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  • How to tell if xbox was hacked?

    My parents xbox 360 only had one profile but now there is a second profile and it had locked them out of their original xbox live profile. They reset the password on the original profile and its fine now but the new profile is still there and the avatar keeps changing. Is it possible that their account was hacked and someone is remotely changing the other profile? If so how do i secure their account and permanantly delete the other profile without being rehacked? Also nothing in their original account was messed with besides the password needed to be reset, points werent used and gamer scores and stuff wasnt touched.

    2 AnswersXbox4 years ago
  • mice protecting other mouse?

    Ok so I have a couple feeder mice and recently I live caught a house mouse and decided to put it in with the other mice, well for some reason the other store bought white mice are like protecting/ cuddling/ huddling over this brown house mouse and they arent messing or being mean it it just cuddling like they would a baby mouse even though this mouse is the same size as them. Can anyone tell my why the other mice would be acting like this?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • half developed egg, what should I do?

    My diamond dove seems to have given up on her eggs. So about a week and a half ago she laid an egg but I had to clean the cage so I wore a glove, then for about a day she wouldnt touch it, but then she laid another egg and started sitting on both, that was about a week ago and for about 2 days now its like she got bored and didnt want to sit on them anymore and this time I didnt even go near them she just stopped sitting on them. So the first one is about a week and a half old and I'm pretty sure its fertile because there is a big mass in the center when I hold it up to the light ( I only picked it up with a glove after she stopped sitting on it) and now I dont know what to do with them. I dont want to just throw away a half developed egg but I dont have an incubator, so what should I do? I have a heat lamp over one side of the cage for the doves to bask in and I have been using that to keep the eggs warm during the day and just wrapping them up at night. I dont know what to do with them, help please!.

    1 AnswerBirds9 years ago
  • Diamond dove really sick help!?

    about three months ago one of my doves died and now my other dove is really sick with the same thing I think.

    Starting symptoms: ruffled feathers, shivering.

    12 hours later: Falling to one side, severe lethargy, no appetite, and curled feet.

    12 hours later: dead.

    This isn't a joke. My first dove showed little to no symptoms, less then 12 hours later could barely move and a few hours after that died. I thought maybe she was old or sickly since I got her and I just didn't know it as she was my first diamond dove. So its been about three months since she died and last night my other dove ruffle his feathers and shivers a little so I move him to a warmer room and this morning he is acting just like she did right before she died (falls to one side, curls feet, doesn't want to stand on feet and refuses to eat or drink). I called numerous avian vets in my area and no one can see him and the other vets told me that I could take him to the emergency vets but they don't know about birds so I'm pretty much screwed. But I don't think that he is going to make it at this point even if I get him to a vet some how. I put him away from my other doves and got him somewhere warm with fresh water and food and everything thing the vet tech told me to do, but I just don't understand what this could be. It comes on soooo quickly that there is nothing I can even do to prepare. I just want to know if anyone knows what this could be or has some advise, I really don't want him to die and I'm worried that my other birds are going to get sick.

    Also I clean their cage every three days but because they are bottom dwelling birds and they walk on the bottom of their cage all day im wondering if it could be something like aspergillus? Although I do everything to keep their cage clean and the room is pretty ventilated so I don't see how it could be something like that. Please help. If you have had any experience with these symptoms or know what could be causing this please let me know. Thanks!

    1 AnswerBirds9 years ago
  • dream interpretation?

    Me and my Grandma were very close until she died two years ago. I mean very close, she was my best friend and when she died I thought I would die too. Well about a year before she died she slowly got sick and for the last few months of her life me, my parents and younger sister took care of her. Ever since she died every once and a while I will get these dreams about her being alive but very sick and the rest of my family is trying to plan for her funeral while I'm trying to save her or I feel like I should be saving her but theres really no hope for her to be saved. These dreams really disturb me while I'm dreaming but even more so when I'm awake, its like I cant get them out of my head. I just want to know what the message could be. Is my subconscious trying to tell me to let go or remember something? I'm not sure why but these dreams keep happening more and more and I wish I could understand why.

    4 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Sore on diamond doves wing?

    hi, i got a diamond dove about a month ago and right away i noticed its wing was bleedingb found out it was a broken blood feather so i plucked it like the vet said to but a sore started forming around it and i figured it would go away after i plucked the feather but it hasnt and it still bleeds a little if he flaps his wings too much. its been about a week siince i plucked it and im just wondering what a vet would do or if it will take more time to heal. i dont wanna pay $70 to take him to the vet if they r only gonna send us home or just put a bandaid on it. any suggestions on what to do?

    2 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • Question about tampons?

    everytime i put a tampon in within a couple hours my body will push it almost completely out, how do I get it to stay in? I know this is a weird question but please help.

    Will pick best answer!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Please tell me three positive things about your day?

    idk why this question got deleted the first time but im trying again. Please tell me three positive things about your day today!

    3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Please tell me three positive things about your day?

    idk why this question got deleted the first time but im trying again. Please tell me three positive things about your day today!

    11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Tell me three positive things about your day?

    it can be even the smallest things you can think of.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of some really really good romance novels?

    ok so i'm looking for a series or just some random romance novels that can compare to Karen Marie Moning's Highlander or Fever series. I love a lot of action and very passionate love scenes, i prefer historical romance/time travel/fantasy that sorta thing. Anyone have any good suggestions? They have to be deep romance though, where u get to really know the characters and stuff, not that knock off crap. Thanks so much and i will pick best answer!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • vaginal discharge/ birth control?

    ok so I have always had heavy vaginal discharge since I got my period at 11 and its always been slightly discolored like yellowish, but recently (in the last 6 months or so) its been a lot heavier and even more yellowy and smells slightly (i know gross). But I know I don't have any infections because I take antibiotics for my acne every day and I don't have any STDs. I read that this could be caused from my birth control or other medications I might be taking, is that true? Has anyone else had this happen and how did you get it to stop? Please help me! last time this question was deleted and I don't know why, but I really need help. I'm getting sick of having to clean myself up every half hour and changing my pantie liner every hour or so. Plus its embarrassing when I have sex with my bf and it gets on him, even though I clean myself REALLY good before sex. Please please please help! I will give best answer!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • neutered male rabbit and female rabbit fighting or what?

    I had a rabbit and he seemed lonely so my parents got me a female rabbit for xmas so he would have a friend to play with. I got him fixed right away because I didn't want them to have babies and I still had to keep them apart for a month because the vet said he could retain sperm for up to a month. Well about 2 days ago I finally introduced them to each other and my male rabbit started humping the female but she would pull out his fur when he would do it so finally he learned his lesson and stopped. Everything was good for the rest of the 2 days, he was curious about her but stopped humping her and she made herself comfortable and pretty much took over his cage (I have his cage inside his big play area) but he didn't seem to mind and just let her have the run of the place. But just about an hour ago they started fighting and at first I thought he was trying to hump her again and she was pulling at his fur but then I saw that HE was pulling at HER fur and a tiny little clump of fur is missing from the area around her eye which i saw him trying to clean earlier. So my question is, is he trying to clean her and maybe got carried away and she started fighting him or are they really fighting and if they are how do I get them to stop? thanks and I will pick best answer!

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • feeling nauseas when I eat veggies/diet?

    So I'm trying to lose weight and I'm doing it the right way. I have cut back on portions and almost all the sugar in my diet (i'm a sugar-holic), I still have a little bit of sweets but not much. I'm eating lots of fruits which I love and things like light yogurt and whole grains. I know a lot about dieting and health but the one thing a wasn't prepared for was the nauseas feeling I get when I eat veggies. What is that about? I never liked veggies that much but I know its not a mind trick thing making my stomach hurt. I feel gross like my whole body is revolting against the veggies (some whole grains too but mostly just the veggies). I'm not pregnant or anything like that so could someone tell me whats going on and how to either get rid of it or how long this is going to last?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago