I guess. What do other girls think?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago