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  • Why is Obama like candy?

    His policies are like the sweetest candy’s to his constituents. He takes and takes from the people that do not deserve it and hands it to the people he believes do and for that the they love him. Problem with candy is it will eventually give you a stomach ache and rot your teeth, but it's fun while it lasts.

    Republicans only have vegetables to offer the public and yuck, who wants nasty ol’ vegetables? Their policies don’t satisfy the majority and they surly don’t punish anyone enough. The problem with vegetables is they are unsatisfying to the majority of people.

    Can anyone relate? or am I just being too facetious?

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Recommend a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book I haven’t read…?

    ...that isn't on the top 100 iTunes, Amazon, or NYTimes best seller's list.

    I've read far too many books to even venture a guess, but I know for certain that I've either read or at least previewed every book on the top lists. Maybe I'm asking too much, but I'm desperate to find an exceptional series or even a stand alone book that will knock my socks off. Maybe a hidden gem that I missed or something that might grow on me after a few chapters - I need something great, not just readable. Here's a list of some of my [random] favorites.

    Ender's Game (Whole series was very good)

    A Song of Ice and Fire Series (Until book 4 when it run's out of steam)

    Dune Series (Not interested in add-on books - read a few and don't like them)

    Name of the Wind Series

    Foundation Series

    Wheel of Time Series (Until Book 9 where I got sick of the series)

    Dresden Files

    A Space Odyssey (Not too interested in Clarke's other books)

    Rama Series (Great because they are quick reads and very interesting)

    Stormlight Archive (Grrrrrr, he has way too much on his plate. He'll probably die, leaving it unfinished.)


    Ann Rices Vampire Series

    Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony

    Codex Alera Series

    Old Man's War

    These are some books that I have issues with, even though they are probably very good reads:

    Mistborne Series - The first book was OK, but it just didn't grab me in book two.

    JRR Tolkien's Books - I tried to read several of his books but the rhythm and mode of speech bothers me; don't know why.

    Ann Rice's other works are fine, but reading get's to be a chore - she's far too in love with her own writing and it shows in books like Lasher).

    Spider-Man by Jim Butcher - It was like reading Dresden. Spoils my favorite superhero.

    John Carter Mars Series - Again, I cannot get past the mode of speech. I hate westerns for the same reason - I keep getting knocked out of the story by the southern/western speaking. Otherwise, series was OK.

    Warhammer/40K - Many of these books are hit or miss with me. Have no idea which is which until 1/3 into the book so I stopped even trying.

    Star Wars, Star Trek, Forgotten Realms, etc... These books are OK, but far too established and lets face it, mostly bland by now.

    Please, someone point to a great read....

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago