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Mark T

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  • Dating in senior year of HS, but college is around the corner...?

    Let me start of by giving relevant information.

    I am a senior in High School

    I am 18 years old

    I have never had a girlfriend

    The touch barrier has only been broken in the form of hugs (No kisses, yet)

    As you have concluded from the above, I have never been intimate with anyone.


    Suffice it to say, I think I am falling for a girl in my school. We are both seniors. I want to ask this girl on a date, but there is a problem. While I do not fear, have anything against, or have problems with commitment, I will be in college in about 9 months. So will she

    My problem/question is that if I enter into a relationship now, and it really hits off, I will either have to go through college with a long term relationship, unable to build a relationship with anyone else. Or, I will be forced to either break up, or have it be a short-term relationship. Again, I get very attached.

    Just a note... I am okay for the relationship to not be intimate, but I still want it to be a relationship.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I'm "madly in love" with a girl... but don't know what to do.?

    I'm not 100% certain if I am describing this accurately, but I think I am madly in love with a girl, and don't know what to do. I will explain further down, please keep reading.

    I am a Junior in High School (17yrs old), she is a Sophomore (very recently turned 17). We officially got to know each other about a year ago. At first - last year- everything was going very well. We had nice, long, free flowing conversations, we had nice long texting sessions.Everything was going very well. One day I ask her if she'd like to get a coffee after school. She said she'd have to ask her parents, and would let me know. Anyway, we ended up going. We had a nice long conversation about the random-est stuff you could possibly imagine. There was no flirting, and there was no physical contact whatsoever. I thought it went really well. This was Friday

    On Monday, in school she didn't seem herself, she wasn't the usual, happy, giggly smiley person. I asked what's wrong, on two separate occasions, and she said "nothing". For all intents and purposes I gave her the benefit of the doubt. On Wednesday, the guidance counselor returned from vacation or what-have-you. And I find out that she felt really "awkward" during the whole thing, and was afraid about how I would react to her telling me that flat out, so she waited for the counselor to return. I was very understanding towards her, and we agreed to "just be friends" but like always, that means the whole friendship goes kaput.

    We practically did not talk talk to each other the rest of the school year. At the end of that school year I asked her very gently if she wanted to get a picture with me, as I was getting them with a lot of my friends. She immediately turned all awkward, and I basically put it out there flat that it is okay, and she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to, and calmly walked back to my table.

    It's not until the next school year that I finally text message her again, we had a very long conversation on text yet again. But this was isolated. Afterwards, it went back to being awkward again.

    At Christmas time, I selected her a card and gave it to her in school. She was very grateful and on her own will broke the touch barrier, and gave me a plain, simple, friendly hug. In those three or so seconds, I was at a complete loss for words, as I had not nearly expected her to do that.

    Anyway, sometime early in 2012 I asked if she wanted to go get a sandwich at a local place that makes really good food. And I asked her as friends, so she would not think I was going for a date. She said she didn't know. When time was pressing me, I asked her if she knew, and she said that she couldn't because she was busy. I tried to reschedule for a different time - again I don't know, and again something came up. She said it was a doctors appointment, but to find out about it only the night before is unusual. Anyhow turns out she still feels a little uncomfortable going.

    And so, back unto the awkwardness. Awkward conversations, and hugs when I gave her a card for a holiday. (At those times conversation run much better)

    Anyway, despite all that has transpired, I still have really, REALLY strong feeling for this girl. Despite us not really having free-flowing conversation, and so on. I haven't told her that I have these feeling for her, but she's a girl, she's not stupid, and she probably knows.

    But, there was been some stuff going on in her life, I'm not exactly sure what it is, only that it is not pleasant. I did all I could, I told her I was there is she wanted to talk, and left it there.


    Soon, my Junior Prom is coming up, and I have no date, and would like to ask her if she'd like to go as friends. But, I guess its not rejection I'm afraid of, its the whole barely sturdy friendship we have now going down the drain. But on the other hand, Junior year is almost over, senior year is pretty short, and after that's its college.

    But really, prom is not the only issue, the other is our friendship in general, that stands on a slipshod foundation, and isn't going anywhere into deeper friendships.

    Finally, I will say this,

    She is most definitelyy worth it.

    If you've read this whole long thing, I love you.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Facebook blocked me from a friend?

    Yesterday, a friend and I were talking through Facebook messenger. I had just discovered that putting several numbers in a series of brackets (eg: [[1234567789123456]]) would give a chaticon. A chaticon like a troll face, Santa Claus, christmas tree, or something along the lines. My friend was a little wierded out, said WT*, WT*, but he knew I was just idding around. He then said "I'm Done" and seemed to go offline. I said I <3 being a nerd. and tried to send him the link for the chaticons. It asked me to do a recaptcha thing, and I believe I entered it correctly, as the link was displayed in the chat window. (now it is not there as if it was not sent) Then I saw on his profile that we were not friends. I Texted him apologizing and asking why he unfriended me. Suffice it to say he asked if I had blocked him, which I did not; and said he didn't unfriend me. So I clocked teh "add Friend Button" At that point it acted as if he had just blocked me. I texted him, and he said he did nothing of the sort. I check my block list he was not on there. He checked his block list, I was not on there. He did not report me *** annoying or anything. Facebook did not give me any warnings, nor did it send me any email letting me know what transpired. I did have some misspellings and screw ups on capitals earlier in the message; but I've had them many times before. I can still do everything on facebook, just this one person has been blocked on facebook. What do I do, and What happneed

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • I'm scared of ruining this, please help?

    There is a girl I like, we are both in High School. I am in 10th grade and she is in 9th. I've talked to her some at her locker before and after school, and we have a pretty good rapport going. She seems like a very smart, nice, and intelligent young woman; also very pretty :)

    Anyway, here is the situation, I am scared to move up a tiny step. Even if it is as small as asking her cell-phone number, or asking her to coffee (as there is a coffee shop half a block from school)

    What my fear is based upon, is that if I go to fast I might freak her out - and ruin a very good potential friendship/relationship. Or If i go to slow, she might have someone ask her out before I do.

    I am scarred of moving too fast or too slow, what do I do, and how do I find the right balance.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I keep my computer from locking?

    I am running Windows 7 64 bit without service pack one. Recently, possibly related to new updates, if my computer remains idle for a certain amount of time, it show up as being locked. I do not have this computer password protected. How do i keep it from locking.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Is it normal for fish to do this?

    I have a Betta fish, in a 2 1/2 gallon tank, and all that was in the tank was a artificial plant, artificial rock formation, and a thin layer of gravel. Before my fish just swam all over; but today i put a small filter in the tank. He seems to have fallen in love with it, he is constantly around it, under it, or behind it. He is not being sucked in because it is a weak, air-driven filter and even when i turned it off, he was still very close to it. Is this normal? is it because it has cleaner, oxygenated water coming out of it. Or maybe because it is warmer than the rest of the tank, again it is airdriven, and pretty weak. My tank temperature is 68 degrees (bought a thermometer also, but he seems to be completely ignoring it.) Again is this normal, and do i need a heater, and if so, how powerful (wattage)

    11 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Are my expectations too high?

    I am a male, in his 10th grade of high-school, I am 16 years old, and I do not have a girlfriend, neither have I ever had one. Part of the reason is because I haven't found that girl that is right for me. Butt lately I've been asking myself, are my expectations set too high. And i need help to decide if I am being rational or not. Some additional information: I have female friends, also I have never kissed a girl.

    Anyway, here are my basic "wants"

    1. Doesn't Drink

    2. Doesn't Use drugs

    3. Doesn't Smoke

    4. Isn't "easy"

    5. Isn't the kind that is overly eager to "get into bed"

    6. Sorry for the lack of a better word: isn't a s@#$

    7. intelligent

    8. Honest

    This list is in no particular order.

    Also I am no hurry to get a girlfriend, but I don't want to end up being 40 years old and still have never had a girlfriend.

    P.S. There are quite a few girls who are hitting on me, but they have shown that they are not my type, by the list above, and some other indicators.

    Note, the list is not of absolute requirements,

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I access exclusive content on a Target Exclusive CD?

    I Recently got a target exclusive CD, or rather I loaned it from a friend. It is the Speak Now Taylor Swift CD. It comes with the 14 regulars songs. But also 6 bonus songs, and 2 videos. But every device and program I go to, it says that there are only 14 songs, let alone any videos. And devices and programs includes DVD players, and Windows Explorer.Could it be that I, or rather my friend was ripped off, and accidentally given the wrong disk.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • My Job is conflicting with other things in life.?

    Hello, I'm 16 years old, and I am legally employed, so its not like I am helping out a family member or something. I have been working since Mid-April of this year, so a little less that 6 months. And therefore I am not yet eligible for time-off, or sick-leave.

    So here is my problem: I work on Saturdays and on Sundays, I go to school on the weekdays. And with winter approaching, I have Swim Team, Science League, and I want to ask someone out, and I can't ask them out, and then wait for like 4 months before asking them out again.

    Now the company I work for is pretty good about letting us go for things such as sports and stuff, but I am a new employee (relatively) I already took 4 days of for a family vacation in June. And I don't want to abuse the company's leniency with young people by taking too many days off.

    Also to keep in mind, I typically work 12-6 so its right in the middle of my day, and the rest of the time I need for sleeping, eating, and studying.

    So it all comes down to this one question: Whilst holding my job (not Quitting) will it be appropriate, and is there anything for me to keep in mind; as a teenager taking PTO (personal time off) every now and again, (not every week)

    All insight is appreciated,

    Thank you

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Caring for my Male Betta?

    Hello, I have a Betta fish swimming around in a 2.5 gallon tank, some questions

    1. How much do I feel him in pellet food, or other food

    2. What if there is a pellet too big for him to eat, what do i do with it

    3. How do i clean my tank - I have a 2.54 gallon. a little gravel. a small fake plant and fake rock formation

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Electric Razor - Preventing Burn?

    I prefer shaving with an electric rotary razor (the three round disks) But I find that when I shave my neck with it, my neck gets razor burn, which lasts for about 2 days give or take. I use regular aftershave after shaving, but it doesn't seem to help very much. Other than shaving with a conventional razor, is there anything I can do, or use; perhaps a certain technique or product to allow me to not get razor burn on my neck.

    I Appreciate your help, thank you!

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • I fear rejection... What should I do?

    First, before I say anything else, some information about me:

    > I'm (almost) 16 years old

    > I'm going into the 10th grade

    > Most of my friends are in my grade, +/- 1 grade

    So here's the problem, when I am thinking of asking someone out, or asking to hang out with someone who is female. I start to fear being rejected by her.

    However this is where it gets a little strange. Technically, when I am asking a girl if she'd like to hang out, I do not fear that she will say no. I fear that she will say no when I am considering asking her.

    So it's kind of like I don't fear rejection itself, I just fear the idea.

    Also; I'm not morbidly afraid of it, i'm a little afraid of it.

    And all that is on top of the fact that I am a very shy person, and that I prefer to do it in person, not over a text message or something. (increasing the level of shyness)

    What can I do to get over this fear.

    Sorry about the length, and thank you.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Deep Philosophical Question(s)?

    The way we see it, right now we are awake, this is reality. But what if it isn't what if THIS is the dream, and what we know as a dream, is the actual reality, a place where matter, space, time, and thought, are much more closely related than we ever imagined?

    How can you tell you aren't dreaming right now, and that this question is being imagined by your subconscious/uncontentious mind.

    What is outside of the universe as we know it

    8 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Prom question... way in advance?

    I realize that this is many many months in advance, but my curiosity is getting the best of me... So here is the situation: I am a sophomore, and the Prom in my school is Junior/Senior however; I have heard that if your date is a junior or senior that goes to that school, you are allowed to go with them. So that in mind; I know it is generally the guy who asks the girl. Therefore would be acceptable for me to ask a girl (who is a junior) to prom, even though I am still a sophomore. There is also another problem, usually the guy drives the girl to the prom, but in this case, I will not yet be able to drive; do it's either have out parents drive, or hire a chauffeur to take us. Also if I should asker, about how long before prom should I do it.

    Here is some potentially helpful information

    I am Male

    I do not have a girlfriend

    Whether or not she has a boyfriend is unclear, but it seems as though she doesn't

    We are good friends, possibly best friends; but not more.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • All AIM contacts spontaneously deleted, help?

    I use AIM (AOL instant messenger) I signed in today, and discovered that every single one of my aim contacts (buddies) was plain gone. This was not due to me not singing in for a while, as I have signed in within the last month, and it is not one of my friends going in, as I have a long password, and no one knows it. What happened, and how do I reverse the process.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Maps Locked on Garmin GPS?

    I have a Garmin nuvi 760 GPS device, recently I updates the maps on it, following the directions to the letter, when it told me that I could unplug it, and start using it, I did.

    NOW, when it restarted, it loaded, gave the yada-yada about not adjusting the device while driving, but then, it told me "Can't Unlock Maps"

    Then, the 2010 maps still on my desktop, I tried to load them on the GPS again, and what ened up happening, is that it told me that it can't update the maps, because no maps from the previous year are present.

    OK, so, I have 2009 maps, but for a different Garmin, (that did work normally) still on my desktop, So I put them on the device, and same thing happens "can't unlock maps" So, regardless I now having 2009 maps, that "previous version" I try to install the 2010 maps, and it gives me the same, Previous version not installed message,

    What do I do??

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Sweating Problem, some help would be nice?

    I don't sweat too much, but I think i sweat a little more than i need too, before, all was good, but now, it is as if instead of the sweat being divided 50/50 between my armpits, my right armpit seem to sweating more than the left, something like 50/75. I have used gel deodorant/antiperspirant, for the past few months so maybe that's part of it.

    Anyway, I bought much stronger deodorant then the one i had. The old one was 16% this one if 19%, and my armpit is still sweating, what is seems like more than necessary

    any, and all advice would be appreciated

    1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Asking someone their #, or getting it from somewhere else.?

    I am a guy, 15 yrs old

    please answer all parts

    1. How do i ask a friend, nothing more. for his or her phone number.

    2. Should ask a guy differently then i would a girl

    3. If someone puts their number on the internet, something like facebook, skype, myspace or whatever, is it OK to text them. w/o asking them in person

    4. How do i ask someone not to give out my number without permission

    5. How do i overcome the shyness?

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Major Shyness, and asking someone out?

    I'm kind of shy, but i never thought it would get to this point.

    Anyway, i could, and can always talk with girls who were/are my friends, it was a little harder to talk to people I like(d) but i could still do it.

    With this girl it is different, after school one day I sent her a text message asking if i could call later that night. (i wanted to ask her if she wanted to go with me, as friends to a school dance the principal told me was going to happen.) I composed the message asking her without much trouble,

    As a reply she said that " haha why can't you text me" and she said that she lives in a place where she gets no reception therefore she cannot have verbal convos

    So i then compose the message saying that i heard from the principal that we are having a dance in February, and asking if she'd like to go with me as friends. Once i composed this message, i had to save it in drafts, i was so shy, that i couldn't send it. OK so withing the next 32 hours every time i would think of sending it, (and all i needed to do was open it, and click send) i got butterflies in my stomach.

    Luckily at the end of those 32 hours, i finally sent it. Now it has been 1-2 weeks and i still haven't gotten a reply, it might be that since i sent it in a slightly different format (i sent it *** a pic/video message in case 160 characters isn't enough, i didn't attach pics though) she may not have received it.

    However when i sent a few regular messages saying "hi" in the past few days, haven't gotten a reply to them either, is it bad timing, or something else? Also note that when i say hi in the hallway, she smiles and says hi back

    I want to ask her again, since i got no answer only this time not over text, so

    > Do it now, or wait for everyone to know there's a dance?

    > Try to call, Facebook chat (she doesn't have aim), or in person??

    >>> And most importantly, HOW DO I GET OVER MY SHYNESS???

    Sorry for length

    And thank you all!!

    And do you think this super shyness is an indicator that i really like her.

    Possible helpful information

    > We are both freshmen in high school

    > We have no classes together, but i know where she sits at lunch

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do people do this in photos?

    I have noticed that people, especially when with friends, post photos on social networking sites (Facebook, Myspace, etc) with their tongues sticking out. Why do people do this?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago