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my boyfriend sent this message to someone in spanish and i want to know what it means?
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te quiero
5 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoWhat should I do about my fiances horrible ex-wife and their son lives with us?
First of all the little boy is 8 but he is on a 6 year old level, so he has some problems, speech, add, etc, he has lived with me and my fiance for the past 2 1/2 years and we have only been together 3, his mom never picks him up like she is suppose too, don't pay child support, he crayss to me b/c he says she lies to him, she makes up lies to cause problems between me and my boyfriend, which we also have a child together, she tells me it is none of my business but i am raising him, his dad works all the time so i have him by myself most of the time, i think she is bipolarr, one minute she is telling me sorry and that she needs to just give her rights away to me and the next minute she is telling me her son is none of my business and i need to stay out of it etc, i just don't know what to do
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agocan anyone tell me about cushing's disease?
i am a 25 year old female and my doctor is testing me for cushings b/c i have a hump on my neck,dont know anything about it just wondering if anyone could help
2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agowhat is the average weight for a four month old baby?
my daughter will be 4 months on the 25th and she weighs 16lbs and 11 oz my 3 year old was not that big just wondering~i am going to talk to her doctor about it on her next visit but just curious
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agomy son was just diagnosed with ADD and they put him on vyvance~he is six years old~?
what are some of the side effects from this medicine~does anyone have in opinions on this medicine?
13 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoMy boyfriend who I have been with for over a year and I am 6 months preg with his child don't trust me.?
I have never gave him a reason not to trust me, acutally he has given me tons of reasons, he says its b/c he always get hurt, but i am so unhappy b/c he can't trust me, and i don't do anything wrong, i work and come home~i don't go out with my friends or anything, i love him but i can't do this anymore, what should i do?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoEveryone says send illegals back to Mexico~well what about their children they have here with American woman?
Do you think it is fair to take them away from their children?
31 AnswersImmigration1 decade agoHow come no one makes a big deal about all illegals only Mexicans?
When you read anything on here about illegals~everyone talks about Mexicans why? There are a lot of people here that are not Mexicans that are illegal too
25 AnswersImmigration1 decade agohow to know if my boyfriend is lying or cheating?
here is the deal we have been together a little over a year, but he has not gotten a divorce from his wife~b/c they don't have the money~but she is living with someone else, and he lives with me and so does his son, but they are always talking to each other, and she tells people that they still talk about getting back together, and they mess around,etc, problem is i am 4 1/2 months preg what shoud i do?
11 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoMy question is how come it is ok for a preschool to be able to not except my daughter?
The preschool told me that unless she has special needs, or i make below income level she can not attend preschool. How is that fair, to me that is wrong, if they didn't let her in b/c she had something wrong with her, i could sue them. Does anyone have any suggestions?
8 AnswersPreschool1 decade agoI am 10 days late but i am usually always a little late, but my nipples are sore, i have been feeling sick and
messed my pills up last month. Also my boyfriend has been eating double, do you think i am pregnant?
16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agomy boyfriend and i have been dating for bout 5 months~he is so jealous and gets mad at me if a guy hits on me?
we are leaving together and i have never done anything now or in the past with other boyfriends to make him think anything, i don't cheat~but he does have a past not with me but his other girlfriends, what should i do
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago