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  • Shortness of breath. What can cause this? Anxiety?

    I am a relitively healthy 34 yr old woman. For one week I have been having trouble getting a good deep breath. It seems ok until I start thinking about it or get stressed over work or my impending divorce. I will say this all began at church a week ago. I became really upset about the sermon but did not cry. Thats when I felt faint and breathless. It has improved slightly but now I am noticing "heart flutters" @ times and an annoying twitch in my right eye. There is no doubt I am stressed. And I do have a history of panic disorder but have never had the breathing problem until this week. Could this be anxiety? What could this all be caused by/ I feel healthy otherwise. No illness.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How do I move on with my life after this affair?

    I know I will be scolded for what I am about to reveal but I need some serious guidance right now. My husband & I have not been getting along or intimate since the birth of our daughter almost 2 years ago.I basically raise her alone as he mentally checked out. I feel like we are roomates. I tried everything but ended up feeling lonely in my marraige. Then one day I met a man that hed been going through the same thing in his life. Toddler, no sex, falling out of love w/ spouse, etc. We met at my job by accident really. We began a innocent friendship. We vented & consoled each other for a while. But the chemistry was so strong. In a weak moment we gave in & kissed. Then we had an affair for about 1 month. We were so happy together but miserable apart. When his job became more demanding we had no time to see each other. He ended the affair to keep from hurting me. We decided we had to try & save our marraiges for our kids.We never meant for anything like this to happen. I know I did the right thing as did he by ending it. However, now I feel so alone, depressed, stupid. I dont hear from him anymore . It hurts bad. How do I begin to live again & focus on what I have when I cant stop thinking of him? I need real advice. This has been hard. I know I will never do this again. I just cannot get past it. Need help.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 1st time Mom. Need advice for a sick 9 month old. ?

    Thur. my 9 mo. old began vomiting up all of her food. Friday a.m. I took her to doctor. Her fever wa 99.5. He said it was probably a virus & if she got diarrhea we would know for sure. He also checked her ears, her abdomen, etc. and found nothing there. There was nothing he could do for her. She seemed to do a little better over the weekend. She would only vomit maybe once (if I tried to give her formula). She has been keeping down pedialyte & mild baby foods.She was well enough for daycare yesterday and kept down her bottle & had no fever. She was still a little fussy but they said she would be ok. I had to work b/c I had missed 2 days prior.I think they let her have to much formula b/c on the ride home she threw up all over the back seat! It scared me to know that she was doing better & then relapsed .. She kept her baby food down later though. She still has no diarrhea though.She is not dehydrated but she looks miserable. She also has no teeth @ 9 months and is displaying those teething symptoms (unusually cranky, ill, biting on things, pulling on ears). My ?'s are. Is it possible that teething is causing the vomiting? Could she have a virus lasting this long w/out diarrhea? What to do?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My husband won't turn off the XBOX & spend enough time with his family. ?

    I knew he was a gamer and I married him anyway. I love him & he's a great guy. The problem is now we have a baby and I am pulling my hair out trying to care for her mostly by myself.Sometimes I am so tired from handling my daughter alone for such long stretches that I do not get to ENJOY my time with her. Sometimes I just need 20 minutes of me time. I also feel like he doesn't want me around when he is tuned into his game. He snaps at me. I don't think he realizes this hurts me so bad. I feel like the game started as his stress relief & has become a priority for him. I am sick of begging for his attention for our family. I do not mind him playing but I need more help with the baby on weekends. I timed him & he played from 11 am to 12 pm Sat. with only 2 short breaks. Sunday was much the same. When he gets off work he immediatly goes to the XBOX & there he sits until I have fed, bathed, and got the baby to sleep. It hurts b/c my Dad ignored us kids that way until my Mom left him b/c she was so depressed. I am stressed. I feel like I cannot do this much more. Please only answer & offer serious advice. I do not need anyone saying dance naked or anything like that. This is more about my child than me.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My baby is 8 1/2 mo.old but has no teeth. She is losing interest in baby food. What r some things to feed her?

    Her daycare has been feeding her some regular food without me knowing and now she will rarely eat her jarred baby foods. I need ideas. can I be sure she is getting the nutrients she needs? It seems impossible to follow the dietary guidelines I find.

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Why are they playing the race card? I really need help understanding if Im wrong or if this isan excuse.?

    I am always nice to everyone I work with from the janitors on up. I went in to the lunch room & said "hey girls, how are you today". That way I was addressing all the ladies working in the room. One lady yelled at me in front of everyone (including students) & said "I ain't no girl. My name is Ms. ____ & you need to call me by my name". She had me in tears b/c it came out of no where. I was just being friendly. If I had not have spoken they would hate on me for that. I prayed about it all weekend & this morning I spoke to her boss about it b/c it effected me & my students too (some kids were angry & wanted to report her). I told her boss I was just being nice & that I don't think I said anything wrong. I call all my friends girls or guys. Instead of her boss acknowledging her attitude problem...she said that I probably set her off by using slave terms with her! OMG! And that I need to be more sensitive in the way I talk to her b/c she is black! OK. If I have to respect her culture then I feel she should accept that saying girls or guys is just how I talk. Nothing harmful intended. I teach at a 98% African AMerican school (for many years). I love my kids as if they were my own & I never see color until someone accuses me of being racial. I never hda slavnor did any of my family. We came from poor people. I am really hurt that instead of us handling our problem now there is another elephant in the room. What can I do? Was I wrong?

  • When should I start discipline ? I have an 8 mo.old.?

    She is just beginning to be a little defiant sometimes (slapping bottle or hands away in dissatisfaction, fussing if i have things to do instead of play, fighting her diaper being changed, etc.). Is she still to young to lay down the law? I do tell her no & she chills out a bit. This is my only child & I am clueless about normal baby behavior versus open defiance. Just need some motherly advice.

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 8 mo. old baby was taking antibiotics & had an allergic skin reaction. When will it go away?

    Her dr. took her off of the penicillin yesterday but he did not say how long she would have a rash. It seemed even worse today than yesterday. It doesn't seem to bother her but it looks bad to me!

    10 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • My daughter is 8 mo. old. When can she eat yogurt?

    I found this yogurt called "yo baby". Is she still to young to eat it? It doesn't say any age suggestions on the packaging.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My baby has been taking antibiotics for an ear infection. Now she has a white toungue. Is it thrush?

    She has been on antibiotics for 1 week & has kicked the ear infection. I noticed she has a white toungue & it won't wipe off. It doesn't seem to bother her but I know it is a yeast/ thrush thing due to the meds. Do I need to get this treated or will it go away? Is there anything I can do at home for it?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone else has a Paraguard Copper IUD?

    I got mine in April, 6 weeks after my baby was born. I had a lot of cramping at 1st & spotted for weeks. It got a little better in about June but now I am spotting mid month & cramping up to 2 weeks before my period! Anyone else have any stories to share about Paraguard?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I took my baby to the dr. She has an ear infection. I am giving her meds. How long before she feels better?

    Also, she will barely eat b/c it seems to hurt her to swallow. Are there things other than meds I can do to help her feel better sooner? She is 8 months old.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I have a 7 month old. I was fine after her birth but now I am tired all of the time. Why could this be?

    I had a baby 7 months ago. I was tired at first (as expected). Then I went back to work when she was 3 months old. I was fine. Actually energized! But, for the past few months I have been so tired & achy that all I want to do is go to bed. I have no energy for social functions much less to be intimate with my husband (who doesnt get why I am tired ). He helps a little but I still bare the brunt of feedings, bath time, play time, etc. I try going to bed earlier, excercising, etc. Nothing is working. It is becoming debilitating. It is hard for me to enjoy my weekends taking care of her b/c I feel so sore all over. What is going on with me? Is it normal for Moms to feel like this?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My baby is almost 5 mo. old & still can't eat baby food .?

    My baby will be 5 months old next week. SHe tears up a bottle and even likes to eat a rice cereal bottle. I tried to feed her stage 1 baby food & she loved it but she keeps pushing it out of her mouth. What should I do to help her learn to eat (just like 1/2 jar a day for now)?

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What really goes on at daycare?

    I have a 4 mo. old baby. I had to return to work & chose what I considered a great daycare. I "surprised" them Thur. by picking her up an hour early. When I walked in my baby was in a swing(in motion) w/ blankets up to her face propping her bottle. No one was in the room w/ her! They were in the back caring for the toddlers. They had left her unattended & feeding herself. It was 2-3 min. before they realized I had unnexpectadly come in. It ticked me off so bad I could not speak then.It was the owner's day off. I called her & said I did not like what I saw. It's seems lazy too. I pay her people to CARE for my infant. I told her I felt like I couldnt trust her people & would be at work worrying. I also feel really guilty for leaving her there. I think she should at least be fed properly! Are they leaving her in a freaking swing all day? What else is going on when the owner is not there? Am I overreacting? Or am I justified thinking this is dangerous ? I just did not feel right about it.

    18 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 36 weeks pregnant and my doctor wants to induce me early. What can I expect?

    My doc seems to be gung ho about taking my baby early. I have no complications other than my blood pressure goes up a tad when I go to the clinic (white coat syndrome). So he was convinced i should go on bed rest. I am following his orders & my b.p. was actually low las visit. Instead of saying good job...see ya next week....he wants me to come into hospital tomorrow and get b.p. checked b/c he is on rotations. He says if b.p. is up at all prepare to stay & have the baby. Is 124/74 high b.p.? What is the deal? I am not even dilated, cervix is to thick & baby has not dropped. How can this be good? Would an induction even work or is he plotting a c section? My hubby got the feeling he wants to get it done b/c it is convinient forhim. Need advice.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What are my patient rights as a pregnant woman?

    I am 36 weeks pregnant. My baby seems very healthy (remarkable nst results, heart rate, ultrasound, size, etc). I have no complications other than some swelling in legs (which goes away w/ bed rest, & my blood pressure is a tad high 138/ 84. My Doctor is insisting on taking my baby next week at 37 weeks! I know I could wait at least another week to allow baby to grow more (She is 5 lbs. 12 oz.). Why is he doing this? I passed all tests as normal, no protein in urine. My husband & I ar really upset w/ his urgency. Then the doctor cracked an (unfunny) c-section joke last visit. We asked if he says he wants to induce early? He said "We have to see if her cervix is to green & the only way to cut down a green tree is with a chainsaw". I cried all night. He hasnt checked me vaginally in 7 months.We feel that he is wanting to jump into a c section without trying to induce me 1st. Do I have a right to trial of labor 1st? I wouldn't resist if I or baby were in danger. But I am scared. 1st baby

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am 26 weeks pregnant. Why do I see spots/ blurry vision if I eat sweets at lunch time?

    This just started happening lately. I don't eat alot of sweets. I do like to have a sweet treat after lunch. However, I have been seeing spots of light & having blurry vision for a short time after I eat something sweet. It clears up in about 30 minutes. And it only happens at lunch time. What could this be?

    9 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • I just ended a 12 year friendship. Did I make the right choice?

    I ended a 12 yr. friendship yesterday. My B.F. has been having marital problems for years. She thought her husband was cheating. I consoled her & wrote an email telling to leave him & you cant be w/ a man you don't trust. They split up & then she confessed that SHE had cheated on him!She did not tell me that 1st. They got back together a day later & she showed him my email. Only he didn't know I had been lied to by her. I didn't see a way we could be friends for that & other reasons. She lies alot & I forgive her. This is the 5th time they split & got back together. I am 6 months pregnant & happy. I have a great marraige. She acts jealous of my life instead of being happy for us. She always tried to compete w/ me (& I am not competitive) & do or get what I get. I am just tired of the drama so I ended the friendship for good. I know in my heart I did the right thing. I dont need to be upset & worried for her all the time. It was having an effect on my health & baby. Did I do right?

    13 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I am 3 months pregnant and think I have a sinus infection. Check out these symptoms.?

    2 days ago I awoke with a very sore throat. It lasted for a day. Then yesterday, I began to feel drained, stuffy, and achy. I woke up last night in a pool of sweat & had shivers. Today I am miserable, stuffed up, cannot taste, and ache all over. Could this be a sinus infection? I am 3 months pregnant and need some safe advice on what to take to alleviate symptoms.

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago