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  • Is he cheating on me?

    My boyfriend and I are both in our early twenties and we have been together for a little over two years. I am almost seven months pregnant with our first child and we recently about three months ago moved into our first apartment together. He borrows my car sometimes to go out and do errands and he will drop me off at work sometimes so he can use the car which I never minded but now all seems suspicious.

    This morning while getting dressed I noticed a belly ring near the door of our bedroom. I do not have a belly piercing and I never have. My friends have never come to my apartment before either so I knew it had to be him. I confronted him and he texted me back saying he has no idea he has never seen it before acting like im crazy and getting mad im accusing him. Am I being crazy or did he cheat. (I don t know if it matters but the ring was fully intact both ends were screwed on)

    7 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Slight bloody discharge in second trimester?

    I am 23 weeks pregnant and this morning I noticed on my toilet paper some red bloody discharge just a little bit. I feel ok and I keep checking and I do not see any more blood I have no pains or anything. I work as a cna and I am supposed to work today should I still work? Should I go to the doctor if I feel ok?

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Do I have to tell potential landlord s i m pregnant?

    I am 5 months pregnant and my boyfriend and I have been looking for an apartment. I feel like we are already discriminated against because we are young (early 20 s) and I feel as though telling them i m pregnant would throw them off even more. However I don t want to be deceptive I feel like it is better to be truthful then have my landlord find me with a newborn living in the apartment in a few months. Is it wrong to avoid telling them about my pregnancy?

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • Boyfriend spends money excessively?

    I am 5 months pregnant and my boyfriend and I have been together for a little over two years. We are in our early 20's and both have stable jobs. My problem is that my boyfriends spending habits are driving me insane.

    When i found out about this baby five months ago my first instinct was adoption. My boyfriend was totally against it and promised to step up and we would make things work. So far that has not happened. He lives with a roomate and pays 600 dollars a month in rent and pays for food and cable as well. He does not drive so he doesn't have any car related payments to worry about. I drive him everywhere and I have managed to save enough money for first last and security on our own apartment. He has saved nothing but is totally fine with me spending all my money on this apartment. He spends excessively on scratch tickets like five a night and goes to convinience stores every night and gets snacks and drinks even though he has food at home its ridiculous. Another thing we agreed on is that he would get his license back and he hasn't bothered saving for that either. I'm so stressed and he blames me for being the reason he doesn't have money saying he always pays for us to eat when in reality i see him maybe three times a week and we don't always get food. Should i get this apartment and allow him to live there if he pays rent or should i push the adoption with him even more. I'm very upset and confused and tired of being blamed for his financial irresponsibility.

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting6 years ago
  • Five months pregnant and not showing?

    I'm 21 and I'm about five months pregnant and I'm not showing a bump yet. I am 5'3 with a shorter torso So I figured I'd show earlier and pre pregnancy I was about 115 pounds. I notice my pants are a little tighter but some days I just look a little bloated and others there's nothing. Should I be concerned about this?

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • my job is making me depressed?

    I recently got a job in a nursing home as a cna and I am five months pregnant. I used to think of myself as someone who doesn't let their emotions get in the way of their work but i have found myself every night coming home upset over this job. I hate seeing people slowly passing away its too hard. I need this job because of this pregnancy and the benefits the job offers but the emotional aspect of it is challenging. How do i handle this?

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • I rsvp d to a party and didn t go?

    An old coworker of mine invited me to her housewarming party a month in advance It said to rsvp on the invitation so I did and said yes and I told my boyfriend so that he could get the night off. I have bad anxiety when it comes to parties but i thought it would be ok if my boyfriend came with me and i m also 5 months pregnant. Only a few of my coworkers knew before i left and i m honestly a little embarrassed by it so I was scared to see these people now when i m showing. I freaked out right before the party and worked myself up and decided i didnt wanna go. My boyfriend was mad and said it was rude not to go so we went two hours late and drove by and it didn t look like anyone was still there. I got her a gift and i m planning to send it to her but i feel bad. Should i text her about it?

    7 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • I'm pregnant and my boyfriend stole from me?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years, I am 3 months pregnant with our first child. Our relationship has been crazy from the beginning and i guess this one thing is what finally broke me.

    My friend asked me to buy something for her while my boyfriend and I were at the store and i gave him the money to go get it. We went back to his place and he ran outside to give it to her and when he came back in I asked if she had given him the money for it and he said no.

    The next day i confronted her and asked about the money and she says "i gave your boyfriend that money last night"..

    I texted my boyfriend about the fact he lied to my face and stole the money from me and he kept saying he told me and that he didn't lie.

    I will say this isn't the first time my boyfriend has stolen things. He stole a phone from me. He stole a present out of a random persons car and when i found it on his dresser i asked who it was for and he said he stole it which i believe is a lie but he will never own up to it.

