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  • Boyfriend admitted to lying, please answer?

    I’m with this lad since last June, he was swearing he was loyal to me, that if I got with another lad, he’d ditch me on the spot, he would never call it an offical relationship before Christmas but said the same rules still applied, now we are offical, he told me yesterday because he wants to be honest with me, that he was still onto/getting with girls before Christmas, he wants me to stay with him but the lies he told, now I’m getting an std check, he’s only the second person I slept with, I’m a quiet girl, it’s still classed as cheating what he did isn’t it? He’s saying it isn’t because it wasn’t offical? But to be honest the hurt I have now in my stomach is really hitting me now, I’m mad about him but how could I trust him?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 months ago
  • Boyfriend trouble, please answer, I really want advise? ?

    me and boyfriend broke up, now working on it this is why he said he was distant, we were fighting a lot to be fair but here we go, usually I always breakup with him, he said it wasn’t that no girl caught his eye but this, will I leave him I’m relationship type 

    His reply: Na look I'll be honest there's times there where I'm like s girlfriend is just effort and I don't want and then you'd be getting clingy and **** like that’s so its the 2 together

    Mine: Well tbh I’m chilling now, I do believe I was wrong on certain things and you were also, I’ve to learn to trust you, it’s just something that’s gained by actions, but I was very hurt by you ngl that’s why I’m so chill now, I’m letting it play out itself

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Will I text my ex after this or leave it? ?

    Me and my ex got into huge argument, I blocked on Snapchat last Monday, readded Tuesday night led me on Wednesday, then Thursday he spotted I was on a night out switched and called it off. I said you can say your over me all you want that’s why you begged me back only a week ago, he got mad blocked me off Snapchat and Facebook, I gave final text on Instagram he texted back then I waited a day to reply then last night I made a tinder account, in 15 mins I got over 100 matches, I did it for a confidence boost, I’m not ready for anything, this morning I matched with my ex, does it mean anything?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Ex matched me on tinder please help? ?

    Me and my ex got into huge argument, I blocked on Snapchat last Monday, readded Tuesday night led me on Wednesday, then Thursday he spotted I was on a night out switched and called it off. I said you can say your over me all you want that’s why you begged me back only a week ago, he got mad blocked me off Snapchat and Facebook, I gave final text on Instagram he texted back then I waited a day to reply then last night I made a tinder account, in 15 mins I got over 100 matches, I did it for a confidence boost, I’m not ready for anything, this morning I matched with my ex, does it mean anything?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 year ago
  • Matched with ex on tinder, please help? ?

    Me and my ex got into huge argument, I blocked on Snapchat last Monday, readded Tuesday night led me on Wednesday, then Thursday he spotted I was on a night out switched and called it off. I said you can say your over me all you want that’s why you begged me back only a week ago, he got mad blocked me off Snapchat and Facebook, I gave final text on Instagram he texted back then I waited a day to reply then last night I made a tinder account, in 15 mins I got over 100 matches, I did it for a confidence boost, I’m not ready for anything, this morning I matched with my ex, does it mean anything?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Am i being used, with him 6 months and won’t call me his girlfriend, but says we are exclusive? ?

    was walking on month 5 and he called a relationship then month 6 he said he felt he was being forced into a relationship because he didn’t want me to walk, he says he exclusive to me, he’s not on tinder, he’s not onto other girls, he’s onto me daily on the phone and I meet him every week, any time I’ve an argument about it, he stays and never leaves. Is he using me? Like I thought boys usually call it after this time, I know he was in a 3 year relationship and it was very bad, all his friends know about me, he talks about me daily to them and I met his parents?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Boyfriend talking to ex girlfriend of 3 years, please answer I’ve anxiety right now? ?

    My boyfriend and me were on a break and I spotted tonight his ex girlfriend followed him and likes a photo of him from January and recent upload, we are still texting working through things, we are meeting this week to discuss, he told me he’s no intention of going back there, she’s only just out of relationship, I asked if he was going following her back and he did laughing face, what do I do hw shouldn’t have even texted bqdk to her when she text in, will I type into her myself and ask?

