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  • Why can't I just move on already?

    I was "in love" with a girl from high school. two years later she dumped me and I just cannot pursue another relationship with anyone. Its been over a year since we were together. I even have a hard time just having platonic female friends. I should hate her. I know she used me, lied to my face, and doesn't care about anyone but herself. Yet I still think about her sometimes and I almost called her yesterday... Everyone keeps telling me it just takes time, but it's not getting any better.

    I want to get on with my life.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Had this girl drop a bomb on me the other day...?

    It was a kind of first date type thing... not really though cause we just met and were getting to know each other... Anyway, things are going well, making conversation and she tells me that she's thinking of converting to Islam.. and I was kind of not expecting that. We're both your typical Caucasian Americans, from Christian families... So my question is, how should I handle this? I mean I like this girl, shes a lot of fun, but converting to Islam is pretty unusual... any opinions?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How can I be less lame?

    Ok, so I haven't always been lame.

    I used to actually have a pretty solid social life back in High school

    Then I pretty much fell in love with this girl and then forgot how to have normal friends because i devoted all my free time to her for 2 years. We would do everything together... It sounds so bad when i say it but its pretty much what happened.

    I'm just now getting over her for good. how can i be less lame... I'm a Sophomore at a University of 40,000 students in a pretty large city and have literally 2 people i would consider friends who live within 100 miles of me. its pretty shocking to me how far my social skills have atrophed... Like all I do now is go to class, come home, sleep, and talk to my roommate sometimes lol.

    I really am not digging being the forever alone guy here.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • My ex randomly sends me this Email wishing me happy birthday...?

    Ok, but its almost 3 weeks after my birthday... I'm really not sure what to think about this... She and I have not spoken since early august when i finally had enough. (we broke up about a year ago) Here's the message.


    I know this is super out of the blue, and you'll probably not even take the time to read it, but how are things?

    I got an email saying you invited me to facebook the otherday, maybe you got hacked? Just thought I would let you know.

    Also, I know I'm really late on this, and it probably doesn't mean much, but I hope you had a good birthday

    I didn't get hacked, or invite her to anything as I have her blocked on my facebook account... so i dunno what to think about this... any opinions?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is it unmanly to like Adele? lol?

    title says it all.

    3 AnswersSinging10 years ago
  • Should i send her a Happy Birthday E-mail?

    I used to love this girl with every ounce i had in me. We dated seriously for two years. It ended about a year ago, and I finally cut contact with her about 2 months ago. (I just couldn't handle the rollercoaster of emotions all the time anymore. She would keep flirting with me and saying stuff like she was wanting to try again and then change her mind)

    I am totally moved on. I just feel like it would be a nice thing for an old friend to do, as she was honestly my best friend for almost 3 years.

    Would this be appropriate in your opinion?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How soon is too soon?

    Met a girl online, shes legit, we talk via skype chat all the time, text all the time. It's been a little under two weeks, is it too soon to suggest meeting for lunch or something? We're both 19 and in college (though different schools that are about 45 min drive apart)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Am i sending the wrong signals here?

    Ok so i needed somebody to go to a concert with last minute ( someone gave me the tickets) so after getting turned down by just about every female friend and acquaintance I know I asked an old friend from Highschool who i haven't talked to in about 2 years. We're friends on facebook.

    So she didn't respond to my message and i found somebody else to go with, the next day she says she just got my message but she couldn't go. So i talked to her on fb for a little bit and all that and shes like "ohh wow i didn't know you broke up with your GF."

    So I told her how it was a messy breakup and how i hate her now and all that stuff that you just kinda say because you like to tell people how you hate your ex.. and anyways she gives me her number and she starts texting me, and I just kinda go along with it and then shes like flirting with me? and I am really really not interested. I hate to be vain but this girl is just not my type at all.

    I'm not the kind of guy who gets this often... typically i have to chase the girl, so I have no idea how to turn someone down nicely... help?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Anyone know how to find a date fast?

    So i got ahold of these tickets for a concert on Saturday and all my friends are booked already... I'm pretty awful at finding dates... any ideas? I've already totally exhausted casual facebook acquaintances lol

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Do you think you would be mad If?

    An Ex who you had nearly gotten over calls you up (this is 7 months post break-up) and convinces you she/he has feelings for you still and gets you into a date.

    Then 2 weeks later (before the date) she/he says they don't want a relationship because they have feelings for someone else too?!

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Where are all the Normal girls at?

    I can only seem to find the rude, selfish, and sometimes borderline scary kind.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Ladies, your opinion please?

    Ok so I've had chronic acne problems since i was 15; I am almost 20 now. Things are MUCH much better then they used to be, but there is only so much that can be done. My Ex broke up with me about six months ago, and I've been trying to get back into the saddle and it hasn't been goin so great lol.

    Am I just an ugly leper or something?

    the picture makes it look a little better than it really is, but I don't think its really that bad?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Am I a bad friend for liking her?

    So I have this friend that I've known for a couple years and I just had to go and develop feelings for her. I don't really know if she shares these feelings... but we've spent hours talking on Facebook into the wee hours of the night before, and she has been there for me during some really dark and difficult times... The problem is that she has a boyfriend who is in the Navy thousands of miles away in the middle of the Pacific.

    I don't want to be a jerk and possibly lose her as friend, but i just can't seem to ignore these feelings...

    Would I be a bad friend if I told her?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How different would the world be if Constantinople hadn't been conquered?

    Despite all military and economic power had long since vanished from the Byzantines, they remained a cultural powerhouse before they were conquered by the Turks. How different do you think the Christian world would have been if they had never fallen?

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Do you think my Ex is playing Mind games with me?

    some background,


    Ok so we were ridiculously close for about 6 months before we started dating. dated for 2 years (high school and 1 yr at different colleges). She had issues with my family.. and things got rough between us ( we always would fight, but never broke up or took breaks or whatever) then it ended about six months ago. I went through the pathetic phase, the angry phase all that BS, finally decided it was time to cut all ties and move on permanently, but then she let it slip a few months ago that she still had feelings for me.

    Now i tried to tell myself that she wouldn't have put me through so much **** if she really did, but i really used to love this girl, and if theres a shot that it could work i would have to at least consider it. So i agreed to trying a date (a concert i won some tickets to) after we got back home from school, on the condition that she would be straight with me and avoid any of the ohh i'll just lie to him cause i dont wanna hurt his feelings crap she loves to play.

    So a month goes by, were both back at home she's really busy doing crap with her old high school friends, and you know things are pretty good we're talking to each other without cussing each other out, and haven't unfriended each other for months, and then she drops this huge bomb on me.


    She says that she has feelings for me, but she has feelings for this other schmuck back at school too and that she doesn't want to "pick one or the other" because she "doesn't know if he feels the same way". so you know i'm somewhat understanding of that, and its not like she promised me anything exclusive, but then she says that she only wants to see me a couple of times at the most for the whole summer because "she doesnt know what she wants"

    Ok, am I being dumb for saying it's not worth the time and the pain it takes to try and fix something that was really horribly torn apart when the other person isn't even sure if they want to or not?

    I told her to just forget it all, and that i was just going to move on, and that she could have her mystery crush. She got really mad at me and said that she was only doing what I asked her to do.

    2 days later she is "in a relationship" (which is the first time she had been since we broke up 6 months ago). like all of her friends are like ??? on her status, and no guy ever confirms it (that i saw) and i checked a few times. I sent her a Im saying congrats, hope you got what you wanted. and she said yeah, and claimed that it was this same guy. ( i havent talked to her since then)

    1 week goes by, and i fb stalked her a little bit and noticed she is single again lol... was this whole thing some elaborate i hate you so i'm going to **** with your mind scheme? cause it is so something she would do lol, and it would totally make my day if it was.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How should I ask this girl out?

    OK, so this is a girl i went to High school with (I'm a sophomore in college) and I always liked her, but the stars never quite properly aligned... Anyway, I'm back home from school for the summer and I need a date to go a Taylor Swift concert. (i won the tickets, no i did not buy them =p)

    One pretty huge problem, I don't ever see her and I don't have a current phone number... We talk on FB sometimes but not really often... Any suggestions? ( we live in the same town, < 5 miles away)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago