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Favorite Answers12%
  • I want to move to Paris for a year after college, how can I do this?

    I want to study abroad. I am going to graduate from college Spring 2014 and I want to spend a year in France in a super intensive French learning program. But, are there such 'after-college' programs out there? What opportunities are out there for students looking to immerse themselves in a language? Have you done this yourself?

    I am going to graduate school, and I want to be a translator for the UN. I speak Spanish, but I want to learn French. Any suggestions guys???


    1 AnswerStudying Abroad8 years ago
  • Any ideas on how to write a press release about a speaker visiting a university?

    Tomorrow Friday Samuel Brinton, an MIT graduate student will come to the University of Central Florida to speak against Gay Conversion Therapy. I have to write a press release about it for my journalism class. Any ideas on how to structure this press release, or what to include on it, approach it???

    The press release is just a class assignment, it won't be published or anything. But I am sooo confused about how to write it. I have an idea of what press releases are for, but I'm still confused.

    I wanted to write about this 'cause I thought it was important, but I don't see anything much to write about it other than "Samuel Brinton will be visiting UCF, as a child he experienced gay conversion therapy etc..." but I don't know what else to include that might make this an even more news-worthy press release.

    Help! I'd appreciate it :)

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Should I be worried about meeting random people online?

    So I've been trying to meet random people on craigslist to have dates with or just sex. I know this is really unsafe, but I've been taking precautions, like meeting people in public and all. But I was skypeing with this person whom I ended up not being interested in and they mentioned something that had happened to me today that I put on my facebook, and I just thought that was very scary and creepy that there's random people checking on my facebook (god knows how they got access to it if it was something my friends shared with me, so it should have been private I think). Considering too that I've been sending out photos of me to all the people I've been trying to meet with, which is a lot. I guess my photos are already out there, so there's nothing I can do about that. But, should I be worried, that is SO creepy, what should I do now? How can I protect my facebook better? and also, is there a place I can go to to see what information about me is in public, like my records or something? I'm just creeped out, but it's my fault. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • guys your opinion please...?

    So, if you are a straight guy, have you ever had 'gay' best friends? also, do you hang out with them like almost every day, and have long text message conversations with them, and do you go to their house and ask them if they have Brokeback Mountain because that's your favorite movie?

    Well, this is my situation. I'm gay, and this guy I met is 'straight' but last week we literally hung out every day. And if we didn't hang out, we'd be texting each other. One night after hanging out with his friends he basically invited himself to my house, and once there he asked me if I'd ever watched Brokeback Mountain and if I had that movie.

    Well, duh! of course I have it. But why would a straight guy wanna watch it, specially alone with me? he said he couldn't watch it with his friends because they thought it was weird, and that he told them to cover their eyes in 'that part'.

    Well he certainly didn't cover his eyes in 'that part' as he calls it.

    The weird thing is when we're together and I say: "oh that guy is cute" or "oh I would date that guy" all of the sudden he makes a big fuss of it and tells me to stop talking about it, because that's stuff he doesn't wanna know about.

    I was like, it's not fair...he talks about girls all the time! ALL the time, sometimes excessively.

    But the way I thought of it was, and I told him..."okay, you got through an entire Brokeback Mountain scene where the guys are having sex and kissing and touching...but you can't stand me when I say "oh that guy is cute"." Like, what a big difference! as if...

    Anyway, you get my drift. I really like this guy, but once I told him this, all of the sudden we don't hang out. It's killing me and I'm confused. Why would a 'straight' guy hang out with a gay guy so much. And most of the times I didn't even have to make an effort, he was the one texting me to go hang out with him.

    He says he kissed 6 guys once when he was real drunk because he wanted them to give him some beers.

    Once I was about to ask him a question and I said: "hey man can I ask you a question" and without letting me finish, he would say: "I'm not gay"

    and I would get mad, because that was not what I was gonna ask him. And he keeps trying to make me say I like him. He tried to make me say the other day I slept on the couch where he slept because I wanted to 'feel' him. I just made a big joke of it.

    All of these little things make me think he's gay, and repressed. But he never shuts up about girls when he's next to me, and that makes me think I may be wrong and he's actually straight.



    I didn't tell him I liked him. He doesn't know. I just told him I didn't understand why he could watch Brokeback Mountain, but he couldn't stand me talking about guys...

    actually, I need an answer from anyone, not just straight guys. But a straight guy's answer would help a lot.

    okay okay, you don't have to be a guy to give your opinion at least lol :)

  • guys your opinion please...?

    So, if you are a straight guy, have you ever had 'gay' best friends? also, do you hang out with them like almost every day, and have long text message conversations with them, and do you go to their house and ask them if they have Brokeback Mountain because that's your favorite movie?

    Well, this is my situation. I'm gay, and this guy I met is 'straight' but last week we literally hung out every day. And if we didn't hang out, we'd be texting each other. One night after hanging out with his friends he basically invited himself to my house, and once there he asked me if I'd ever watched Brokeback Mountain and if I had that movie.

    Well, duh! of course I have it. But why would a straight guy wanna watch it, specially alone with me? he said he couldn't watch it with his friends because they thought it was weird, and that he told them to cover their eyes in 'that part'.

    Well he certainly didn't cover his eyes in 'that part' as he calls it.

    The weird thing is when we're together and I say: "oh that guy is cute" or "oh I would date that guy" all of the sudden he makes a big fuss of it and tells me to stop talking about it, because that's stuff he doesn't wanna know about.

    I was like, it's not fair...he talks about girls all the time! ALL the time, sometimes excessively.

    But the way I thought of it was, and I told him..."okay, you got through an entire Brokeback Mountain scene where the guys are having sex and kissing and touching...but you can't stand me when I say "oh that guy is cute"." Like, what a big difference! as if...

    Anyway, you get my drift. I really like this guy, but once I told him this, all of the sudden we don't hang out. It's killing me and I'm confused. Why would a 'straight' guy hang out with a gay guy so much. And most of the times I didn't even have to make an effort, he was the one texting me to go hang out with him.

    He says he kissed 6 guys once when he was real drunk because he wanted them to give him some beers.

    Once I was about to ask him a question and I said: "hey man can I ask you a question" and without letting me finish, he would say: "I'm not gay"

    and I would get mad, because that was not what I was gonna ask him. And he keeps trying to make me say I like him. He tried to make me say the other day I slept on the couch where he slept because I wanted to 'feel' him. I just made a big joke of it.

    All of these little things make me think he's gay, and repressed. But he never shuts up about girls when he's next to me, and that makes me think I may be wrong and he's actually straight.



  • dream about killing someone, what does it mean?

    I had weird dreams all night long about killing people. I've never had dreams like this before ever and I've felt horrible all day long. I feel guilty even.

    The dream was somewhere along the lines of; I killed someone in a bathroom, and I was investigating the murder, but at the same time I knew I was the killer.

    The other dream was similar. I was investigating a case in an old rotten house, and I went into a room where the body had been burnt so it was all ashes. I was investigating the case this time.

    The third dream was I was torturing people. First it was a woman, I was putting this device thing in her mouth that made it really hard for her to swallow, basically choking her. Then another woman I put some really hot bulbs close to her mouth, completely burning her gums.

    And I woke up, really scared, feeling really really bad.

    How I'm trying to reason this?

    Last week I had a blind-date with a person I met online and I had never met them. I told my brother and he told me to stop having blind dates with people I meet online. So he began telling me this story about this guy who was having a blind date and the person with whom he was going to have the blind date with ended up being one of the most terrible murderers in america. So this definitely scared me!!! Thank god, the date went well :)

    Anywho, my brother told me that the murderer discovered he liked murdering people because he got an orgasm once when he accidentally murdered someone or something like that. I was like, what the ****! why are you telling me this.

    Anyway. The other reason I think I might have had the dream is because there is someone I really like and I'm sure they like me. We spent last week together almost every-day. I had an amazing time, but all of the sudden, we stopped hanging out. I'm gay and that guy is "straight", but I get the feeling he is hiding his sexuality and is fearful of coming out. So all of the sudden he doesn't text me to go hang out with him and I really really miss hanging out with him. This has been my frustration all weekend. So I don't know if this dream has anything to do with it.


    Should I feel guilty about that dream? I would never kill anyone, that's horrible. Why would I have such a dream?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • does anyone know where I can find solar globe string lights for Florida wheather?

    I want some solar globe string lights to put in my backyard. I would like it to look like this. My backyard is small and there is a big tree in the middle and I want lights like this to go around the tree or something similar tot his picture perhaps.

    The thing is this is Florida and it rains every day!

    I've been trying to find solar globe string lights, but when I find some the reviews say they are terrible in withstanding rainy weather. Anyone know where I can find some in Amazon that are good? or any other place in Orlando?

    Your help would be greatly appreciated :)

    I found these, but I don't know if they are good for rainy weather.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • What is the best time to apply to graduate school to NYU and Columbia University in New York?

    I am a Junior and I attend University of Central Florida. I am really a sophomore, except I got a bunch of credits from high school, so I'm like a junior, but I'm nowhere near finishing up my degree. I am studying Literature. I was thinking the Creative Writing programs at NYU and Columbia University were pretty cool, and New York sounds like the perfect place for me to be if I want to write. At about what time during my undergrad should I start sending in applications to these schools? do you recommend them? what about their creative writing program??? do you recommend getting a graduate degree on creative writing or do you think it's a waste of time? I believe I have a lot of talent and I can go very far with my writing...I hope. I feel going to these places might allow me to thrive and make great connections, as opposed to going to FIU in south florida for graduate school, which is what I was thinking. Any advice???

  • What would you do if you knew two people you love were abused as children? I feel really sad...?

    I'm really sad. I found out some time ago my father was sexually abused by an uncle when he was a little kid, like 7 years old. This shocked me when my mother told me. But she said to never say anything about it because I wasn't supposed to know. This was like a year ago. I think this has affected my father a lot; my father abused my mother physically and was a very violent person. His violence affected me a lot as a child, so I guess I'm an indirect victim. He isn't violent anymore and I've dealt with this, I went to a psychologist and I've forgiven my father for abusing my mother and my mother has forgiven him. But I think his behavior has something to do with him being sexually abused as a child. He isn't violent anymore, and our lives are happy now. Even though if I talk about this with my father we might start crying both of us. Anyway.

    A few days ago I found out my boyfriend (with whom I just broke up) was also sexually abused as a child when he was 7 years old. I found out through his ex-boyfriend from two years back, and he told me I could not tell anyone because this was something he had shared with him in an intimate moment and that he was sharing it with me because he absolutely trusted me and because I should understand that my boyfriend (exboyfriend) has had trouble trusting people and that he looses interest in people very easily (the reason I broke up with him--he lost interest in me). So, his ex-boyfriend told me this was the way he was, he lost interest in people very easily because it happened to him and other people.

    Anyway, I am hurt because he did loose interest in me and I love him, but I can't be with someone not interested in me. But when I found out about my boyfriend's past, all the things about my father came to me and I've been feeling really sad. My ex-boyfriend doesn't wanna talk to me and we won't talk ever again for a loooong time (unless I manage to get on his good side again after this break-up).

    Anyway, I feel bad for him. I don't want to justify his behavior and the problems we had as a couple (his loosing of interest)...I don't want to justify it just because he was sexually abused. But I feel horrible. I can't stop thinking about my dad. But I can't ask my dad for advice, because I'm not even supposed to know about my dad and he'll freak out at me if he knows I know about him. And I can't talk to my boyfriend, 'cause he's not supposed to know his ex-boyfriend from 2 years ago told me or that I'm even talking to him. And I don't think it's something he's ready to deal with. Since our relationship was long-distance, I was told my boyfriend is a person who has two personalities; one moment he is happy, the next he can be a real *** and his personality is not stable, and his mother told me he looses interest in people really fast. (hence, why i broke up with him).

    Anyway, I guess I can't do anything about it, but I'm really sad and I want to know more about this and how to deal with it, even though I'm not a victim, but I can't stop crying. I think it's something horrible and neither my father or my ex-boyfriend should have had to suffer because of it :( It's a horrible thing! how can someone do that to a child!!! :(

    If you have personal experiences please share. I just hope that if I ever talk to my ex-boyfriend again he can trust me with that issue and then I can help maybe. Obviously I can't go to him now and say: "sooo, I heard you were sexually abused". It's something I can't do 'cause I'm not even supposed to know. :(

    I can't stop crying, it's been several days, and I'm just so sad. I'm a very emotional person, but I'm really sad. I guess that doesn't help, but that's how I feel :(

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • I'm really sad, I have two people I love and I found out they were abused, and I'm sad about it...?

    I'm really sad. I found out some time ago my father was sexually abused by an uncle when he was a little kid, like 7 years old. This shocked me when my mother told me. But she said to never say anything about it because I wasn't supposed to know. This was like a year ago. I think this has affected my father a lot; my father abused my mother physically and was a very violent person. His violence affected me a lot as a child, so I guess I'm an indirect victim. He isn't violent anymore and I've dealt with this, I went to a psychologist and I've forgiven my father for abusing my mother and my mother has forgiven him. But I think his behavior has something to do with him being sexually abused as a child. He isn't violent anymore, and our lives are happy now. Even though if I talk about this with my father we might start crying both of us. Anyway.

    A few days ago I found out my boyfriend (with whom I just broke up) was also sexually abused as a child when he was 7 years old. I found out through his ex-boyfriend from two years back, and he told me I could not tell anyone because this was something he had shared with him in an intimate moment and that he was sharing it with me because he absolutely trusted me and because I should understand that my boyfriend (exboyfriend) has had trouble trusting people and that he looses interest in people very easily (the reason I broke up with him--he lost interest in me). So, his ex-boyfriend told me this was the way he was, he lost interest in people very easily because it happened to him and other people.

    Anyway, I am hurt because he did loose interest in me and I love him, but I can't be with someone not interested in me. But when I found out about my boyfriend's past, all the things about my father came to me and I've been feeling really sad. My ex-boyfriend doesn't wanna talk to me and we won't talk ever again for a loooong time (unless I manage to get on his good side again after this break-up).

    Anyway, I feel bad for him. I don't want to justify his behavior and the problems we had as a couple (his loosing of interest)...I don't want to justify it just because he was sexually abused. But I feel horrible. I can't stop thinking about my dad. But I can't ask my dad for advice, because I'm not even supposed to know about my dad and he'll freak out at me if he knows I know about him. And I can't talk to my boyfriend, 'cause he's not supposed to know his ex-boyfriend from 2 years ago told me or that I'm even talking to him. And I don't think it's something he's ready to deal with. Since our relationship was long-distance, I was told my boyfriend is a person who has two personalities; one moment he is happy, the next he can be a real *** and his personality is not stable, and his mother told me he looses interest in people really fast. (hence, why i broke up with him).

    Anyway, I guess I can't do anything about it, but I'm really sad and I want to know more about this and how to deal with it, even though I'm not a victim, but I can't stop crying. I think it's something horrible and neither my father or my ex-boyfriend should have had to suffer because of it :( It's a horrible thing! how can someone do that to a child!!! :(

    If you have personal experiences please share. I just hope that if I ever talk to my ex-boyfriend again he can trust me with that issue and then I can help maybe. Obviously I can't go to him now and say: "sooo, I heard you were sexually abused". It's something I can't do 'cause I'm not even supposed to know. :(

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • can't open folders on my desktop or go to My Computer or My Documents or Control Panel, help!!!?

    I ran Spybot and after that I can't open folders on my desktop or My Computer or My Documents or Control Panel. It says: "Windows cannot open the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."

    wtf does that mean! I know this used to be my fathe'rs computer which I took to college, but what does that mean? he says he doesn't know. I can't even open my Dropbox. It can't be a virus cause I can get online and surft the net.


    5 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • How many majors/minor does financial aid cover?

    I go to the university of central florida and my financial aid advisor said that financial aid only covers up to 180 credit hours for the major. BUT if I decide to do another minor, it does not cover up to the 180. he says if I decide to change my degree and start all over it will cover 180--but not if I want to add in a minor.

    My question is this. I'm an English major and I'm finishing up a minor in Film. I want to add in there a minor in Journalism OR do a double major in Journalism and English and a minor in Film.

    If all of these together add up to less than 180 credit hours, why would Financial Aid not cover it? I've never taken out loans because I have brightfutures and Pell Grant and I don't want to take out loans for my undergraduate.

    I just wanted to hear some opinions out there.

    It doesn't make any sense to me because I basically have a minor, I've taken all the required classes for my minor--I still have to take a bunch to finish my major. SO how is it that he says it WON'T cover it, but yet my classes for my minor are PAID, I've taken them already and I've still to take classes from my major. So, what he says doesn't make sense.

    Please help! Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • What places can I sell my CD's?

    What places in the Miami area could I sell my CD's? I've thought about going South Beach, Miami Beach and perhaps some restaurants--setting up a table real nice with all my CD's. The thing is, how do I determine which areas I am allowed to set up a table? Do I have to get permission? Any other creative ideas? It's best obviously to sell at places where there is a lot of people, like South Beach, I see people selling stuff there, but I'm not sure if they got a license to sell there, or they just went there, set up a random table and started selling.

    Tips from personal experience would help a lot!!!

    Here is my web-site if you want to check out or buy my music. Thanks!

    and here is the link to my iTunes:

  • Do you think my car would get towed if I left it at Walmart?

    I've gotta leave my car in a Walmart parking lot for a night or two, do you think they would notice, would it get towed?

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • Is it failure if I transfer from UCF to FIU?

    Do you think it would be a failure to transfer from University of Central Florida to Florida International University? I just can't stand being away from home anymore and I love UCF! The campus is so beautiful! but I'm here on my own struggling, I've been here for 2 years, and I'm not sure if I should go back home and transfer to FIU...

    I just got fired from my job, I'm jobless, rent still needs to be paid, it's really tough now and I really miss family. I just don't want to feel like a failure 'cause I wasn't strong enough to stay here on my own. Even though I've managed by myself, but it'd be easier with family.

  • Which short hand system should I use if I want to write in different languages?

    I Speak spanish and English and I want to learn French and other languages. I am learning short hand writing now, which is good for journalists and stuff. I know there are different kinds of short hands, but I was wondering if they are very different--I want to learn a shorthand that is easy for me to use in English, but that I can easily use if I want to use shorthand in Spanish or French. Cause if I learn a very English oriented short hand I might not be able to use it that easily when doing it in Spanish or French, you know?

    Anyone has knowledge about this?

    Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • What should I do with my life?

    I'm a sophomore at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, and I'm so confused!!! I'm studying Literature and doing a minor in Film, but it dawns on me at 3am in the morning (can't get any sleep)--that...hell! what on earth am I going to do with that degree!!! I'm so frustrated.

    Should I study Journalism instead. I'm really good at writing, writing is my passion...but I don't want to spend the rest of my college years asking myself; "what am i going to do?" without a clear outline of exactly what I want. I don't wanna keep saying: "okay, something should work itself out once I graduate"...'cause that's just not the way it should be. I am so stressed out and frustrated. What should I do to calm down? I think I'm having a breakdown...

    Maybe I should sit down and think a little more, maybe there are lots of things that I can do with a literature degree and a film minor...or maybe even changing to a journalism major perhaps...ahhhH!!!!! :/

    I really can't believe I'm a sophomore, well I will be a junior in like a month...and everything is still so unclear! it's frustrating...

    I wanted to see if I could study Spanish because I speak spanish and maybe I can be a translator type of thing, but that fell through--how am I going to do a film minor, a literature degree and a spanish degree all at the same time?

    I was also thinking maybe a court stenographer, 'cause I like typing and it has to do with language and maybe a little with literature, but UCF doesn't have court stenographer courses...

    I'm horrible at math, and without math it's like.......I feel like i'm doing some mickey mouse degree, like taking all these dumb courses about poetry and writers is not really...I can read poetry and writing on my own you know!

    and I wanted to study Spanish and French, but how on earth am I going to study French, Spanish, Literature, Journalism at the same time? I know Spanish, I would just need to brush up on some better grammar and read more.

    and maybe there is a way I could study French outside of school??? I don't know........

    any help??? thansk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities9 years ago
  • I had a dream, what do you think it means?

    I have a long distance relationship with my boyfriend (we're gay). So I had a dream a few days ago that he and I were looking at each other through a large window (as if it was through the computer screen) and I kept trying to tell my boyfriend something, but he couldn't hear me.

    But he said: "baby if all we have to do is cross" and so he crossed through a door to my side. To me that was amazing because he just did that and I thought we were so far apart!

    So it was like we saw each other in person for the first time. Then he looked at me with such intensity and began to take off his clothes until he was naked--then he sat on my lap naked and I began kissing him all over his chest, and all of the sudden I realize he has 3 nipples! and I'm not weirded out, I tell him I love him even if he has 3 nipples, but he is weirded out, specially 'cause after that I try to kiss him around his pubic area, and he feels that's weird.

    Anyway, that was my dream; very erotic, but weird at the same time, but cute. What do you think it means????

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • ¿Les gusta este cartel para dedicar a sus novios?

    Hice este cartel para mi novio, queria saber si a otros hombres gay les gustaba y que opinaban. yo escribi lo q dice el cartel y pues me parece erotico pero no vulgar, ustedes les gustaria si su novio les mandara algo asi?

    compartanlo con sus novios si les gusta...

    gracias! :)

  • What do you guys think about this? You think it's cute?


    I made this cute poster thingy for my boyfriend, but I wanted to see if other gay couples think it's cute. It's in spanish, but I'll translate. It says:

    "Loving you like this

    desiring to make love to the man I love; thinking of you all day long, missing your voice, our conversations, your sensuality, your glance--it's one of the most beautiful sensations anyone can feel. Close your eyes...and let's make love <3"

    That's what it says, and I thought the picture was really erotic, but not vulgar. Do any of y'all gay friends out there think it's cute? lol.