    I haven't talked to him since. I'm done with him and now i don't know how to move forward. Do i give the baby up? i can't deal with this guy for the rest of my life.

  • my boyfriend doesn't love me?

    I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. I recently found out i was pregnant. Before i got pregnant i dealt with his ways thinking i could eventually gather the courage to end the relationship and it never happened. He takes me for granted and always has i've enabled him so much. he has no license and has not saved any money for the baby. he spends it all on scratch tickets and video games. He acts like he loves me always talking about the baby and buying me food i want but i know its all temporary. I get upset over things that happened in the past like the fact that he never got me a valentines day present and over the summer he stole from me and abandoned me. I'm young i've always had issues with depression and self esteem i stayed with this guy too long i see that now. I saw the baby on the sonogram and having an abortion i feel would make me more depressed but i feel like ill never get away from him i would love to look into adoption but he will never let it happen. He has issues and it's like i'm just now realizing how terrible this is going to be. I feel like i ruined my life and now i'm gonna be saddled with a jerk forever. is it normal to feel this way during pregnancy or am i overreacting. i cant get over past issues? i'm ashamed and embarrassed and i've just been trying to ignore this pregnancy which is surprisingly easy because i have no symptoms. What should i do?

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • I'm not sure i'm making the right decision about my baby?

    I am 21 and my boyfriend is 22. We have been together over a year. I recently found out that i am pregnant. We both are employed and we were looking to move into our own apartment but I am not sure that i want this child. I feel like i'm too young and that i have not finished living my life. My boyfriend is also not the most responsible person. we have had many problems in our relationship. I was finally ready to leave when i realized I was pregnant.

    He does not have his driver's license and is extremely irresponsible with his money. He has impulse control issues and in the past he drank alot. He is verbally abusive and emotionally abusive although he has never hit me. He has destroyed phones of mine and has even stolen from me and abandoned me for days before.

    I never imagined myself in this position. I don't want an abortion but I don't see any other way out. He would never sign over rights for the baby to be adopted and i wouldn't want to subject my child to a life with him and without me to protect it. If i have the child I will have to deal with him for the rest of my life causing problems and he is not the type of person that is capable of co parenting. I don't know what to do and I have nobody to turn to, my parents hate him and I am scared to tell them. I made a stupid decision and I know it was stupid I just need advice.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should I accept a new job while i'm pregnant?

    I am a 21 year old female. I have had my cna license since july but have had yet to use it because I was at a job I really liked working as a temp. However i jut found out i'm pregnant and I really need to be making more money. I interviewed at a nursing home I previously worked at and they want to hire me no questions asked but I'm not sure if I need to disclose this information with them before accepting the position. On the other hand if I don't take this job I will lose my cna in july because I didn't use it.

    I also have a dilemma where I told my current boss I would accept full time after months of being a temp. She knows I am pregnant but my only dilemma is that the job does not pay well and its a farther commute.

    How should i tell my current boss that I want to accept a different job when I just accepted her full time offer?

    also, my current job did not even get back to me yet about the salary but I know it will not be enough to support myself with. What should i do?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • How do I tell my parents i m pregnant?

    I am a 21 year old female and my boyfriend is 22. We have been together for a little over a year and we recently found out we are having a baby. I was in shock I didn t think it would ever happen to me but it did and I am slowly coming around to the idea that i m gonna be a mom.

    My boyfriend is so excited and told his mom and brother right away and they were so happy. His mom had kids young and his sister so I expected they would react well. My parents are a different story. Nobody in my family below the age of 25 has ever had a baby and my parents are not really fond of my boyfriend.

    My boyfriend and I want to wait until we move into our own apartment to tell them, but i m not sure if thats the best decision. I live with my parents right now but my boyfriend and I will be moving into an apartment in the next few months. Should I keep this a secret until then?

    4 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • 21 and pregnant?

    I'm 21 years old and i just found out that i am pregnant. I am beyond scared I didn't think this would happen to me.

    My boyfriend is 22 and we have been together a little over a year. we are both employed and we were saving up money for our first apartment. Now I guess we will not be putting all our money towards the apartment. I didn't think i could get pregnant, It took my parents 10 years to get pregnant with me so I thought I would have the same problem, I guess not.

    I considered abortion but I feel like it is not the right choice as my boyfriend and I did not prevent this. My parents and my family were all older when they had kids I will be the youngest to have a baby. I know they will not be supportive. What should i do?

    4 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Should I list my former boss as a reference? Or not?

    I was employed by a healthcare company for almost four years when i left voluntarily after starting a school related program and accepting a job with another company short term. My boss and I left things so that i would work "per diem" when they needed me.

    I only ended up working once after I got on "per diem" status and i never returned my bosses calls after that. I know thats not really a nice way to end things but i didn t do it intentionally i just had a couple instances when i had to change my number and i just fell out of touch..

    Right now i m applying for jobs and I want to list him as a reference because while I worked there I was a great employee never had any disciplinary action against me. Can I still use him as a reference? could he say we ended on bad terms because I never contacted them again?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Why is my boyfriend always questioning me?

    I am 21 and my boyfriend is 22. We have been together for just over a year. We had a month where we werent together over the summer because he stole my phone and abandoned me for five days so i broke up with him. During that month he slept with his ex girlfriend and a girl he met at work. I slept with only one person towards the end of the month when he blocked my number after we had been trying to work things out.

    We got back together. He lives with his roomate. Lately he has been weird. He used to leave his phone out when we went to bed. now he hides it and keeps it on silent. He got in my car the other day and the first thing out of his mouth was to ask if the guy i had been with once over that month had contacted me and he made me swear on my life he hadn t. This was out of the blue. I m getting suspicious. He cheated once with his ex in the beginning of our relationship and i forgave him. I ask if he has talked to her and he gets all defensive saying "i really dont talk to her you need to stop with that"..guilty conscience? how do i find out he s cheating?

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • My boyfriend wants to move in together?

    My boyfriend and I are in our early twenties and have been together a little over a year. He wants to move in together but i am on the fence because we have a rocky relationship.

    My family does not like my boyfriend. 5 months ago my boyfriend was intoxicated had a breakdown and stole my iphone out of my hands jumped out of my car and abandoned me for five days. I looked at my phone records and saw he was using my phone to make calls to his ex and his family in another state. I was so upset i cut the phone off but when i got a new phone a few days later he called immediately and apologized and wanted to work things out but i blocked his number. We didnt talk for a while and were apart for a month and during that month i found out he had slept with his ex a couple times and while we were working things out he had slept with a girl he worked with.

    He paid me back only half the money for the phone. He doesnt have his license and he is pretty irresponsible with his money. But i do love him and i wish he would change but i can't talk to him about what happened because he gets so defensive. when i ask about the time we were apart he tells a different story everytime. I don't know what to do. I want to live together but im scared he would try to kick me out of my own apartment. what should i do?

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Concerned about oven cleaner?

    one of my family members sprayed my oven with oven cleaner and left the house without telling me. i turned the oven on and the fumes hit me after about 25 minutes. I feel a little dizzy but ok overall. i turned the oven off and aired out my house for about a half hour. my question is can i eat food that i left out with the fumes from the oven cleaner or is that not a good idea?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • My boyfriend is too selfish?

    I am 21 and my boyfriend is 22. We have been together for over a year. In the beginning he was great we would go out on dates and we respected each other and had fun together but still somewhat had our own separate lives now everything is different.

    My boyfriend can't drive. He could get his license back if he wanted but has been kinda lazy about it because people are always available to drive him places. It used to not bother me but its been over a year and now he expects me to pick him up and drive him to work all the time. Or he will ask me to lend him a few dollars for food which is fine except he is always spending it on things that are not scratch tickets.I bought his perscriptions for him and took him to the doctor. Whenever im with him its like we have to always do what he wants and he never takes me anywhere anymore. I feel like i'm being used and taken for granted. He wants to move in together in a couple months but i'm reluctant because i dont want every single responsibility put on me. I feel like this is my son, not my boyfriend and its wearing on me. I try talking to him about it but he is so defensive. What should i do and is there a chance he will change?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Worried about my boyfriend?

    I have been with my boyfriend for a little over a year. We are both in our early 20's. I am worried that he may have underlying mental health issues.

    There have been many incidents where we would have a fight and he would punch things. I have witnessed him punch himself in the face in fits of rage and stab himself through the leg and arm with a pencil until he bled. Its horrifying and scary. He has grabbed the wheel of my car on the highway and made us spin out of control. He has smashed my phone and windshield before. He has never laid hands on me except to squeeze my arm or pinch me when he is mad. But when he rages its scary like i never know when it will end. I want to get him help but i don;t know how. He doesn't have insurance and he won't see a therapist. He does have adhd which he doesn't treat regularly. What do i do?

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Am I infertile?

    I am a 21 year old female. I have struggled with acne since i was 13 and now at 21 i still get cystic acne near my jawline and chin. I know it is probably hormonal acne. I believe i may have pcos. i have had unprotected sex for almost a year and have never concieved.

    I get acne on my chest now too which i never used to before. I do not have very painful periods and i don t have any excess facial hair. I am 117 pounds a healthy weight for my height (5 3)

    I ve gotten a physical and pap smear from my doctor and she said i look normal and didn t say anything about pcos. The only thing she said is that i have bacterial vaginosis. Is that causing infertility? i have started taking maca root to help with my skin. Would my doctor test me for issues if she thought there was any? or would i have to ask?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago