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  • What level misdemeanor is indirect contempt of court in Indiana?

    Someone that I know violated a court order, and I'm trying to find out what level misdemeanor (A,B,C, or D) indirect contempt of court is. I can't find it anywhere on the internet. All I've found are possible maximum punishments and the definition. 

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 year ago
  • What is it called when someone feels the need to drive everywhere?

    I am a driving fanatic and, well, I just love to drive! Everytime I go somewhere I feel the need to be the driver, especially when I and my wife and, or friends are traveling over an hour. When I don t drive I tend to get anxious and feel a heavy urge to drive. Why is this? Is there a word for it?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation5 years ago
  • How can I legally obtain a handgun?

    I am 19, almost 20, am in the Army reserves, have absolutely no criminal history, and have had my ccp/cwp for a year and a Half now. I know 'federal law mandates' that you have to be 21 to buy from a licensed dealer, but I really feel the need to have a handgun and I don't know how to go about it legally. I've done a lot of research and have noticed that nothing in the law (neither federal or state) says that you HAVE to be 21 to purchase a handgun. The form that one has to fill out though at a dealer just has a sworn statement that one has to sign saying that they are over 21. That is the only thing in the laws that prohibits the sale of handguns to anyone under 21. If you don't believe me or think I'm wrong then go do the reasearch. I also saw/heard about the "gun show loophole," b u t am unclear of whether I'd be legal for me to buy from a private gunowner. Can someone help clarify And help me figure out how I can get a handgun?

    Ps I live in Indiana and my liscense to carry is through Indiana.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • what make and model car do I want?

    I need help trying to figure out what type of car I want. I know I want something with all wheel drive,stick shift, wide tires, and performance for example over 300 horsepower, ok mpg, and it needs to be a full size sedan 2 compensate for my height.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years ago
  • Pregnancy Scare!!! Is my girlfriend prego?

    Me and my gf had made love for the fist time 3 weeks and 5 days ago. Then we did it twice 2 weeks and 5 days ago. After that we decided to wait til marriage in fear of having a kid. within the last 5 days or so she has shown symptoms of pregnancy: missed period, nausia, breast hurt, dizziness and one or two others she hasnt told me. What gets me is that none of the 3 condoms busted or even had pin hole in them (i would know. both me and her inspected them.) and another thing is that she took a pregnancy test 2 nights ago and one yesterday morning and they were both negative. So could she be prego if so how?

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Is it normal for a crayfish to bury its self?

    Yesterday i put a crayfish in my 55 gal tank that's filtered and airated. After making a big hole under a piece of slate he took to it and didnt come out. I woke up this morning and the entrance was covered so i dug it out to see if he was there and the hole was bigger and he was there so i lightly covered the entrance of the hole like it was and came asking. Why did he bury himself in a chamber? is he getting ready to molt or something?

    4 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Can a fish get ick on their eyes?

    3 days ago i bought an oscar for my 55 gallon aquarium. what i didn't realize was that it was sick. so i took it home put it n the tank and then realized it was sick so i put medicine in the tank. so the next day when i got home it was dead. oh well. i still treated the tank and i gave the tank a water change all looked well until i noticed a couple of my fish had cloudy eyes so i stuck with treating them. then yesterday one of my two goldfish in the tank died. im pretty sure it was from the oscar and i noticed yesterday that my red jeweled cichlid had white stuff all over him including his eyeballs as in i dont think he can see its that bad. so i separated him. still treating the tank i woke up this morning and the other goldfsh was perfectly fine. half hour later i came back to find it dead. by now every other fishes eyes have cleared up. the jeweled cichlid is still alive and being treated but is even worse than yesterday. now two other cichlids are laying on the gravel against ornaments. The water is at 81 degrees farenheit. What do i Do? This seems like a VERY contagious strain of ick.

    ps i know im not sapose to have goldfish in with cichlids. i didn't have anywhere to put them for the time being and i was trying to get rid of them.

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Can female molly and a male swordtail cross breed?

    I just want to know what live bearers can crossbreed with what and which species have to be male and which have to be female when cross breeding them. now dont tell me you cant cross breed them because i know you can because i accidentally cross bread a male guppy with a female platy, but the offspring died because of genetic complications. and i have seen lots of other examples of cross breading. in my tank i have the following live bearers

    2 female mollies

    2 female guppies

    1 male guppie.

    i was wanting to cross bread the molies with a male sword tail or a male platy is it possible to do it with those type and sex combinations? oh and dont forget to answer the previous.

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Would it be okay to put my common pleco in my 55 gal.?

    right now hes getting a long in a 30 gallon tank with 2 common goldfish. He's 6 inches. I wanted to know if he could get along in my 55 gallon fish tank with the following fish.

    6 black neon tetras

    6 fanceytail guppies (2 male 4 female)

    1 juvinile pearl gourami

    1 baby bristlenose pleco (planing on moving it to the nursey tank til it gets bigger.

    I also want to get zebra danios, cory cats, other types of neons, platies and/or mollies. Not to say im getting some of all those fish but just saying those are the types of fish i want to put in my 55 gallon tank. So would my six inch common pleco (that can get up to 2 foot) be compatible with the fish i have and/or want to get? if so witch fish will get along with the pleco and which won't?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Why is my pearl gourami's color fading?

    Shes not as bright as she was last week, and you know the black line that goes down the center of them? Well its a real light gray u almost cant see it. You have to look at it up close. And the white dots on her that resemble pearls? You just about cant see them. So my question is why is this happening, is this normal, and what can i do about it?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Guy puberty queston.?

    When im masterbating i ejaculate sperm of course but when i keep going i will later ejaculate like over a tablespoon of clear like liquid thats a bit sticky and acts like a lubricant. I can also do it multiple times but i dsont know what t is. It almost feels like im peeing but im not the liquids nothing like pee. no smell not a bit yellow, i know for sure its not pee. so my question is what is it and is it normal?

  • Would it be possible to cross breed a pearl gourami and a gold gourami?

    I have a female pearl gourami and im going to get a male gold gourami. I was wondering if they would possibly crossbreed. thats what i want to do is cross breed them.

    i know i would have to have the right conditions though im just wondering if its possible

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any classical songs about justice?

    I cant find any on the net. i need one for english class.

    4 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Whats wrong with my betta? Professionals only.?

    I just got my betta yesterday and even when i was at the pet shop i noticed there was something wrong, but i thought what the heck if i don't take care of it no one else would. Why not give it a chance at life? So i took it home and put it in my 55 gallon community tank. He didn't bother anyone and they didn't bother him. They were guppies. I treated the tank with meds cause it seems like he has a swimming bladder disease or something. but soon after i put him in a vase with the same water from the tank, afraid that he wouldn't get his food, but he wont eat still. And when he swims he cant just hover there like other fish hes got to use his whole body, but most of the time he props himself up with his fins on an ornament or the gravel and if hes not leaning on something he falls over then tries it again. but every now and then he'll gather his strength to swim around normally for a while. So can anyone help me without leaving stupid comments like just flush him or leave him alone or he planning on taking over the world or hes dead. man i could go on and on with stupid comments. Just please don't leave anything like that. Its disrespectfull and also inhumane to flush it down the toilet.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Would it be okay to use steel wool to scrap off the calcium buildup in my tank?

    In my tank there is calcium build up from when i put water in my tank. its full and has guppies in it. i dont have anywhere to put them to clean it out so would it be okay if i took steel wool to it really quick cause i know it would get the job done fast. oh and the tank is a 55 gallon tank if that helps any

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How to remove calcium build up in fish tanks?

    When i filled my tank up a while back i left calcium build up inside so now there is a lot of faded white dots inside. I need to figure out how to get them off/out without removing the water and fish from the tank. i dont have anywhere to put the fish and i dont want to scrap each spec off individulally. What can i do?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Why won't my CD download onto my Ipod?

    i keep down loading and syncing a cd onto my ipod but when i go to my music nothing was downloaded on my ipod. It says it still has 2.8 gigs left so it has plenty of space.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Why is my platy's skin all bubbled up?

    On his back right my platy's skin is all bubbled up. it's around the anal fin region. I don't know what it is. it looks like boils can't tell very good though because he keeps moving but thats what it looks like. i haven' had any food changes and the water is fine. nothing else has happened. So what does my fish have?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Why is my male parakeet spitting up seeds?

    What he does is he will spit/throw up seeds and ether chew on them and swallow or spit them out. He has been doing this for a couple of days. I know they mate in the spring so could that be why? I need help . Let me know if you need anything else. Oh and i haven't changed the food.

    P.S. Professionals only.

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago