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  • Who is supporting the biggest strike since the 1930s on 30th November?

    Please add your support. This is not about some leftie union trying to smash the Tories.

    Civil and public servants wages are being held down, pension rights are being stolen, and terms and conditions attacked at every opportunity.

    you may not care about this but remember public safety is only as good as the people who are running the system, if you destroy them you open the floodgates to all sorts of problems.

    once experienced and committed staff leave the public service they dont come back.

    dont believe all the nonsense about average salaries. if you actually read the civil service report in detail, they scam the information by changing goalposts, including irrelevant information and making downright dishonest assumptions in the hope that people wont be bothered to read and think for themselves.

    please support the strike. it is your wellbeing, safe old age, and the security of your children at stake here.

    15 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Liverpool , another scandal (racist suarez).?

    Is it just bad luck or does Liverpool FC attract scandal and international condemnation?

    They cant compete with the massively superior manchester teams and dont have arsenals or chelseas class.

    Yet both of the manchester teams are a credit to the country. The same cannot be said of the anfield bindippers.

    5 AnswersEnglish Football10 years ago
  • Liverpool banned from football - vote please.?

    Teach the thugs at Liverpool that buck toothed bullies like suarez wont succeed in this league.

    Ban liverpool as a lesson. it worked when they were humbled after their terrible crimes at heysel stadium.

    vote yes or no to ban liverpool for at least one year.

    8 AnswersLiverpool10 years ago
  • Suarez - would banning Liverpool be a good lesson to football?

    It worked after what they did at Heysel Stadium, why not ban Liverpool for the rest of the season to teach them not to allow racist bullies to get away with it?

    dont pretend that the fans wont copy that thug suarez, the black population of Liverpool (there are very few by the way) must be living in sheer terror at present and kids at school will already have copied the buck toothed little thug.

    A permanent ban will serve them right.

    7 AnswersEnglish Football10 years ago
  • liverpool should rent evertons ground?

    it would let the local council bulldoze anfield into the ground and put up some decent houses for the bin-dippers.

    it would create revenue for cash hungry everton and it would make policing of derbys easier for the merseyside drugs squad.

    7 AnswersEnglish Football10 years ago
  • why havent other teams copied youll never walk alone?

    If its such an anthem, why have other teams shied away from it ? is it because of the negative associations with liverpool?

    2 AnswersOther - Football10 years ago
  • Why are liverpool people known as bin-dippers?

    Surely there must be a story to support the accusation that these people steal from bins to survive?

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago