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Favorite Answers42%
  • what are the molecular geometries for covalent compounds with sp3d5 and sp3d6 hybridizations?

    like for example, those with a sp2 are trigonal planar, sp3 are trigonal pyramidal, sp3d are trigonal bipryamidal, sp3d2 are octahedral, sp3d3 are pentagon biprymaidal sp3d4 is some twisted square shape which i forget the name to, but what is sp3d5 and sp3d6??

    i need to cite it from somewhere, so references would be nice.

    a picture / link to one would be much appreciated

    also, if possible could you provide me with a sample compound?


    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • how to take bus from briarcliff manor ny, to the palisades mall?

    i live in briarcliff manor, ny 10510, and i want to get to the palisades mall, by bus.

    can someone give me instructions on what bus to take?? and also the fees?

    and also how to get back

    2 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • What are the lengths of Beethoven's Symphonies?

    I would like to know the lengths of Beethoven's SYmphones, mainly the 3rd, 5th, and 9th

    Thanks, references would be very appreciated

    2 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Amazon black friday - how does it work?

    HI, does anyone know how black friday for amazon works? Like which days is it, which items go on sale? what is the general sale discount?? what kind of sales are there? would there be sales for specific items?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How to buy free-style skis?

    Hi, I am a experienced skier and I am looking for free style skis. However, I don't have any idea how to buy free style skis. Can someone help me and tell me what I need to look for in free style skiing? What do I need to look for in good free style skis.

    Also, how do I tell what gender the ski is for?

    And if possible, could someone give me links to some freestyle skis? I am male 5 foot 8 inch 125 lb. Used are fine, but need to be in good condition. Also, I need to have the bindings already on the ski. Best if under $250, but must be under $350.

    Thanks a LOT :D

    4 AnswersSnow Skiing1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this computer game.?

    There was a computer game that I played a few years ago and I really enjoyed it. It is simalar to SIMS in the fact that it is a vitual world. But the theme of the game is centered around making movies. You hire actors, build studios, send actors to train on certain stages, build styling buildings, hire camera men and producers and film writters.


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How to upload java projects on the internet?

    I've written quite a few programs with JAVA. But I don't know how to put them on the internet. Could someone help me? Thanks.

    I use BlueJay (if this help you to tell me)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What kind of projects can I do - HTML / JAVASCRIPT?

    I am a moderate html / javascript programmer and I need some good projects. Anyone have any in mind?

    7 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How do I write a user input (numbers) for HTML?

    How do I write the code HTML so that when the user inputs a number, the computer reads it as an actual number and not as a string? This way, when I have numbers add, example




    that z returns as 14, and not 59.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Where can I watch House MD online for free?

    Where can I watch House MD online for free? I want to be able to watch any season 1-5 and all episodes, not just the latest ones.

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • How can I auto save passwords in firefox?

    would like firefox to always remember passwords by default, without prompting me. For example, after entering a username and password you receive the Confirm prompt "Do you want Firefox to remember this password?" with the 3 options "Remember, Never for This Site, Not Now". How can I disable the prompt and have it always select "Remember".


    What I want, is so that I don't have to press remember every time I visit a new site. I want it just to remember it automatically, without the prompt coming up.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Fingering for Rondo Alla Turca ?

    Hi... I'm trying to play Rondo Alla Turca... and I'm stuck on the fingering for measures 33-58... If the fingering are also avilable for other measures, I would greatfully take them. Thanks a lot

    3 AnswersClassical1 decade ago