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Lv 44,564 points

brooks b

Favorite Answers36%

I'm a 20-something college student. My areas of interest for yahoo answers include; politics, earth-science/geology (and most other sciences), poker, guitar, and punk rock.

  • I've got a trojan problem...?

    I've got Symantec AntiVirus, and about once every 3-4 minutes an Auto-Protect box comes up saying that a "trojan horse" has been found and deleted. The filename is csrss.exe (I realize this is also an essential windows process), at the location C:\WINDOWS\... That's pretty much all it tells me (besides telling me it's coming from my own computer). Usually it finds two of these files each time it pops up... I'm not sure how big of a deal this is since the files just keep getting deleted, but it's really annoying to see the warning box pop up over and over.

    How can I find out where these files keep coming from so I can stop this?

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with the AG firing US attorneys?

    I'm a Democrat, I do not think it was right for Gonzolez to fire the eight attorneys just based on their loyalty to the Republican party... but at the same time -- he really didn't do anything that was against the rules, much less unexpected. To me, this is just another example of why Bush should have never been elected in the first place. Still, you can't say that just because you don't agree with what he did that he did something against the rules.

    Was it disgusting? Yes. Did they break any rules? No.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do people think "I am a geologist" counts as a source?

    That's not a source people... that's merely stating your occupation. If you are going to cite a source try giving a website where the asker can learn more about their question. Nobody cares if you're a geologist, they care if your answer is correct.

    5 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Do you realize who denies anthropogenic climate change?

    Recently 60 "scientists" called on Candian PM Stephen Harper to "revisit science on global warming". What is more interesting is who these people are and who's interest they really represent.

    People that deny global warming - these dishonest people are the source of your information! Please look at this before believing the nonsense that they preach.

    Copy of the letter to PM Harper: (lists "scientists" at bottom)

    Who are the 60?

    1 AnswerEnvironment1 decade ago
  • Can you identify these substances?

    I'm writing a lab report for a lab excersize testing for the presence of macromolecules... I'm trying to figure out what these substances could possibly be - you don't need to be sure, and I would be more than happy if you gave more than one possible answer for each substance. Just looking for ideas as it is 2 am and I am coming up blank.

    Substance 1:

    Tested positive for the presence of; Protein, Starch, and Sugar.

    Tested negative for the presence of; Lipid.

    Substance 2:

    Tested positive for the presence of; Sugar.

    Tested negative for the presence of; Protein, Starch, and Lipid.

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Can you identify these substances?

    I'm writing a lab report for a lab excersize testing for the presence of macromolecules... I'm trying to figure out what these substances could possibly be - you don't need to be sure, and I would be more than happy if you gave more than one possible answer for each substance. Just looking for ideas as it is 2 am and I am coming up blank.

    Substance 1:

    Tested positive for the presence of; Protein, Starch, and Sugar.

    Tested negative for the presence of; Lipid.

    Substance 2:

    Tested positive for the presence of; Sugar.

    Tested negative for the presence of; Protein, Starch, and Lipid.

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Does Al Franken have a chance at winning the DFL nomination for Senate in 2008?

    According to the AP Al Franken has told "a senior Minnesota Democratic official" that he plans to run for senate in 2008 against incumbant Republican Norm Coleman. Quoting the story "Franken has been calling members of the Minnesota congressional delegation to get their input on a run, and he announced this week that he would be leaving his show on Air America Radio on Feb. 14. He told listeners he would be making a decision on a race soon." -- It seems clear that he will run, but does he have a chance at getting the nod? As a DFL voter I can say that I would definately vote for him in the primary, but I've been saying I want him to run for senate for years. Answers from other Minnesota DFL votes will be appreciated, but anyone else feel free to voice their opinion.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should the gray wolf be taken off the endangered species list?

    It's already happening, but from the article I just read the population of gray wolves is barely over 1000 in any one state. To me this doesn't sound like a large enough population to say the species has recovered - I admit I am fairly ignorant about what is a sustainable population though.

    What would you consider a reasonable population level to say the species will continue to survive, and do you think it makes sense to allow people to hunt gray wolves.

    6 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite punk rock band?

    a) nofx

    b) NOFX

    c) NoFX

    d) NO-FX

    e) NO FX

    f) The Queers

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Suspended Minnesota Driver's License?

    I was cited for "driving after suspension" in Minnesota recently and I am very confused why.

    I haven't had a Minnesota Driver's License for about 2 years because I live in Wisconsin now. I had to give my Minnesota license to the Wisconsin DMV when I got the Wisconsin license. I assumed that meant the Minnesota license would be cancled.

    But I was pulled over in Minnesota by a county Sherrif Deputy and he tells me my license was suspended and that he can't let me drive in the state - so my car is towed and I'm stuck with this DAS citation that will cost me a fine and higher insurance.

    I have an unpaid speeding ticket from Minnesota from at least 8 months ago, so I can see how they might suspend my license -- but I didn't have a license to suspend. My Wisconsin license is valid, so I don't see how I can be told I don't have a valid license. The officer told me I could drive anywhere exept MN.

    Wondering if anyone knows if I can do anything, or if I will have to just pay the fine.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • 11 bad states to live in for online poker?

    A lot of poker sites refuse to accept players from some or all of these states - IL, IN, LA, MI, NJ, NV, NY, OR, SD, WA, WI... Anybody know why?

    4 AnswersGambling1 decade ago