    Also why we started fighting is he said I rushed him into a relationship that he’s still committed to me just don’t want to label just yet, I was the one that called the break, I’m not being vain but I get tried a lot the ex is now very chubby, he told me he’d even stop having sex with me just for me to stay and get to know me better I’m with him 6 months but really only meeting up 3 months

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • I’m dumping him because no relationship being called after 6 months, he says he will stop having sex with me so I won’t walk? ?

    with this guy I was dumping 3-4 weeks ago and because of that he called a relationship, I called it off this week and he told me that I forced him into a relationship, that he felt 6 months was to short that we both weren’t getting with others anyway, I keep telling him to get lost but he won’t take it ringing my phone yet he won’t call a relationship, he says he never used me but why is he doing this? He’s now saying that he will stop having sex with me but still not call it but both aren’t aloud get with others, that he wants to get to know me that he will even take sex out? Like is he a player?

  • Please answer, boy I’m with won’t call a relationship after 6 months says he will stop having sex with me so I won’t walk ?

    with this guy I was walking 3-4 weeks ago and because of that he called a relationship, I called it off this week and he told me that I forced him into a relationship, that he felt 6 months was to short that we both weren’t getting with others anyway, I keep telling him to get lost but he won’t take it ringing my phone yet he won’t call a relationship, he says he never used me but why is he doing this? He’s now saying that he will stop having sex with me but still not call it but both aren’t aloud get with others, that he wants to get to know me that he will even take sex out? Like is he a player?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Why are boys so obsessed with nudes? ?

    My boyfriend constantly asks for nudes could be random in the day and he will ask, it’s only Snapchat so nothing is ever saved but what’s with the obsession with nudes?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 year ago
  • Why are boys so obsessed with nudes? ?

    My boyfriend constantly asks for nudes could be random in the day and he will ask, it’s only Snapchat so nothing is ever saved but what’s with the obsession with nudes?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Boyfriend followed a girl on Instagram and told me she’s good looking girl he followed, please answer am I overreacting?

    With a lad 6 months now and he finally deleted his tinder account completely, he used always tell me he’d come off it than I’d catch him again, leading to trust issues, the other day he followed a girl on Instagram and I ask him about it, I was trying to break up with him last night because of all the tinder drama in the past, I don’t fully trust him, I ask him about the girl on Instagram and he goes she’s a random good looking girl that I followed, which I had no intention of texting into her, she never followed him back, am I overreacting?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Boyfriend called me a rat meaning? ?

    We are fighting and he said to me stop saying **** to me because your rats or I’ll start saying **** to you to upset you? Meaning 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Says he deleted tinder app, but location keeps changing? Please answer?

    He didn’t delete account just app from phone? Am I right in saying for the location to be changing he’s lying to me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Says he deleted tinder app, but location keeps changing?

    He didn’t delete account just app from phone? Am I right in saying for the location to be changing he’s lying to me?


    Software2 years ago
  • Says he deleted tinder app, but location keeps changing?

    He didn’t delete account just app from phone? Am I right in saying for the location to be changing he’s lying to me?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans2 years ago
  • Is he a player?

    I’m With this guy for 3 months just had sex, says he’s not ready to call a relationship, as still very soon, yet acts like a bf, but agreed not to get with anyone else or text flirting to girls, I spotted he made a new tinder and he said he’s not deleting it as he only uses it out of boredom, I asked him to show me and no conversations just swipes, he said if he will type in, it will be just to mock, I’m unsure what to do, am I being played? I said to him I can go on it also, he said only if your on it like me not serious, that if he hears I met up with someone else or texting flirting he’s done, he was trying to go through my phone also after that

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Please I need major advise, I really like this guy but am I being played?

    I’m With this guy for 3 months just had sex, says he’s not ready to call a relationship, as still very soon, yet acts like a bf, but agreed not to get with anyone else or text flirting to girls, I spotted he made a new tinder and he said he’s not deleting it as he only uses it out of boredom, I asked him to show me and no conversations just swipes, he said if he will type in, it will be just to mock, I’m unsure what to do, am I being played? I said to him I can go on it also, he said only if your on it like me not serious, that if he hears I met up with someone else or texting flirting he’s done, he was trying to go through my phone also after that

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • He liked choking me during sex? Should I be worried?

    I’m seeing this guy and he likes to choke girls during sex he’s after telling me, I haven’t slept with him yet? Honestly should I be worried? He’s also a mma fighter

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Why does he like to choke me during sex?

    I’m seeing this guy and he likes to choke girls during sex he’s after telling me, I haven’t slept with him yet? Honestly should I be worried??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago