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My 7 mo. old is being a daredevil?
My son is going to be 8 months in two days and he was a late bloomer on a lot of stuff. At this moment he is standing behind me holding up on my tank top. This should kind of give you an idea of what kind of baby he is lol. I buy him lots of toys but they never seem to keep his attention, and I don't want to buy him toys that are more advanced because I don't want him hurting himself. He'll pull up on anything, entertainment centers, cabinets, even walls! Our couch, he'll get on top of toys and he'll crawl under his exersaucer or under our futon and then he'll usually fall on his butt or hit his head when he crawls under things. but sometimes he doesn't fall right and it's getting impossible for me because I can't do anything else but sit right behind him to make sure he doesn't get hurt. I tried to keep him from doing these things, but he just keeps doing them, like since he's not allowed it's more fun to do them. It's making me a nervous wreck. Especially because he JUST learned how to crawl and sit up not too long ago. Even when he's sitting down he can't always keep his balance or he'll reach for a toy and fall over. Am I supposed to let him be independent or should I just never get anything done around the house? I'm pretty sure he's showing signs of an early walker, I'm just worried he's not getting the fundamentals :(
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years agoAbortion survey, as many answers as possible please. Men and Women.?
This is a short survey for research on a paper I'm doing about abortion law. Answer as truthfully as possible, and thank you so much for helping me out.
1. Would you/Have you ever gotten an abortion, or would you be okay with your significant other or future significant other receiving an abortion?
2. Do you believe that forcing a woman to view a sonogram and listen to the heartbeat of the fetus is right?
3. Are there too many laws restricting abortion or not enough? Explain your opinion and what you believe to be within your rights.
4. Do you think that making abortion illegal once again would have any negative effects?
5. Do you believe abortion is equivalent to murder? Should a fetus have the same rights as a baby that can survive outside of a mother's womb?
thanks again, and any other comments can be included as well.
14 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years agoAbortion survey, as many answers as possible please. Men and Women.?
This is a short survey for research on a paper I'm doing about abortion law. Answer as truthfully as possible, and thank you so much for helping me out.
1. Would you/Have you ever gotten an abortion, or would you be okay with your significant other or future significant other receiving an abortion?
2. Do you believe that forcing a woman to view a sonogram and listen to the heartbeat of the fetus is right?
3. Are there too many laws restricting abortion or not enough? Explain your opinion and what you believe to be within your rights.
4. Do you think that making abortion illegal once again would have any negative effects?
5. Do you believe abortion is equivalent to murder? Should a fetus have the same rights as a baby that can survive outside of a mother's womb?
thanks again, and any other comments can be included as well.
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years agoWhy won't my 5 mo. old eat from his bottle anymore?
My son won't eat from his bottle anymore. He was breastfed his first month and then we weaned to the bottle. He's been on formula for 4 months now and I haven't had this problem before. I've tried every different kind of flow we have.. even cups, sippy cups, etc. but he just won't do it. With the cups and sippys he just spits out most of the milk and with any type of bottle he'll suck on it for about a minute then start chewing on the nipple or he'll pull the bottle out of his mouth completely. What am I supposed to do? He's been eating his baby fruits/veggies/cereal fine, but when it comes to the bottle it takes nearly an hour for him just to eat 6 ounces with all the chewing and playing he does. and obviously I can't just nurse him because I have no milk left. What should I do?
1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade agoIs one nap okay for my 4 month old?
my son is 4 1/2 months old and in the last week he's stopped wanting to take his normal 2-3 naps a day. He also has been waking up persistently at night instead of getting up once or not at all at night. His entire 3rd month he would take 3 naps, about an hour each or more every day, go to bed at 8 and wake up for comforting like clockwork at 4 a.m. for some comforting and then go back to sleep until 8. now he screams his head off every time I put him in his crib or give him his pacifier (sleep-time cue). Today I gave in and threw the sleep schedule out the window and just let him stay awake until he started falling asleep without being in his crib, which he slept for about 10 minutes in the morning and then from 3-6pm. I'm wondering if anyone has had similar issues with a baby this small? i think he might be teething or going through a growth spurt because he"s eating more lately, but i just can't be sure. i'm worried about overstimulating him if he's tired, but also understimulating him if he's not. help?
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWill I have to take my plugs out in the hospital before delivery or c-section?
I have 1" plugs and am expecting my first baby in November. I was wondering if I'll have to take out my plugs out even though they are acrylic and non-metal. I don't expect to have a c-section, but if it's necessary I'd really like to know in advance because I have a feeling I'll be upset if I don't expect it.
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoDoes anyone know where to find the softer version of "helicopter" by bloc party?
I heard it on a mixed cd my friend gave me, but I lost it and i've been looking for awhile all over the internet and all I can find is remixes. It's basically just slower and without a lot of the guitar parts. I'm in love with this version of the song and if anyone knows the name or where to find it, It would be greatly appreciated.
1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago