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Lv 57,933 points

Dogmom CA

Favorite Answers17%

I am a dog fanatic, have been since I was 5. I earned the first Obedience title on my Great Dane at age 13, and still train obedience and agility. I have worked with, rescued, and trained dogs ever since. I was a Vet Tech for 10 years, then became an RN, which I have been for 19yrs now. I have done private dog rescue, and currently work with several local rescue groups, including Pit Bull Rescue. I am an ABC Certified Dog Trainer, and a member of APDT and IAABC. I use and promote positive methods only! They work better, are much kinder, and strengthen the dog/owner bond. I do not support the Animal Rights agenda, for many reasons, but fight for Animal Welfare at every opportunity. I am currently training with a Holistic Veterinarian to learn some Veterinary Homeopathy as well, and studying the Tellington Touch method of canine massage. Feel free to email me, IF your settings allow me to respond!! If not, that's just RUDE, so don't do it!

  • Dog fighting is illegal, why can breeders still advertise fighting dogs?

    Like this site, which lists a "match dog" for sale, shows numerous photos of dog fights, and lists all dogs with win/loss statistics: Why does no one investigate??

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it really illegal to EAT dogmeat in the US? or just illegal to SELL it?

    Frankie started it, but now I have to know!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Pets and leather sofa?

    I want a leather sofa, but I have two dogs and two cats. They are not destructive, but are allowed on the furniture. Any leather furniture owners have recommendations for me? Will they damage the leather just by walking on it?

    20 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dental Professionals: Should a new crown be occlusive?

    I got a new crown on a back lower molar about four months ago, after a few weeks with a temp crown. I had no pain with the temp, but immediately developed pain when the new one was applied. The crown has a gap at the gumline, so I have to work hard to keep it clean underneath. The dentist has now prescribed 1.1% fluoride toothpaste on two successive visits. The pain is minimal as long as I use the fluoride twice a day, but skyrockets if I forget it for a day. I think this is crazy, and that the crown should be recast so there is no gap. Is this reasonable? Should there be a visible gap at my gumline?

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago