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julia R

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  • acts cold after sex..what the? is it me or him?

    Is this ok? pulling away?


    so i am a little confused about whats happening. I am a full time student so i am pretty busy during the week and my boyfriend works full time. before we started sleeping together we would see each other thurs, fri and sunday. But now i stay over his house on friday night and half day sat as he works sat night as a concierge and then we meet up sunday day too. so we pretty much spend the weekend together.

    In noticed since i started sleeping over his house and spending more time during weekend. come monday and his gone cold. he wont reply to my messages and acts a bit grumpy when I call him. he told me "i though spending all that time would be enough" one time when i rang him to say hello. he sounded grumpy. then on tuesday his back to normal calling me and asking me about how my day is gone.

    we been dating for 6 months but only started sleeping together around 2 months ago.

    I would think the more time a couple spends, that they would grow closer not the man get grumpy.

    I am not sure why this is happening?

    is it cause i am staying over

    or because we are now sleeping together?

    what you think?

    he lives alone in his own studio apartment

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • CALL ME TOMMORROW??? What the?

    Been seeing this guy for 1 month he asked me if I would like to be in a relationship with him after our first date. I said yes. Been going ok. Except little things starting to creep up. Like him picking me up late for date. Last time he was 1-hour late cause he was still having lunch (did call me 1 hour before to tell me) another 45 minutes cause he was buying a jacket and packing for his trip. He then told me he had a holiday booked 2 weeks, which he had organized 6 months ago. He invited me but I didn’t think I was ready for that. So I said next time we can go. When he left he told me call me whenever you like. I called him once during day he answered we chatted. Then I called him Friday night 9.30pm (he usually calls or text me at this time so I thought it would be ok) but this time, (his in another city in my country) he did not answer. It when to answering machine I left message call me back just saying hello. Instead he texted me back (did not call) saying that he was having dinner with Charles a friend of his and he would call me back TOMMORROW. I though tomorrow? That’s weird it takes less than 1 minute to call me back. I feel disappointed confused it morning now and he said he would call not sure I want to take his call now as I am a little upset and confused...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • whats ur advice? missed call.....?

    Ok so i been dating this guy for a month. his been going good. he told me he liked it when people where faithful and punctual, so everytime we meet in the city i am always on time which he said he liked. but lately i have noticed that he is always late when he picked me up last time he was late 1 hour cause he was still finishing off his lunch and then the other time he also was late cause he was buying a jacket of which he asked if i liked? i said yes. he told me when we first meet that he had a holiday booked and that we should go together. i told him i have uni (excuse) as i didnt think we were ready to take a two week holiday together. anyway he told me call me whenever you like i get lonely (his travelling alone) so i called him during the day one time he answerd and we had a chat then on friday i had not heard from him at all so i decided to give him a call it was around 930pm the time he usually calls or text me. he didnt pick up. the phone went to the answering machine. i left a message saying hello just calling to say hello. he didnt call but texted me instead! he said I am having dinner with a friend "charlie" never heard of this friend and i will call you back tommorrow. i texted him back tom? lol i had no idea you were so busy lol (thinking he would call) he replied i will call you tom. i was a little upset as it does not take less than a 1 min to return the call just like i have done many time (even gone to bathroom to return his call). i am a little pissed off that this "charlie" friend seems to be more important than returning my call. i feel little confused and pissed off. i havent said anything yet. just working out what to do....what do you recommend?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • my sister has schizophrenia?

    my sister has this disorder which sometimes affects her thinking. I often find myself losing my temper with her of which I wish I didnt.

    today she came home and opened the backyard gate and didnt notice that she has let my dog out, if i hadent been in the back yard that would of been the last time i would of seen him.

    so i told her in a strong voice "you need to be more careful next time" this is all i said and she began to cry and swear at me. i was shocked. i guess i had forgotten that she had a disorder.

    she is still upset now and i feel guilty. I wish i were more patient with her sometimes as i dont want her returning to the hospital when she was first diagnosed (nothing to do with me).

    if you have a family member with this condition how do you cope?

    6 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • dating site not safe for women...?

    I joined the dating site a couple of days ago. all the sudden i noticed my profile was frozen and i was deleted form the site.

    i emailed them asking them what i had done and no reply. so then i called the customer line. a staff member on the other side said they wanted to confirm my identity and if i wanted my profile unfrozen to send a scanned copy of my drivers lisence, electricity bill or passport anything which had my mobile number, address, date of birth and a photograph of me.

    I said i can send you more photos of me to prove my identity, you are speaking to me and I have the email which i registered in the site.....but they still wanted my phone number and address...

    I said but why? they said do it or you cant join.

    I am a model but i used normal pictures of myself in the backyard or smiling reading book, i had alot of contact almost 800 kisses in two days and i was upset because i wasnt even allowed to reply or log in to my profile to let the people that had contacted me and paid for their stamp to contact me that my profile had been frozen..

    I told a couple of my friends and they said to be careful and not send that informaiton through..

    I felt bullied by the site, and it really hurt to be treated so badly

    i was just looking for someone to i feel really sad as all the lovely guys i was chatting with now probably wondering what happend...

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Dry hacking cough that wont go away??!! help?

    Dry Cough wont go away! Help me please!

    by sydneygirl530, 10 hours ago

    ok so it been now 12 months of me trying to get ride of this cough here is how it started...

    one day i decided to help my mum with her mouldy shower and sparyed some cleaning shower stuff and started cleaning...the next day i noticed a dry cough//couple of days later i got a fever and got really sick. when to the doctor got antibiotics. 4 months later the cough was still there so doc did a blood exam and found that i have walking pneumonia/Mycoplasma pneumoniae (but the exam said that i had it but currently didnt have it) went on antibiotics 3 times, allergy med nasal spray, ear drops, anti-acid which help but dont get rid of the cough completelty...

    I've had 5 xray all of which were clear only the last one showed I had a post inflamatory granumola then had a CT which came up clear. tested for asthma which came negative.

    my symtoms

    cough that wont go away, it specially appears when i am stressed

    i is dry hacking cough

    a cough that may come in violent spasms but produce very little mucus

    sometimes i cough up stuff which is like clear spit

    had this cough now for 1 year

    i hate it! its dominating my life

    does anyone have any suggestions???

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • What do you think? friend or not good friend?

    I am female and have been friends with this female friend for over 1 year and half. I dont know if i am over reacting but. I have introduced her to all my friends and they have gotten to know her. I have only meet one of her friends which i acciently meet through a party and then we found out that they were mutual friends.

    I notice when i have organised dinners get together her and our mutual friend have gone out behind my back and then when i invite them to an event i have I then accidently hear about how much they enjoyed the movie they saw last friday together...when i was walking behind them...(i think they though i coudent hear) and another time how they meet some other of her friends for drinks.....and then i though those were the times I asked her to come out but she said she was busy or out at dinner. i though we were good friends but i feel little hurt when i hear that they both went out and didnt invite me...i am not saying they have to invite me every time...but they havent even invited me once

    I am a good friends and invite her to so many events but not even once have i gone to an event with her friends....

    I confronted her with this and it go no where. what do you think?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What good treatment would help? phobia?


    For a while i had a sever fear of meetings within formal settings. I coudnt understand it. it was terrible i though every time i had to go and speak in a meeting i would die, get beaten up - so i would be soo nervous that i would hide in the toliet or take that day off work so that i didnt have to be there until it cost me my job..

    i didnt understand why until i rembered that when i was younger we would site at this huge dinner table sort of like the tables you see in board meetings, and dad would ask how my day was and i would say good and then my brother would start insulting me so i would insult back (he would throw food at my face) and when i spoke back to him he would beat me or my sister terribly. i though many time he was going to kill us until he would just stop before. this happend many times until i had lerant to ignore him and let him insult me and not fight back. so now we dont get beaten up.

    my problem is now when i go to interview or setting with anything similar large table, people around it e.g for an interview i think they are going to beat me up if i speak up and it has been difficult to stay in interviews as i think they will do what my brother did (i know they wont) but back in my brain it thinks so.

    what can i do to fix this problem? it has cost me many jobs.

    i live at home and so does my brother still even tho he earns over 100,000 a year and i am currently unable to keep a job because of this terrible fear. my mum and dad never helped me and my sis even when we were getting beaten up. it was always our fault for telling him to stop **** throwing food at my face!!!

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Are straight men becoming extinct?


    i have noticed that there are more and more men that are gay. Nothing wrong with that but i notice there arent many straight men.

    men i think are straight then i later find out through someone that they are gay or experimented with men

    dont tell me that if you experiment with the same sex that your not gay... that called being in denial lol

    where is a good place to find straight man???

    where did you find your straight man


    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • who sings this song!!!!!help?


    i am trying to remb who sings this song

    It has a pretty ciara/ashanti/black skinny pretty looking kind of girl that starts singing sort of like in a dance studio.

    it is night she comes in with tracksuit pants and then changes into a tight black dress as she dances and looks into the mirror

    the songs sounds r and b sexy and starts with

    ti to to to ti to to to to beat

    she is in dance studio black girl, skinny pretty and sings

    I think she also says something like "if you want me"

    vide is at night

    all i know its its not






    This song was a hit a couple of years ago but i havent seen this singer since

    does ayone know what songs i am talking about??

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Dating agency, what do i do?

    So I purchased a ticket to this event from an australian speed dating company called Fast Impressions which is two weeks away.

    Anyway today 5 days before the speed dating event i got a call from one of their host/customer service reps and she started belitting me and abusing me over the phone because I had two emails addresses in the system....i was really shocked and after I hanged up I felt like i didnt want to attaend their event as i had just been abused by one of their host with no cause.

    I rang back and asked to speak to the manager and told her how her host had rang me abused me over the phone cause i had two emails addresses on the phone. istead of helping me out she said she would not give a refund simply because a staff member was rude and was also very rude and unprofessional.

    I was really dissapointed as I bought two tickets. but the way i was treated over the phone made me reluctant to attend their event and then wont give me my money back even though the event is a week away!!

    what should i do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • garageband vocals & melodyne?


    How do I record vocals with music so that i only record the vocals?

    I need to know this so that i can transfer the vocal track only to melodyne to tune.

    how do i record with music (so i can hear it) without recocrding the music?

    which tab do i press? in garageband?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • first date after meeting on dating site...?

    So i had a profile up on a dating website and this guy contacted me. I liked his pic and we chatted on msn and then i added him to my facebook. When he saw my facebook he saw that i had a fan page (i'm upcoming muso) and modeling pics classy tastefull pics no bikini pics.

    we chatted every day and txt each other before meeting. it was all going well before the night we were gong to meet he asked me if my pics where retouched and what size my breast were. i was like what? No i am not gonna answer that. i said i have to go but we meet up the following day.

    he said he had troble sleeping cause he liked my pics so much. we we meet up in local shopping centre but he wanted me to meet him near his house.

    we meet up and he placed his hand around my waste. I was like what the? he doent even know me yet!

    anyway he got upset that i wasnt touching him back and i said hey this is the first time i see you? you move so fast!! slow down!!

    he didnt seem to understand and got upset and said that i wasnt on the same page as he was and that reminded him of niki webster and that she was a good girl. i was like what the? we stayed and chatted in a coffee shop from 11am - 6pm when i said i had to go.

    were he bough me coffee but then for lunch he wanted me to share a dish with him.

    he walked me to the train station and he kissed me even though i had given him my cheek. he persisted and kiss me in the lips.

    when i got home and then i logged onto facebook and he said have you had any sexual thoughts?

    i was like what the? this is like the first time i have meet you in person!! slow down!

    he asked me if i wanted to meet him on sat and wanted me to go to the gym with him where there is a pool and a sauna...i said mmm i would prefer to go do something more relaxed like movies and he shook his saying no

    he acts like his in love yet does not seem to respect that i want things to move slow. this is weird.

    why does he want me to go to the gym with him? (he used to be a personal trainer - i am small size)

    I think he just wants to get laid. Am I wrong? whats up with this guy?

    I said to him i think ur used to fast girls and ur upset that your meeting someone that acts like a lady and wants to get to know you first!!

    what the??

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Music producer and fee? PLEASE HELP!?


    I have found a hip hop producer in sydney i would like to work with. I have written some songs and would like him to produce them.

    Most songs, have already, lyrics melodies, some sort of arrangement

    before I start working with this guy whom is only charging me around $260 AU per son production plus vocal recording he is also asking for a producer royalty of %15

    i though %15 produce royalty is this normal? I have heard its usually 3%

    should i negotitate it down? were can i find a contract that would allow me to place everything on paper what things should include in the contract?

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • persisten dry needed friends!?


    I've had this persistent dry cough after cleaning my shower at home with a cleaning liquid. I noticed the next couple of day i got a fever and cough but didnt think nothing of it....6 months later on I am still have dry cough and 2 xray came clear...i have appointment with specialist after all these puffers they put me on did not work...what the heck is this dry cough!!

    maybe the shower was coincidence anyone have any ideas what could it be or help?

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • I dated someone with tourettes..?

    I feel in love with this guy who had tourttes. I am a very placid person, genereous and kind. But i would find he would get angry very easily and would have trouble making sence of basic things such which he would often act paranoid like thinking if he introduced me to his friends that i would take them away...

    he also seemed never to be satisfied with sex and often wanted sex 7 days a week which i was happy to do but then when we missing one day he would get angry and exagerate that we never have sex..

    he was a good guy but i think his condition fogged his thinking he would be very happy one moment and then angry/argumatative/abusive another

    we dated for almost 3 years...which i regret staying which such a person

    if you had a relationship with somoene with tourettes are they all so..bipolarish?

    i did everything to make him happy but he always found something to be angry or down on

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • confused...what should i do?

    I meet my ex online on a dating site. We were friends then started dating. One day I found an empty box of condoms in his car when I had seen the same box full a moth earlier. He said he used them on himself. I said u play with you with a condom on? I said I have never heard of that before. But I believed him. Later on I found he had an active profile on a dating website with him photo and him saying he was single and looking for someone it was active in the last 24 hours. I asked him about it. He denied it. I showed him the proof I printed out his profile. So we broke up but continued to go out as friend’s cause we got along so well.

    I wasn’t working and was having trouble getting a job. So when we went out. He paid for everything. And I really enjoyed his company. He treated me like a princess and took me to concerts, dinners, movies and all the sort cause he liked my company. We never had sex cause I didn’t trust him but he was ok with it.

    We said we would work on things and we could possibly get back together. But something began to bother me. I never meet his friends and when we would bump into someone he would "forget to introduce me". He only once invited me to have dinner with his parents but I was sick with bad cold and count go that day.

    We used to hang out as friends every sat. And then I found out his ex who is engaged to another guy whom both had ignored my face book email "hi how are you lets be friends invite" one of them actually blocked me which I couldn’t understand hi ex gf was having dinner at his house 2 times a week...when he said he was too busy to introduce me to his that hurt I was upset

    But since we were such good friends got along so well and he understood and supported me financially through my rough patch I overlooked ithe was kind of my sugar daddy expect he was the same age as me

    but one day he started saying that he was busy or already had made plans to our usual sat night hang then he would cancel or change it to Sunday morning or avo or later on during the week...this happened a couple of times and it began to hurt as I began to feel 2nd best to whatever he was doing...he had bought a house and said on sat night he was "painting" I said why paint at night? He didn’t reply.

    Last time we were meant to go out sat night he said he didn’t realize we were going out during the night as he had already made plans so he cancelled againand he assumed it was lunchI really felt let down again. Hurt and had enough

    I was hurting and upset and I told him I didn’t want to speak to him again if he was too busy and if he just kept cancelling on me to paint his house of sat night - so I deleted him from my face bookand I told him I was seeing a guy who had time for me, had introduced me to his friends and was proud to be with me and we were going "away" on a holiday

    He told me he was upset and that he didn’t want me to sleep with the my new bf

    I said I didn’t want to speak to him again cause every time I invited him out he would say busy or cancel

    I realized a couple of days later I might have over reacted and I apologized in txt message but he has ignored it. I emailed him too but he didn’t reply.

    What now?

    was I in the right?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Me and ex had a fight?

    so we broke up almost 4 months ago. Cause he was acting weird and I saw his pic on a dating website while we were dating and I said what the!!? so we broke up. but we remaind friends as we got along really well and we both agreed to slow things down and work on our issues. 1 that i felt i could not trust him and 2. I had never been introduced to his friends in the past 6 months of being together and he awalys said i am so busy i promise we will all sit down together...

    but 8 months on i have not meet his friends and all the sudden when we were hanging out every sat night as mates trying to sort out our issues. it stopped and we i asked him to come out he said "i have plans" or i am busy or i can see you next week or sunday but never sat night or rarely.

    this happend more than 6 times over period of 2 months and by the 7th time he said we would hang out but then when i said night he said he coudnt as he was paininting his house.

    I got so mad. I deleted him from my facebook. and I replied sorry i cant ask you to be my friend anymore or reply to your text because "i've made plans"

    i dunno if i over reacted but he said he was renovating his house but i said why does this happen sat night why cant you do it sat day. he was quiet.

    him turning me down with busy was really beginging to hurt. he said nothing was wrong. but i had to cut my friendship as it was affecting my self estem.

    what do you think about this?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how to get gigs? where to sing anthem?

    I would like to sing the anthem at some sort of sporting venue preferably one that is televised. How would or what do i do to ask to singt he anthem?

    i have a myspace site, twitter and person website for my music but a little confused about how to get out there

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • singing where to sing and get noticed?

    hello what are some good opportunities to get some exposure for my singing besides youtube and karaoke competitions?

    how would i get to sing the anthem? whom do i contact?

    what other ideas can you share?

    1 AnswerSinging1 decade ago