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Lv 2608 points

Kathy S

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  • Do dogs sometimes hate a specific breed of other dogs?

    I am starting to think that my Border Collie doesn't like Australian Sheppards or that they tend not to like him He is usually friendly with other dogs but recently I've noticed that he starts acting aggressive when he sees an Aussie.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My 3.5 yr old border collier dislocated his hip and is supposed to "rest" for 2 more weeks.?

    What on earth can we do to keep him from getting totally wound up? This is my agility dog who is used to more activity. 'm afraid he's going to re-injure himself -- even in the crate. :(

    Currently, we are doing the following:

    Attention exercises (leave it, eyes on me) -- other ideas in this area?

    Stays (Ad nauseum)

    shake, paw, wave - but this may tire his hip because of balance

    brushing him and massaging him

    talking silly to him

    keeping us in pen while we cook, etc.

    might try targeting but that seems too hard on the hip

    Filling bone and/or kong toys with peanut butter and the like

    Pain meds (some sedative effects) before bed and when we leave for work

    I'm going crazy trying to keep him safe and happy! He's a great/easy going dog but 2 more weeks seems overwhelming!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How come I can't seem to come across twine in Farmville?

    I hear that you get it harvesting sheep but not me yet...any hints?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • car hesitates unless revved up?

    My 96 For Taurus is hesitating -- esp at traffic lights and getting moving a start of the drive. If you rev the engine, it helps but it seems to be getting worse! It has a rebuilt transmission that was put in this Spring so I am praying that it isn't the transmission.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Off leash obediance work?

    My 2.5 year old border collie (Lucky) is pretty good off leash. He usually comes right away when he's called back to me. We also do agility training where he's off leash most of the class. However, I do have to work pretty hard to keep his attention on me and not the other dogs.

    What I am saying is that we have a strong foundation -- so I'm not looking for basic training -- but that I feel like there is room for improvement. I'm looking for suggestions or training games that I could use to hone his skills a little bit more.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My border collie has suddenly starting nipping my teenage daughter?

    Just yesterday for the first time while she was parked on the couch watching TV but he growled at her once over the weekend when she was parked there.

    OK -- so he's two years old -- sweet, sweet dog. Loves people and other dogs. Never has exhibited any signs of agression.

    Yesterday, he grabbed her arm in his mouth. She said that he didn't "bite" but wouldn't let go. Later, he was nipping at her hands. I was not in the room at the time.

    She's been watching the olympics 24/7 on the couch -- probably ignoring him. He's really my dog but I think he was upset that she isn't paying attention to him.

    For my part, I took him for two really long hike/swims over the weekend but have been a little underactive so far this week. I've also been busy in the evening this week so he may be feeling lonely and bored. Usually, he gets plenty of exercise, attention, etc.

    Today, I've had him stay outside when I can't be there. I also took him running and am going to have my daughter walk him tonight (she NEVER does anything with him).

    What else should I be doing? I feel like it is my fault that he did those things but he still shouldn't be acting like that. I'm afraid it will spill over into actual biting!!!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • stretching soft top on jeep wrangler to fit?

    I assembled the frame for my soft top because brrrrr -- it is cold now! Unfortunately, we can't seem to stretch it far enough. Does anybody have any tips? Right now, I took the rear bow out so that it reaches across and don't have the windows in

    2 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • How hard is it to put a soft top on a Jeep Wrangler?

    My jeep came with a hard top which we took off. It rarely rains but we just have the soft top canvas and none of the other hardware! Once I find those parts, how long does it take to do the assembly?

    8 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • Gaining Elderly Parent's acceptance that need to move?

    My boyfriend moved back into his mother's house to help her get ready to move into a more realistic place for her to leave. She's currently living in a three story townhouse -- which is dangerous for her because she has health conditions. He obviously has to work so isn't there much -- again dangerous if something were to happen.

    He's a great son and spends all sorts of time fixing things around her house (which is falling apart) but -- again -- he has to work so doesn't have time to make caring for her into another job.

    I haven't meant to begrudge the time that this all takes away from our relationship but I'm finally starting to feel it. I think that it is great that he is such a wonderful caring person but we are putting off buying a house (keeping our relationship on hold) because of this situation.

    She hasn't done a single thing to indicate that she isn't going to stay there another decade.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Doggie with Lyme's disease-what to expect?

    I just found out that my puppy has lyme's disease. He's been given antibiotics.

    I didn't have a whole lot of symptoms. We found out from a routine blood test. He has been less active recently but I thought it was just the heat. He doesn't show any signs of lameness although he hasn't been eager to jump up on the couch recently.

    He's had several ticks on him recently so I don't know when he was infected.

    What can I expect? Could you please share your experiences? I've talked to the vet but am still nervous and upset about this.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 2 poo or not 2 poo on walks?

    I see people everywhere walking around with little baggies to pick up their dog's poo. I walk my dog twice every day and he has NEVER pooed while on the walk. Sometimes he pees but he always poops in our yard.

    It seems to me that people encourage their dogs to go when they are out. Assuming you live in a house, wouldn't it be easiest to have the dog go i the yard? We clean that up about once a week when it doesn't smell anymore.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Bunny hop running = hip displaysia?

    I'm going to ask when we go to the vet (soon) but am full of anxiety so hope to get some feedback here!

    I've just started running with my 9 month old Border Collie. I follow his lead in terms of how much we run but he ends up too tired to climb into the car when we get to it (possibly also somewhat disinclined?) We are run-walking about 3 miles 2-3 timew per week.

    Most alarming -- he sometimes (but not always) runs with that "bunny hop" run that is mentioned as a symptom of hip displaysia.

    I'm wondering how normal it is for young dogs to run that way? Does your dog do that and is he/she ok?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Running with dog - part 2?

    My Border Collie is 9 months old. I've started running with him a few times a week but only for 1-2 miles. He seems to start falling back a bit around that point (meaning not running ahead!).

    Does that sound about right for his growing bones or could he still be hurting himself?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago